/* * Copyright (C) by Daniel Molkentin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "accountsettings.h" #include "ui_accountsettings.h" #include "mirall/theme.h" #include "mirall/folderman.h" #include "mirall/folderwizard.h" #include "mirall/folderstatusmodel.h" #include "mirall/utility.h" #include "mirall/application.h" #include "mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.h" #include "mirall/mirallconfigfile.h" #include "mirall/ignorelisteditor.h" #include "mirall/account.h" #include "mirall/quotainfo.h" #include "creds/abstractcredentials.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mirall/account.h" namespace Mirall { static const char progressBarStyleC[] = "QProgressBar {" "border: 1px solid grey;" "border-radius: 5px;" "text-align: center;" "}" "QProgressBar::chunk {" "background-color: %1; width: 1px;" "}"; AccountSettings::AccountSettings(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::AccountSettings), _wasDisabledBefore(false), _account(AccountManager::instance()->account()) { ui->setupUi(this); _model = new FolderStatusModel; _model->setParent(this); FolderStatusDelegate *delegate = new FolderStatusDelegate; delegate->setParent(this); ui->_folderList->setItemDelegate( delegate ); ui->_folderList->setModel( _model ); #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) ui->_folderList->setMinimumWidth( 400 ); #else ui->_folderList->setMinimumWidth( 300 ); #endif ui->_folderList->setEditTriggers( QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers ); ui->_buttonRemove->setEnabled(false); ui->_buttonEnable->setEnabled(false); ui->_buttonAdd->setEnabled(true); QAction *resetFolderAction = new QAction(this); resetFolderAction->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F5)); connect(resetFolderAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(slotResetCurrentFolder())); addAction(resetFolderAction); QAction *syncNowAction = new QAction(this); syncNowAction->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F6)); connect(syncNowAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(slotSyncCurrentFolderNow())); addAction(syncNowAction); connect(ui->_buttonRemove, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotRemoveCurrentFolder())); connect(ui->_buttonEnable, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotEnableCurrentFolder())); connect(ui->_buttonAdd, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotAddFolder())); connect(ui->modifyAccountButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotOpenAccountWizard())); connect(ui->ignoredFilesButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotIgnoreFilesEditor()));; connect(ui->_folderList, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), SLOT(slotFolderActivated(QModelIndex))); connect(ui->_folderList, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QModelIndex)),SLOT(slotDoubleClicked(QModelIndex))); QColor color = palette().highlight().color(); ui->quotaProgressBar->setStyleSheet(QString::fromLatin1(progressBarStyleC).arg(color.name())); ui->connectLabel->setWordWrap(true); ui->connectLabel->setOpenExternalLinks(true); ui->quotaLabel->setWordWrap(true); ui->connectLabel->setText(tr("No account configured.")); ui->_buttonAdd->setEnabled(false); connect(AccountManager::instance(), SIGNAL(accountChanged(Account*,Account*)), this, SLOT(slotAccountChanged(Account*,Account*))); slotAccountChanged(AccountManager::instance()->account(), 0); connect(FolderMan::instance(), SIGNAL(folderListLoaded(Folder::Map)), this, SLOT(setFolderList(Folder::Map))); setFolderList(FolderMan::instance()->map()); } void AccountSettings::slotAccountChanged(Account *newAccount, Account *oldAccount) { if (oldAccount) { disconnect(oldAccount, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotAccountStateChanged(int))); disconnect(oldAccount->quotaInfo(), SIGNAL(quotaUpdated(qint64,qint64)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateQuota(qint64,qint64))); } _account = newAccount; if (_account) { connect(_account, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(slotAccountStateChanged(int))); slotAccountStateChanged(_account->state()); QuotaInfo *quotaInfo = _account->quotaInfo(); connect( quotaInfo, SIGNAL(quotaUpdated(qint64,qint64)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateQuota(qint64,qint64))); slotUpdateQuota(quotaInfo->lastQuotaTotalBytes(), quotaInfo->lastQuotaUsedBytes()); } } void AccountSettings::slotFolderActivated( const QModelIndex& indx ) { bool isValid = indx.isValid(); bool haveFolders = ui->_folderList->model()->rowCount() > 0; ui->_buttonRemove->setEnabled(isValid); if( Theme::instance()->singleSyncFolder() ) { // only one folder synced folder allowed. ui->_buttonAdd->setVisible(!haveFolders); } else { ui->_buttonAdd->setVisible(true); } ui->_buttonAdd->setEnabled(_account && _account->state() == Account::Connected); ui->_buttonEnable->setEnabled( isValid ); if ( isValid ) { bool folderEnabled = _model->data( indx, FolderStatusDelegate::FolderSyncEnabled).toBool(); if ( folderEnabled ) { ui->_buttonEnable->setText( tr( "Pause" ) ); } else { ui->_buttonEnable->setText( tr( "Resume" ) ); } ui->_buttonEnable->setEnabled( _account && _account->state() == Account::Connected); } } void AccountSettings::slotAddFolder() { FolderMan *folderMan = FolderMan::instance(); folderMan->setSyncEnabled(false); // do not start more syncs. FolderWizard *folderWizard = new FolderWizard(this); Folder::Map folderMap = folderMan->map(); folderWizard->setFolderMap( folderMap ); connect(folderWizard, SIGNAL(accepted()), SLOT(slotFolderWizardAccepted())); connect(folderWizard, SIGNAL(rejected()), SLOT(slotFolderWizardRejected())); folderWizard->open(); } void AccountSettings::slotFolderWizardAccepted() { FolderWizard *folderWizard = qobject_cast(sender()); FolderMan *folderMan = FolderMan::instance(); qDebug() << "* Folder wizard completed"; QString alias = folderWizard->field(QLatin1String("alias")).toString(); QString sourceFolder = folderWizard->field(QLatin1String("sourceFolder")).toString(); QString targetPath = folderWizard->property("targetPath").toString(); if (!FolderMan::ensureJournalGone( sourceFolder )) return; folderMan->addFolderDefinition(alias, sourceFolder, targetPath ); Folder *f = folderMan->setupFolderFromConfigFile( alias ); slotAddFolder( f ); folderMan->setSyncEnabled(true); if( f ) { folderMan->slotScheduleAllFolders(); emit folderChanged(); } slotButtonsSetEnabled(); } void AccountSettings::slotFolderWizardRejected() { qDebug() << "* Folder wizard cancelled"; FolderMan *folderMan = FolderMan::instance(); folderMan->setSyncEnabled(true); folderMan->slotScheduleAllFolders(); } void AccountSettings::slotOpenAccountWizard() { this->topLevelWidget()->close(); OwncloudSetupWizard::runWizard(qApp, SLOT(slotownCloudWizardDone(int)), 0); } void AccountSettings::slotAddFolder( Folder *folder ) { if( ! folder || folder->alias().isEmpty() ) return; QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(); folderToModelItem( item, folder ); _model->appendRow( item ); // in order to update the enabled state of the "Sync now" button connect(folder, SIGNAL(syncStateChange()), this, SLOT(slotFolderSyncStateChange()), Qt::UniqueConnection); } void AccountSettings::slotButtonsSetEnabled() { QModelIndex selected = ui->_folderList->currentIndex(); slotFolderActivated(selected); } void AccountSettings::setGeneralErrors( const QStringList& errors ) { _generalErrors = errors; if (_account) { // this will update the message slotAccountStateChanged(_account->state()); } } void AccountSettings::folderToModelItem( QStandardItem *item, Folder *f ) { if( ! item || !f ) return; item->setData( f->nativePath(), FolderStatusDelegate::FolderPathRole ); item->setData( f->remotePath(), FolderStatusDelegate::FolderSecondPathRole ); item->setData( f->alias(), FolderStatusDelegate::FolderAliasRole ); item->setData( f->syncEnabled(), FolderStatusDelegate::FolderSyncEnabled ); SyncResult res = f->syncResult(); SyncResult::Status status = res.status(); QStringList errorList = res.errorStrings(); Theme *theme = Theme::instance(); item->setData( theme->statusHeaderText( status ), Qt::ToolTipRole ); if( f->syncEnabled() ) { if( status == SyncResult::SyncPrepare ) { if( _wasDisabledBefore ) { // if the folder was disabled before, set the sync icon item->setData( theme->syncStateIcon( SyncResult::SyncRunning), FolderStatusDelegate::FolderStatusIconRole ); } // we keep the previous icon for the SyncPrepare state. } else if( status == SyncResult::Undefined ) { // startup, the sync was never done. qDebug() << "XXX FIRST time sync, setting icon to sync running!"; item->setData( theme->syncStateIcon( SyncResult::SyncRunning), FolderStatusDelegate::FolderStatusIconRole ); } else { // kepp the previous icon for the prepare phase. if( status == SyncResult::Problem) { item->setData( theme->syncStateIcon( SyncResult::Success), FolderStatusDelegate::FolderStatusIconRole ); } else { item->setData( theme->syncStateIcon( status ), FolderStatusDelegate::FolderStatusIconRole ); } } } else { item->setData( theme->folderDisabledIcon( ), FolderStatusDelegate::FolderStatusIconRole ); // size 48 before _wasDisabledBefore = false; } item->setData( theme->statusHeaderText( status ), FolderStatusDelegate::FolderStatus ); if( errorList.isEmpty() ) { if( (status == SyncResult::Error || status == SyncResult::SetupError || status == SyncResult::SyncAbortRequested || status == SyncResult::Unavailable)) { errorList << theme->statusHeaderText(status); } } item->setData( errorList, FolderStatusDelegate::FolderErrorMsg); bool ongoing = false; item->setData( QVariant(res.warnCount()), FolderStatusDelegate::WarningCount ); if( status == SyncResult::SyncRunning ) { ongoing = true; } item->setData( ongoing, FolderStatusDelegate::SyncRunning); } void AccountSettings::slotRemoveCurrentFolder() { QModelIndex selected = ui->_folderList->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); if( selected.isValid() ) { int row = selected.row(); QString alias = _model->data( selected, FolderStatusDelegate::FolderAliasRole ).toString(); qDebug() << "Remove Folder alias " << alias; if( !alias.isEmpty() ) { // remove from file system through folder man // _model->removeRow( selected.row() ); int ret = QMessageBox::question( this, tr("Confirm Folder Remove"), tr("

Do you really want to stop syncing the folder %1?

" "

Note: This will not remove the files from your client.

").arg(alias), QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No ); if( ret == QMessageBox::No ) { return; } /* Remove the selected item from the timer hash. */ QStandardItem *item = NULL; if( selected.isValid() ) item = _model->itemFromIndex(selected); if( selected.isValid() && item && _hideProgressTimers.contains(item) ) { QTimer *t = _hideProgressTimers[item]; t->stop(); _hideProgressTimers.remove(item); delete(t); } FolderMan *folderMan = FolderMan::instance(); folderMan->slotRemoveFolder( alias ); _model->removeRow(row); // single folder fix to show add-button and hide remove-button slotButtonsSetEnabled(); emit folderChanged(); } } } void AccountSettings::slotResetCurrentFolder() { QModelIndex selected = ui->_folderList->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); if( selected.isValid() ) { QString alias = _model->data( selected, FolderStatusDelegate::FolderAliasRole ).toString(); int ret = QMessageBox::question( 0, tr("Confirm Folder Reset"), tr("

Do you really want to reset folder %1 and rebuild your client database?

" "

Note: This function is designed for maintenance purposes only. " "No files will be removed, but this can cause significant data traffic and " "take several minutes or hours to complete, depending on the size of the folder. " "Only use this option if advised by your administrator.

").arg(alias), QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No ); if( ret == QMessageBox::Yes ) { FolderMan *folderMan = FolderMan::instance(); Folder *f = folderMan->folder(alias); f->slotTerminateSync(); f->wipe(); folderMan->slotScheduleAllFolders(); } } } void AccountSettings::slotDoubleClicked( const QModelIndex& indx ) { if( ! indx.isValid() ) return; QString alias = _model->data( indx, FolderStatusDelegate::FolderAliasRole ).toString(); emit openFolderAlias( alias ); } void AccountSettings::showConnectionLabel( const QString& message, const QString& tooltip ) { const QString errStyle = QLatin1String("color:#ffffff; background-color:#bb4d4d;padding:5px;" "border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #aaaaaa;" "border-radius:5px;"); if( _generalErrors.isEmpty() ) { ui->connectLabel->setText( message ); ui->connectLabel->setToolTip(tooltip); ui->connectLabel->setStyleSheet(QString()); } else { const QString msg = _generalErrors.join(QLatin1String("\n")); ui->connectLabel->setText( msg ); ui->connectLabel->setToolTip(QString()); ui->connectLabel->setStyleSheet(errStyle); } } void AccountSettings::setFolderList( const Folder::Map &folders ) { _model->clear(); foreach(QTimer *t, _hideProgressTimers) { t->stop(); delete t; } _hideProgressTimers.clear(); foreach( Folder *f, folders ) { slotAddFolder( f ); } QModelIndex idx = _model->index(0, 0); if (idx.isValid()) { ui->_folderList->setCurrentIndex(idx); } slotButtonsSetEnabled(); } // move from Application void AccountSettings::slotFolderOpenAction( const QString& alias ) { Folder *f = FolderMan::instance()->folder(alias); qDebug() << "opening local url " << f->path(); if( f ) { QUrl url(f->path(), QUrl::TolerantMode); url.setScheme( QLatin1String("file") ); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // work around a bug in QDesktopServices on Win32, see i-net QString filePath = f->path(); if (filePath.startsWith(QLatin1String("\\\\")) || filePath.startsWith(QLatin1String("//"))) url.setUrl(QDir::toNativeSeparators(filePath)); else url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(filePath); #endif QDesktopServices::openUrl(url); } } void AccountSettings::slotEnableCurrentFolder() { QModelIndex selected = ui->_folderList->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); if( selected.isValid() ) { QString alias = _model->data( selected, FolderStatusDelegate::FolderAliasRole ).toString(); bool folderEnabled = _model->data( selected, FolderStatusDelegate::FolderSyncEnabled).toBool(); qDebug() << "Toggle enabled/disabled Folder alias " << alias << " - current state: " << folderEnabled; if( !alias.isEmpty() ) { FolderMan *folderMan = FolderMan::instance(); qDebug() << "Application: enable folder with alias " << alias; bool terminate = false; // this sets the folder status to disabled but does not interrupt it. Folder *f = folderMan->folder( alias ); if( f && folderEnabled ) { // check if a sync is still running and if so, ask if we should terminate. if( f->isBusy() ) { // its still running #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) QWidget *parent = this; Qt::WindowFlags flags = Qt::Sheet; #else QWidget *parent = 0; Qt::WindowFlags flags = Qt::Dialog | Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint; // default flags #endif QMessageBox msgbox(QMessageBox::Question, tr("Sync Running"), tr("The syncing operation is running.
Do you want to terminate it?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, parent, flags); msgbox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Yes); int reply = msgbox.exec(); if ( reply == QMessageBox::Yes ) terminate = true; else return; // do nothing } } // message box can return at any time while the thread keeps running, // so better check again after the user has responded. if ( f->isBusy() && terminate ) { f->slotTerminateSync(); } folderMan->slotEnableFolder( alias, !folderEnabled ); // keep state for the icon setting. if( !folderEnabled ) _wasDisabledBefore = true; slotUpdateFolderState (f); // set the button text accordingly. slotFolderActivated( selected ); } } } void AccountSettings::slotSyncCurrentFolderNow() { QModelIndex selected = ui->_folderList->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); if( !selected.isValid() ) return; QString alias = _model->data( selected, FolderStatusDelegate::FolderAliasRole ).toString(); FolderMan *folderMan = FolderMan::instance(); folderMan->slotScheduleSync(alias); } void AccountSettings::slotUpdateFolderState( Folder *folder ) { QStandardItem *item = 0; int row = 0; if( ! folder ) return; item = _model->item( row ); while( item ) { if( item->data( FolderStatusDelegate::FolderAliasRole ) == folder->alias() ) { // its the item to update! break; } item = _model->item( ++row ); } if( item ) { folderToModelItem( item, folder ); } else { // the dialog is not visible. } } void AccountSettings::slotOpenOC() { if( _OCUrl.isValid() ) QDesktopServices::openUrl( _OCUrl ); } QStandardItem* AccountSettings::itemForFolder(const QString& folder) { QStandardItem *item = NULL; if( folder.isEmpty() ) { return item; } int row = 0; item = _model->item( row ); while( item ) { if( item->data( FolderStatusDelegate::FolderAliasRole ) == folder ) { // its the item to update! break; } item = _model->item( ++row ); } return item; } QString AccountSettings::shortenFilename( const QString& folder, const QString& file ) const { // strip off the server prefix from the file name QString shortFile(file); if( shortFile.isEmpty() ) { return QString::null; } if(shortFile.startsWith(QLatin1String("ownclouds://")) || shortFile.startsWith(QLatin1String("owncloud://")) ) { // rip off the whole ownCloud URL. Folder *f = FolderMan::instance()->folder(folder); if( f ) { QString remotePathUrl = f->remoteUrl().toString(); shortFile.remove(Utility::toCSyncScheme(remotePathUrl)); } } return shortFile; } void AccountSettings::slotSetProgress(const QString& folder, const Progress::Info &progress ) { QStandardItem *item = itemForFolder( folder ); if( !item ) return; if(!progress._lastCompletedItem.isEmpty() && Progress::isWarningKind(progress._lastCompletedItem._status)) { int warnCount = item->data(FolderStatusDelegate::WarningCount).toInt(); warnCount++; item->setData( QVariant(warnCount), FolderStatusDelegate::WarningCount ); } // find the single item to display: This is going to be the bigger item, or the last completed // item if no items are in progress. SyncFileItem curItem = progress._lastCompletedItem; qint64 curItemProgress = -1; // -1 means finished quint64 biggerItemSize = -1; foreach(const Progress::Info::ProgressItem &citm, progress._currentItems) { if (curItemProgress == -1 || (Progress::isSizeDependent(citm._item._instruction) && biggerItemSize < citm._item._size)) { curItemProgress = citm._completedSize; curItem = citm._item; biggerItemSize = citm._item._size; } } if (curItemProgress == -1) { curItemProgress = curItem._size; } QString itemFileName = shortenFilename(folder, curItem._file); QString kindString = Progress::asActionString(curItem); // switch on extra space. item->setData( QVariant(true), FolderStatusDelegate::AddProgressSpace ); QString fileProgressString; if (Progress::isSizeDependent(curItem._instruction)) { QString s1 = Utility::octetsToString( curItemProgress ); QString s2 = Utility::octetsToString( curItem._size ); //: Example text: "uploading foobar.png (1MB of 2MB)" fileProgressString = tr("%1 %2 (%3 of %4)").arg(kindString, itemFileName, s1, s2); } else { //: Example text: "uploading foobar.png" fileProgressString = tr("%1 %2").arg(kindString, itemFileName); } item->setData( fileProgressString,FolderStatusDelegate::SyncProgressItemString); // overall progress quint64 completedSize = progress.completedSize(); quint64 currentFile = progress._completedFileCount + progress._currentItems.count(); QString s1 = Utility::octetsToString( completedSize ); QString s2 = Utility::octetsToString( progress._totalSize ); QString overallSyncString = tr("%1 of %2, file %3 of %4").arg(s1, s2) .arg(currentFile).arg(progress._totalFileCount); item->setData( overallSyncString, FolderStatusDelegate::SyncProgressOverallString ); int overallPercent = 0; if( progress._totalFileCount > 0 ) { // Add one 'byte' for each files so the percentage is moving when deleting or renaming files overallPercent = qRound(double(completedSize + progress._completedFileCount)/double(progress._totalSize + progress._totalFileCount) * 100.0); } item->setData( overallPercent, FolderStatusDelegate::SyncProgressOverallPercent); } void AccountSettings::slotHideProgress() { QTimer *send_timer = qobject_cast(this->sender()); QHash::const_iterator i = _hideProgressTimers.constBegin(); while (i != _hideProgressTimers.constEnd()) { if( i.value() == send_timer ) { QStandardItem *item = i.key(); /* Check if this item is still existing */ bool ok = false; for( int r = 0; !ok && r < _model->rowCount(); r++) { if( item == _model->item(r,0) ) { ok = true; } } if( ok ) { item->setData( false, FolderStatusDelegate::AddProgressSpace ); item->setData( QString(), FolderStatusDelegate::SyncProgressOverallString ); item->setData( QString(), FolderStatusDelegate::SyncProgressItemString ); item->setData( 0, FolderStatusDelegate::SyncProgressOverallPercent ); } _hideProgressTimers.remove(item); break; } ++i; } send_timer->deleteLater(); } void AccountSettings::slotFolderSyncStateChange() { slotButtonsSetEnabled(); Folder* folder = qobject_cast(sender()); if (!folder) return; QStandardItem *item = itemForFolder( folder->alias() ); if( !item ) return; SyncResult::Status state = folder->syncResult().status(); if (state == SyncResult::SyncPrepare) { item->setData( QVariant(0), FolderStatusDelegate::WarningCount ); } else if (state == SyncResult::Success || state == SyncResult::Problem) { // start a timer to stop the progress display QTimer *timer; if( _hideProgressTimers.contains(item) ) { timer = _hideProgressTimers[item]; // there is already one timer running. } else { timer = new QTimer(this); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotHideProgress())); timer->setSingleShot(true); _hideProgressTimers.insert(item, timer); } timer->start(5000); } } void AccountSettings::slotUpdateQuota(qint64 total, qint64 used) { if( total > 0 ) { ui->quotaProgressBar->setVisible(true); ui->quotaInfoLabel->setVisible(true); ui->quotaProgressBar->setEnabled(true); // workaround the label only accepting ints (which may be only 32 bit wide) ui->quotaProgressBar->setMaximum(100); int qVal = qRound(used/(double)total * 100); if( qVal > 100 ) qVal = 100; ui->quotaProgressBar->setValue(qVal); QString usedStr = Utility::octetsToString(used); QString totalStr = Utility::octetsToString(total); double percent = used/(double)total*100; QString percentStr = Utility::compactFormatDouble(percent, 1); ui->quotaLabel->setText(tr("%1 (%3%) of %2 server space in use.").arg(usedStr, totalStr, percentStr)); } else { ui->quotaProgressBar->setVisible(false); ui->quotaInfoLabel->setVisible(false); ui->quotaLabel->setText(tr("Currently there is no storage usage information available.")); } } void AccountSettings::slotIgnoreFilesEditor() { if (_ignoreEditor.isNull()) { _ignoreEditor = new IgnoreListEditor(this); _ignoreEditor->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true ); _ignoreEditor->open(); } else { Utility::raiseDialog(_ignoreEditor); } } void AccountSettings::slotAccountStateChanged(int state) { if (_account) { ui->sslButton->updateAccountInfo(_account); QUrl safeUrl(_account->url()); safeUrl.setPassword(QString()); // Remove the password from the URL to avoid showing it in the UI slotButtonsSetEnabled(); if (state == Account::Connected) { QString user; if (AbstractCredentials *cred = _account->credentials()) { user = cred->user(); } if (user.isEmpty()) { showConnectionLabel( tr("Connected to %2.").arg(_account->url().toString(), safeUrl.toString()) /*, tr("Version: %1 (%2)").arg(versionStr).arg(version) */ ); } else { showConnectionLabel( tr("Connected to %2 as %3.").arg(_account->url().toString(), safeUrl.toString(), user) /*, tr("Version: %1 (%2)").arg(versionStr).arg(version) */ ); } } else { showConnectionLabel( tr("No connection to %1 at %3.") .arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI(), _account->url().toString(), safeUrl.toString()) ); } } else { // ownCloud is not yet configured. showConnectionLabel( tr("No %1 connection configured.").arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()) ); ui->_buttonAdd->setEnabled( false); } } AccountSettings::~AccountSettings() { delete ui; } } // namespace Mirall