/* * Copyright (C) by Duncan Mac-Vicar P. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "mirall/folderwizard.h" #include "mirall/folderman.h" #include "mirall/mirallconfigfile.h" #include "mirall/theme.h" #include "mirall/networkjobs.h" #include "mirall/account.h" #include "selectivesyncdialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Mirall { QString FormatWarningsWizardPage::formatWarnings(const QStringList &warnings) const { QString ret; if (warnings.count() == 1) { ret = tr("Warning: ") + warnings.first(); } else if (warnings.count() > 1) { ret = tr("Warning: ") + "
    "; Q_FOREACH(QString warning, warnings) { ret += QString::fromLatin1("
  • %1
  • ").arg(warning); } ret += "
"; } return ret; } FolderWizardLocalPath::FolderWizardLocalPath() : FormatWarningsWizardPage() { _ui.setupUi(this); registerField(QLatin1String("sourceFolder*"), _ui.localFolderLineEdit); connect(_ui.localFolderChooseBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotChooseLocalFolder())); _ui.localFolderChooseBtn->setToolTip(tr("Click to select a local folder to sync.")); QString defaultPath = QString::fromLatin1( "%1/%2").arg( QDir::homePath() ).arg(Theme::instance()->appName() ); _ui.localFolderLineEdit->setText( QDir::toNativeSeparators( defaultPath ) ); _ui.localFolderLineEdit->setToolTip(tr("Enter the path to the local folder.")); registerField(QLatin1String("alias*"), _ui.aliasLineEdit); _ui.aliasLineEdit->setText( Theme::instance()->appNameGUI() ); _ui.aliasLineEdit->setToolTip(tr("The directory alias is a descriptive name for this sync connection.")); _ui.warnLabel->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); _ui.warnLabel->hide(); } FolderWizardLocalPath::~FolderWizardLocalPath() { } void FolderWizardLocalPath::initializePage() { _ui.warnLabel->hide(); } void FolderWizardLocalPath::cleanupPage() { _ui.warnLabel->hide(); } bool FolderWizardLocalPath::isComplete() const { QFileInfo selFile( QDir::fromNativeSeparators(_ui.localFolderLineEdit->text()) ); QString userInput = selFile.canonicalFilePath(); QStringList warnStrings; bool isOk = selFile.isDir(); if( !isOk ) { warnStrings.append(tr("No valid local folder selected!")); } if (isOk && !selFile.isWritable()) { isOk = false; warnStrings.append(tr("You have no permission to write to the selected folder!")); } // check if the local directory isn't used yet in another ownCloud sync Folder::Map map = FolderMan::instance()->map(); if( isOk ) { Folder::Map::const_iterator i = map.constBegin(); while( isOk && i != map.constEnd() ) { Folder *f = static_cast(i.value()); QString folderDir = QDir( f->path() ).canonicalPath(); if( folderDir.isEmpty() ) { isOk = true; qDebug() << "Absolute path for folder: " << f->path() << " doesn't exist. Skipping."; i++; continue; } if( ! folderDir.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')) ) folderDir.append(QLatin1Char('/')); qDebug() << "Checking local path: " << folderDir << " <-> " << userInput; if( QDir::cleanPath(f->path()) == QDir::cleanPath(userInput) && QDir::cleanPath(QDir(f->path()).canonicalPath()) == QDir(userInput).canonicalPath() ) { isOk = false; warnStrings.append( tr("The local path %1 is already an upload folder. Please pick another one!") .arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(userInput)) ); } if( isOk && QDir::cleanPath(folderDir).startsWith(QDir::cleanPath(userInput)+'/') ) { qDebug() << "A already configured folder is child of the current selected"; warnStrings.append( tr("An already configured folder is contained in the current entry.")); isOk = false; } QString absCleanUserFolder = QDir::cleanPath(QDir(userInput).canonicalPath())+'/'; if( isOk && QDir::cleanPath(folderDir).startsWith(absCleanUserFolder) ) { qDebug() << "A already configured folder is child of the current selected"; warnStrings.append( tr("The selected folder is a symbolic link. An already configured " "folder is contained in the folder this link is pointing to.")); isOk = false; } if( isOk && QDir::cleanPath(QString(userInput)).startsWith( QDir::cleanPath(folderDir)+'/') ) { qDebug() << "An already configured folder is parent of the current selected"; warnStrings.append( tr("An already configured folder contains the currently entered folder.")); isOk = false; } if( isOk && absCleanUserFolder.startsWith( QDir::cleanPath(folderDir)+'/') ) { qDebug() << "The selected folder is a symbolic link. An already configured folder is\n" "the parent of the current selected contains the folder this link is pointing to."; warnStrings.append( tr("The selected folder is a symbolic link. An already configured folder " "is the parent of the current selected contains the folder this link is " "pointing to.")); isOk = false; } i++; } } // check if the alias is unique. QString alias = _ui.aliasLineEdit->text(); if( alias.isEmpty() ) { warnStrings.append( tr("The alias can not be empty. Please provide a descriptive alias word.") ); isOk = false; } Folder::Map::const_iterator i = map.constBegin(); bool goon = true; while( goon && i != map.constEnd() ) { Folder *f = i.value(); if( f ) { qDebug() << "Checking local alias: " << f->alias(); if( f->alias() == alias ) { warnStrings.append( tr("The alias %1 is already in use. Please pick another alias.").arg(alias) ); isOk = false; goon = false; } } i++; } _ui.warnLabel->setWordWrap(true); if( isOk ) { _ui.warnLabel->hide(); _ui.warnLabel->setText( QString::null ); } else { _ui.warnLabel->show(); QString warnings = formatWarnings(warnStrings); _ui.warnLabel->setText( warnings ); } return isOk; } void FolderWizardLocalPath::slotChooseLocalFolder() { QString sf = QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::HomeLocation); QDir d(sf); // open the first entry of the home dir. Otherwise the dir picker comes // up with the closed home dir icon, stupid Qt default... QStringList dirs = d.entryList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::NoSymLinks, QDir::DirsFirst|QDir::Name); if(dirs.count() > 0) sf += "/"+dirs.at(0); // Take the first dir in home dir. QString dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Select the source folder"), sf); if (!dir.isEmpty()) { // set the last directory component name as alias _ui.localFolderLineEdit->setText(QDir::toNativeSeparators(dir)); QDir pickedDir(dir); QString newAlias = pickedDir.dirName(); if( !newAlias.isEmpty() ) { _ui.aliasLineEdit->setText(newAlias); } } emit completeChanged(); } // ================================================================================= FolderWizardRemotePath::FolderWizardRemotePath() : FormatWarningsWizardPage() ,_warnWasVisible(false) { _ui.setupUi(this); _ui.warnFrame->hide(); connect(_ui.addFolderButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotAddRemoteFolder())); connect(_ui.refreshButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotRefreshFolders())); connect(_ui.folderTreeWidget, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)), SIGNAL(completeChanged())); connect(_ui.folderTreeWidget, SIGNAL(itemActivated(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)), SIGNAL(completeChanged())); connect(_ui.folderTreeWidget, SIGNAL(itemExpanded(QTreeWidgetItem*)), SLOT(slotItemExpanded(QTreeWidgetItem*))); } void FolderWizardRemotePath::slotAddRemoteFolder() { QTreeWidgetItem *current = _ui.folderTreeWidget->currentItem(); QString parent('/'); if (current) { parent = current->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString(); } QInputDialog *dlg = new QInputDialog(this); dlg->setWindowTitle(tr("Add Remote Folder")); dlg->setLabelText(tr("Enter the name of the new folder:")); dlg->setTextValue(parent); dlg->open(this, SLOT(slotCreateRemoteFolder(QString))); dlg->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); } void FolderWizardRemotePath::slotCreateRemoteFolder(const QString &folder) { if( folder.isEmpty() ) return; MkColJob *job = new MkColJob(AccountManager::instance()->account(), folder, this); /* check the owncloud configuration file and query the ownCloud */ connect(job, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), SLOT(slotCreateRemoteFolderFinished(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); connect(job, SIGNAL(networkError(QNetworkReply*)), SLOT(slotHandleNetworkError(QNetworkReply*))); job->start(); } void FolderWizardRemotePath::slotCreateRemoteFolderFinished(QNetworkReply::NetworkError error) { if (error == QNetworkReply::NoError) { qDebug() << "** webdav mkdir request finished"; showWarn(tr("Folder was successfully created on %1.").arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI())); slotRefreshFolders(); } } void FolderWizardRemotePath::slotHandleNetworkError(QNetworkReply *reply) { qDebug() << "** webdav mkdir request failed:" << reply->error(); showWarn(tr("Failed to create the folder on %1. Please check manually.") .arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI())); } static QTreeWidgetItem* findFirstChild(QTreeWidgetItem *parent, const QString& text) { for (int i = 0; i < parent->childCount(); ++i) { QTreeWidgetItem *child = parent->child(i); if (child->text(0) == text) { return child; } } return 0; } void FolderWizardRemotePath::recursiveInsert(QTreeWidgetItem *parent, QStringList pathTrail, QString path) { QFileIconProvider prov; QIcon folderIcon = prov.icon(QFileIconProvider::Folder); if (pathTrail.size() == 0) { if (path.endsWith('/')) { path.chop(1); } parent->setToolTip(0, path); parent->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, path); } else { QTreeWidgetItem *item = findFirstChild(parent, pathTrail.first()); if (!item) { item = new QTreeWidgetItem(parent); item->setIcon(0, folderIcon); item->setText(0, pathTrail.first()); item->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, pathTrail.first()); item->setChildIndicatorPolicy(QTreeWidgetItem::ShowIndicator); } pathTrail.removeFirst(); recursiveInsert(item, pathTrail, path); } } void FolderWizardRemotePath::slotUpdateDirectories(const QStringList &list) { QString webdavFolder = QUrl(AccountManager::instance()->account()->davUrl()).path(); QTreeWidgetItem *root = _ui.folderTreeWidget->topLevelItem(0); if (!root) { root = new QTreeWidgetItem(_ui.folderTreeWidget); root->setText(0, Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()); root->setIcon(0, Theme::instance()->applicationIcon()); root->setToolTip(0, tr("Choose this to sync the entire account")); root->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, "/"); } foreach (QString path, list) { path.remove(webdavFolder); QStringList paths = path.split('/'); if (paths.last().isEmpty()) paths.removeLast(); recursiveInsert(root, paths, path); } root->setExpanded(true); } void FolderWizardRemotePath::slotRefreshFolders() { LsColJob *job = new LsColJob(AccountManager::instance()->account(), "/", this); connect(job, SIGNAL(directoryListing(QStringList)), SLOT(slotUpdateDirectories(QStringList))); job->start(); _ui.folderTreeWidget->clear(); } void FolderWizardRemotePath::slotItemExpanded(QTreeWidgetItem *item) { QString dir = item->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString(); LsColJob *job = new LsColJob(AccountManager::instance()->account(), dir, this); connect(job, SIGNAL(directoryListing(QStringList)), SLOT(slotUpdateDirectories(QStringList))); job->start(); } FolderWizardRemotePath::~FolderWizardRemotePath() { } bool FolderWizardRemotePath::isComplete() const { if (!_ui.folderTreeWidget->currentItem()) return false; QStringList warnStrings; QString dir = _ui.folderTreeWidget->currentItem()->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString(); if (!dir.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) { dir.prepend(QLatin1Char('/')); } wizard()->setProperty("targetPath", dir); Folder::Map map = FolderMan::instance()->map(); Folder::Map::const_iterator i = map.constBegin(); for(i = map.constBegin();i != map.constEnd(); i++ ) { Folder *f = static_cast(i.value()); QString curDir = f->remotePath(); if (!curDir.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) { curDir.prepend(QLatin1Char('/')); } if (QDir::cleanPath(dir) == QDir::cleanPath(curDir)) { warnStrings.append(tr("This folder is already being synced.")); } else if (dir.startsWith(curDir + QLatin1Char('/'))) { warnStrings.append(tr("You are already syncing %1, which is a parent folder of %2.").arg(curDir).arg(dir)); } if (curDir == QLatin1String("/")) { warnStrings.append(tr("You are already syncing all your files. Syncing another folder is not supported. " "If you want to sync multiple folders, please remove the currently configured " "root folder sync.")); } } showWarn(formatWarnings(warnStrings)); return warnStrings.isEmpty(); } void FolderWizardRemotePath::cleanupPage() { showWarn(); } void FolderWizardRemotePath::initializePage() { showWarn(); slotRefreshFolders(); } void FolderWizardRemotePath::showWarn( const QString& msg ) const { if( msg.isEmpty() ) { _ui.warnFrame->hide(); } else { _ui.warnFrame->show(); _ui.warnLabel->setText( msg ); } } // ==================================================================================== FolderWizardSelectiveSync::FolderWizardSelectiveSync() { QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); _treeView = new SelectiveSyncTreeView(this); layout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Choose What to Sync: You can optionally deselect subfolders you do not wish to synchronize."))); layout->addWidget(_treeView); } FolderWizardSelectiveSync::~FolderWizardSelectiveSync() { } void FolderWizardSelectiveSync::initializePage() { QString alias = wizard()->field(QLatin1String("alias")).toString(); QString targetPath = wizard()->property("targetPath").toString(); if (targetPath.startsWith('/')) { targetPath = targetPath.mid(1); } _treeView->setFolderInfo(targetPath, alias); QWizardPage::initializePage(); } bool FolderWizardSelectiveSync::validatePage() { wizard()->setProperty("selectiveSyncBlackList", QVariant(_treeView->createBlackList())); return true; } void FolderWizardSelectiveSync::cleanupPage() { QString alias = wizard()->field(QLatin1String("alias")).toString(); QString targetPath = wizard()->property("targetPath").toString(); _treeView->setFolderInfo(targetPath, alias); QWizardPage::cleanupPage(); } // ==================================================================================== /** * Folder wizard itself */ FolderWizard::FolderWizard( QWidget *parent ) : QWizard(parent), _folderWizardSourcePage(new FolderWizardLocalPath), _folderWizardTargetPage(0), _folderWizardSelectiveSyncPage(new FolderWizardSelectiveSync) { setWindowFlags(windowFlags() & ~Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint); setPage(Page_Source, _folderWizardSourcePage ); if (!Theme::instance()->singleSyncFolder()) { _folderWizardTargetPage = new FolderWizardRemotePath(); setPage(Page_Target, _folderWizardTargetPage ); } setPage(Page_SelectiveSync, _folderWizardSelectiveSyncPage); setWindowTitle( tr("Add Folder") ); setOptions(QWizard::CancelButtonOnLeft); setButtonText(QWizard::FinishButton, tr("Add Folder")); } FolderWizard::~FolderWizard() { } } // end namespace