/* * This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical * support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for * any purpose. * */ #include #include "syncfileitem.h" using namespace OCC; class TestSyncFileItem : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private slots: void initTestCase() { } void cleanupTestCase() { } SyncFileItem createItem( const QString& file ) { SyncFileItem i; i._file = file; return i; } void testComparator_data() { QTest::addColumn("a"); QTest::addColumn("b"); QTest::addColumn("c"); QTest::newRow("a1") << createItem("client") << createItem("client/build") << createItem("client-build") ; QTest::newRow("a2") << createItem("test/t1") << createItem("test/t2") << createItem("test/t3") ; QTest::newRow("a3") << createItem("ABCD") << createItem("abcd") << createItem("zzzz"); SyncFileItem movedItem1; movedItem1._file = "folder/source/file.f"; movedItem1._renameTarget = "folder/destination/file.f"; movedItem1._instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_RENAME; QTest::newRow("move1") << createItem("folder/destination") << movedItem1 << createItem("folder/destination-2"); QTest::newRow("move2") << createItem("folder/destination/1") << movedItem1 << createItem("folder/source"); QTest::newRow("move3") << createItem("abc") << movedItem1 << createItem("ijk"); } void testComparator() { QFETCH( SyncFileItem , a ); QFETCH( SyncFileItem , b ); QFETCH( SyncFileItem , c ); QVERIFY(a < b); QVERIFY(b < c); QVERIFY(a < c); QVERIFY(!(b < a)); QVERIFY(!(c < b)); QVERIFY(!(c < a)); QVERIFY(!(a < a)); QVERIFY(!(b < b)); QVERIFY(!(c < c)); } }; QTEST_MAIN(TestSyncFileItem) #include "testsyncfileitem.moc"