FAQ === Some Files Are Continuously Uploaded to the Server, Even When They Are Not Modified. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It is possible that another program is changing the modification date of the file. If the file is uses the ``.eml`` extension, Windows automatically and continually changes all files, unless you remove ``\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\PropertySystem\PropertyHandlers`` from the windows registry. See http://petersteier.wordpress.com/2011/10/22/windows-indexer-changes-modification-dates-of-eml-files/ for more information. Syncing Stops When Attempting To Sync Deeper Than 100 Sub-directories. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The sync client has been intentionally limited to sync no deeper than 100 sub-directories. The hard limit exists to guard against bugs with cycles like symbolic link loops. When a deeply nested directory is excluded from synchronization it will be listed with other ignored files and directories in the "Not synced" tab of the "Activity" pane. I Want To Move My Local Sync Folder ----------------------------------- The ownCloud desktop client does not provide a way to change the local sync directory. However, it can be done, though it is a bit unorthodox. Specifically, you have to: 1. Remove the existing connection which syncs to the wrong directory 2. Add a new connection which syncs to the desired directory .. figure:: images/setup/ownCloud-remove_existing_connection.png :alt: Remove an existing connection To do so, in the client UI, which you can see above, click the "**Account**" drop-down menu and then click "Remove". This will display a "**Confirm Account Removal**" dialog window. .. figure:: images/setup/ownCloud-remove_existing_connection_confirmation_dialog.png :alt: Remove existing connection confirmation dialog If you're sure, click "**Remove connection**". Then, click the Account drop-down menu again, and this time click "**Add new**". .. figure:: images/setup/ownCloud-replacement_connection_wizard.png :alt: Replacement connection wizard This opens the ownCloud Connection Wizard, which you can see above, *but* with an extra option. This option provides the ability to either: keep the existing data (synced by the previous connection) or to start a clean sync (erasing the existing data). .. important:: Be careful before choosing the "Start a clean sync" option. The old sync folder *may* contain a considerable amount of data, ranging into the gigabytes or terabytes. If it does, after the client creates the new connection, it will have to download **all** of that information again. Instead, first move or copy the old local sync folder, containing a copy of the existing files, to the new location. Then, when creating the new connection choose "*keep existing data*" instead. The ownCloud client will check the files in the newly-added sync folder and find that they match what is on the server and not need to download anything. Make your choice and click "**Connect...**". This will then step you through the Connection Wizard, just as you did when you setup the previous sync connection, but giving you the opportunity to choose a new sync directory.