/* * Copyright (C) 2023 by Claudio Cambra * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ import Foundation import FileProvider import OSLog import NCDesktopClientSocketKit import NextcloudKit extension FileProviderExtension { func sendFileProviderDomainIdentifier() { let command = "FILE_PROVIDER_DOMAIN_IDENTIFIER_REQUEST_REPLY" let argument = domain.identifier.rawValue let message = command + ":" + argument + "\n" socketClient?.sendMessage(message) } private func signalEnumeratorAfterAccountSetup() { guard let fpManager = NSFileProviderManager(for: domain) else { Logger.fileProviderExtension.error("Could not get file provider manager for domain \(self.domain.displayName, privacy: .public), cannot notify after account setup") return } assert(ncAccount != nil) fpManager.signalErrorResolved(NSFileProviderError(.notAuthenticated)) { error in if error != nil { Logger.fileProviderExtension.error("Error resolving not authenticated, received error: \(error!.localizedDescription)") } } Logger.fileProviderExtension.debug("Signalling enumerators for user \(self.ncAccount!.username) at server \(self.ncAccount!.serverUrl, privacy: .public)") fpManager.signalEnumerator(for: .workingSet) { error in if error != nil { Logger.fileProviderExtension.error("Error signalling enumerator for working set, received error: \(error!.localizedDescription, privacy: .public)") } } } func setupDomainAccount(user: String, serverUrl: String, password: String) { ncAccount = NextcloudAccount(user: user, serverUrl: serverUrl, password: password) ncKit.setup(user: ncAccount!.username, userId: ncAccount!.username, password: ncAccount!.password, urlBase: ncAccount!.serverUrl, userAgent: "Nextcloud-macOS/FileProviderExt", nextcloudVersion: 25, delegate: nil) // TODO: add delegate methods for self Logger.fileProviderExtension.info("Nextcloud account set up in File Provider extension for user: \(user, privacy: .public) at server: \(serverUrl, privacy: .public)") signalEnumeratorAfterAccountSetup() } func removeAccountConfig() { Logger.fileProviderExtension.info("Received instruction to remove account data for user \(self.ncAccount!.username, privacy: .public) at server \(self.ncAccount!.serverUrl, privacy: .public)") ncAccount = nil } }