# How to build from source ## Requirements ### Common requirements In order to build csync, you need to install several components: - A C++ compiler - [CMake](http://www.cmake.org/) >= 2.4.4. - [check](http://check.sourceforge.net) >= 0.9.5 - [log4c](http://log4c.sourceforge.net) >= 1.2 - [sqlite3](http://log4c.sourceforge.net) >= 3.4 - [libsmbclient](http://www.samba.org) log4c and sqlite3 are runtime requirements too. libsmbclient is needed for the smb plugin. Note that these version numbers are version we know works correctly. If you build and run csync successfully with an older version, please let us know. ## Building First, you need to configure the compilation, using CMake. Go inside the `build` dir. GNU/Linux and MacOS X: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. make ### CMake standard options Here is a list of the most interesting options provided out of the box by CMake. - CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: The type of build (can be Debug Release MinSizeRel RelWithDebInfo) - CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: The prefix to use when running make install (Default to /usr/local on GNU/Linux and MacOS X) - CMAKE_C_COMPILER: The path to the C compiler - CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER: The path to the C++ compiler ### CMake options defined for csync Options are defined in the following files: - DefineOptions.cmake They can be changed with the -D option: `cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DWITH_LOG4C=OFF ..` ### Browsing/editing CMake options In addition to passing options on the command line, you can browse and edit CMake options using `cmakesetup` (Windows) or `ccmake` (GNU/Linux and MacOS X). - Go to the build dir - On Windows: run `cmakesetup` - On GNU/Linux and MacOS X: run `ccmake ..` ## Installing Befor installing you can run the tests if everything is working: make test If you want to install csync after compilation run: make install ## Running The csync binary can be found in the `build/client` directory. ## About this document This document is written using [Markdown][] syntax, making it possible to provide usable information in both plain text and HTML format. Whenever modifying this document please use [Markdown][] syntax. [markdown]: http://www.daringfireball.net/projects/markdown