/* * Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "folderwatcher.h" #include "folderwatcher_qt.h" #include #include #include namespace OCC { FolderWatcherPrivate::FolderWatcherPrivate() :QObject(), _parent(0) { } FolderWatcherPrivate::FolderWatcherPrivate(FolderWatcher *p, const QString &path) : QObject(), _parent(p) { _watcher.reset(new QFileSystemWatcher); QObject::connect(_watcher.data(), SIGNAL(directoryChanged(QString)), _parent, SLOT(changeDetected(QString)) ); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "slotAddFolderRecursive", Q_ARG(QString, path)); } // attention: result list passed by reference! bool FolderWatcherPrivate::findFoldersBelow( const QDir& dir, QStringList& fullList ) { bool ok = true; if( !(dir.exists() && dir.isReadable()) ) { qDebug() << "Non existing path coming in: " << dir.absolutePath(); ok = false; } else { QStringList nameFilter; nameFilter << QLatin1String("*"); QDir::Filters filter = QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot|QDir::NoSymLinks; const QStringList pathes = dir.entryList(nameFilter, filter); QStringList::const_iterator constIterator; for (constIterator = pathes.constBegin(); constIterator != pathes.constEnd(); ++constIterator) { const QString fullPath(dir.path()+QLatin1String("/")+(*constIterator)); fullList.append(fullPath); ok = findFoldersBelow(QDir(fullPath), fullList); } } return ok; } void FolderWatcherPrivate::slotAddFolderRecursive(const QString &path) { int subdirs = 0; qDebug() << "(+) Watcher:" << path; _watcher->addPath(path); const QStringList watchedFolders(_watcher->directories()); QStringList allSubfolders; if( !findFoldersBelow(QDir(path), allSubfolders)) { qDebug() << "Could not traverse all sub folders"; } // qDebug() << "currently watching " << watchedFolders; QStringListIterator subfoldersIt(allSubfolders); while (subfoldersIt.hasNext()) { QString subfolder = subfoldersIt.next(); // qDebug() << " (**) subfolder: " << subfolder; QDir folder (subfolder); if (folder.exists() && !watchedFolders.contains(folder.path())) { subdirs++; if( _parent->pathIsIgnored(subfolder) ) { qDebug() << "* Not adding" << folder.path(); continue; } _watcher->addPath(folder.path()); } else { qDebug() << " `-> discarded:" << folder.path(); } } if (subdirs >0) { qDebug() << " `-> and" << subdirs << "subdirectories"; } } void FolderWatcherPrivate::removePath(const QString &path ) { _watcher->removePath(path); } } // namespace OCC