FAQ === Some files are continuously uploaded to the server, even when they are not modified. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It is possible that another program is changing the modification date of the file. If the file is uses the ``.eml`` extension, Windows automatically and continually changes all files, unless you remove ``\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\PropertySystem\PropertyHandlers`` from the windows registry. See http://petersteier.wordpress.com/2011/10/22/windows-indexer-changes-modification-dates-of-eml-files/ for more information. Syncing breaks when attempting to sync deeper than 50 sub-directories, but the sync client does not report an error (RC=0) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sync client has been intentionally limited to sync no deeper than fifty sub-directories, to help prevent memory problems. Unfortunately, it, *currently*, does not report an error when this occurs. However, a UI notification is planned for a future release of ownCloud.