/* * Copyright 2012 Klaas Freitag * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../modules/csync_owncloud.c" #include #include "config_test.h" struct oc_credentials { const char *url; const char *user; const char *pwd; char *oc_server; } _credentials; static bool load_oc_config( const char *config ) { dictionary *dict; const char* val; bool re = true; char *deflt; char b; deflt = &b; dict = iniparser_load( config ); if( ! dict ) { printf("Could not load config %s\n", config); return false; } val = iniparser_getstring(dict, "global:host", deflt); if( val ) { _credentials.url = c_strdup( val ); } else { re = false; } val = iniparser_getstring(dict, "global:user", deflt); if( re && val ) { _credentials.user = c_strdup( val ); } else { re = false; } val = iniparser_getstring(dict, "global:pwd", deflt); if( re && val ) { _credentials.pwd = c_strdup( val ); } else { re = false; } if( re ) { asprintf(&(_credentials.oc_server), "owncloud://%s:%s@%s/files/webdav.php", _credentials.user, _credentials.pwd, _credentials.url ); } return re; } // A test case that does nothing and succeeds. static void null_test_success(void **state) { (void) state; } static void connect_test_success(void **state) { int re = 0; char buf[255]; (void) state; strcpy(buf, TEST_CONFIG_DIR); strcat(buf, "mockatest.cfg"); assert_true( load_oc_config( buf )); re = dav_connect( _credentials.oc_server ); assert_int_equal( re, 0 ); assert_int_equal( _connected, 1 ); } static void fetch_a_context(void **state) { struct listdir_context *fetchCtx = NULL; char *curi = _cleanPath(_credentials.oc_server); int rc = 0; unsigned int i; (void) state; fetchCtx = fetch_resource_list( curi, NE_DEPTH_ONE); assert_int_equal( rc, 0 ); printf("Results: %d\n", fetchCtx->result_count); fetchCtx->currResource = fetchCtx->list; for( i = 0; i < fetchCtx->result_count; i++ ) { assert_true( fetchCtx->currResource != NULL ); assert_true( fetchCtx->currResource->uri != NULL ); assert_true( fetchCtx->currResource->name != NULL ); printf( " %s -> %s\n", fetchCtx->currResource->uri, fetchCtx->currResource->name ); printf( " MD5: %s\n", fetchCtx->currResource->md5); fetchCtx->currResource = fetchCtx->currResource->next; } } static int test_mkdir(const char *dir) { char path[255]; strcpy( path, _credentials.oc_server ); strcat( path, "/"); strcat( path, dir ); return owncloud_mkdir( path, 775 ); } static void setup_toplevel_dir( void **state ) { char basepath[255]; strcpy( basepath, "tXXXXXX"); assert_int_equal( c_tmpname(basepath), 0 ); printf("Using top testing dir %s\n", basepath); assert_int_equal( test_mkdir( basepath ), 0 ); *state = (void*) c_strdup(basepath); } static void teardown_toplevel_dir( void **state ) { (void) state; } static void stat_local_file( csync_stat_t *sb, const char *file ) { _TCHAR *mpath = NULL; mpath = c_multibyte(file); assert_int_not_equal(_tstat(mpath, sb), -1); c_free_multibyte(mpath); assert_null(mpath); } #define BUFSIZE 4096 static size_t upload_a_file( void **state, const char *src_name, const char *durl ) { char buffer[BUFSIZE+1]; int size; char path[256]; char src_path[256]; int fh; csync_vio_method_handle_t *handle; size_t written; size_t overall_size = 0; csync_stat_t sb; /* Create the target path */ strcpy( path, _credentials.oc_server ); strcat( path, "/"); strcat( path, (const char*) *state ); strcat( path, "/"); strcat( path, durl ); handle = owncloud_creat( path, 0644 ); assert_int_not_equal( handle, NULL ); strcpy(src_path, TESTFILES_DIR); strcat(src_path, src_name); fh = open(src_path, O_RDONLY); assert_int_not_equal( fh, -1 ); while( (size = read(fh, buffer, BUFSIZE) )>0 ) { buffer[size] = '\0'; written = owncloud_write( handle, buffer, size ); assert_int_equal( size, written ); overall_size += written; } assert_int_equal( owncloud_close(handle), 0); /* stat the local file */ stat_local_file( &sb, src_path ); assert_int_equal( overall_size, sb.st_size ); close(fh); return overall_size; } static void test_upload_files( void **state ) { const char *bpath = (char*) (*state); upload_a_file( state, "test.txt", "t1/test.txt"); upload_a_file( state, "red_is_the_rose.jpg", "t1/red is the rose.jpg"); printf("Base path: %s\n", bpath); } static void download_a_file( const char* local, void **state, const char *durl) { char buffer[BUFSIZE+1]; char path[256]; char src_path[256]; int did; _TCHAR tlocal[256]; csync_vio_method_handle_t *handle; ssize_t count; ssize_t overall_size = 0; csync_stat_t sb; /* Create the target path */ strcpy( path, _credentials.oc_server ); strcat( path, "/"); strcat( path, (const char*) *state ); strcat( path, "/"); strcat( path, durl ); strcpy( tlocal, "/tmp/"); strcat( tlocal, local ); did = _topen(tlocal, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644); assert_true( did > -1 ); handle = owncloud_open( path, O_RDONLY, 0644 ); assert_int_not_equal( handle, NULL ); while( (count = owncloud_read(handle, buffer, BUFSIZE)) > 0 ) { write( did, buffer, count ); overall_size += count; } assert_int_equal( owncloud_close(handle), 0 ); close(did); strcpy(src_path, TESTFILES_DIR); strcat(src_path, local); stat_local_file( &sb, src_path ); /* assert the download size, it has to be the same. */ assert_true( overall_size == sb.st_size ); } static void test_download_files( void **state ) { const char *bpath = (char*) (*state); printf("Base path: %s\n", bpath); download_a_file( "test.txt", state, "t1/test.txt"); download_a_file( "red_is_the_rose.jpg", state, "t1/red is the rose.jpg"); } static void test_setup_dirs(void **state) { const char *basepath = *state; char path[255]; strcpy( path, basepath ); strcat( path, "/t1" ); assert_int_equal( test_mkdir( path ), 0 ); strcpy( path, basepath ); strcat( path, "/t2"); assert_int_equal( test_mkdir( path ), 0 ); strcat( path, "/Übergröße"); assert_int_equal( test_mkdir( path ), 0 ); } int main(void) { const UnitTest tests[] = { unit_test(null_test_success), unit_test(connect_test_success), unit_test_setup_teardown(test_setup_dirs, setup_toplevel_dir, teardown_toplevel_dir), unit_test(test_upload_files), unit_test(fetch_a_context), unit_test(test_download_files), }; srand(time(NULL)); return run_tests(tests); }