/* * Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag * Copyright (C) by Daniel Molkentin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "utility.h" #include "mirall/version.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 0, 0) #include #include #else #include #endif #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX #include #include #include #endif #include #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) #include "mirall/utility_win.cpp" #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) #include "mirall/utility_mac.cpp" #else #include "mirall/utility_unix.cpp" #endif namespace Mirall { bool Utility::writeRandomFile( const QString& fname, int size ) { int maxSize = 10*10*1024; qsrand(QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()); if( size == -1 ) size = qrand() % maxSize; QString randString; for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { int r = qrand() % 128; randString.append(QChar(r)); } QFile file(fname); if( file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text) ) { QTextStream out(&file); out << randString; // optional, as QFile destructor will already do it: file.close(); return true; } return false; } QString Utility::formatFingerprint( const QByteArray& fmhash, bool colonSeparated ) { QByteArray hash; int steps = fmhash.length()/2; for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) { hash.append(fmhash[i*2]); hash.append(fmhash[i*2+1]); hash.append(' '); } QString fp = QString::fromLatin1( hash.trimmed() ); if (colonSeparated) { fp.replace(QChar(' '), QChar(':')); } return fp; } void Utility::setupFavLink(const QString &folder) { setupFavLink_private(folder); } QString Utility::octetsToString( qint64 octets ) { static const qint64 kb = 1024; static const qint64 mb = 1024 * kb; static const qint64 gb = 1024 * mb; static const qint64 tb = 1024 * gb; QString s; qreal value = octets; if (octets >= tb) { s = QCoreApplication::translate("Utility", "%L1 TB"); value /= tb; } else if (octets >= gb) { s = QCoreApplication::translate("Utility", "%L1 GB"); value /= gb; } else if (octets >= mb) { s = QCoreApplication::translate("Utility", "%L1 MB"); value /= mb; } else if (octets >= kb) { s = QCoreApplication::translate("Utility", "%L1 kB"); value /= kb; } else { s = QCoreApplication::translate("Utility", "%L1 B"); } return (value > 9.95) ? s.arg(qRound(value)) : s.arg(value, 0, 'g', 2); } // Qtified version of get_platforms() in csync_owncloud.c QString Utility::platform() { #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) return QLatin1String("Windows"); #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) return QLatin1String("Macintosh"); #elif defined(Q_OS_LINUX) return QLatin1String("Linux"); #elif defined(__DragonFly__) // Q_OS_FREEBSD also defined return QLatin1String("DragonFlyBSD"); #elif defined(Q_OS_FREEBSD) return QLatin1String("FreeBSD"); #elif defined(Q_OS_NETBSD) return QLatin1String("NetBSD"); #elif defined(Q_OS_OPENBSD) return QLatin1String("OpenBSD"); #elif defined(Q_OS_SOLARIS) return QLatin1String("Solaris"); #else return QLatin1String("Unknown OS"); #endif } QByteArray Utility::userAgentString() { return QString::fromLatin1("Mozilla/5.0 (%1) mirall/%2") .arg(Utility::platform()) .arg(QLatin1String(MIRALL_STRINGIFY(MIRALL_VERSION))) .toLatin1(); } void Utility::raiseDialog( QWidget *raiseWidget ) { // viel hilft viel ;-) if( raiseWidget ) { #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined (Q_OS_MAC) Qt::WindowFlags eFlags = raiseWidget->windowFlags(); if (!(eFlags & Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint)) { eFlags |= Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint; raiseWidget->setWindowFlags(eFlags); raiseWidget->show(); eFlags &= ~Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint; raiseWidget->setWindowFlags(eFlags); } #endif raiseWidget->show(); raiseWidget->raise(); raiseWidget->activateWindow(); } } bool Utility::hasLaunchOnStartup(const QString &appName) { return hasLaunchOnStartup_private(appName); } void Utility::setLaunchOnStartup(const QString &appName, const QString& guiName, bool enable) { setLaunchOnStartup_private(appName, guiName, enable); } qint64 Utility::freeDiskSpace(const QString &path, bool *ok) { #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) || defined(Q_OS_FREEBSD) struct statvfs stat; statvfs(path.toUtf8().data(), &stat); return (qint64) stat.f_bavail * stat.f_frsize; #elif defined(Q_OS_UNIX) Q_UNUSED(ok) struct statvfs64 stat; statvfs64(path.toUtf8().data(), &stat); return (qint64) stat.f_bavail * stat.f_frsize; #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN) ULARGE_INTEGER freeBytes; freeBytes.QuadPart = 0L; QString drive = QDir().absoluteFilePath(path).left(2); if( !GetDiskFreeSpaceEx( reinterpret_cast(drive.utf16()), &freeBytes, NULL, NULL ) ) { if (ok) *ok = false; } return freeBytes.QuadPart; #else if (ok) *ok = false; return 0; #endif } QString Utility::compactFormatDouble(double value, int prec, const QString& unit) { QLocale locale = QLocale::system(); QChar decPoint = locale.decimalPoint(); QString str = locale.toString(value, 'f', prec); while (str.endsWith('0') || str.endsWith(decPoint)) { if (str.endsWith(decPoint)) { str.chop(1); break; } str.chop(1); } if( !unit.isEmpty() ) str += (QLatin1Char(' ')+unit); return str; } QString Utility::toCSyncScheme(const QString &urlStr) { QUrl url( urlStr ); if( url.scheme() == QLatin1String("http") ) { url.setScheme( QLatin1String("owncloud") ); } else { // connect SSL! url.setScheme( QLatin1String("ownclouds") ); } return url.toString(); } QString Utility::escape(const QString &in) { #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 0, 0) return Qt::escape(in); #else return in.toHtmlEscaped(); #endif } QString Utility::dataLocation() { // Qt 5's QStandardPaths::writableLocation gives us wrong results (without /data/), // so we'll have to use the deprecated version for now return QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::DataLocation); } #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 0, 0) // In Qt 4, QThread::sleep functions are protected. // This is a hack to make them visible in this namespace. struct QThread : ::QThread { using ::QThread::sleep; using ::QThread::usleep; }; #endif void Utility::sleep(int sec) { QThread::sleep(sec); } void Utility::usleep(int usec) { QThread::usleep(usec); } // ### helper functions for showInFileManager() ### // according to the QStandardDir impl from Qt5 static QStringList xdgDataDirs() { QStringList dirs; // http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/latest/ QString xdgDataDirsEnv = QFile::decodeName(qgetenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS")); if (xdgDataDirsEnv.isEmpty()) { dirs.append(QString::fromLatin1("/usr/local/share")); dirs.append(QString::fromLatin1("/usr/share")); } else { dirs = xdgDataDirsEnv.split(QLatin1Char(':')); } // local location QString xdgDataHome = QFile::decodeName(qgetenv("XDG_DATA_HOME")); if (xdgDataHome.isEmpty()) { xdgDataHome = QDir::homePath()+"/.local/share"; } dirs.prepend(xdgDataHome); return dirs; } // Linux impl only, make sure to process %u and %U which might be returned static QString findDefaultFileManager() { QProcess p; p.start("xdg-mime", QStringList() << "query" << "default" << "inode/directory", QFile::ReadOnly); p.waitForFinished(); QString fileName = QString::fromUtf8(p.readAll().trimmed()); if (fileName.isEmpty()) return QString(); QFileInfo fi; QStringList dirs = xdgDataDirs(); QStringList subdirs; subdirs << "/applications/" << "/applications/kde4/"; foreach(QString dir, dirs) { foreach(QString subdir, subdirs) { fi.setFile(dir + subdir + fileName); if (fi.exists()) { return fi.absoluteFilePath(); } } } return QString(); } // early dolphin versions did not have --select static bool checkDolphinCanSelect() { QProcess p; p.start("dolphin", QStringList() << "--help", QFile::ReadOnly); p.waitForFinished(); return p.readAll().contains("--select"); } // inspired by Qt Creator's showInGraphicalShell(); void Utility::showInFileManager(const QString &localPath) { if (isWindows()) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (QSysInfo::windowsVersion() <= QSysInfo::WV_2003) { return; } #endif QString explorer = "explorer.exe "; // FIXME: we trust it's in PATH if (!QFileInfo(localPath).isDir()) { explorer += QLatin1String("/select,"); } explorer += QLatin1Char('"'); explorer += QDir::toNativeSeparators(localPath); explorer += QLatin1Char('"'); qDebug() << "OO Open explorer commandline:" << explorer; QProcess p; p.start(explorer); p.waitForFinished(5000); } else if (isMac()) { QStringList scriptArgs; scriptArgs << QLatin1String("-e") << QString::fromLatin1("tell application \"Finder\" to reveal POSIX file \"%1\"") .arg(localPath); QProcess::execute(QLatin1String("/usr/bin/osascript"), scriptArgs); scriptArgs.clear(); scriptArgs << QLatin1String("-e") << QLatin1String("tell application \"Finder\" to activate"); QProcess::execute(QLatin1String("/usr/bin/osascript"), scriptArgs); } else { QString app; QStringList args; static QString defaultManager = findDefaultFileManager(); QSettings desktopFile(defaultManager, QSettings::IniFormat); QString exec = desktopFile.value("Desktop Entry/Exec").toString(); QString fileToOpen = QFileInfo(localPath).absoluteFilePath(); QString pathToOpen = QFileInfo(localPath).absolutePath(); bool canHandleFile = false; // assume dumb fm args = exec.split(' '); if (args.count() > 0) app = args.takeFirst(); QString kdeSelectParam("--select"); if (app.contains("konqueror") && !args.contains(kdeSelectParam)) { // konq needs '--select' in order not to launch the file args.prepend(kdeSelectParam); canHandleFile = true; } if (app.contains("dolphin")) { static bool dolphinCanSelect = checkDolphinCanSelect(); if (dolphinCanSelect && !args.contains(kdeSelectParam)) { args.prepend(kdeSelectParam); canHandleFile = true; } } // whitelist if (app.contains("nautilus") || app.contains("nemo")) { canHandleFile = true; } static QString name; if (name.isEmpty()) { name = desktopFile.value(QString::fromLatin1("Desktop Entry/Name[%1]").arg(qApp->property("ui_lang").toString())).toString(); if (name.isEmpty()) { name = desktopFile.value(QString::fromLatin1("Desktop Entry/Name")).toString(); } } std::replace(args.begin(), args.end(), QString::fromLatin1("%c"), name); std::replace(args.begin(), args.end(), QString::fromLatin1("%u"), fileToOpen); std::replace(args.begin(), args.end(), QString::fromLatin1("%U"), fileToOpen); std::replace(args.begin(), args.end(), QString::fromLatin1("%f"), fileToOpen); std::replace(args.begin(), args.end(), QString::fromLatin1("%F"), fileToOpen); // fixme: needs to append --icon, according to http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html#exec-variables QStringList::iterator it = std::find(args.begin(), args.end(), QString::fromLatin1("%i")); if (it != args.end()) { (*it) = desktopFile.value("Desktop Entry/Icon").toString(); args.insert(it, QString::fromLatin1("--icon")); // before } if (args.count() == 0) args << fileToOpen; if (app.isEmpty() || args.isEmpty() || !canHandleFile) { // fall back: open the default file manager, without ever selecting the file QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(pathToOpen)); } else { QProcess::startDetached(app, args); } } } QDateTime Utility::qDateTimeFromTime_t(qint64 t) { return QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(t * 1000); } qint64 Utility::qDateTimeToTime_t(const QDateTime& t) { return t.toMSecsSinceEpoch() / 1000; } //TODO change to initializers list when possible. static QList > timeMapping = QList >() << QPair("%1 years",86400*365) << QPair("%1 months",86400*30) << QPair("%1 days",86400) << QPair("%1h",3600) << QPair("%1m",60) << QPair("%1s",1); QString Utility::timeToDescriptiveString(quint64 msecs, quint8 precision, QString separator, bool specific) { return timeToDescriptiveString(timeMapping, msecs, precision, separator, specific); } QString Utility::timeToDescriptiveString(QList > &timeMapping, quint64 msecs, quint8 precision, QString separator, bool specific) { quint64 secs = msecs / 1000; QString retStr = QString(timeMapping.last().first).arg(0); // default value in case theres no actual time in msecs. QList > values; bool timeStartFound = false; for(QList >::Iterator itr = timeMapping.begin(); itr != timeMapping.end() && precision > 0; itr++) { quint64 result = secs / itr->second; if(!timeStartFound) { if(result == 0 ) { continue; } retStr = ""; timeStartFound= true; } secs -= result * itr->second; values.append(QPair(itr->first,result)); precision--; } for(QList >::Iterator itr = values.begin(); itr < values.end(); itr++) { retStr = retStr.append((specific || itr == values.end()-1) ? itr->first : "%1").arg(itr->second, (itr == values.begin() ? 1 :2 ), 10, QChar('0')); if(itr < values.end()-1) { retStr.append(separator); } } return retStr; } bool Utility::isWindows() { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN return true; #else return false; #endif } bool Utility::isMac() { #ifdef Q_OS_MAC return true; #else return false; #endif } bool Utility::isUnix() { #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX return true; #else return false; #endif } bool Utility::isLinux() { #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX return true; #else return false; #endif } static const char STOPWATCH_END_TAG[] = "_STOPWATCH_END"; void Utility::StopWatch::start() { _startTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); _timer.start(); } void Utility::StopWatch::stop() { addLapTime(QLatin1String(STOPWATCH_END_TAG)); _timer.invalidate(); } void Utility::StopWatch::reset() { _timer.invalidate(); _startTime.setMSecsSinceEpoch(0); _lapTimes.clear(); } quint64 Utility::StopWatch::addLapTime( const QString& lapName ) { if( !_timer.isValid() ) { start(); } quint64 re = _timer.elapsed(); _lapTimes[lapName] = re; return re; } QDateTime Utility::StopWatch::startTime() const { return _startTime; } QDateTime Utility::StopWatch::timeOfLap( const QString& lapName ) const { quint64 t = durationOfLap(lapName); if( t ) { QDateTime re(_startTime); return re.addMSecs(t); } return QDateTime(); } quint64 Utility::StopWatch::durationOfLap( const QString& lapName ) const { return _lapTimes.value(lapName, 0); } } // namespace Mirall