FolderWizardSourcePage Form 窗体 Pick a local folder on your computer to sync 选择一个进行同步的本地文件夹: &Choose... 选择 (&C)... FolderWizardTargetPage Form 窗体 Select a remote destination folder 选择远端目标文件夹 Create Folder 创建文件夹 Refresh 刷新 Folders 文件夹 TextLabel 文本标签 NotificationWidget Form 窗体 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod temporm Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod temporm TextLabel 文本标签 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob Connection timed out 连接超时 Unknown error: network reply was deleted 未知错误:网络相应被删除 Server replied "%1 %2" to "%3 %4" OCC::AccountSettings Form 窗体 ... ... Storage space: ... 存储空间:... Unchecked folders will be <b>removed</b> from your local file system and will not be synchronized to this computer anymore 取消选中的文件夹将会从本地<b>删除</b>,并不再同步到这台电脑上。 Synchronize all 同步全部 Synchronize none 都不同步 Apply manual changes 应用手工修改 Apply 应用 Cancel 取消 Connected with <server> as <user> <user> 已经连接到 <server> No account configured. 没有配置的帐号。 Add new 添加 Remove 移除 Account 账户 Choose what to sync 选择同步内容 Force sync now 强制同步 Restart sync 重新开始同步 Remove folder sync connection 断开文件夹同步 Folder creation failed 文件夹创建失败 <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>. <p>无法创建文件夹 <i>%1</i>。 Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal 确定断开文件夹同步 Remove Folder Sync Connection 断开文件夹同步 Sync Running 正在同步 The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? 正在执行同步。<br />您确定要关闭它吗? %1 in use %1 使用中 %1 as <i>%2</i> %1, <i>%2</i> The server version %1 is old and unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. 服务器版本 %1 很旧且不支持,继续操作将自行承担风险。 Connected to %1. 连接到 %1。 Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. 远程服务器%1暂时不可用。 Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Signed out from %1. 从 %1 退出 Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Connecting to %1... 正在连接到 %1 No connection to %1 at %2. 没有到位于%2中的%1的连接 Log in 登录 There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: 以下目录由于太大而没有同步: There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: 以下目录由于是外部存储而没有同步: There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: 以下目录由于太大或是外部存储而没有同步: Confirm Account Removal 确认删除账号 <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>你确定要删除账号的连接? <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> 这 <b>不会</b> 删除任何文件</p> Remove connection 删除连接 Open folder 打开文件夹 Log out 注销 Resume sync 恢复同步 Pause sync 暂停同步 <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>你确定要停止文件夹同步? <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> 这 <b>不会</b> 删除任何文件</p> %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) of %2 使用中。一些文件夹,例如网络挂载的和共享的文件夹,可能有不同的限制。 %1 of %2 in use 使用量 %1 / %2 Currently there is no storage usage information available. 目前没有储存使用量信息可用。 No %1 connection configured. 没有 %1 连接配置。 OCC::AccountState Signed out 已退出 Disconnected 连接已断开 Connected 已连接 Service unavailable 服务不可用 Maintenance mode 维护模式 Network error 网络错误 Configuration error 配置错误 Asking Credentials Unknown account state 未知的账户状态 OCC::ActivityItemDelegate %1 on %2 %1, %2 %1 on %2 (disconnected) %1, %2 (连接已断开) OCC::ActivitySettings Server Activity 服务器动态 Sync Protocol 同步协议 Not Synced 未同步 Not Synced (%1) %1 is the number of not synced files. 未同步 (%1) The server activity list has been copied to the clipboard. 服务器动态已被复制到剪贴板。 The sync activity list has been copied to the clipboard. 同步动态已被复制到剪贴板。 The list of unsynced items has been copied to the clipboard. 未同步列表已复制到剪贴板。 Copied to clipboard 复制到剪贴板 OCC::ActivityWidget Form 窗体 TextLabel 文本标签 Server Activities 服务器动态 Copy 复制 Copy the activity list to the clipboard. 复制动态列表到剪贴板。 Action Required: Notifications 需采取的操作:通知 <br/>Account %1 does not have activities enabled. <br/>帐户%1没有同步活动。 You received %n new notification(s) from %2. 你收到 %n 新的通知来自于 %2. You received %n new notification(s) from %1 and %2. 你收到 %n 新的通知来自 %1 和 %2。 You received new notifications from %1, %2 and other accounts. 你收到新的通知 %1, %2 和其它账户。 %1 Notifications - Action Required %1 通知 - 需要采取行动 OCC::AddCertificateDialog SSL client certificate authentication SSL 客户端证书认证 This server probably requires a SSL client certificate. 连接本服务器可能需要一个 SSL 客户端证书。 Certificate & Key (pkcs12) : 证书与密匙 (pkcs12): Browse... 浏览... Certificate password : 证书密码: Select a certificate 选择证书 Certificate files (*.p12 *.pfx) 证书文件 (*.p12 *.pfx) OCC::Application Error accessing the configuration file 访问配置文件时发生错误 There was an error while accessing the configuration file at %1. 访问配置文件 %1 时发生错误。 Quit ownCloud 退出 ownCloud OCC::AuthenticationDialog Authentication Required 需要认证 Enter username and password for '%1' at %2. 输入 %1 (%2)的用户名和密码 &User: 用户名 (&U): &Password: 密码 (&P): OCC::CleanupPollsJob Error writing metadata to the database 向数据库写入元数据错误 OCC::ConnectionValidator No ownCloud account configured 没有已经配置的 ownCloud 帐号 The configured server for this client is too old 此客户端连接到的服务器版本过旧 Please update to the latest server and restart the client. 请更新到最新的服务器版本然后重启客户端。 Authentication error: Either username or password are wrong. 认证失败:用户名或密码错误 timeout 超时 The provided credentials are not correct 提供的证书不正确 OCC::DiscoveryMainThread Aborted by the user 用户撤销 OCC::Folder Local folder %1 does not exist. 本地文件夹 %1 不存在。 %1 should be a folder but is not. %1 应该是一个文件夹,但是它现在不是文件夹 %1 is not readable. %1 不可读。 %1 has been removed. %1 names a file. %1 已移除。 %1 has been downloaded. %1 names a file. %1 已下载。 %1 has been updated. %1 names a file. %1 已更新。 %1 has been renamed to %2. %1 and %2 name files. %1 已更名为 %2。 %1 has been moved to %2. %1 已移动至 %2。 %1 and %n other file(s) have been removed. %1 和 %n 其它文件已被移除。 %1 and %n other file(s) have been downloaded. %1 和 %n 其它文件已下载。 %1 and %n other file(s) have been updated. %1 和 %n 其它文件已更新。 %1 has been renamed to %2 and %n other file(s) have been renamed. %1 已经更名为 %2,其它 %3 文件也已更名。 %1 has been moved to %2 and %n other file(s) have been moved. %1 已移动到 %2,其它 %3 文件也已移动。 %1 has and %n other file(s) have sync conflicts. %1 和 %n 其他文件有同步冲突。 %1 has a sync conflict. Please check the conflict file! %1 有同步冲突。请检查冲突文件! %1 and %n other file(s) could not be synced due to errors. See the log for details. %1 和 %n 其他文件由于错误不能同步。详细信息请查看日志。 %1 could not be synced due to an error. See the log for details. %1 同步出错。详情请查看日志。 Sync Activity 同步活动 Could not read system exclude file 无法读取系统排除的文件 A new folder larger than %1 MB has been added: %2. 一个大于 %1 MB 的新文件夹 %2 已被添加。 A folder from an external storage has been added. 一个来自外部存储的文件夹已被添加。 Please go in the settings to select it if you wish to download it. 如果您想下载,请到设置页面选择它。 All files in the sync folder '%1' folder were deleted on the server. These deletes will be synchronized to your local sync folder, making such files unavailable unless you have a right to restore. If you decide to keep the files, they will be re-synced with the server if you have rights to do so. If you decide to delete the files, they will be unavailable to you, unless you are the owner. 同步文件夹'%1'的所有文件已经在服务器端删除。 删除动作会被同步到本地的同步文件夹,内部的文件将不可用,您需要有相应权限来恢复。 如果您想保留这些文件,同时您有相应权限的话,它们将被重新同步到服务器。 如果您决定删除这些文件,它们将不再可用,除非您是其所有者。 All the files in your local sync folder '%1' were deleted. These deletes will be synchronized with your server, making such files unavailable unless restored. Are you sure you want to sync those actions with the server? If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synced from the server. 本地文件夹'%1'的所有文件都已经被删除。这些删除动作会被同步到您的服务器,相应的文件将不再可用,除非被回复。 确定要把这些动作同步到服务器吗? 如果这是一个意外而您想要保留这些文件,他们会被重新从服务器同步过来。 Remove All Files? 删除所有文件? Remove all files 删除所有文件 Keep files 保持所有文件 This sync would reset the files to an earlier time in the sync folder '%1'. This might be because a backup was restored on the server. Continuing the sync as normal will cause all your files to be overwritten by an older file in an earlier state. Do you want to keep your local most recent files as conflict files? 同步将把同步文件夹 '%1' 之中的文件重置到更早时间。 有可能因为服务器端恢复到了旧有备份。 继续正常同步将导致您全部文件被更早状态的旧文件覆盖。您想要保留冲突文件的本地最新版本吗? Backup detected 备份已删除 Normal Synchronisation 正常同步 Keep Local Files as Conflict 保留本地文件为冲突文件 OCC::FolderMan Could not reset folder state 不能重置文件夹状态 An old sync journal '%1' was found, but could not be removed. Please make sure that no application is currently using it. 一个旧的同步日志 '%1' 被找到,但是不能被移除。请确定没有应用程序正在使用它。 (backup) (备份) (backup %1) (备份 %1) Undefined State. 未知状态。 Waiting to start syncing. 等待启动同步。 Preparing for sync. 准备同步。 Sync is running. 同步正在运行。 Last Sync was successful. 最后一次同步成功。 Last Sync was successful, but with warnings on individual files. 上次同步已成功,不过一些文件出现了警告。 Setup Error. 安装失败 User Abort. 用户撤销。 Sync is paused. 同步已暂停。 %1 (Sync is paused) %1 (同步已暂停) No valid folder selected! 没有选择有效的文件夹! The selected path is not a folder! 选择的路径不是一个文件夹! You have no permission to write to the selected folder! 你没有写入所选文件夹的权限! The local folder %1 contains a symbolic link. The link target contains an already synced folder Please pick another one! 本地文件夹 %1 包含了一个符号连接,而该连接的目标包含了一个已经同步的文件夹。请另行选择! There is already a sync from the server to this local folder. Please pick another local folder! 已经有一个从服务器到此文件夹的同步设置。请选择其他本地文件夹! The local folder %1 already contains a folder used in a folder sync connection. Please pick another one! 本地文件夹 %1 包含有正在使用的同步文件夹,请选择另一个! The local folder %1 is already contained in a folder used in a folder sync connection. Please pick another one! 本地文件夹 %1 是正在使用的同步文件夹,请选择另一个! The local folder %1 is a symbolic link. The link target is already contained in a folder used in a folder sync connection. Please pick another one! 选择的文件夹 %1 是一个符号连接,连接指向的是正在使用的同步文件夹,请选择另一个! OCC::FolderStatusDelegate Add Folder Sync Connection 添加同步文件夹 Synchronizing with local folder 与本地文件夹同步 File 文件 OCC::FolderStatusModel You need to be connected to add a folder 请先登录后再添加文件夹 Click this button to add a folder to synchronize. 点击选择进行同步的本地文件夹。 %1 (%2) Example text: "File.txt (23KB)" %1 (%2) Error while loading the list of folders from the server. 载入文件夹列表时发生错误。 Signed out 已登出 Fetching folder list from server... 获取文件夹列表... There are unresolved conflicts. Click for details. Checking for changes in '%1' 在 %1 检查更改 Reconciling changes , '%1' Build a list of file names , '%1' '%1' Argument is a file name '%1' Syncing %1 Example text: "Syncing 'foo.txt', 'bar.txt'" 正在同步 %1 , download %1/s Example text: "download 24Kb/s" (%1 is replaced by 24Kb (translated)) 下载 %1/s u2193 %1/s u2193 %1/秒 upload %1/s Example text: "upload 24Kb/s" (%1 is replaced by 24Kb (translated)) 上传 %1/s u2191 %1/s u2191 %1/秒 %1 %2 (%3 of %4) Example text: "uploading foobar.png (2MB of 2MB)" %1 %2 (%3 / %4) %1 %2 Example text: "uploading foobar.png" %1 %2 %5 left, %1 of %2, file %3 of %4 Example text: "5 minutes left, 12 MB of 345 MB, file 6 of 7" 剩余: %5,%1 / %2, 文件数量 %3 / %4 %1 of %2, file %3 of %4 Example text: "12 MB of 345 MB, file 6 of 7" %1 of %2, file %3 of %4 file %1 of %2 第 %1 个文件,共 %2 个 Waiting... 请稍等... Waiting for %n other folder(s)... 等待 %n 个其他文件(文件夹) Preparing to sync... 准备同步... OCC::FolderWizard Add Folder Sync Connection 添加同步文件夹 Add Sync Connection 添加同步连接 OCC::FolderWizardLocalPath Click to select a local folder to sync. 点击选择进行同步的本地文件夹。 Enter the path to the local folder. 输入本地文件夹的路径。 Select the source folder 选择源目录 OCC::FolderWizardRemotePath Create Remote Folder 创建远程文件夹 Enter the name of the new folder to be created below '%1': 输入 %1 中的新文件夹的名称: Folder was successfully created on %1. 文件夹在 %1 上创建成功。 Authentication failed accessing %1 访问 %1 时认证失败 Failed to create the folder on %1. Please check manually. 无法在 %1 处创建文件夹。请自行检查。 Failed to list a folder. Error: %1 列表失败。错误: %1 Choose this to sync the entire account 选择此项以同步整个账户 This folder is already being synced. 文件夹已在同步中。 You are already syncing <i>%1</i>, which is a parent folder of <i>%2</i>. 你已经在同步 <i>%1</i>,<i>%2</i> 是它的一个子文件夹。 OCC::FormatWarningsWizardPage <b>Warning:</b> %1 <b>警告:</b>%1 <b>Warning:</b> <b>警告:</b> OCC::GETFileJob No E-Tag received from server, check Proxy/Gateway 未能收到来自服务器的 E-Tag,请检查代理/网关 We received a different E-Tag for resuming. Retrying next time. 我们收到了不同的恢复 E-Tag,将在下次尝试。 Server returned wrong content-range 服务器返回了错误的内容长度 Connection Timeout 连接超时 OCC::GeneralSettings Form 窗体 General Settings 常规设置 For System Tray 系统托盘 Advanced 高级 Ask for confirmation before synchronizing folders larger than 请询问确认同步,若同步文件夹大于 MB Trailing part of "Ask confirmation before syncing folder larger than" MB Ask for confirmation before synchronizing external storages 请询问确认同步,若涉及外部存储 &Launch on System Startup 在系统启动时启动 Show &Desktop Notifications 显示桌面提醒 Use &Monochrome Icons 使用单色图标 Edit &Ignored Files 编辑忽略的文件 S&how crash reporter 显示崩溃报告器 About 关于 Updates 更新 &Restart && Update 重启并更新 (&R) OCC::HttpCredentialsGui Please enter %1 password:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> 请输入 %1 密码:<br><br>用户:%2<br>账户:%3<br> Reading from keychain failed with error: '%1' 获取密钥链失败,错误: '%1' Enter Password 输入密码 <a href="%1">Click here</a> to request an app password from the web interface. <a href="%1">点击这里</a>从 web 界面请求一个 app 密码。 OCC::IgnoreListEditor Ignored Files Editor 忽略的文件编辑器 Global Ignore Settings 全局忽略选项 Sync hidden files 同步隐藏文件 Files Ignored by Patterns 文件忽略模式: Add 增加 Pattern 模式 Allow Deletion 允许删除 Remove 移除 Files or folders matching a pattern will not be synchronized. Items where deletion is allowed will be deleted if they prevent a directory from being removed. This is useful for meta data. 匹配到模式的文件或文件夹将不会被同步。 如果选中的项目正在阻止文件夹的删除,它们也会被删除。这对于元数据很有用。 Could not open file 不能打开文件 Cannot write changes to '%1'. 无法向 %1 中写入修改。 Add Ignore Pattern 增加忽略模式 Add a new ignore pattern: 增加新的忽略模式: This entry is provided by the system at '%1' and cannot be modified in this view. 此项目由系统在 %1 处提供,不能在这里被修改。 OCC::IssuesWidget Form 窗体 List of issues Account 账户 <no filter> <no filter> Folder 文件夹 Show warnings 显示警告 Show ignored files There were too many issues. Not all will be visible here. Copy the issues list to the clipboard. Copy 复制 Time 时间 File 文件 Issue OCC::LogBrowser Log Output 日志输出 &Search: &搜索: &Find 查找 (&F) &Capture debug messages Clear 清除 Clear the log display. 清空日志显示。 S&ave 保存 (&S) Save the log file to a file on disk for debugging. 保存日志文件到磁盘以供调试。 Save log file 保存日志文件 Error 错误 Could not write to log file %1 无法写入日志文件%1 OCC::Logger Error 错误 <nobr>File '%1'<br/>cannot be opened for writing.<br/><br/>The log output can <b>not</b> be saved!</nobr> <nobr>文件 '%1'<br/>不能写入。<br/><br/>将<b>不</b>能保存日志输出!</nobr> OCC::NSISUpdater New Version Available 新版本可用 <p>A new version of the %1 Client is available.</p><p><b>%2</b> is available for download. The installed version is %3.</p> <p>新版本的 %1 客户端可用。</p><p><b>%2</b> 已经开放下载。已安装的版本是 %3。</p> Skip this version 跳过这个版本 Skip this time 本次跳过 Get update 获取更新 OCC::NetworkSettings Form 窗体 Proxy Settings 代理设置 No Proxy 无代理 Use system proxy 使用系统代理 Specify proxy manually as 手动设置代理为 Host 主机 : Proxy server requires authentication 代理服务器需要认证 Download Bandwidth 下载带宽 Limit to 限制为 KBytes/s KBytes/s No limit 无限制 Limit to 3/4 of estimated bandwidth 限制使用 3/4 的带宽 Upload Bandwidth 上传带宽 Limit automatically 自动限制 Hostname of proxy server 代理服务器主机名 Username for proxy server 代理服务器用户名 Password for proxy server 代理服务器密码 HTTP(S) proxy HTTP(S) 代理 SOCKS5 proxy SOCKS5 代理 OCC::NotificationWidget Created at %1 创建于 %1 Closing in a few seconds... 几秒钟后关闭... %1 request failed at %2 The second parameter is a time, such as 'failed at 09:58pm' %1 请求失败于 %2 '%1' selected at %2 The second parameter is a time, such as 'selected at 09:58pm' '%1' 选定于 %2 OCC::OAuth Error returned from the server: <em>%1</em> There was an error accessing the 'token' endpoint: <br><em>%1</em> Could not parse the JSON returned from the server: <br><em>%1</em> The reply from the server did not contain all expected fields <h1>Login Error</h1><p>%1</p> <h1>Wrong user</h1><p>You logged-in with user <em>%1</em>, but must login with user <em>%2</em>.<br>Please log out of %3 in another tab, then <a href='%4'>click here</a> and log in as user %2</p> OCC::OCUpdater New %1 Update Ready 新的 %1 更新就绪 A new update for %1 is about to be installed. The updater may ask for additional privileges during the process. 新版本&1已经可以更新。更新过程会请求额外的权限。 Downloading version %1. Please wait... 正在下载版本 %1,请稍候(“稍后”和“稍候”请分清楚,OK?)... Could not download update. Please click <a href='%1'>here</a> to download the update manually. 无法下载更新,请点击<a href='%1'>此处</a>手动下载更新。 Could not check for new updates. 无法检查新更新。 %1 version %2 available. Restart application to start the update. %1 版本 %2 现在可用,请重启应用以开始更新。 New %1 version %2 available. Please use the system's update tool to install it. %1 新版本 %2 已经可用,使用系统更新工具升级。 Checking update server... 检查更新服务器 Update status is unknown: Did not check for new updates. 还没有检查过更新。 No updates available. Your installation is at the latest version. 没有可用更新。您的安装已为最新版本。 Update Check 检查更新 OCC::OwncloudAdvancedSetupPage Connect to %1 连接到 %1 Setup local folder options 设置本地文件夹 Connect... 连接... %1 folder '%2' is synced to local folder '%3' %1 文件夹 '%2' 将被同步到本地文件夹 '%3' Sync the folder '%1' 同步文件夹 %1 <p><small><strong>Warning:</strong> The local folder is not empty. Pick a resolution!</small></p> <p><small><strong>警告:</strong> 本地目录非空。选择一个操作!</small></p> Local Sync Folder 本地同步文件夹 (%1) (%1) OCC::OwncloudConnectionMethodDialog Connection failed 连接失败 <html><head/><body><p>Failed to connect to the secure server address specified. How do you wish to proceed?</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>无法连接到指定地址的安全服务器。请问如何继续?</p></body></html> Select a different URL 设置新的 URL Retry unencrypted over HTTP (insecure) 以未加密 HTTP 方式重试 (不安全) Configure client-side TLS certificate 设置客户端 TLS 证书 <html><head/><body><p>Failed to connect to the secure server address <em>%1</em>. How do you wish to proceed?</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>无法连接到指定地址的安全服务器 <em>%1</em>。请问是否继续?</p></body></html> OCC::OwncloudHttpCredsPage &Email &电子邮件 Connect to %1 连接到 %1 Enter user credentials 输入用户密码 OCC::OwncloudOAuthCredsPage Connect to %1 连接到 %1 Login in your browser 在浏览器中登录 OCC::OwncloudSetupPage Connect to %1 连接到 %1 Setup %1 server 设置 %1 服务器 This url is NOT secure as it is not encrypted. It is not advisable to use it. 这个地址没有使用加密,不够安全,不建议使用。 This url is secure. You can use it. 此地址是安全的。您可以使用它 &Next > 下一步 (&N) > OCC::OwncloudSetupWizard <font color="green">Successfully connected to %1: %2 version %3 (%4)</font><br/><br/> <font color="green">成功连接到 %1:%2 版本 %3 (%4)</font><br/><br/> Failed to connect to %1 at %2:<br/>%3 连接到 %1 (%2)失败:<br />%3 Timeout while trying to connect to %1 at %2. 连接到 %1 (%2) 时超时。 Trying to connect to %1 at %2... 尝试连接位于 %2 的 %1... The authenticated request to the server was redirected to '%1'. The URL is bad, the server is misconfigured. 被发送到服务器的认证请求被重定向到'%1'。此URL无效,服务器配置错误。 There was an invalid response to an authenticated webdav request 对于一个验证的 webdav 请求,有一个无效的响应 Access forbidden by server. To verify that you have proper access, <a href="%1">click here</a> to access the service with your browser. 服务器拒绝了访问。<a href="%1">点击这里打开浏览器</a> 来确认您是否有权访问。 Invalid URL 无效URL The server reported the following error: Local sync folder %1 already exists, setting it up for sync.<br/><br/> 本地同步文件夹 %1 已存在,将使用它来同步。<br/><br/> Creating local sync folder %1... 创建本地同步目录%1 ok 成功 failed. 失败 Could not create local folder %1 不能创建本地文件夹 %1 No remote folder specified! 未指定远程文件夹! Error: %1 错误:%1 creating folder on ownCloud: %1 在 ownCloud 创建文件夹:%1 Remote folder %1 created successfully. 远程目录%1成功创建。 The remote folder %1 already exists. Connecting it for syncing. 远程文件夹 %1 已存在。连接它以供同步。 The folder creation resulted in HTTP error code %1 创建文件夹出现 HTTP 错误代码 %1 The remote folder creation failed because the provided credentials are wrong!<br/>Please go back and check your credentials.</p> 远程文件夹创建失败,因为提供的凭证有误!<br/>请返回并检查您的凭证。</p> <p><font color="red">Remote folder creation failed probably because the provided credentials are wrong.</font><br/>Please go back and check your credentials.</p> <p><font color="red">远程文件夹创建失败,可能是由于提供的用户名密码不正确。</font><br/>请返回并检查它们。</p> Remote folder %1 creation failed with error <tt>%2</tt>. 创建远程文件夹 %1 失败,错误为 <tt>%2</tt>。 A sync connection from %1 to remote directory %2 was set up. 已经设置了一个 %1 到远程文件夹 %2 的同步连接 Successfully connected to %1! 成功连接到了 %1! Connection to %1 could not be established. Please check again. 无法建立到 %1的链接,请稍后重试(这里“稍后”用对了,赞!)。 Folder rename failed 文件夹更名失败 Can't remove and back up the folder because the folder or a file in it is open in another program. Please close the folder or file and hit retry or cancel the setup. 无法移除和备份文件夹,由于文件夹或文件正在被另一程序占用。请关闭程序后重试,或取消安装。 <font color="green"><b>Local sync folder %1 successfully created!</b></font> <font color="green"><b>本地同步目录 %1 已成功创建</b></font> OCC::OwncloudWizard %1 Connection Wizard %1 链接向导 Skip folders configuration 跳过文件夹设置 OCC::OwncloudWizardResultPage Everything set up! 一切都设置好了! Open Local Folder 打开本地文件夹 Open %1 in Browser 在浏览器中打开 %1 OCC::PollJob Invalid JSON reply from the poll URL 推送 URL 传来的 JSON 无效 OCC::PropagateDirectory Error writing metadata to the database 向数据库写入元数据错误 OCC::PropagateDownloadFile File %1 can not be downloaded because of a local file name clash! 由于本地文件名冲突,文件 %1 无法下载。 The download would reduce free local disk space below the limit Free space on disk is less than %1 空闲磁盘空间少于 %1 File was deleted from server 已从服务器删除文件 The file could not be downloaded completely. 文件无法完整下载。 The downloaded file is empty despite the server announced it should have been %1. 虽然服务器宣称已完成 %1,但实际下载文件为空。 File %1 cannot be saved because of a local file name clash! 由于本地文件名冲突,文件 %1 无法保存。 File has changed since discovery 自从发现文件以来,它已经被改变了 Error writing metadata to the database 向数据库写入元数据错误 OCC::PropagateItemJob ; Restoration Failed: %1 ;恢复失败:%1 A file or folder was removed from a read only share, but restoring failed: %1 文件(夹)移除了只读共享,但恢复失败:%1 OCC::PropagateLocalMkdir could not delete file %1, error: %2 不能删除文件 %1, 错误: %2 Attention, possible case sensitivity clash with %1 小心!%1 的文件名可能有大小写冲突 could not create folder %1 无法创建文件夹 %1 Error writing metadata to the database 向数据库写入元数据错误 OCC::PropagateLocalRemove Error removing '%1': %2; 删除'%1'错误:%2 Could not remove folder '%1' 无法删除文件夹 %1 Could not remove %1 because of a local file name clash 由于本地文件名冲突,不能删除 %1 OCC::PropagateLocalRename File %1 can not be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash 由于本地文件名冲突,文件 %1 无法更名为 %2 Error writing metadata to the database 向数据库写入元数据错误 OCC::PropagateRemoteDelete The file has been removed from a read only share. It was restored. 文件已经移除只读共享,并已经恢复。 Wrong HTTP code returned by server. Expected 204, but received "%1 %2". 服务器返回的 HTTP 状态错误,应返回 204,但返回的是“%1 %2”。 OCC::PropagateRemoteMkdir Wrong HTTP code returned by server. Expected 201, but received "%1 %2". 服务器返回的 HTTP 状态错误,应返回 201,但返回的是“%1 %2”。 Error writing metadata to the database 向数据库写入元数据错误 OCC::PropagateRemoteMove This folder must not be renamed. It is renamed back to its original name. 文件无法更名,已经恢复为原文件名。 This folder must not be renamed. Please name it back to Shared. 文件无法更名,请改回“Shared”。 The file was renamed but is part of a read only share. The original file was restored. 文件已经更名,但这是某个只读分享的一部分,原文件已经恢复。 Wrong HTTP code returned by server. Expected 201, but received "%1 %2". 服务器返回的 HTTP 状态错误,应返回 201,但返回的是“%1 %2”。 Error writing metadata to the database 向数据库写入元数据错误 OCC::PropagateUploadFileCommon File %1 cannot be uploaded because another file with the same name, differing only in case, exists 文件 %1 无法上传,因为存在同名文件,文件名仅有大小写不同。 File Removed 已移除文件 Local file changed during syncing. It will be resumed. 本地文件在同步时已修改,完成后会再次同步 Local file changed during sync. 本地文件在同步时已修改。 Upload of %1 exceeds the quota for the folder Error writing metadata to the database 向数据库写入元数据错误 OCC::PropagateUploadFileNG The local file was removed during sync. 本地文件在同步时已删除。 Local file changed during sync. 本地文件在同步时已修改。 Unexpected return code from server (%1) 从服务器得到了意外的返回值(%1) Missing File ID from server 服务器端文件 ID缺失 Missing ETag from server 服务器端ETag缺失 OCC::PropagateUploadFileV1 The file was edited locally but is part of a read only share. It is restored and your edit is in the conflict file. 文件已经在本地修改,但这是某个只读分享的一部分,原文件已经恢复。您的修改已保存在冲突文件中。 Poll URL missing 缺少轮询 URL The local file was removed during sync. 本地文件在同步时已删除。 Local file changed during sync. 本地文件在同步时已修改。 The server did not acknowledge the last chunk. (No e-tag was present) 服务器未确认上一分块。(找不到 E-tag) OCC::ProtocolWidget Form 窗体 TextLabel 文本标签 Time 时间 File 文件 Folder 文件夹 Action 动作 Size 大小 Local sync protocol 本地同步协议 Copy 复制 Copy the activity list to the clipboard. 复制动态列表到剪贴板。 OCC::ProxyAuthDialog Proxy authentication required 代理需要认证 Username: 用户名: Proxy: 代理: The proxy server needs a username and password. 代理服务器需要输入用户名和密码。 Password: 密码: TextLabel 文本标签 OCC::SelectiveSyncDialog Choose What to Sync 选择同步内容 OCC::SelectiveSyncWidget Loading ... 加载中... Deselect remote folders you do not wish to synchronize. 反选您不想同步的那些远端文件夹 Name 名称 Size 大小 No subfolders currently on the server. 这个服务器上暂不存在子文件夹。 An error occurred while loading the list of sub folders. 载入子文件夹列表时发生错误。 OCC::ServerNotificationHandler Dismiss 忽略 OCC::SettingsDialog Settings 设置 Activity 动态 General 常规 Network 网络 Account 账户 OCC::SettingsDialogMac %1 %1 Activity 动态 General 常规 Network 网络 Account 账户 OCC::ShareDialog TextLabel 文本标签 share label 分享标签 Dialog 对话框 ownCloud Path: ownCloud 路径: %1 Sharing %1 分享 %1 %1 Folder: %2 文件夹:%2 The server does not allow sharing 服务器不支持共享 Retrieving maximum possible sharing permissions from server... 从服务器获取最大可能的共享权限... The file can not be shared because it was shared without sharing permission. 未分配共享权限,无法共享文件。 Users and Groups 用户和组 Public Links 公共链接 OCC::ShareLinkWidget Share NewDocument.odt 分享 NewDocument.odt TextLabel 文本标签 Set &password 设置密码(&p) Enter a name to create a new public link... &Create new Set &expiration date 设置过期日期(&e) Set password 设置密码 Link properties: Show file listing 显示文件列表 Allow editing 允许编辑 Anyone with the link has access to the file/folder 任何查看此链接的人都可以访问文件、文件夹 P&assword protect 密码保护(&a) Password Protected 密码保护 The file can not be shared because it was shared without sharing permission. 未分配共享权限,无法共享文件。 Link shares have been disabled 分享链接已被关闭 Create public link share 创建公共分享链接 Delete 删除 Open link in browser 在浏览器中打来链接 Copy link to clipboard 复制链接到剪贴板 Copy link to clipboard (direct download) 复制链接到剪贴板 (直接下载) Send link by email 通过邮件发送链接 Send link by email (direct download) Confirm Link Share Deletion <p>Do you really want to delete the public link share <i>%1</i>?</p><p>Note: This action cannot be undone.</p> Cancel 取消 Public link 公开链接 Delete link share Public sh&aring requires a password 公开分享需要密码 Please Set Password 请设置密码 OCC::ShareUserGroupWidget Share NewDocument.odt 分享 NewDocument.odt Share with users or groups ... 分享给其他用户或组 ... <html><head/><body><p>You can direct people to this shared file or folder <a href="private link menu"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">by giving them a private link</span></a>.</p></body></html> The item is not shared with any users or groups Open link in browser 在浏览器中打来链接 Copy link to clipboard 复制链接到剪贴板 Send link by email 通过邮件发送链接 No results for '%1' 没有 '%1' 相关结果 I shared something with you OCC::ShareUserLine Form 窗体 TextLabel 文本标签 can edit 可编辑 can share 可共享 ... ... create 创建 change 更改 delete 删除 OCC::ShibbolethCredentials Login Error 登录错误 You must sign in as user %1 你必须以用户'%1'身份登录 OCC::ShibbolethWebView %1 - Authenticate %1 - 认证 SSL Chipher Debug View 查看SSL加密调试信息 Reauthentication required 需要重新认证 Your session has expired. You need to re-login to continue to use the client. 您的会话已经过期。请重新登录。 OCC::SocketApi Share with %1 parameter is ownCloud 使用 %1 共享 I shared something with you Share... 分享到... Copy private link to clipboard Send private link by email... OCC::SslButton <h3>Certificate Details</h3> <h3>证书信息</h3> Common Name (CN): 常用名 (CN): Subject Alternative Names: 主体备用名称: Organization (O): 组织 (O): Organizational Unit (OU): 单位 (OU): State/Province: 州/省: Country: 国家: Serial: 序列号: <h3>Issuer</h3> <h3>颁发者</h3> Issuer: 颁发者: Issued on: 颁发于: Expires on: 过期于: <h3>Fingerprints</h3> <h3>证书指纹</h3> SHA-256: SHA-256: SHA-1: SHA-1: <p><b>Note:</b> This certificate was manually approved</p> <p><b>注意:</b>此证书经手动批准</p> %1 (self-signed) %1 (自签署) %1 %1 This connection is encrypted using %1 bit %2. 此连接通过 %1 位的 %2 加密。 No support for SSL session tickets/identifiers 没有支持的 SSL 标识 Certificate information: 证书信息: This connection is NOT secure as it is not encrypted. 此连接未经过加密。 OCC::SslErrorDialog Form 窗体 Trust this certificate anyway 总是信任该证书 Untrusted Certificate 不被信任的证书 Cannot connect securely to <i>%1</i>: 无法安全连接到 <i>%1</i>: with Certificate %1 使用证书 %1 &lt;not specified&gt; &lt;未指定&gt; Organization: %1 组织:%1 Unit: %1 单位:%1 Country: %1 国家: %1 Fingerprint (MD5): <tt>%1</tt> MD5指纹: <tt>%1</tt> Fingerprint (SHA1): <tt>%1</tt> SHA1指纹: <tt>%1</tt> Effective Date: %1 有效日期:%1 Expiration Date: %1 过期日期:%1 Issuer: %1 签发人:%1 OCC::SyncEngine Success. 成功。 CSync failed to load the journal file. The journal file is corrupted. CSync同步无法载入日志文件。日志文件已损坏。 <p>The %1 plugin for csync could not be loaded.<br/>Please verify the installation!</p> <p>csync 的 %1 插件不能加载。<br/>请校验安装!</p> CSync fatal parameter error. CSync 致命参数错误。 CSync processing step update failed. CSync 处理步骤更新失败。 CSync processing step reconcile failed. CSync 处理步骤调和失败。 CSync could not authenticate at the proxy. CSync 代理认证失败。 CSync failed to lookup proxy or server. CSync 无法查询代理或服务器。 CSync failed to authenticate at the %1 server. CSync 于 %1 服务器认证失败。 CSync failed to connect to the network. CSync 联网失败。 A network connection timeout happened. 网络连接超时。 A HTTP transmission error happened. HTTP 传输错误。 The mounted folder is temporarily not available on the server 该文件夹在服务器上不可用 An error occurred while opening a folder 打开目录失败 Error while reading folder. 读取目录时出错 %1 (skipped due to earlier error, trying again in %2) File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. 已忽略隐藏的文件和文件夹。 Folder hierarchy is too deep Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Only %1 are available, need at least %2 to start Placeholders are postfixed with file sizes using Utility::octetsToString() 仅有 %1 有效,至少需要 %2 才能开始 Unable to open or create the local sync database. Make sure you have write access in the sync folder. Not allowed because you don't have permission to add parent folder 你没有权限增加父目录 Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder 你没有权限增加文件 Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. CSync: No space on %1 server available. CSync:%1 服务器空间已满。 CSync unspecified error. CSync 未定义错误。 Aborted by the user 用户撤销 CSync failed to access 访问 CSync 失败 CSync failed to load or create the journal file. Make sure you have read and write permissions in the local sync folder. Csync同步失败,请确定是否有本地同步目录的读写权 CSync failed due to unhandled permission denied. 出于未处理的权限拒绝,CSync 失败。 CSync tried to create a folder that already exists. CSync 尝试创建了已有的文件夹。 The service is temporarily unavailable 服务暂时不可用 Access is forbidden 访问被拒绝 An internal error number %1 occurred. 发生内部错误 %1 Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. 符号链接不被同步支持。 File is listed on the ignore list. 文件在忽略列表中。 File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. 文件名结尾不可以为“.”。 File names containing the character '%1' are not supported on this file system. 此文件系统不支持包含字符 '%1' 的文件名。 The file name is a reserved name on this file system. 文件名为系统保留文件名。 Filename contains trailing spaces. 文件名尾部含有空格 Filename is too long. 文件名过长。 The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. Unresolved conflict. Stat failed. 状态失败。 Filename encoding is not valid 文件名编码无效 Invalid characters, please rename "%1" 无效的字符,请更改为 “%1” Unable to read the blacklist from the local database 无法从本地数据库读取黑名单 Unable to read from the sync journal. 无法读取同步日志。 Cannot open the sync journal 无法打开同步日志 File name contains at least one invalid character 文件名中存在至少一个非法字符 Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist 已忽略(“选择同步内容”黑名单) Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder 你没有权限增加子目录 Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring 无法上传文件,因为服务器端此文件为只读,正在回退 Not allowed to remove, restoring 无法删除,正在回退 Local files and share folder removed. 本地文件和共享文件夹已被删除。 Move not allowed, item restored 无法移动,正在回退 Move not allowed because %1 is read-only 无法移动,%1为是只读的 the destination 目标 the source OCC::SyncLogDialog Synchronisation Log 同步日志 OCC::Systray %1: %2 %1: %2 OCC::Theme <p>Version %1. For more information please visit <a href='%2'>%3</a>.</p> <p>版本 %1。详情请见 <a href='%2'>%3</a>.</p> <p>Copyright ownCloud GmbH</p> <p>ownCloud GmbH 版权所有</p> <p>Distributed by %1 and licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2.0.<br/>%2 and the %2 logo are registered trademarks of %1 in the United States, other countries, or both.</p> <p>%1 使用GNU通用公共许可证 (GPL) 2.0。<br/>%2 以及 %2 标识已由 %1 注册使用。</p> OCC::ValidateChecksumHeader The checksum header is malformed. 校验异常 The checksum header contained an unknown checksum type '%1' 校验头包含未知的校验类型 '%1' The downloaded file does not match the checksum, it will be resumed. 下载的文件校验失败,将会回退。 OCC::ownCloudGui Please sign in 请登录 Folder %1: %2 文件夹 %1: %2 There are no sync folders configured. 没有已配置的同步文件夹。 Open in browser 在浏览器中打开 Log in... 登录 Log out 注销 Recent Changes 最近修改 Checking for changes in '%1' 检查 %1 的更改 Managed Folders: 管理的文件夹: Open folder '%1' 打开文件夹“%1” Open %1 in browser 在浏览器中打开%1 Unknown status 未知状态 Settings... 设置... Details... 细节... Help 帮助 Quit %1 退出 %1 Disconnected from %1 已从服务器断开 %1 Unsupported Server Version 不支持的服务器版本 The server on account %1 runs an old and unsupported version %2. Using this client with unsupported server versions is untested and potentially dangerous. Proceed at your own risk. 账户 %1 的服务器运行着一个古老而不受支持的版本 %2。使用该客户端未支持的服务器版本未经测试并且可能存在潜在危险。继续操作需要自行承担风险。 Disconnected 连接已断开 Disconnected from some accounts Disconnected from accounts: 已断开账户: Account %1: %2 账户 %1: %2 Signed out 已退出 Account synchronization is disabled 帐户同步被禁用 Synchronization is paused Error during synchronization No sync folders configured Unpause all folders 解除暂停所有文件夹 Pause all folders 暂停所有文件夹 Unpause all synchronization 解除暂停所有同步 Unpause synchronization 解除暂停同步 Pause all synchronization 暂停所有同步 Pause synchronization 暂停同步 Log out of all accounts 注销所有账户 Log in to all accounts... 登录所有账户 New account... 新账号…… Crash now Only shows in debug mode to allow testing the crash handler 发生了崩溃 No items synced recently 近期没有项目被同步 Syncing %1 of %2 (%3 left) 同步 %2 中的 %1 (剩余 %3) Syncing %1 of %2 正在同步 %1,共 %2 Syncing %1 (%2 left) 同步 %1 (剩余 %2) Syncing %1 正在同步 %1 %1 (%2, %3) %1 (%2, %3) Up to date 更新 OCC::ownCloudTheme <p>Version %2. For more information visit <a href="%3">https://%4</a></p><p>For known issues and help, please visit: <a href=""></a></p><p><small>By Klaas Freitag, Daniel Molkentin, Olivier Goffart, Markus Götz, Jan-Christoph Borchardt, and others.</small></p><p>Copyright ownCloud GmbH</p><p>Licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2.0<br/>ownCloud and the ownCloud Logo are registered trademarks of ownCloud GmbH in the United States, other countries, or both.</p> <p>版本 %2,更多信息请访问<a href="%3">https://%4</a></p> 帮助信息请访问:<a href=""></a><p><p> <small>By Klaas Freitag, Daniel Molkentin, Jan-Christoph Borchardt, Olivier Goffart, Markus Götz and others.</small></p><p>版权所有ownCloud GmbH</p><p>Licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2.0<br/>ownCloud 以及 ownCloud 标志是 ownCloud Inc. 的注册商标。 OwncloudAdvancedSetupPage Form 窗体 TextLabel 文本标签 Server 服务器 <html><head/><body><p>If this box is checked, existing content in the local folder will be erased to start a clean sync from the server.</p><p>Do not check this if the local content should be uploaded to the servers folder.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>当该选项被勾选,当前目录的内容将被删除,并开始同步服务器内容。</p><p>如果本地内容要被上传到服务器,不要勾选该选项。</p></body></html> Start a &clean sync (Erases the local folder!) 开始全新同步 (将清空本地文件夹!) Ask for confirmation before synchroni&zing folders larger than 询问确认,若同步 (^z) 文件夹大于 MB Trailing part of "Ask confirmation before syncing folder larger than" MB Ask for confirmation before synchronizing e&xternal storages 在同步外部存储时,询问确认 (&x) Choose what to sync 选择同步内容 &Local Folder 本地文件夹 (&L) pbSelectLocalFolder pbSelectLocalFolder &Keep local data 保留本地数据 (&K) S&ync everything from server 同步服务器的所有内容 (&S) Status message 状态信息 OwncloudHttpCredsPage Form 窗体 &Username 用户名 (&U) &Password 密码 (&P) OwncloudOAuthCredsPage Form 窗体 Please switch to your browser to proceed. An error occured while connecting. Please try again. Re-open Browser 重新打开浏览器 OwncloudSetupPage Form 窗体 TextLabel 文本标签 Ser&ver Address 服务器地址 (&v) https://... https://... Error Label 错误标签 OwncloudWizardResultPage Form 窗体 TextLabel 文本标签 Your entire account is synced to the local folder 您的整个账户将被同步到本地文件夹 PushButton 按钮 QObject in the future 将来 %n day(s) ago %n 天前 %n hour(s) ago %n 小时前 now 现在 Less than a minute ago 刚刚 %n minute(s) ago %n 分钟前 Some time ago 之前 %1: %2 this displays an error string (%2) for a file %1 %1: %2 Utility %L1 GB %L1 GB %L1 MB %L1 MB %L1 KB %L1 KB %L1 B %L1 B %n year(s) %n 年 %n month(s) %n 月 %n day(s) %n 天 %n hour(s) %n 小时 %n minute(s) %n 分 %n second(s) %n 秒 %1 %2 %1 %2 main.cpp System Tray not available 系统托盘不可用 %1 requires on a working system tray. If you are running XFCE, please follow <a href="">these instructions</a>. Otherwise, please install a system tray application such as 'trayer' and try again. %1 依赖于系统托盘程序。如果你在运行 XFCE,请按 <a href="">这个指南(英文)</a> 来设置。否则,请安装一个系统托盘程序,比如 trayer,然后再试。 ownCloudTheme::about() <p><small>Built from Git revision <a href="%1">%2</a> on %3, %4 using Qt %5, %6</small></p> <p><small>从 Git 版本 <a href="%1">%2</a> 在 %3 上构建, %4 使用了 Qt %5, %6</small></p> progress Downloaded 已下载 Uploaded 已上传 Server version downloaded, copied changed local file into conflict file 服务器版本已下载,复制并更改本地冲突文件 Deleted 已删除 Moved to %1 已移动到 %1 Ignored 已忽略 Filesystem access error 文件系统访问错误 Error 错误 Updated local metadata 已更新本地元数据 Unknown 未知 downloading 正在下载 uploading 正在上传 deleting 删除 moving 移动 ignoring 忽略 error 错误 updating local metadata 正在更新本地元数据 theme Status undefined 状态未定义 Waiting to start sync 等待同步启动 Sync is running 同步运行中 Sync Success 同步成功 Sync Success, some files were ignored. 同步成功,部分文件被忽略。 Sync Error 同步错误 Setup Error 关闭 Preparing to sync 正在准备同步 Aborting... 正在撤销... Sync is paused 同步被暂停 utility Could not open browser There was an error when launching the browser to go to URL %1. Maybe no default browser is configured? Could not open email client 无法打开邮件客户端 There was an error when launching the email client to create a new message. Maybe no default email client is configured? 启动email客户端并创建新消息时发生错误。是不是没有设定默认的email客户端?