# Install the Mac icon container into the Mac Bundle. if( BUILD_OWNCLOUD_OSX_BUNDLE AND NOT BUILD_LIBRARIES_ONLY ) set (ICON_DIR ${OWNCLOUD_OSX_BUNDLE}/Contents/Resources/icons) file(GLOB mac_icons "icns/*icns") install(FILES ${mac_icons} DESTINATION ${ICON_DIR}) endif() if( UNIX AND NOT APPLE ) SET(ICON_DIR ${DATADIR}/icons/hicolor) FOREACH(size 128x128 16x16 256x256 32x32 48x48 64x64 72x72) file(GLOB files "${size}/*.png") FOREACH( file ${files} ) # the GLOB returns a absolute path. Make it relative by replacing the current src dir by nothing STRING(REPLACE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${size}/" "" shortFile ${file}) STRING(REPLACE "oC" ${APPLICATION_NAME} brandedName ${shortFile}) install(FILES ${file} DESTINATION ${ICON_DIR}/${size}/apps RENAME ${brandedName}) ENDFOREACH(file) ENDFOREACH(size) endif()