/* * This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical * support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for * any purpose. * */ #include #include "syncenginetestutils.h" #include #include using namespace OCC; static constexpr qint64 stopAfter = 3'123'668; /* A FakeGetReply that sends max 'fakeSize' bytes, but whose ContentLength has the correct size */ class BrokenFakeGetReply : public FakeGetReply { Q_OBJECT public: using FakeGetReply::FakeGetReply; int fakeSize = stopAfter; [[nodiscard]] qint64 bytesAvailable() const override { if (aborted) return 0; return std::min(size, fakeSize) + QIODevice::bytesAvailable(); // NOLINT: This is intended to simulate the brokenness } qint64 readData(char *data, qint64 maxlen) override { qint64 len = std::min(qint64{ fakeSize }, maxlen); std::fill_n(data, len, payload); size -= len; fakeSize -= len; return len; } }; SyncFileItemPtr getItem(const QSignalSpy &spy, const QString &path) { for (const QList &args : spy) { auto item = args[0].value(); if (item->destination() == path) return item; } return {}; } class TestDownload : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private slots: void testResume() { FakeFolder fakeFolder{ FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12() }; fakeFolder.syncEngine().setIgnoreHiddenFiles(true); QSignalSpy completeSpy(&fakeFolder.syncEngine(), &OCC::SyncEngine::itemCompleted); auto size = 30 * 1000 * 1000; fakeFolder.remoteModifier().insert("A/a0", size); // First, download only the first 3 MB of the file fakeFolder.setServerOverride([&](QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice *) -> QNetworkReply * { if (op == QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation && request.url().path().endsWith("A/a0")) { return new BrokenFakeGetReply(fakeFolder.remoteModifier(), op, request, this); } return nullptr; }); QVERIFY(!fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // The sync must fail because not all the file was downloaded QCOMPARE(getItem(completeSpy, "A/a0")->_status, SyncFileItem::SoftError); QCOMPARE(getItem(completeSpy, "A/a0")->_errorString, QString("The file could not be downloaded completely.")); QVERIFY(fakeFolder.syncEngine().isAnotherSyncNeeded()); // Now, we need to restart, this time, it should resume. QByteArray ranges; fakeFolder.setServerOverride([&](QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice *) -> QNetworkReply * { if (op == QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation && request.url().path().endsWith("A/a0")) { ranges = request.rawHeader("Range"); } return nullptr; }); QVERIFY(fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // now this succeeds QCOMPARE(ranges, QByteArray("bytes=" + QByteArray::number(stopAfter) + "-")); QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState()); } void testErrorMessage () { // This test's main goal is to test that the error string from the server is shown in the UI FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()}; fakeFolder.syncEngine().setIgnoreHiddenFiles(true); QSignalSpy completeSpy(&fakeFolder.syncEngine(), &OCC::SyncEngine::itemCompleted); auto size = 3'500'000; fakeFolder.remoteModifier().insert("A/broken", size); QByteArray serverMessage = "The file was not downloaded because the tests wants so!"; // First, download only the first 3 MB of the file fakeFolder.setServerOverride([&](QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice *) -> QNetworkReply * { if (op == QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation && request.url().path().endsWith("A/broken")) { return new FakeErrorReply(op, request, this, 400, "\n" "\n" "Sabre\\DAV\\Exception\\Forbidden\n" ""+serverMessage+"\n" ""); } return nullptr; }); bool timedOut = false; QTimer::singleShot(10000, &fakeFolder.syncEngine(), [&]() { timedOut = true; fakeFolder.syncEngine().abort(); }); QVERIFY(!fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // Fail because A/broken QVERIFY(!timedOut); QCOMPARE(getItem(completeSpy, "A/broken")->_status, SyncFileItem::NormalError); QVERIFY(getItem(completeSpy, "A/broken")->_errorString.contains(serverMessage)); } void serverMaintenence() { // Server in maintenance must abort the sync. FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()}; fakeFolder.remoteModifier().insert("A/broken"); fakeFolder.setServerOverride([&](QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice *) -> QNetworkReply * { if (op == QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation) { return new FakeErrorReply(op, request, this, 503, "\n" "\n" "Sabre\\DAV\\Exception\\ServiceUnavailable\n" "System in maintenance mode.\n" ""); } return nullptr; }); QSignalSpy completeSpy(&fakeFolder.syncEngine(), &SyncEngine::itemCompleted); QVERIFY(!fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // Fail because A/broken // FatalError means the sync was aborted, which is what we want QCOMPARE(getItem(completeSpy, "A/broken")->_status, SyncFileItem::FatalError); QVERIFY(getItem(completeSpy, "A/broken")->_errorString.contains("System in maintenance mode")); } void testMoveFailsInAConflict() { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN QSKIP("Not run on windows because permission on directory does not do what is expected"); #endif // Test for https://github.com/owncloud/client/issues/7015 // We want to test the case in which the renaming of the original to the conflict file succeeds, // but renaming the temporary file fails. // This tests uses the fact that a "touchedFile" notification will be sent at the right moment. // Note that there will be first a notification on the file and the conflict file before. FakeFolder fakeFolder{ FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12() }; fakeFolder.syncEngine().setIgnoreHiddenFiles(true); fakeFolder.remoteModifier().setContents("A/a1", 'A'); fakeFolder.localModifier().setContents("A/a1", 'B'); bool propConnected = false; QString conflictFile; auto transProgress = connect(&fakeFolder.syncEngine(), &SyncEngine::transmissionProgress, [&](const ProgressInfo &pi) { auto propagator = fakeFolder.syncEngine().getPropagator(); if (pi.status() != ProgressInfo::Propagation || propConnected || !propagator) return; propConnected = true; connect(propagator.data(), &OwncloudPropagator::touchedFile, [&](const QString &s) { if (s.contains("conflicted copy")) { QCOMPARE(conflictFile, QString()); conflictFile = s; return; } if (!conflictFile.isEmpty()) { // Check that the temporary file is still there QCOMPARE(QDir(fakeFolder.localPath() + "A/").entryList({"*.~*"}, QDir::Files | QDir::Hidden).count(), 1); // Set the permission to read only on the folder, so the rename of the temporary file will fail QFile(fakeFolder.localPath() + "A/").setPermissions(QFile::Permissions(0x5555)); } }); }); QVERIFY(!fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // The sync must fail because the rename failed QVERIFY(!conflictFile.isEmpty()); // restore permissions QFile(fakeFolder.localPath() + "A/").setPermissions(QFile::Permissions(0x7777)); QObject::disconnect(transProgress); fakeFolder.setServerOverride([&](QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &, QIODevice *) -> QNetworkReply * { if (op == QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation) QTest::qFail("There shouldn't be any download", __FILE__, __LINE__); return nullptr; }); QVERIFY(fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // The a1 file is still tere and have the right content QVERIFY(fakeFolder.currentRemoteState().find("A/a1")); QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentRemoteState().find("A/a1")->contentChar, 'A'); QVERIFY(QFile::remove(conflictFile)); // So the comparison succeeds; QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState()); } void testHttp2Resend() { FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()}; fakeFolder.remoteModifier().insert("A/resendme", 300); QByteArray serverMessage = "Needs to be resend on a new connection!"; int resendActual = 0; int resendExpected = 2; // First, download only the first 3 MB of the file fakeFolder.setServerOverride([&](QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice *) -> QNetworkReply * { if (op == QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation && request.url().path().endsWith("A/resendme") && resendActual < resendExpected) { auto errorReply = new FakeErrorReply(op, request, this, 400, "ignore this body"); errorReply->setError(QNetworkReply::ContentReSendError, serverMessage); errorReply->setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Http2WasUsedAttribute, true); errorReply->setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute, QVariant()); resendActual += 1; return errorReply; } return nullptr; }); QVERIFY(fakeFolder.syncOnce()); QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState()); QCOMPARE(resendActual, 2); fakeFolder.remoteModifier().appendByte("A/resendme"); resendActual = 0; resendExpected = 10; QSignalSpy completeSpy(&fakeFolder.syncEngine(), &OCC::SyncEngine::itemCompleted); QVERIFY(!fakeFolder.syncOnce()); QCOMPARE(resendActual, 4); // the 4th fails because it only resends 3 times QCOMPARE(getItem(completeSpy, "A/resendme")->_status, SyncFileItem::NormalError); QVERIFY(getItem(completeSpy, "A/resendme")->_errorString.contains(serverMessage)); } }; QTEST_GUILESS_MAIN(TestDownload) #include "testdownload.moc"