/* * Copyright (C) by Duncan Mac-Vicar P. * Copyright (C) by Daniel Molkentin * Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "config.h" #include "mirall/account.h" #include "mirall/folder.h" #include "mirall/folderman.h" #include "mirall/logger.h" #include "mirall/mirallconfigfile.h" #include "mirall/networkjobs.h" #include "mirall/syncjournalfilerecord.h" #include "mirall/syncresult.h" #include "mirall/utility.h" #include "mirall/clientproxy.h" #include "mirall/syncengine.h" #include "mirall/syncrunfilelog.h" #include "creds/abstractcredentials.h" extern "C" { enum csync_exclude_type_e { CSYNC_NOT_EXCLUDED = 0, CSYNC_FILE_SILENTLY_EXCLUDED, CSYNC_FILE_EXCLUDE_AND_REMOVE, CSYNC_FILE_EXCLUDE_LIST, CSYNC_FILE_EXCLUDE_INVALID_CHAR }; typedef enum csync_exclude_type_e CSYNC_EXCLUDE_TYPE; CSYNC_EXCLUDE_TYPE csync_excluded(CSYNC *ctx, const char *path, int filetype); } #include #include #include #include #ifndef TOKEN_AUTH_ONLY #include #include #endif namespace Mirall { Folder::Folder(const QString &alias, const QString &path, const QString& secondPath, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , _path(path) , _remotePath(secondPath) , _alias(alias) , _enabled(true) , _csyncError(false) , _csyncUnavail(false) , _wipeDb(false) , _proxyDirty(true) , _journal(path) , _csync_ctx(0) { qsrand(QTime::currentTime().msec()); _timeSinceLastSync.start(); MirallConfigFile cfg; _syncResult.setStatus( SyncResult::NotYetStarted ); // check if the local path exists checkLocalPath(); int polltime = cfg.remotePollInterval(); qDebug() << "setting remote poll timer interval to" << polltime << "msec"; _pollTimer.setInterval( polltime ); QObject::connect(&_pollTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotPollTimerTimeout())); _pollTimer.start(); _syncResult.setFolder(alias); } bool Folder::init() { Account *account = AccountManager::instance()->account(); if (!account) { // Normaly this should not happen, but it could be that there is something // wrong with the config and it is better not to crash. qWarning() << "WRN: No account configured, can't sync"; return false; } QString url = Utility::toCSyncScheme(remoteUrl().toString()); QString localpath = path(); if( csync_create( &_csync_ctx, localpath.toUtf8().data(), url.toUtf8().data() ) < 0 ) { qDebug() << "Unable to create csync-context!"; slotSyncError(tr("Unable to create csync-context")); _csync_ctx = 0; } else { csync_set_log_callback( csyncLogCatcher ); csync_set_log_level( 11 ); MirallConfigFile cfgFile; csync_set_config_dir( _csync_ctx, cfgFile.configPath().toUtf8() ); setIgnoredFiles(); if (Account *account = AccountManager::instance()->account()) { account->credentials()->syncContextPreInit(_csync_ctx); } else { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "No default Account object, huh?"; } if( csync_init( _csync_ctx ) < 0 ) { qDebug() << "Could not initialize csync!" << csync_get_status(_csync_ctx) << csync_get_status_string(_csync_ctx); QString errStr = SyncEngine::csyncErrorToString(CSYNC_STATUS(csync_get_status(_csync_ctx))); const char *errMsg = csync_get_status_string(_csync_ctx); if( errMsg ) { errStr += QLatin1String("
"); errStr += QString::fromUtf8(errMsg); } slotSyncError(errStr); csync_destroy(_csync_ctx); _csync_ctx = 0; } } return _csync_ctx; } Folder::~Folder() { if( _engine ) { _engine->abort(); _engine.reset(0); } // Destroy csync here. csync_destroy(_csync_ctx); } void Folder::checkLocalPath() { QFileInfo fi(_path); if( fi.isDir() && fi.isReadable() ) { qDebug() << "Checked local path ok"; } else { if( !fi.exists() ) { // try to create the local dir QDir d(_path); if( d.mkpath(_path) ) { qDebug() << "Successfully created the local dir " << _path; } } // Check directory again if( !fi.exists() ) { _syncResult.setErrorString(tr("Local folder %1 does not exist.").arg(_path)); _syncResult.setStatus( SyncResult::SetupError ); } else if( !fi.isDir() ) { _syncResult.setErrorString(tr("%1 should be a directory but is not.").arg(_path)); _syncResult.setStatus( SyncResult::SetupError ); } else if( !fi.isReadable() ) { _syncResult.setErrorString(tr("%1 is not readable.").arg(_path)); _syncResult.setStatus( SyncResult::SetupError ); } } } QString Folder::alias() const { return _alias; } QString Folder::path() const { QString p(_path); if( ! p.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')) ) { p.append(QLatin1Char('/')); } return p; } bool Folder::isBusy() const { return !_engine.isNull(); } QString Folder::remotePath() const { return _remotePath; } QUrl Folder::remoteUrl() const { Account *account = AccountManager::instance()->account(); QUrl url = account->davUrl(); QString path = url.path(); if (!path.endsWith('/')) { path.append('/'); } path.append(_remotePath); url.setPath(path); return url; } QString Folder::nativePath() const { return QDir::toNativeSeparators(_path); } bool Folder::syncEnabled() const { return _enabled; } void Folder::setSyncEnabled( bool doit ) { _enabled = doit; if( doit ) { // qDebug() << "Syncing enabled on folder " << name(); } else { // do not stop or start the watcher here, that is done internally by // folder class. Even if the watcher fires, the folder does not // schedule itself because it checks the var. _enabled before. _pollTimer.stop(); setSyncState(SyncResult::Paused); } } void Folder::setSyncState(SyncResult::Status state) { _syncResult.setStatus(state); } SyncResult Folder::syncResult() const { return _syncResult; } void Folder::prepareToSync() { _syncResult.setStatus( SyncResult::NotYetStarted ); _syncResult.clearErrors(); } void Folder::slotPollTimerTimeout() { qDebug() << "* Polling" << alias() << "for changes. (time since last sync:" << (_timeSinceLastSync.elapsed() / 1000) << "s)"; if (quint64(_timeSinceLastSync.elapsed()) > MirallConfigFile().forceSyncInterval() || !(_syncResult.status() == SyncResult::Success ||_syncResult.status() == SyncResult::Problem)) { qDebug() << "** Force Sync now, state is " << _syncResult.statusString(); emit scheduleToSync(alias()); } else { RequestEtagJob* job = new RequestEtagJob(AccountManager::instance()->account(), remotePath(), this); // check if the etag is different QObject::connect(job, SIGNAL(etagRetreived(QString)), this, SLOT(etagRetreived(QString))); QObject::connect(job, SIGNAL(networkError(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(slotNetworkUnavailable())); job->start(); } } void Folder::etagRetreived(const QString& etag) { qDebug() << "* Compare etag with previous etag: " << (_lastEtag != etag); // re-enable sync if it was disabled because network was down FolderMan::instance()->setSyncEnabled(true); if (_lastEtag != etag) { _lastEtag = etag; emit scheduleToSync(alias()); } } void Folder::slotNetworkUnavailable() { Account *account = AccountManager::instance()->account(); if (account && account->state() == Account::Connected) { account->setState(Account::Disconnected); } _syncResult.setStatus(SyncResult::Unavailable); emit syncStateChange(); } void Folder::bubbleUpSyncResult() { // count new, removed and updated items int newItems = 0; int removedItems = 0; int updatedItems = 0; int ignoredItems = 0; int renamedItems = 0; SyncFileItem firstItemNew; SyncFileItem firstItemDeleted; SyncFileItem firstItemUpdated; SyncFileItem firstItemRenamed; Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); SyncRunFileLog syncFileLog; syncFileLog.start(path(), _engine ? _engine->stopWatch() : Utility::StopWatch() ); QElapsedTimer timer; timer.start(); foreach (const SyncFileItem &item, _syncResult.syncFileItemVector() ) { // Log the item syncFileLog.logItem( item ); // and process the item to the gui if( item._status == SyncFileItem::FatalError || item._status == SyncFileItem::NormalError ) { slotSyncError( tr("%1: %2").arg(item._file, item._errorString) ); logger->postOptionalGuiLog(item._file, item._errorString); } else { // add new directories or remove gone away dirs to the watcher if (item._isDirectory && item._instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW ) { FolderMan::instance()->addMonitorPath( alias(), path()+item._file ); } if (item._isDirectory && item._instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE ) { FolderMan::instance()->removeMonitorPath( alias(), path()+item._file ); } if (item._direction == SyncFileItem::Down) { switch (item._instruction) { case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW: newItems++; if (firstItemNew.isEmpty()) firstItemNew = item; break; case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE: removedItems++; if (firstItemDeleted.isEmpty()) firstItemDeleted = item; break; case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_CONFLICT: case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC: updatedItems++; if (firstItemUpdated.isEmpty()) firstItemUpdated = item; break; case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_ERROR: qDebug() << "Got Instruction ERROR. " << _syncResult.errorString(); break; case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_RENAME: if (firstItemRenamed.isEmpty()) { firstItemRenamed = item; } renamedItems++; break; default: // nothing. break; } } else if( item._direction == SyncFileItem::None ) { // ignored files counting. if( item._instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE ) { ignoredItems++; } } } } syncFileLog.close(); qDebug() << "Processing result list and logging took " << timer.elapsed() << " Milliseconds."; _syncResult.setWarnCount(ignoredItems); createGuiLog( firstItemNew._file, FILE_STATUS_NEW, newItems ); createGuiLog( firstItemDeleted._file, FILE_STATUS_REMOVE, removedItems ); createGuiLog( firstItemUpdated._file, FILE_STATUS_UPDATED, updatedItems ); if( !firstItemRenamed.isEmpty() ) { SyncFileStatus status = FILE_STATUS_RENAME; // if the path changes it's rather a move QDir renTarget = QFileInfo(firstItemRenamed._renameTarget).dir(); QDir renSource = QFileInfo(firstItemRenamed._file).dir(); if(renTarget != renSource) { status = FILE_STATUS_MOVE; } createGuiLog( firstItemRenamed._file, status, renamedItems, firstItemRenamed._renameTarget ); } qDebug() << "OO folder slotSyncFinished: result: " << int(_syncResult.status()); } void Folder::createGuiLog( const QString& filename, SyncFileStatus status, int count, const QString& renameTarget ) { if(count > 0) { Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); QString file = QDir::toNativeSeparators(filename); QString text; // not all possible values of status are evaluated here because the others // are not used in the calling function. Please check there. switch (status) { case FILE_STATUS_REMOVE: if( count > 1 ) { text = tr("%1 and %2 other files have been removed.", "%1 names a file.").arg(file).arg(count-1); } else { text = tr("%1 has been removed.", "%1 names a file.").arg(file); } break; case FILE_STATUS_NEW: if( count > 1 ) { text = tr("%1 and %2 other files have been downloaded.", "%1 names a file.").arg(file).arg(count-1); } else { text = tr("%1 has been downloaded.", "%1 names a file.").arg(file); } break; case FILE_STATUS_UPDATED: if( count > 1 ) { text = tr("%1 and %2 other files have been updated.").arg(file).arg(count-1); } else { text = tr("%1 has been updated.", "%1 names a file.").arg(file); } break; case FILE_STATUS_RENAME: if( count > 1 ) { text = tr("%1 has been renamed to %2 and %3 other files have been renamed.").arg(file).arg(renameTarget).arg(count-1); } else { text = tr("%1 has been renamed to %2.", "%1 and %2 name files.").arg(file).arg(renameTarget); } break; case FILE_STATUS_MOVE: if( count > 1 ) { text = tr("%1 has been moved to %2 and %3 other files have been moved.").arg(file).arg(renameTarget).arg(count-1); } else { text = tr("%1 has been moved to %2.").arg(file).arg(renameTarget); } break; default: break; } if( !text.isEmpty() ) { logger->postOptionalGuiLog( tr("Sync Activity"), text ); } } } int Folder::blackListEntryCount() { return _journal.blackListEntryCount(); } int Folder::slotWipeBlacklist() { return _journal.wipeBlacklist(); } void Folder::setConfigFile( const QString& file ) { _configFile = file; } QString Folder::configFile() { return _configFile; } void Folder::slotThreadTreeWalkResult(const SyncFileItemVector& items) { _syncResult.setSyncFileItemVector(items); } void Folder::slotTerminateSync() { qDebug() << "folder " << alias() << " Terminating!"; if( _engine ) { _engine->abort(); // Do not display an error message, user knows his own actions. // _errors.append( tr("The CSync thread terminated.") ); // _csyncError = true; setSyncEnabled(false); setSyncState(SyncResult::SyncAbortRequested); return; } } // This removes the csync File database // This is needed to provide a clean startup again in case another // local folder is synced to the same ownCloud. void Folder::wipe() { QString stateDbFile = path()+QLatin1String(".csync_journal.db"); _journal.close(); // close the sync journal QFile file(stateDbFile); if( file.exists() ) { if( !file.remove()) { qDebug() << "WRN: Failed to remove existing csync StateDB " << stateDbFile; } else { qDebug() << "wipe: Removed csync StateDB " << stateDbFile; } } else { qDebug() << "WRN: statedb is empty, can not remove."; } // Check if the tmp database file also exists QString ctmpName = path() + QLatin1String(".csync_journal.db.ctmp"); QFile ctmpFile( ctmpName ); if( ctmpFile.exists() ) { ctmpFile.remove(); } } void Folder::setIgnoredFiles() { MirallConfigFile cfgFile; csync_clear_exclude_list( _csync_ctx ); QString excludeList = cfgFile.excludeFile( MirallConfigFile::SystemScope ); if( !excludeList.isEmpty() ) { qDebug() << "==== added system ignore list to csync:" << excludeList.toUtf8(); csync_add_exclude_list( _csync_ctx, excludeList.toUtf8() ); } excludeList = cfgFile.excludeFile( MirallConfigFile::UserScope ); if( !excludeList.isEmpty() ) { qDebug() << "==== added user defined ignore list to csync:" << excludeList.toUtf8(); csync_add_exclude_list( _csync_ctx, excludeList.toUtf8() ); } } void Folder::setProxyDirty(bool value) { _proxyDirty = value; } bool Folder::proxyDirty() { return _proxyDirty; } void Folder::startSync(const QStringList &pathList) { Q_UNUSED(pathList) if (!_csync_ctx) { // no _csync_ctx yet, initialize it. init(); if (!_csync_ctx) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "init failed."; // the error should already be set QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "slotCSyncFinished", Qt::QueuedConnection); return; } _clientProxy.setCSyncProxy(AccountManager::instance()->account()->url(), _csync_ctx); } else if (proxyDirty()) { _clientProxy.setCSyncProxy(AccountManager::instance()->account()->url(), _csync_ctx); setProxyDirty(false); } if (isBusy()) { qCritical() << "* ERROR csync is still running and new sync requested."; return; } _errors.clear(); _csyncError = false; _csyncUnavail = false; _syncResult.clearErrors(); _syncResult.setStatus( SyncResult::SyncPrepare ); emit syncStateChange(); qDebug() << "*** Start syncing"; setIgnoredFiles(); _engine.reset(new SyncEngine( _csync_ctx, path(), remoteUrl().path(), _remotePath, &_journal)); qRegisterMetaType("SyncFileItemVector"); qRegisterMetaType("SyncFileItem::Direction"); connect( _engine.data(), SIGNAL(treeWalkResult(const SyncFileItemVector&)), this, SLOT(slotThreadTreeWalkResult(const SyncFileItemVector&)), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(_engine.data(), SIGNAL(started()), SLOT(slotSyncStarted()), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(_engine.data(), SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(slotSyncFinished()), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(_engine.data(), SIGNAL(csyncError(QString)), SLOT(slotSyncError(QString)), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(_engine.data(), SIGNAL(csyncUnavailable()), SLOT(slotCsyncUnavailable()), Qt::QueuedConnection); //direct connection so the message box is blocking the sync. connect(_engine.data(), SIGNAL(aboutToRemoveAllFiles(SyncFileItem::Direction,bool*)), SLOT(slotAboutToRemoveAllFiles(SyncFileItem::Direction,bool*))); connect(_engine.data(), SIGNAL(transmissionProgress(Progress::Info)), this, SLOT(slotTransmissionProgress(Progress::Info))); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_engine.data(), "startSync", Qt::QueuedConnection); // disable events until syncing is done // _watcher->setEventsEnabled(false); _pollTimer.stop(); emit syncStarted(); } void Folder::setDirtyNetworkLimits() { if (_engine) { _engine->setNetworkLimits(); } } void Folder::slotSyncError(const QString& err) { _errors.append( err ); _csyncError = true; } void Folder::slotSyncStarted() { qDebug() << " * csync thread started"; _syncResult.setStatus(SyncResult::SyncRunning); emit syncStateChange(); } void Folder::slotCsyncUnavailable() { _csyncUnavail = true; } void Folder::slotSyncFinished() { qDebug() << "-> CSync Finished slot with error " << _csyncError << "warn count" << _syncResult.warnCount(); bubbleUpSyncResult(); _engine.reset(0); // _watcher->setEventsEnabledDelayed(2000); _pollTimer.start(); _timeSinceLastSync.restart(); if (_csyncError) { _syncResult.setStatus(SyncResult::Error); qDebug() << " ** error Strings: " << _errors; _syncResult.setErrorStrings( _errors ); qDebug() << " * owncloud csync thread finished with error"; } else if (_csyncUnavail) { _syncResult.setStatus(SyncResult::Unavailable); } else if( _syncResult.warnCount() > 0 ) { // there have been warnings on the way. _syncResult.setStatus(SyncResult::Problem); } else { _syncResult.setStatus(SyncResult::Success); } emit syncStateChange(); // The syncFinished result that is to be triggered here makes the folderman // clearing the current running sync folder marker. // Lets wait a bit to do that because, as long as this marker is not cleared, // file system change notifications are ignored for that folder. And it takes // some time under certain conditions to make the file system notifications // all come in. QTimer::singleShot(200, this, SLOT(slotEmitFinishedDelayed() )); } void Folder::slotEmitFinishedDelayed() { emit syncFinished( _syncResult ); } // the progress comes without a folder and the valid path set. Add that here // and hand the result over to the progress dispatcher. void Folder::slotTransmissionProgress(const Progress::Info &pi) { if (!pi._lastCompletedItem.isEmpty() && Progress::isWarningKind(pi._lastCompletedItem._status)) { // Count all error conditions. _syncResult.setWarnCount(_syncResult.warnCount()+1); } // remember problems happening to set the correct Sync status in slot slotCSyncFinished. if( pi._completedFileCount ) { _syncResult.setWarnCount(0); } ProgressDispatcher::instance()->setProgressInfo(alias(), pi); } void Folder::slotAboutToRemoveAllFiles(SyncFileItem::Direction direction, bool *cancel) { #ifndef TOKEN_AUTH_ONLY QString msg = direction == SyncFileItem::Down ? tr("This sync would remove all the files in the local sync folder '%1'.\n" "If you or your administrator have reset your account on the server, choose " "\"Keep files\". If you want your data to be removed, choose \"Remove all files\".") : tr("This sync would remove all the files in the sync folder '%1'.\n" "This might be because the folder was silently reconfigured, or that all " "the file were manually removed.\n" "Are you sure you want to perform this operation?"); QMessageBox msgBox(QMessageBox::Warning, tr("Remove All Files?"), msg.arg(alias())); msgBox.addButton(tr("Remove all files"), QMessageBox::DestructiveRole); QPushButton* keepBtn = msgBox.addButton(tr("Keep files"), QMessageBox::ActionRole); if (msgBox.exec() == -1) { *cancel = true; return; } *cancel = msgBox.clickedButton() == keepBtn; if (*cancel) { wipe(); // speed up next sync _lastEtag = QString(); QTimer::singleShot(50, this, SLOT(slotPollTimerTimeout())); } #endif } SyncFileStatus Folder::fileStatus( const QString& fileName ) { /* STATUS_NONE, + STATUS_EVAL, STATUS_REMOVE, (invalid for this case because it asks for local files) STATUS_RENAME, + STATUS_NEW, STATUS_CONFLICT,(probably also invalid as we know the conflict only with server involvement) + STATUS_IGNORE, + STATUS_SYNC, + STATUS_STAT_ERROR, STATUS_ERROR, STATUS_UPDATED */ // FIXME: Find a way for STATUS_ERROR SyncFileStatus stat = FILE_STATUS_NONE; QString file = path() + fileName; QFileInfo fi(file); if( !fi.exists() ) { stat = FILE_STATUS_STAT_ERROR; // not really possible. } // file is ignored? if( fi.isSymLink() ) { stat = FILE_STATUS_IGNORE; } int type = CSYNC_FTW_TYPE_FILE; if( fi.isDir() ) { type = CSYNC_FTW_TYPE_DIR; } if( stat == FILE_STATUS_NONE ) { CSYNC_EXCLUDE_TYPE excl = csync_excluded(_csync_ctx, file.toUtf8(), type); if( excl != CSYNC_NOT_EXCLUDED ) { stat = FILE_STATUS_IGNORE; } } SyncJournalFileRecord rec = _journal.getFileRecord(fileName); if( stat == FILE_STATUS_NONE && !rec.isValid() ) { stat = FILE_STATUS_NEW; } // file was locally modified. if( stat == FILE_STATUS_NONE && fi.lastModified() != rec._modtime ) { stat = FILE_STATUS_EVAL; } if( stat == FILE_STATUS_NONE ) { stat = FILE_STATUS_SYNC; } return stat; } } // namespace Mirall