/* * This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical * support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for * any purpose. * */ #ifndef MIRALL_TESTCONCATURL_H #define MIRALL_TESTCONCATURL_H #include #include #include #include "account.h" using namespace OCC; typedef QList< QPair > QueryItems; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QueryItems); static QueryItems make() { return QueryItems(); } static QueryItems make(QString key, QString value) { QueryItems q; q.append(qMakePair(key, value)); return q; } static QueryItems make(QString key1, QString value1, QString key2, QString value2) { QueryItems q; q.append(qMakePair(key1, value1)); q.append(qMakePair(key2, value2)); return q; } class TestConcatUrl: public QObject { Q_OBJECT private slots: void testFolder() { QFETCH(QString, base); QFETCH(QString, concat); QFETCH(QueryItems, query); QFETCH(QString, expected); QUrl baseUrl("http://example.com" + base); QUrl resultUrl = Account::concatUrlPath(baseUrl, concat, query); QString result = QString::fromUtf8(resultUrl.toEncoded()); QString expectedFull = "http://example.com" + expected; QCOMPARE(result, expectedFull); } void testFolder_data() { QTest::addColumn("base"); QTest::addColumn("concat"); QTest::addColumn("query"); QTest::addColumn("expected"); // Tests about slashes QTest::newRow("noslash1") << "/baa" << "foo" << make() << "/baa/foo"; QTest::newRow("noslash2") << "" << "foo" << make() << "/foo"; QTest::newRow("noslash3") << "/foo" << "" << make() << "/foo"; QTest::newRow("noslash4") << "" << "" << make() << ""; QTest::newRow("oneslash1") << "/bar/" << "foo" << make() << "/bar/foo"; QTest::newRow("oneslash2") << "/" << "foo" << make() << "/foo"; QTest::newRow("oneslash3") << "/foo" << "/" << make() << "/foo/"; QTest::newRow("oneslash4") << "" << "/" << make() << "/"; QTest::newRow("twoslash1") << "/bar/" << "/foo" << make() << "/bar/foo"; QTest::newRow("twoslash2") << "/" << "/foo" << make() << "/foo"; QTest::newRow("twoslash3") << "/foo/" << "/" << make() << "/foo/"; QTest::newRow("twoslash4") << "/" << "/" << make() << "/"; // Tests about path encoding QTest::newRow("encodepath") << "/a f/b" << "/a f/c" << make() << "/a%20f/b/a%20f/c"; // Tests about query args QTest::newRow("query1") << "/baa" << "/foo" << make("a=a", "b=b", "c", "d") << "/baa/foo?a%3Da=b%3Db&c=d"; QTest::newRow("query2") << "" << "" << make("foo", "bar") << "?foo=bar"; } }; #endif