/* * libcsync -- a library to sync a directory with another * * Copyright (c) 2012-2013 by Klaas Freitag * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "c_lib.h" #include "csync.h" #include "c_private.h" #include "csync_macros.h" #include "csync_log.h" #include "vio/csync_vio_module.h" #include "vio/csync_vio_file_stat.h" #ifdef NDEBUG #define DEBUG_WEBDAV(...) #else #define DEBUG_WEBDAV(...) csync_log( 9, "oc_module", __VA_ARGS__); #endif enum resource_type { resr_normal = 0, resr_collection, resr_reference, resr_error }; #ifdef HAVE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG typedef unsigned long long dav_size_t; #ifdef HAVE_STRTOULL #define DAV_STRTOL strtoull #endif #else typedef unsigned long dav_size_t; #endif #ifndef DAV_STRTOL #define DAV_STRTOL strtol #endif /* Struct to store data for each resource found during an opendir operation. * It represents a single file entry. */ typedef struct resource { char *uri; /* The complete uri */ char *name; /* The filename only */ enum resource_type type; dav_size_t size; time_t modtime; struct resource *next; } resource; /* Struct to hold the context of a WebDAV PropFind operation to fetch * a directory listing from the server. */ struct listdir_context { struct resource *list; /* The list of result resources */ struct resource *currResource; /* A pointer to the current resource */ char *target; /* Request-URI of the PROPFIND */ unsigned int include_target; /* Do you want the uri in the result list? */ unsigned int result_count; /* number of elements stored in list */ }; static void free_fetchCtx( struct listdir_context *ctx ) { struct resource *newres, *res; if( ! ctx ) return; newres = ctx->list; res = newres; SAFE_FREE(ctx->target); while( res ) { SAFE_FREE(res->uri); SAFE_FREE(res->name); newres = res->next; SAFE_FREE(res); res = newres; } SAFE_FREE(ctx); } /* * context to store info about a temp file for GET and PUT requests * which store the data in a local file to save memory and secure the * transmission. */ struct transfer_context { ne_request *req; /* the neon request */ int fd; /* file descriptor of the file to read or write from */ const char *method; /* the HTTP method, either PUT or GET */ ne_decompress *decompress; /* the decompress context */ char *url; }; /* Struct with the WebDAV session */ struct dav_session_s { ne_session *ctx; char *user; char *pwd; char *error_string; }; /* The list of properties that is fetched in PropFind on a collection */ static const ne_propname ls_props[] = { { "DAV:", "getlastmodified" }, { "DAV:", "getcontentlength" }, { "DAV:", "resourcetype" }, { NULL, NULL } }; /* * local variables. */ struct dav_session_s dav_session; /* The DAV Session, initialised in dav_connect */ int _connected; /* flag to indicate if a connection exists, ie. the dav_session is valid */ csync_vio_file_stat_t _fs; csync_auth_callback _authcb; csync_file_progress_callback _file_progress_cb; void *_userdata; #define PUT_BUFFER_SIZE 1024*5 char _buffer[PUT_BUFFER_SIZE]; /* ***************************************************************************** */ static void set_error_message( const char *msg ) { SAFE_FREE(dav_session.error_string); if( msg ) dav_session.error_string = c_strdup(msg); } static void set_errno_from_http_errcode( int err ) { int new_errno = 0; switch(err) { case 200: /* OK */ case 201: /* Created */ case 202: /* Accepted */ case 203: /* Non-Authoritative Information */ case 204: /* No Content */ case 205: /* Reset Content */ case 207: /* Multi-Status */ case 304: /* Not Modified */ new_errno = 0; case 401: /* Unauthorized */ case 402: /* Payment Required */ case 407: /* Proxy Authentication Required */ new_errno = EPERM; case 301: /* Moved Permanently */ case 303: /* See Other */ case 404: /* Not Found */ case 410: /* Gone */ new_errno = ENOENT; case 408: /* Request Timeout */ case 504: /* Gateway Timeout */ new_errno = EAGAIN; case 423: /* Locked */ new_errno = EACCES; case 405: new_errno = EEXIST; /* Method Not Allowed */ case 400: /* Bad Request */ case 403: /* Forbidden */ case 409: /* Conflict */ case 411: /* Length Required */ case 412: /* Precondition Failed */ case 414: /* Request-URI Too Long */ case 415: /* Unsupported Media Type */ case 424: /* Failed Dependency */ case 501: /* Not Implemented */ new_errno = EINVAL; case 413: /* Request Entity Too Large */ case 507: /* Insufficient Storage */ new_errno = ENOSPC; case 206: /* Partial Content */ case 300: /* Multiple Choices */ case 302: /* Found */ case 305: /* Use Proxy */ case 306: /* (Unused) */ case 307: /* Temporary Redirect */ case 406: /* Not Acceptable */ case 416: /* Requested Range Not Satisfiable */ case 417: /* Expectation Failed */ case 422: /* Unprocessable Entity */ case 500: /* Internal Server Error */ case 502: /* Bad Gateway */ case 503: /* Service Unavailable */ case 505: /* HTTP Version Not Supported */ default: new_errno = EIO; } errno = new_errno; } static int http_result_code_from_session() { const char *p = ne_get_error( dav_session.ctx ); char *q; int err; set_error_message(p); /* remember the error message */ err = strtol(p, &q, 10); if (p == q) { err = ERRNO_ERROR_STRING; } return err; } static void set_errno_from_session() { int err = http_result_code_from_session(); if( err == EIO || err == ERRNO_ERROR_STRING) { errno = err; } else { set_errno_from_http_errcode(err); } } static void set_errno_from_neon_errcode( int neon_code ) { if( neon_code != NE_OK ) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("Neon error code was %d", neon_code); } switch(neon_code) { case NE_OK: /* Success, but still the possiblity of problems */ case NE_ERROR: /* Generic error; use ne_get_error(session) for message */ set_errno_from_session(); /* Something wrong with http communication */ break; case NE_LOOKUP: /* Server or proxy hostname lookup failed */ errno = ERRNO_LOOKUP_ERROR; break; case NE_AUTH: /* User authentication failed on server */ errno = ERRNO_USER_UNKNOWN_ON_SERVER; break; case NE_PROXYAUTH: /* User authentication failed on proxy */ errno = ERRNO_PROXY_AUTH; break; case NE_CONNECT: /* Could not connect to server */ errno = ERRNO_CONNECT; break; case NE_TIMEOUT: /* Connection timed out */ errno = ERRNO_TIMEOUT; break; case NE_FAILED: /* The precondition failed */ errno = ERRNO_PRECONDITION; break; case NE_RETRY: /* Retry request (ne_end_request ONLY) */ errno = ERRNO_RETRY; break; case NE_REDIRECT: /* See ne_redirect.h */ errno = ERRNO_REDIRECT; break; default: errno = ERRNO_GENERAL_ERROR; } } /* cleanPath to return an escaped path of an uri */ static char *_cleanPath( const char* uri ) { int rc = 0; char *path = NULL; char *re = NULL; rc = c_parse_uri( uri, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &path ); if( rc < 0 ) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("Unable to cleanPath %s", uri ? uri: "" ); re = NULL; } else { re = ne_path_escape( path ); } SAFE_FREE( path ); return re; } /* * helper method to build up a user text for SSL problems, called from the * verify_sslcert callback. */ static void addSSLWarning( char *ptr, const char *warn, int len ) { char *concatHere = ptr; int remainingLen = 0; if( ! (warn && ptr )) return; remainingLen = len - strlen(ptr); if( remainingLen <= 0 ) return; concatHere = ptr + strlen(ptr); /* put the write pointer to the end. */ strncpy( concatHere, warn, remainingLen ); } /* * Callback to verify the SSL certificate, called from libneon. * It analyzes the SSL problem, creates a user information text and passes * it to the csync callback to ask the user. */ #define LEN 4096 static int verify_sslcert(void *userdata, int failures, const ne_ssl_certificate *cert) { char problem[LEN]; char buf[NE_ABUFSIZ]; int ret = -1; (void) cert; memset( problem, 0, LEN ); addSSLWarning( problem, "There are problems with the SSL certificate:\n", LEN ); if( failures & NE_SSL_NOTYETVALID ) { addSSLWarning( problem, " * The certificate is not yet valid.\n", LEN ); } if( failures & NE_SSL_EXPIRED ) { addSSLWarning( problem, " * The certificate has expired.\n", LEN ); } if( failures & NE_SSL_UNTRUSTED ) { addSSLWarning( problem, " * The certificate is not trusted!\n", LEN ); } if( failures & NE_SSL_IDMISMATCH ) { addSSLWarning( problem, " * The hostname for which the certificate was " "issued does not match the hostname of the server\n", LEN ); } if( failures & NE_SSL_BADCHAIN ) { addSSLWarning( problem, " * The certificate chain contained a certificate other than the server cert\n", LEN ); } if( failures & NE_SSL_REVOKED ) { addSSLWarning( problem, " * The server certificate has been revoked by the issuing authority.\n", LEN ); } addSSLWarning( problem, "Do you want to accept the certificate anyway?\nAnswer yes to do so and take the risk: ", LEN ); if( _authcb ){ /* call the csync callback */ DEBUG_WEBDAV("Call the csync callback for SSL problems"); memset( buf, 0, NE_ABUFSIZ ); (*_authcb) ( problem, buf, NE_ABUFSIZ-1, 1, 0, userdata ); if( strcmp( buf, "yes" ) == 0 ) { ret = 0; } } DEBUG_WEBDAV("## VERIFY_SSL CERT: %d", ret ); return ret; } /* * Authentication callback. Is set by ne_set_server_auth to be called * from the neon lib to authenticate a request. */ static int ne_auth( void *userdata, const char *realm, int attempt, char *username, char *password) { char buf[NE_ABUFSIZ] = {0}; (void) userdata; (void) realm; /* DEBUG_WEBDAV( "Authentication required %s, realm ); */ if( username && password ) { DEBUG_WEBDAV( "Authentication required %s", username ); if( dav_session.user ) { /* allow user without password */ snprintf(username, NE_ABUFSIZ, "%s", dav_session.user); if( dav_session.pwd ) { strncpy( password, dav_session.pwd, NE_ABUFSIZ ); } else { (*_authcb) ("Enter your password: ", buf, NE_ABUFSIZ-1, 0, 0, userdata ); snprintf(password, NE_ABUFSIZ, "%s", buf ); } } else if( _authcb != NULL ){ /* call the csync callback */ DEBUG_WEBDAV("Call the csync callback for %s", realm ); (*_authcb) ("Enter your username: ", buf, NE_ABUFSIZ-1, 1, 0, userdata ); snprintf(username, NE_ABUFSIZ, "%s", buf ); (*_authcb) ("Enter your password: ", buf, NE_ABUFSIZ-1, 0, 0, userdata ); snprintf(password, NE_ABUFSIZ, "%s", buf ); } else { DEBUG_WEBDAV("I can not authenticate!"); } } return attempt; } /* called from neon */ static void ne_notify_status_cb (void *userdata, ne_session_status status, const ne_session_status_info *info) { struct transfer_context *tc = (struct transfer_context*) userdata; if (_file_progress_cb && (status == ne_status_sending || status == ne_status_recving)) { if (info->sr.total > 0) { _file_progress_cb(tc->url, CSYNC_NOTIFY_PROGRESS, info->sr.progress, info->sr.total, userdata); } } } /* * Connect to a DAV server * This function sets the flag _connected if the connection is established * and returns if the flag is set, so calling it frequently is save. */ static int dav_connect(const char *base_url) { int timeout = 30; int useSSL = 0; int rc; char protocol[6]; char uaBuf[256]; char *path = NULL; char *scheme = NULL; char *host = NULL; unsigned int port = 0; if (_connected) { return 0; } rc = c_parse_uri( base_url, &scheme, &dav_session.user, &dav_session.pwd, &host, &port, &path ); if( rc < 0 ) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("Failed to parse uri %s", base_url ); goto out; } DEBUG_WEBDAV("* scheme %s", scheme ? scheme : "empty"); DEBUG_WEBDAV("* host %s", host ? host : "empty"); DEBUG_WEBDAV("* port %u", port ); DEBUG_WEBDAV("* path %s", path ? path : "empty"); if( strcmp( scheme, "owncloud" ) == 0 ) { strncpy( protocol, "http", 6); } else if( strcmp( scheme, "ownclouds" ) == 0 ) { strncpy( protocol, "https", 6 ); useSSL = 1; } else { strncpy( protocol, "", 6 ); DEBUG_WEBDAV("Invalid scheme %s, go outa here!", scheme ); rc = -1; goto out; } DEBUG_WEBDAV("* user %s", dav_session.user ? dav_session.user : ""); if (port == 0) { port = ne_uri_defaultport(protocol); } rc = ne_sock_init(); DEBUG_WEBDAV("ne_sock_init: %d", rc ); if (rc < 0) { rc = -1; goto out; } dav_session.ctx = ne_session_create( protocol, host, port); if (dav_session.ctx == NULL) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("Session create with protocol %s failed", protocol ); rc = -1; goto out; } ne_set_read_timeout(dav_session.ctx, timeout); snprintf( uaBuf, sizeof(uaBuf), "csyncoC/%s",CSYNC_STRINGIFY( LIBCSYNC_VERSION )); ne_set_useragent( dav_session.ctx, c_strdup( uaBuf )); ne_set_server_auth(dav_session.ctx, ne_auth, 0 ); if( useSSL ) { if (!ne_has_support(NE_FEATURE_SSL)) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("Error: SSL is not enabled."); rc = -1; goto out; } ne_ssl_trust_default_ca( dav_session.ctx ); ne_ssl_set_verify( dav_session.ctx, verify_sslcert, 0 ); } _connected = 1; rc = 0; out: SAFE_FREE(path); SAFE_FREE(host); SAFE_FREE(scheme); return rc; } /* * result parsing list. * This function is called to parse the result of the propfind request * to list directories on the WebDAV server. I takes a single resource * and fills a resource struct and stores it to the result list which * is stored in the listdir_context. */ static void results(void *userdata, const ne_uri *uri, const ne_prop_result_set *set) { struct listdir_context *fetchCtx = userdata; struct resource *newres = 0; const char *clength, *modtime = NULL; const char *resourcetype = NULL; const ne_status *status = NULL; char *path = ne_path_unescape( uri->path ); (void) status; if( ! fetchCtx ) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("No valid fetchContext"); return; } DEBUG_WEBDAV("** propfind result found: %s", path ); if( ! fetchCtx->target ) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("error: target must not be zero!" ); return; } if (ne_path_compare(fetchCtx->target, uri->path) == 0 && !fetchCtx->include_target) { /* This is the target URI */ DEBUG_WEBDAV( "Skipping target resource."); /* Free the private structure. */ SAFE_FREE( path ); return; } /* Fill the resource structure with the data about the file */ newres = c_malloc(sizeof(struct resource)); newres->uri = path; /* no need to strdup because ne_path_unescape already allocates */ newres->name = c_basename( path ); modtime = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[0] ); clength = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[1] ); resourcetype = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[2] ); newres->type = resr_normal; if( clength == NULL && resourcetype && strncmp( resourcetype, "", 16 ) == 0) { newres->type = resr_collection; } if (modtime) newres->modtime = ne_httpdate_parse(modtime); if (clength) { char *p; newres->size = DAV_STRTOL(clength, &p, 10); if (*p) { newres->size = 0; } } /* prepend the new resource to the result list */ newres->next = fetchCtx->list; fetchCtx->list = newres; fetchCtx->result_count = fetchCtx->result_count + 1; DEBUG_WEBDAV( "results for URI %s: %d %d", newres->name, (int)newres->size, (int)newres->type ); } /* * fetches a resource list from the WebDAV server. This is equivalent to list dir. */ static int fetch_resource_list( const char *uri, int depth, struct listdir_context *fetchCtx ) { int ret = 0; ne_propfind_handler *hdl = NULL; ne_request *request = NULL; const char *content_type = NULL; char *curi = NULL; const ne_status *req_status = NULL; curi = _cleanPath( uri ); if (!fetchCtx) { errno = ENOMEM; SAFE_FREE(curi); return -1; } fetchCtx->list = NULL; fetchCtx->target = curi; fetchCtx->currResource = NULL; /* do a propfind request and parse the results in the results function, set as callback */ hdl = ne_propfind_create(dav_session.ctx, curi, depth); if(hdl) { ret = ne_propfind_named(hdl, ls_props, results, fetchCtx); request = ne_propfind_get_request( hdl ); req_status = ne_get_status( request ); } if( ret == NE_OK ) { fetchCtx->currResource = fetchCtx->list; /* Check the request status. */ if( req_status && req_status->klass != 2 ) { set_errno_from_http_errcode(req_status->code); DEBUG_WEBDAV("ERROR: Request failed: status %d (%s)", req_status->code, req_status->reason_phrase); ret = NE_CONNECT; set_error_message(req_status->reason_phrase); } DEBUG_WEBDAV("Simple propfind result code %d.", req_status ? req_status->code : -1); } else { if( ret == NE_ERROR && req_status->code == 404) { errno = ENOENT; } else { set_errno_from_neon_errcode(ret); } } if( ret == NE_OK ) { /* Check the content type. If the server has a problem, ie. database is gone or such, * the content type is not xml but a html error message. Stop on processing if it's * not XML. * FIXME: Generate user error message from the reply content. */ content_type = ne_get_response_header( request, "Content-Type" ); if( !(content_type && c_streq(content_type, "application/xml; charset=utf-8") ) ) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("ERROR: Content type of propfind request not XML: %s.", content_type ? content_type: ""); errno = ERRNO_WRONG_CONTENT; set_error_message("Server error: PROPFIND reply is not XML formatted!"); ret = NE_CONNECT; } } #ifndef NDEBUG if( ret != NE_OK ) { const char *err = ne_get_error(dav_session.ctx); DEBUG_WEBDAV("WRN: propfind named failed with %d, request error: %s", ret, err ? err : ""); } #endif if( hdl ) ne_propfind_destroy(hdl); #ifndef NDEBUG if (ret == NE_REDIRECT) { const ne_uri *redir_ne_uri = ne_redirect_location(dav_session.ctx); if (redir_ne_uri) { char *redir_uri = ne_uri_unparse(redir_ne_uri); DEBUG_WEBDAV("Permanently moved to %s", redir_uri); } #endif } #endif if( ret != NE_OK ) { free_fetchCtx(fetchCtx); return -1; } return 0; } /* * helper: convert a resource struct to file_stat struct. */ static csync_vio_file_stat_t *resourceToFileStat( struct resource *res ) { csync_vio_file_stat_t *lfs = NULL; if( ! res ) { return NULL; } lfs = c_malloc(sizeof(csync_vio_file_stat_t)); if (lfs == NULL) { return NULL; } lfs->name = c_strdup( res->name ); lfs->fields = CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_NONE; if( res->type == resr_normal ) { lfs->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_TYPE; lfs->type = CSYNC_VIO_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR; } else if( res->type == resr_collection ) { lfs->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_TYPE; lfs->type = CSYNC_VIO_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY; } else { DEBUG_WEBDAV("ERROR: Unknown resource type %d", res->type); } lfs->mtime = res->modtime; lfs->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_MTIME; lfs->size = res->size; lfs->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_SIZE; return lfs; } /* WebDAV does not deliver permissions. Set a default here. */ static int _stat_perms( int type ) { int ret = 0; if( type == CSYNC_VIO_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY ) { /* DEBUG_WEBDAV("Setting mode in stat (dir)); */ /* directory permissions */ ret = S_IFDIR | S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR /* directory, rwx for user */ | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP /* rx for group */ | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH; /* rx for others */ } else { /* regualar file permissions */ /* DEBUG_WEBDAV("Setting mode in stat (file)); */ ret = S_IFREG | S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR /* regular file, user read & write */ | S_IRGRP /* group read perm */ | S_IROTH; /* others read perm */ } return ret; } /* * file functions */ static int owncloud_stat(const char *uri, csync_vio_file_stat_t *buf) { /* get props: * modtime * creattime * size */ int rc = 0; csync_vio_file_stat_t *lfs = NULL; struct listdir_context *fetchCtx = NULL; char *curi = NULL; char *decodedUri = NULL; char strbuf[PATH_MAX +1]; int len = 0; DEBUG_WEBDAV("owncloud_stat %s called", uri ); buf->name = c_basename(uri); if (buf->name == NULL) { csync_vio_file_stat_destroy(buf); errno = ENOMEM; return -1; } /* check if the data in the static 'cache' fs is for the same file. * The cache is filled by readdir which is often called directly before * stat. If the cache matches, a http call is saved. */ if( _fs.name && strcmp( buf->name, _fs.name ) == 0 ) { buf->fields = CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_NONE; buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_TYPE; buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_SIZE; buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_MTIME; buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_PERMISSIONS; buf->fields = _fs.fields; buf->type = _fs.type; buf->mtime = _fs.mtime; buf->size = _fs.size; buf->mode = _stat_perms( _fs.type ); } else { /* fetch data via a propfind call. */ fetchCtx = c_malloc( sizeof( struct listdir_context )); if( ! fetchCtx ) { errno = ENOMEM; return -1; } curi = _cleanPath( uri ); DEBUG_WEBDAV("I have no stat cache, call propfind for %s.", curi ); fetchCtx->list = NULL; fetchCtx->target = curi; fetchCtx->include_target = 1; fetchCtx->currResource = NULL; rc = fetch_resource_list( curi, NE_DEPTH_ONE, fetchCtx ); if( rc != NE_OK ) { if( errno != ENOENT ) { set_errno_from_session(); } DEBUG_WEBDAV("stat fails with errno %d", errno ); return -1; } if( fetchCtx ) { struct resource *res = fetchCtx->list; while( res ) { /* remove trailing slashes */ len = strlen(res->uri); while( len > 0 && res->uri[len-1] == '/' ) --len; memset( strbuf, 0, PATH_MAX+1); strncpy( strbuf, res->uri, len < PATH_MAX ? len : PATH_MAX ); decodedUri = ne_path_unescape( curi ); /* allocates memory */ if( c_streq(strbuf, decodedUri )) { SAFE_FREE( decodedUri ); break; } res = res->next; SAFE_FREE( decodedUri ); } DEBUG_WEBDAV("Working on file %s", res ? res->name : "NULL"); lfs = resourceToFileStat( res ); if( lfs ) { buf->fields = CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_NONE; buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_TYPE; buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_SIZE; buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_MTIME; buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_PERMISSIONS; buf->fields = lfs->fields; buf->type = lfs->type; buf->mtime = lfs->mtime; buf->size = lfs->size; buf->mode = _stat_perms( lfs->type ); csync_vio_file_stat_destroy( lfs ); } SAFE_FREE( fetchCtx ); } } DEBUG_WEBDAV("STAT result: %s, type=%d", buf->name ? buf->name:"NULL", buf->type ); return 0; } /* Normally, this module uses get and put. But for creation of new files * with owncloud_creat, write is still needed. */ static ssize_t owncloud_write(csync_vio_method_handle_t *fhandle, const void *buf, size_t count) { struct transfer_context *writeCtx; int rc = 0; int neon_stat; const ne_status *status; writeCtx = (struct transfer_context*) fhandle; if (fhandle == NULL) { errno = EBADF; rc = -1; } ne_set_request_body_buffer(writeCtx->req, buf, count ); /* Start the request. */ neon_stat = ne_request_dispatch( writeCtx->req ); set_errno_from_neon_errcode( neon_stat ); status = ne_get_status( writeCtx->req ); if( status->klass != 2 ) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("sendfile request failed with http status %d!", status->code); set_errno_from_http_errcode( status->code ); /* decide if soft error or hard error that stops the whole sync. */ /* Currently all problems concerning one file are soft errors */ if( status->klass == 4 /* Forbidden and stuff, soft error */ ) { rc = 1; } else if( status->klass == 5 /* Server errors and such */ ) { rc = 1; /* No Abort on individual file errors. */ } else { rc = 1; } } else { DEBUG_WEBDAV("write request all ok, result code %d", status->code); } return rc; } static int uncompress_reader(void *userdata, const char *buf, size_t len) { struct transfer_context *writeCtx = userdata; size_t written = 0; if( buf && writeCtx->fd ) { /* DEBUG_WEBDAV("Writing NON compressed %d bytes, len); */ len = write(writeCtx->fd, buf, len); if( len != written ) { /* DEBUG_WEBDAV("WRN: uncompress_reader wrote wrong num of bytes"); */ } return NE_OK; } return NE_ERROR; } static int compress_reader(void *userdata, const char *buf, size_t len) { struct transfer_context *writeCtx = userdata; size_t written = 0; if( buf && writeCtx->fd ) { /* DEBUG_WEBDAV("Writing compressed %d bytes, len); */ written = write(writeCtx->fd, buf, len); if( written != len ) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("WRN: compress reader wrote wrong len"); } return NE_OK; } return NE_ERROR; } /* * This hook is called after the response is here from the server, but before * the response body is parsed. It decides if the response is compressed and * if it is it installs the compression reader accordingly. * If the response is not compressed, the normal response body reader is installed. */ static void install_content_reader( ne_request *req, void *userdata, const ne_status *status ) { const char *enc = NULL; struct transfer_context *writeCtx = userdata; (void) status; if( !writeCtx ) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("Error: install_content_reader called without valid write context!"); return; } enc = ne_get_response_header( req, "Content-Encoding" ); if( status && status->code != 200 ) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("Content encoding ist <%s> with status %d", enc ? enc : "empty", status ? status->code : -1 ); } if( enc && c_streq( enc, "gzip" )) { writeCtx->decompress = ne_decompress_reader( req, ne_accept_2xx, compress_reader, /* reader callback */ (void*) writeCtx ); /* userdata */ } else { ne_add_response_body_reader( req, ne_accept_2xx, uncompress_reader, (void*) writeCtx ); writeCtx->decompress = NULL; } } static char*_lastDir = NULL; /* capabilities are currently: * bool atomar_copy_support * bool put_support * bool get_support */ static struct csync_vio_capabilities_s _owncloud_capabilities = { .atomar_copy_support = true, .get_support = true, .put_support = true, }; static csync_vio_capabilities_t *owncloud_get_capabilities(void) { return &_owncloud_capabilities; } static csync_vio_method_handle_t *owncloud_open(const char *durl, int flags, mode_t mode) { char *dir = NULL; char getUrl[PATH_MAX]; int put = 0; int rc = NE_OK; #ifdef _WIN32 int gtp = 0; char tmpname[13]; mbchar_t winTmp[PATH_MAX]; mbchar_t *winUrlMB = NULL; char *winTmpUtf8 = NULL; csync_stat_t sb; #endif struct transfer_context *writeCtx = NULL; csync_stat_t statBuf; memset( getUrl, '\0', PATH_MAX ); (void) mode; /* unused on webdav server */ DEBUG_WEBDAV( "=> open called for %s", durl ); if( rc == NE_OK ) dav_connect( durl ); if (flags & O_WRONLY) { put = 1; } if (flags & O_RDWR) { put = 1; } if (flags & O_CREAT) { put = 1; } if( rc == NE_OK && put ) { /* check if the dir name exists. Otherwise return ENOENT */ dir = c_dirname( durl ); if (dir == NULL) { errno = ENOMEM; return NULL; } DEBUG_WEBDAV("Stating directory %s", dir ); if( c_streq( dir, _lastDir )) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("Dir %s is there, we know it already.", dir); } else { if( owncloud_stat( dir, (csync_vio_method_handle_t*)(&statBuf) ) == 0 ) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("Directory of file to open exists."); SAFE_FREE( _lastDir ); _lastDir = c_strdup(dir); } else { DEBUG_WEBDAV("Directory %s of file to open does NOT exist.", dir ); /* the directory does not exist. That is an ENOENT */ errno = ENOENT; SAFE_FREE( dir ); return NULL; } } } writeCtx = c_malloc( sizeof(struct transfer_context) ); writeCtx->url = _cleanPath( durl ); if( ! writeCtx->url ) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("Failed to clean path for %s", durl ); errno = EACCES; rc = NE_ERROR; } if( rc == NE_OK && put) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("PUT request on %s!", writeCtx->url); writeCtx->req = ne_request_create(dav_session.ctx, "PUT", writeCtx->url); writeCtx->method = "PUT"; } if( rc == NE_OK && ! put ) { writeCtx->req = 0; writeCtx->method = "GET"; /* the download via the get function requires a full uri */ snprintf( getUrl, PATH_MAX, "%s://%s%s", ne_get_scheme( dav_session.ctx), ne_get_server_hostport( dav_session.ctx ), writeCtx->url ); DEBUG_WEBDAV("GET request on %s", getUrl ); writeCtx->req = ne_request_create( dav_session.ctx, "GET", getUrl ); /* Call the progress callback */ if (_file_progress_cb) { ne_set_notifier(dav_session.ctx, ne_notify_status_cb, writeCtx); _file_progress_cb( writeCtx->url, CSYNC_NOTIFY_START_DOWNLOAD, 0 , 0, _userdata); } } if( rc != NE_OK ) { SAFE_FREE( writeCtx ); writeCtx = NULL; } SAFE_FREE( dir ); return (csync_vio_method_handle_t *) writeCtx; } static csync_vio_method_handle_t *owncloud_creat(const char *durl, mode_t mode) { csync_vio_method_handle_t *handle = owncloud_open(durl, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC, mode); /* on create, the file needs to be created empty */ owncloud_write( handle, NULL, 0 ); return handle; } /* * Puts a file read from the open file descriptor to the ownCloud URL. */ static int owncloud_put(csync_vio_method_handle_t *flocal, csync_vio_method_handle_t *fremote, csync_vio_file_stat_t *vfs) { int rc = 0; int neon_stat; const ne_status *status; csync_stat_t sb; struct transfer_context *write_ctx = (struct transfer_context*) fremote; int fd; ne_request *request = NULL; fd = csync_vio_getfd(flocal); if (fd == -1) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if( write_ctx == NULL ) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } request = write_ctx->req; if( request == NULL) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } /* stat the source-file to get the file size. */ if( fstat( fd, &sb ) == 0 ) { if( sb.st_size != vfs->size ) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("WRN: Stat size differs from vfs size!"); } /* Attach the request to the file descriptor */ ne_set_request_body_fd(request, fd, 0, sb.st_size); DEBUG_WEBDAV("Put file size: %lld, variable sizeof: %ld", (long long int) sb.st_size, sizeof(sb.st_size)); /* Start the request. */ neon_stat = ne_request_dispatch( write_ctx->req ); set_errno_from_neon_errcode( neon_stat ); status = ne_get_status( request ); if( status->klass != 2 ) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("sendfile request failed with http status %d!", status->code); set_errno_from_http_errcode( status->code ); /* decide if soft error or hard error that stops the whole sync. */ /* Currently all problems concerning one file are soft errors */ if( status->klass == 4 /* Forbidden and stuff, soft error */ ) { rc = 1; } else if( status->klass == 5 /* Server errors and such */ ) { rc = 1; /* No Abort on individual file errors. */ } else { rc = 1; } } else { DEBUG_WEBDAV("http request all cool, result code %d", status->code); } } else { DEBUG_WEBDAV("Could not stat file descriptor"); rc = 1; } return rc; } /* Gets a file from the owncloud url to the open file descriptor. */ static int owncloud_get(csync_vio_method_handle_t *flocal, csync_vio_method_handle_t *fremote, csync_vio_file_stat_t *vfs) { int rc = 0; int neon_stat; const ne_status *status; int fd; struct transfer_context *write_ctx = (struct transfer_context*) fremote; (void) vfs; /* stat information of the source file */ fd = csync_vio_getfd(flocal); if (fd == -1) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } /* GET a file to the open file descriptor */ if( write_ctx == NULL ) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if( write_ctx->req == NULL ) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } DEBUG_WEBDAV(" -- GET on %s", write_ctx->url); write_ctx->fd = fd; /* Allow compressed content by setting the header */ ne_add_request_header( write_ctx->req, "Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflate" ); /* hook called before the content is parsed to set the correct reader, * either the compressed- or uncompressed reader. */ ne_hook_post_headers( dav_session.ctx, install_content_reader, write_ctx ); neon_stat = ne_request_dispatch(write_ctx->req ); /* possible return codes are: * NE_OK, NE_AUTH, NE_CONNECT, NE_TIMEOUT, NE_ERROR (from ne_request.h) */ if( neon_stat != NE_OK ) { set_errno_from_neon_errcode(neon_stat); DEBUG_WEBDAV("Error GET: Neon: %d, errno %d", neon_stat, errno); rc = -1; } else { status = ne_get_status( write_ctx->req ); if( status->klass != 2 ) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("sendfile request failed with http status %d!", status->code); set_errno_from_http_errcode( status->code ); /* decide if soft error or hard error that stops the whole sync. */ /* Currently all problems concerning one file are soft errors */ if( status->klass == 4 /* Forbidden and stuff, soft error */ ) { rc = 1; } else if( status->klass == 5 /* Server errors and such */ ) { rc = 1; /* No Abort on individual file errors. */ } else { rc = 1; } } else { DEBUG_WEBDAV("http request all cool, result code %d (%s)", status->code, status->reason_phrase ? status->reason_phrase : ""); } } /* delete the hook again, otherwise they get chained as they are with the session */ ne_unhook_post_headers( dav_session.ctx, install_content_reader, write_ctx ); /* if the compression handle is set through the post_header hook, delete it. */ if( write_ctx->decompress ) { ne_decompress_destroy( write_ctx->decompress ); } return rc; } static int owncloud_close(csync_vio_method_handle_t *fhandle) { struct transfer_context *writeCtx; int ret = 0; enum csync_notify_type_e notify_tag; writeCtx = (struct transfer_context*) fhandle; if (fhandle == NULL) { errno = EBADF; ret = -1; } /* handle the PUT request */ if( ret != -1 && strcmp( writeCtx->method, "PUT" ) == 0 ) { notify_tag = CSYNC_NOTIFY_FINISHED_UPLOAD; ne_request_destroy( writeCtx->req ); _fs.name = NULL; } else { /* Its a GET request. */ notify_tag = CSYNC_NOTIFY_FINISHED_DOWNLOAD; } /* Finish callback */ if (_file_progress_cb) { ne_set_notifier(dav_session.ctx, 0, 0); _file_progress_cb(writeCtx->url, notify_tag, 0, 0, _userdata ); } /* free mem. Note that the request mem is freed by the ne_request_destroy call */ SAFE_FREE( writeCtx->url ); SAFE_FREE( writeCtx ); return ret; } static ssize_t owncloud_read(csync_vio_method_handle_t *fhandle, void *buf, size_t count) { (void) fhandle; (void) buf; (void) count; DEBUG_WEBDAV("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX We should not have come here - owncloud_read"); return 0; } static off_t owncloud_lseek(csync_vio_method_handle_t *fhandle, off_t offset, int whence) { (void) fhandle; (void) offset; (void) whence; return -1; } /* * directory functions */ static csync_vio_method_handle_t *owncloud_opendir(const char *uri) { int rc; struct listdir_context *fetchCtx = NULL; struct resource *reslist = NULL; char *curi = _cleanPath( uri ); DEBUG_WEBDAV("opendir method called on %s", uri ); dav_connect( uri ); fetchCtx = c_malloc( sizeof( struct listdir_context )); fetchCtx->list = reslist; fetchCtx->target = curi; fetchCtx->include_target = 0; fetchCtx->currResource = NULL; rc = fetch_resource_list( curi, NE_DEPTH_ONE, fetchCtx ); if( rc != NE_OK ) { set_errno_from_session(); return NULL; } else { fetchCtx->currResource = fetchCtx->list; DEBUG_WEBDAV("opendir returning handle %p", (void*) fetchCtx ); return fetchCtx; } /* no freeing of curi because its part of the fetchCtx and gets freed later */ } static int owncloud_closedir(csync_vio_method_handle_t *dhandle) { struct listdir_context *fetchCtx = dhandle; struct resource *r = fetchCtx->list; struct resource *rnext = NULL; DEBUG_WEBDAV("closedir method called %p!", dhandle); while( r ) { rnext = r->next; SAFE_FREE(r->uri); SAFE_FREE(r->name); SAFE_FREE(r); r = rnext; } SAFE_FREE( fetchCtx->target ); SAFE_FREE( dhandle ); return 0; } static csync_vio_file_stat_t *owncloud_readdir(csync_vio_method_handle_t *dhandle) { struct listdir_context *fetchCtx = dhandle; csync_vio_file_stat_t *lfs = NULL; if( fetchCtx == NULL) { /* DEBUG_WEBDAV("An empty dir or at end); */ return NULL; } if( fetchCtx->currResource ) { /* FIXME: Who frees the allocated mem for lfs, allocated in the helper func? */ lfs = resourceToFileStat( fetchCtx->currResource ); /* set pointer to next element */ fetchCtx->currResource = fetchCtx->currResource->next; /* fill the static stat buf as input for the stat function */ _fs.name = lfs->name; _fs.mtime = lfs->mtime; _fs.fields = lfs->fields; _fs.type = lfs->type; _fs.size = lfs->size; } // DEBUG_WEBDAV("LFS fields: %s: %d, lfs->name, lfs->type ); return lfs; } static int owncloud_mkdir(const char *uri, mode_t mode) { int rc = NE_OK; char buf[PATH_MAX +1]; int len = 0; char *path = _cleanPath( uri ); (void) mode; /* unused */ if( ! path ) { errno = EINVAL; rc = -1; } rc = dav_connect(uri); if (rc < 0) { errno = EINVAL; } /* the uri path is required to have a trailing slash */ if( rc >= 0 ) { memset( buf,0, PATH_MAX+1 ); len = strlen( path ); strncpy( buf, path, len ); if( buf[len-1] != '/' ) { buf[len] = '/'; } DEBUG_WEBDAV("MKdir on %s", buf ); rc = ne_mkcol(dav_session.ctx, buf ); if (rc != NE_OK ) { set_errno_from_session(); } } SAFE_FREE( path ); if( rc < 0 || rc != NE_OK ) { return -1; } return 0; } static int owncloud_rmdir(const char *uri) { int rc = NE_OK; char* curi = _cleanPath( uri ); rc = dav_connect(uri); if (rc < 0) { errno = EINVAL; } if( rc >= 0 ) { rc = ne_delete(dav_session.ctx, curi); if ( rc != NE_OK ) { set_errno_from_session(); } } SAFE_FREE( curi ); if( rc < 0 || rc != NE_OK ) { return -1; } return 0; } static int owncloud_rename(const char *olduri, const char *newuri) { char *src = NULL; char *target = NULL; int rc = NE_OK; rc = dav_connect(olduri); if (rc < 0) { errno = EINVAL; } src = _cleanPath( olduri ); target = _cleanPath( newuri ); if( rc >= 0 ) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("MOVE: %s => %s: %d", src, target, rc ); rc = ne_move(dav_session.ctx, 1, src, target ); if (rc != NE_OK ) { set_errno_from_session(); } } SAFE_FREE( src ); SAFE_FREE( target ); if( rc != NE_OK ) return -1; return 0; } static int owncloud_unlink(const char *uri) { int rc = NE_OK; char *path = _cleanPath( uri ); if( ! path ) { rc = NE_ERROR; errno = EINVAL; } if( rc == NE_OK ) { rc = dav_connect(uri); if (rc < 0) { errno = EINVAL; } } if( rc == NE_OK ) { rc = ne_delete( dav_session.ctx, path ); if ( rc != NE_OK ) set_errno_from_session(); } SAFE_FREE( path ); return 0; } static int owncloud_chmod(const char *uri, mode_t mode) { (void) uri; (void) mode; return 0; } static int owncloud_chown(const char *uri, uid_t owner, gid_t group) { (void) uri; (void) owner; (void) group; return 0; } static int owncloud_set_property(const char *key, void *data) { #define READ_STRING_PROPERTY(P) \ if (c_streq(key, #P)) { \ SAFE_FREE(dav_session.P); \ dav_session.P = c_strdup((const char*)data); \ return 0; \ } #undef READ_STRING_PROPERTY if (c_streq(key, "file_progress_callback")) { _file_progress_cb = *(csync_file_progress_callback*)(data); return 0; } return -1; } static char *owncloud_error_string() { return dav_session.error_string; } static int owncloud_utimes(const char *uri, const struct timeval *times) { ne_proppatch_operation ops[2]; ne_propname pname; int rc = NE_OK; char val[255]; char *curi; curi = _cleanPath( uri ); if( ! uri ) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } if( !times ) { errno = EACCES; return -1; /* FIXME: Find good errno */ } pname.nspace = "DAV:"; pname.name = "lastmodified"; snprintf( val, sizeof(val), "%ld", times->tv_sec ); DEBUG_WEBDAV("Setting LastModified of %s to %s", curi, val ); ops[0].name = &pname; ops[0].type = ne_propset; ops[0].value = val; ops[1].name = NULL; rc = ne_proppatch( dav_session.ctx, curi, ops ); SAFE_FREE(curi); if( rc != NE_OK ) { errno = EPERM; DEBUG_WEBDAV("Error in propatch: %d", rc); return -1; } return 0; } csync_vio_method_t _method = { .method_table_size = sizeof(csync_vio_method_t), .get_capabilities = owncloud_get_capabilities, .open = owncloud_open, .creat = owncloud_creat, .close = owncloud_close, .read = owncloud_read, .write = owncloud_write, .lseek = owncloud_lseek, .opendir = owncloud_opendir, .closedir = owncloud_closedir, .readdir = owncloud_readdir, .mkdir = owncloud_mkdir, .rmdir = owncloud_rmdir, .stat = owncloud_stat, .rename = owncloud_rename, .unlink = owncloud_unlink, .chmod = owncloud_chmod, .chown = owncloud_chown, .utimes = owncloud_utimes, .get_error_string = owncloud_error_string, .set_property = owncloud_set_property, .put = owncloud_put, .get = owncloud_get }; csync_vio_method_t *vio_module_init(const char *method_name, const char *args, csync_auth_callback cb, void *userdata) { (void) method_name; (void) args; _authcb = cb; _userdata = userdata; return &_method; } void vio_module_shutdown(csync_vio_method_t *method) { (void) method; SAFE_FREE( dav_session.user ); SAFE_FREE( dav_session.pwd ); SAFE_FREE( dav_session.error_string ); SAFE_FREE( _lastDir ); if( dav_session.ctx ) ne_session_destroy( dav_session.ctx ); } /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et cindent: */