/* * This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical * support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for * any purpose. * */ #ifndef MIRALL_TESTOWNSQL_H #define MIRALL_TESTOWNSQL_H #include #include #include "mirall/ownsql.h" using namespace Mirall; namespace { const char testdbC[] = "/tmp/testdb.sqlite"; } class TestOwnSql : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private slots: void initTestCase() { QFileInfo fi( testdbC ); if( fi.exists() ) { QFile::remove(testdbC); } fi.refresh(); QVERIFY(!fi.exists()); } void cleanupTestCase() { // QFile::remove(testdbC); } void testOpenDb() { QFileInfo fi( testdbC ); QVERIFY( !fi.exists() ); // must not exist _db.openOrCreateReadWrite(testdbC); fi.refresh(); QVERIFY(fi.exists()); } void testCreate() { const char *sql = "CREATE TABLE addresses ( id INTEGER, name VARCHAR(4096), " "address VARCHAR(4096), entered INTEGER(8), PRIMARY KEY(id));"; SqlQuery q(_db); q.prepare(sql); QVERIFY(q.exec()); } void testIsSelect() { SqlQuery q(_db); q.prepare("SELECT foo FROM bar;"); QVERIFY( q.isSelect() ); q.prepare("UPDATE bla SET foo = 1;"); QVERIFY( !q.isSelect()); } void testInsert() { const char *sql = "INSERT INTO addresses (id, name, address, entered) VALUES " "(1, 'Gonzo Alberto', 'Moriabata 24, Palermo', 1403100844);"; SqlQuery q(_db); q.prepare(sql); QVERIFY(q.exec()); } void testInsert2() { const char *sql = "INSERT INTO addresses (id, name, address, entered) VALUES " "(?1, ?2, ?3, ?4);"; SqlQuery q(_db); q.prepare(sql); q.bindValue(1, 2); q.bindValue(2, "Brucely Lafayette"); q.bindValue(3, "Nurderway5, New York"); q.bindValue(4, 1403101224); QVERIFY(q.exec()); } void testSelect() { const char *sql = "SELECT * FROM addresses;"; SqlQuery q(_db); q.prepare(sql); q.exec(); while( q.next() ) { qDebug() << "Name: " << q.stringValue(1); qDebug() << "Address: " << q.stringValue(2); } } void testSelect2() { const char *sql = "SELECT * FROM addresses WHERE id=?1"; SqlQuery q(_db); q.prepare(sql); q.bindValue(1, 2); q.exec(); if( q.next() ) { qDebug() << "Name:" << q.stringValue(1); qDebug() << "Address:" << q.stringValue(2); } } void testPragma() { const char *sql = "PRAGMA table_info(addresses)"; SqlQuery q(_db); int rc = q.prepare(sql); qDebug() << "Pragma:" << rc; q.exec(); if( q.next() ) { qDebug() << "P:" << q.stringValue(1); } } void testUnicode() { const char *sql = "INSERT INTO addresses (id, name, address, entered) VALUES " "(?1, ?2, ?3, ?4);"; SqlQuery q(_db); q.prepare(sql); q.bindValue(1, 3); q.bindValue(2, QString::fromUtf8("пятницы")); q.bindValue(3, QString::fromUtf8("проспект")); q.bindValue(4, 1403002224); QVERIFY(q.exec()); } void testReadUnicode() { const char *sql = "SELECT * FROM addresses WHERE id=3;"; SqlQuery q(_db); q.prepare(sql); if(q.next()) { QString name = q.stringValue(1); QString address = q.stringValue(2); QVERIFY( name == QString::fromUtf8("пятницы") ); QVERIFY( address == QString::fromUtf8("проспект")); } } private: SqlDatabase _db; }; #endif