/* * Copyright (C) by Duncan Mac-Vicar P. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include #include "mirall/application.h" #include "mirall/systray.h" #include "mirall/folder.h" #include "mirall/folderwatcher.h" #include "mirall/folderwizard.h" #include "mirall/networklocation.h" #include "mirall/owncloudfolder.h" #include "mirall/statusdialog.h" #include "mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.h" #include "mirall/owncloudinfo.h" #include "mirall/sslerrordialog.h" #include "mirall/theme.h" #include "mirall/mirallconfigfile.h" #include "mirall/updatedetector.h" #include "mirall/proxydialog.h" #include "mirall/credentialstore.h" #include "mirall/logger.h" #include "mirall/inotify.h" #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Mirall { // application logging handler. void mirallLogCatcher(QtMsgType type, const char *msg) { Q_UNUSED(type) // qDebug() exports to local8Bit, which is not always UTF-8 Logger::instance()->mirallLog( QString::fromLocal8Bit(msg) ); } namespace { static const char optionsC[] = "Options:\n" " -h --help : show this help screen.\n" " --logwindow : open a window to show log output.\n" " --logfile : write log output to file .\n" " --logdir : write each sync log output in a new file\n" " in directory .\n" " --logexpire : removes logs older than hours.\n" " (to be used with --logdir)\n" " --logflush : flush the log file after every write.\n" " --monoicons : Use black/white pictograms for systray.\n" " --confdir : Use the given configuration directory.\n" ; QString applicationTrPath() { #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX // FIXME - proper path! return QLatin1String("/usr/share/mirall/i18n/"); #endif #ifdef Q_OS_MAC return QApplication::applicationDirPath()+QLatin1String("/../Resources/Translations"); // path defaults to app dir. #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 return QApplication::applicationDirPath(); #endif } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application::Application(int &argc, char **argv) : SharedTools::QtSingleApplication(argc, argv), _tray(0), #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040700 _networkMgr(new QNetworkConfigurationManager(this)), #endif _sslErrorDialog(0), _contextMenu(0), _theme(Theme::instance()), _logBrowser(0), _logExpire(0), _showLogWindow(false), _logFlush(false), _helpOnly(false), _fileItemDialog(0) { setApplicationName( _theme->appNameGUI() ); setWindowIcon( _theme->applicationIcon() ); parseOptions(arguments()); setupTranslations(); setupLogBrowser(); //no need to waste time; if ( _helpOnly ) return; connect( this, SIGNAL(messageReceived(QString)), SLOT(slotParseOptions(QString))); connect( Logger::instance(), SIGNAL(guiLog(QString,QString)), this, SLOT(slotShowTrayMessage(QString,QString))); // create folder manager for sync folder management _folderMan = new FolderMan(this); connect( _folderMan, SIGNAL(folderSyncStateChange(QString)), this,SLOT(slotSyncStateChange(QString))); _folderMan->setSyncEnabled(false); /* use a signal mapper to map the open requests to the alias names */ _folderOpenActionMapper = new QSignalMapper(this); connect(_folderOpenActionMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotFolderOpenAction(const QString &))); setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); _statusDialog = new StatusDialog( _theme ); connect( _statusDialog, SIGNAL(addASync()), this, SLOT(slotAddFolder()) ); connect( _statusDialog, SIGNAL(removeFolderAlias( const QString&)), SLOT(slotRemoveFolder(const QString&))); connect( _statusDialog, SIGNAL(resetFolderAlias( const QString&)), SLOT(slotResetFolder(const QString&))); connect( _statusDialog, SIGNAL(enableFolderAlias(QString,bool)), SLOT(slotEnableFolder(QString,bool))); connect( _statusDialog, SIGNAL(infoFolderAlias(const QString&)), SLOT(slotInfoFolder( const QString&))); connect( _statusDialog, SIGNAL(openFolderAlias(const QString&)), SLOT(slotFolderOpenAction(QString))); #if 0 #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040700 qDebug() << "* Network is" << (_networkMgr->isOnline() ? "online" : "offline"); foreach (const QNetworkConfiguration& netCfg, _networkMgr->allConfigurations(QNetworkConfiguration::Active)) { //qDebug() << "Network:" << netCfg.identifier(); } #endif #endif setupActions(); setupSystemTray(); slotSetupProxy(); int cnt = _folderMan->setupFolders(); _statusDialog->setFolderList( _folderMan->map() ); QObject::connect( this, SIGNAL(messageReceived(QString)), this, SLOT(slotOpenStatus()) ); QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( slotStartFolderSetup() )); MirallConfigFile cfg; if( !cfg.ownCloudSkipUpdateCheck() ) { QTimer::singleShot( 3000, this, SLOT( slotStartUpdateDetector() )); } connect( ownCloudInfo::instance(), SIGNAL(sslFailed(QNetworkReply*, QList)), this,SLOT(slotSSLFailed(QNetworkReply*, QList))); connect( ownCloudInfo::instance(), SIGNAL(quotaUpdated(qint64,qint64)), SLOT(slotRefreshQuotaDisplay(qint64, qint64))); qDebug() << "Network Location: " << NetworkLocation::currentLocation().encoded(); } Application::~Application() { delete _tray; // needed, see ctor delete _fileItemDialog; delete _statusDialog; qDebug() << "* Mirall shutdown"; } void Application::slotStartUpdateDetector() { UpdateDetector *updateDetector = new UpdateDetector(this); updateDetector->versionCheck(_theme); } void Application::slotStartFolderSetup( int result ) { if( result == QDialog::Accepted ) { if( ownCloudInfo::instance()->isConfigured() ) { connect( ownCloudInfo::instance(),SIGNAL(ownCloudInfoFound(QString,QString,QString,QString)), SLOT(slotOwnCloudFound(QString,QString,QString,QString))); connect( ownCloudInfo::instance(),SIGNAL(noOwncloudFound(QNetworkReply*)), SLOT(slotNoOwnCloudFound(QNetworkReply*))); ownCloudInfo::instance()->checkInstallation(); } else { slotConfigure(); } } else { qDebug() << "Setup Wizard was canceled. No reparsing of config."; } } void Application::slotOwnCloudFound( const QString& url, const QString& versionStr, const QString& version, const QString& edition) { qDebug() << "** Application: ownCloud found: " << url << " with version " << versionStr << "(" << version << ")"; // now check the authentication MirallConfigFile cfgFile; cfgFile.setOwnCloudVersion( version ); // disconnect from ownCloudInfo disconnect( ownCloudInfo::instance(),SIGNAL(ownCloudInfoFound(QString,QString,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(slotOwnCloudFound(QString,QString,QString,QString))); disconnect( ownCloudInfo::instance(),SIGNAL(noOwncloudFound(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(slotNoOwnCloudFound(QNetworkReply*))); if( version.startsWith("4.0") ) { QMessageBox::warning(0, tr("%1 Server Mismatch").arg(_theme->appNameGUI()), tr("

The configured server for this client is too old.

" "

Please update to the latest %1 server and restart the client.

").arg(_theme->appNameGUI())); return; } QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( slotFetchCredentials() )); } void Application::slotNoOwnCloudFound( QNetworkReply* reply ) { Q_UNUSED(reply) qDebug() << "** Application: NO ownCloud found! Going offline"; _actionAddFolder->setEnabled( false ); // Disconnect. disconnect( ownCloudInfo::instance(),SIGNAL(ownCloudInfoFound(QString,QString,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(slotOwnCloudFound(QString,QString,QString,QString))); disconnect( ownCloudInfo::instance(),SIGNAL(noOwncloudFound(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(slotNoOwnCloudFound(QNetworkReply*))); disconnect( ownCloudInfo::instance(),SIGNAL(ownCloudDirExists(QString,QNetworkReply*)), this,SLOT(slotAuthCheck(QString,QNetworkReply*))); setupContextMenu(); QTimer::singleShot( 30*1000, this, SLOT( slotStartFolderSetup() )); } void Application::slotFetchCredentials() { QString trayMessage; if( CredentialStore::instance()->state() == CredentialStore::Ok ) { // the credentials are still valid and ok. slotCredentialsFetched( true ); } else { if( CredentialStore::instance()->canTryAgain() ) { connect( CredentialStore::instance(), SIGNAL(fetchCredentialsFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(slotCredentialsFetched(bool)) ); CredentialStore::instance()->fetchCredentials(); if( CredentialStore::instance()->state() == CredentialStore::TooManyAttempts ) { trayMessage = tr("Too many incorrect password attempts."); } } else { qDebug() << "Can not try again to fetch Credentials."; trayMessage = tr("%1 user credentials are wrong. Please check configuration.") .arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()); } if( !trayMessage.isEmpty() ) { slotShowTrayMessage(tr("Credentials"), trayMessage); _actionOpenStatus->setEnabled( false ); _actionAddFolder->setEnabled( false ); } } } void Application::slotCredentialsFetched(bool ok) { qDebug() << "Credentials successfully fetched: " << ok; if( ! ok ) { QString trayMessage; trayMessage = tr("Error: Could not retrieve the password!"); if( CredentialStore::instance()->state() == CredentialStore::UserCanceled ) { trayMessage = tr("Password dialog was canceled!"); } else { trayMessage = CredentialStore::instance()->errorMessage(); } if( !trayMessage.isEmpty() ) { slotShowTrayMessage(tr("Credentials"), trayMessage); } qDebug() << "Could not fetch credentials"; _actionAddFolder->setEnabled( false ); _actionOpenStatus->setEnabled( false ); } else { ownCloudInfo::instance()->setCredentials( CredentialStore::instance()->user(), CredentialStore::instance()->password() ); // Credential fetched ok. QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( slotCheckAuthentication() )); } disconnect( CredentialStore::instance(), SIGNAL(fetchCredentialsFinished(bool)) ); } void Application::slotCheckAuthentication() { connect( ownCloudInfo::instance(),SIGNAL(ownCloudDirExists(QString,QNetworkReply*)), this,SLOT(slotAuthCheck(QString,QNetworkReply*))); qDebug() << "# checking for authentication settings."; ownCloudInfo::instance()->getWebDAVPath(QLatin1String("/") ); // this call needs to be authenticated. // simply GET the webdav root, will fail if credentials are wrong. // continue in slotAuthCheck here :-) } void Application::slotAuthCheck( const QString& ,QNetworkReply *reply ) { bool ok = true; if( reply->error() == QNetworkReply::AuthenticationRequiredError ) { // returned if the user is wrong. qDebug() << "******** Password is wrong!"; QMessageBox::warning(0, tr("No %1 Connection").arg(_theme->appNameGUI()), tr("

Your %1 credentials are not correct.

" "

Please correct them by starting the configuration dialog from the tray!

") .arg(_theme->appNameGUI())); _actionAddFolder->setEnabled( false ); ok = false; } else if( reply->error() == QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError ) { // the username was wrong and ownCloudInfo was closing the request after a couple of auth tries. qDebug() << "******** Username or password is wrong!"; QMessageBox::warning(0, tr("No %1 Connection").arg(_theme->appNameGUI()), tr("

Either your user name or your password are not correct.

" "

Please correct it by starting the configuration dialog from the tray!

")); _actionAddFolder->setEnabled( false ); ok = false; } // disconnect from ownCloud Info signals disconnect( ownCloudInfo::instance(),SIGNAL(ownCloudDirExists(QString,QNetworkReply*)), this,SLOT(slotAuthCheck(QString,QNetworkReply*))); if( ok ) { qDebug() << "######## Credentials are ok!"; _folderMan->setSyncEnabled(true); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_folderMan, "slotScheduleFolderSync"); _tray->setIcon( _theme->syncStateIcon( SyncResult::NotYetStarted, true ) ); _tray->show(); int cnt = _folderMan->map().size(); if( _tray ) _tray->showMessage(tr("%1 Sync Started").arg(_theme->appNameGUI()), tr("Sync started for %1 configured sync folder(s).").arg(cnt)); // queue up the sync for all folders. _folderMan->slotScheduleAllFolders(); computeOverallSyncStatus(); _actionAddFolder->setEnabled( true ); _actionOpenStatus->setEnabled( true ); setupContextMenu(); } } void Application::slotSSLFailed( QNetworkReply *reply, QList errors ) { qDebug() << "SSL-Warnings happened for url " << reply->url().toString(); if( ownCloudInfo::instance()->certsUntrusted() ) { // User decided once to untrust. Honor this decision. qDebug() << "Untrusted by user decision, returning."; return; } QString configHandle = ownCloudInfo::instance()->configHandle(reply); // make the ssl dialog aware of the custom config. It loads known certs. if( ! _sslErrorDialog ) { _sslErrorDialog = new SslErrorDialog; } _sslErrorDialog->setCustomConfigHandle( configHandle ); if( _sslErrorDialog->setErrorList( errors ) ) { // all ssl certs are known and accepted. We can ignore the problems right away. qDebug() << "Certs are already known and trusted, Warnings are not valid."; reply->ignoreSslErrors(); } else { if( _sslErrorDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { if( _sslErrorDialog->trustConnection() ) { reply->ignoreSslErrors(); } else { // User does not want to trust. ownCloudInfo::instance()->setCertsUntrusted(true); } } else { ownCloudInfo::instance()->setCertsUntrusted(true); } } } void Application::slotownCloudWizardDone( int res ) { if( res == QDialog::Accepted ) { int cnt = _folderMan->setupFolders(); qDebug() << "Set up " << cnt << " folders."; _statusDialog->setFolderList( _folderMan->map() ); } _folderMan->setSyncEnabled( true ); slotStartFolderSetup( res ); _owncloudSetupWizard.reset(0); } void Application::setupActions() { _actionOpenoC = new QAction(tr("Open %1 in browser...").arg(_theme->appNameGUI()), this); QObject::connect(_actionOpenoC, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotOpenOwnCloud())); _actionOpenStatus = new QAction(tr("Open status..."), this); QObject::connect(_actionOpenStatus, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotOpenStatus())); _actionOpenStatus->setEnabled( false ); _actionQuota = new QAction(tr("Calculating quota..."), this); _actionQuota->setEnabled( false ); _actionAddFolder = new QAction(tr("Add folder..."), this); QObject::connect(_actionAddFolder, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotAddFolder())); _actionConfigure = new QAction(tr("Configure..."), this); QObject::connect(_actionConfigure, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotConfigure())); _actionConfigureProxy = new QAction(tr("Configure proxy..."), this); QObject::connect(_actionConfigureProxy, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotConfigureProxy())); _actionAbout = new QAction(tr("About..."), this); QObject::connect(_actionAbout, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotAbout())); _actionQuit = new QAction(tr("Quit"), this); QObject::connect(_actionQuit, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(quit())); } void Application::setupSystemTray() { // Setting a parent heres will crash on X11 since by the time qapp runs // its childrens dtors, the X11->screen variable queried for is gone -> crash _tray = new Systray(); _tray->setIcon( _theme->syncStateIcon( SyncResult::NotYetStarted, true ) ); connect(_tray,SIGNAL(activated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)), SLOT(slotTrayClicked(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason))); setupContextMenu(); _tray->show(); } void Application::setupContextMenu() { bool isConfigured = ownCloudInfo::instance()->isConfigured(); _actionOpenStatus->setEnabled(isConfigured); _actionOpenoC->setEnabled(isConfigured); _actionAddFolder->setEnabled(isConfigured); if( _contextMenu ) { _contextMenu->clear(); } else { _contextMenu = new QMenu(); // this must be called only once after creating the context menu, or // it will trigger a bug in Ubuntu's SNI bridge patch (11.10, 12.04). _tray->setContextMenu(_contextMenu); } _contextMenu->setTitle(_theme->appNameGUI() ); _contextMenu->addAction(_actionOpenStatus); _contextMenu->addAction(_actionOpenoC); _contextMenu->addSeparator(); _contextMenu->addAction(_actionQuota); _contextMenu->addSeparator(); int folderCnt = _folderMan->map().size(); // add open actions for all sync folders to the tray menu if( _theme->singleSyncFolder() ) { if( folderCnt == 0 ) { // if there is no folder configured yet, show the add action. _contextMenu->addAction(_actionAddFolder); } else { // there should be exactly one folder. No sync-folder add action will be shown. QStringList li = _folderMan->map().keys(); if( li.size() == 1 ) { Folder *folder = _folderMan->map().value(li.first()); if( folder ) { // if there is singleFolder mode, a generic open action is displayed. QAction *action = new QAction( tr("Open %1 folder").arg(_theme->appNameGUI()), this); action->setIcon( _theme->trayFolderIcon( folder->backend()) ); connect( action, SIGNAL(triggered()),_folderOpenActionMapper,SLOT(map())); _folderOpenActionMapper->setMapping( action, folder->alias() ); _contextMenu->addAction(action); } } } } else { // show a grouping with more than one folder. if ( folderCnt ) { _contextMenu->addAction(tr("Managed Folders:"))->setDisabled(true); } foreach (Folder *folder, _folderMan->map() ) { QAction *action = new QAction( folder->alias(), this ); action->setIcon( _theme->trayFolderIcon( folder->backend()) ); connect( action, SIGNAL(triggered()),_folderOpenActionMapper,SLOT(map())); _folderOpenActionMapper->setMapping( action, folder->alias() ); _contextMenu->addAction(action); } _contextMenu->addAction(_actionAddFolder); } _contextMenu->addSeparator(); _contextMenu->addAction(_actionConfigure); _contextMenu->addAction(_actionConfigureProxy); _contextMenu->addSeparator(); if (!Theme::instance()->about().isEmpty()) { _contextMenu->addAction(_actionAbout); _contextMenu->addSeparator(); } _contextMenu->addAction(_actionQuit); } void Application::setupLogBrowser() { // might be called from second instance if (!_logBrowser) { // init the log browser. _logBrowser = new LogBrowser; qInstallMsgHandler( mirallLogCatcher ); // ## TODO: allow new log name maybe? if (!_logDirectory.isEmpty()) { enterNextLogFile(); } else if (!_logFile.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "Logging into logfile: " << _logFile << " with flush " << _logFlush; _logBrowser->setLogFile( _logFile, _logFlush ); } } if (_showLogWindow) slotOpenLogBrowser(); qDebug() << QString::fromLatin1( "################## %1 %2 (%3) %4").arg(_theme->appName()) .arg( QLocale::system().name() ) .arg(property("ui_lang").toString()) .arg(_theme->version()); } void Application::enterNextLogFile() { if (_logBrowser && !_logDirectory.isEmpty()) { QDir dir(_logDirectory); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkpath("."); } // Find out what is the file with the highest nymber if any QStringList files = dir.entryList(QStringList("owncloud.log.*"), QDir::Files); QRegExp rx("owncloud.log.(\\d+)"); uint maxNumber = 0; QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); foreach(const QString &s, files) { if (rx.exactMatch(s)) { maxNumber = qMax(maxNumber, rx.cap(1).toUInt()); if (_logExpire > 0) { QFileInfo fileInfo = dir.absoluteFilePath(s); if (fileInfo.lastModified().addSecs(60*60 * _logExpire) < now) { dir.remove(s); } } } } QString filename = _logDirectory + "/owncloud.log." + QString::number(maxNumber+1); _logBrowser->setLogFile(filename , _logFlush); } } QNetworkProxy proxyFromConfig(const MirallConfigFile& cfg) { QNetworkProxy proxy; proxy.setHostName(cfg.proxyHostName()); proxy.setPort(cfg.proxyPort()); if (cfg.proxyNeedsAuth()) { proxy.setUser(cfg.proxyUser()); proxy.setPassword(cfg.proxyPassword()); } return proxy; } void Application::slotSetupProxy() { Mirall::MirallConfigFile cfg; int proxyType = cfg.proxyType(); QNetworkProxy proxy = proxyFromConfig(cfg); switch(proxyType) { case QNetworkProxy::NoProxy: QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy); break; case QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy: QNetworkProxyFactory::setUseSystemConfiguration(true); break; case QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy: proxy.setType(QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy); QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy(proxy); break; case QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy: proxy.setType(QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy); QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy(proxy); break; default: break; } _folderMan->setProxy(); } static QString octetsToString( qint64 octets ) { const qint64 kb = 1024; const qint64 mb = 1024 * kb; const qint64 gb = 1024 * mb; if (octets >= gb) { return QString::number(octets/gb) + QLatin1String(" GB"); } else if (octets >= mb) { return QString::number(octets/mb) + QLatin1String(" MB"); } else if (octets >= kb) { return QString::number(octets/kb) + QLatin1String(" KB"); } else { return octets + QLatin1String(" bytes"); } } void Application::slotRefreshQuotaDisplay( qint64 total, qint64 used ) { if (total == 0) { _actionQuota->setText(tr("Quota n/a")); return; } double percent = used/(double)total * 100; QString percentFormatted; // Don't display floating point numbers. Nobody cares. if ((int)percent == 0) { if (percent == .0) { percentFormatted = QLatin1String("0"); } else { percentFormatted = QLatin1String("<1"); } } else { percentFormatted = QString::number((int)percent); } QString totalFormatted = octetsToString(total); _actionQuota->setText(tr("%1% of %2 used").arg(percentFormatted).arg(totalFormatted)); } /* * open the folder with the given Alais */ void Application::slotFolderOpenAction( const QString& alias ) { Folder *f = _folderMan->folder(alias); qDebug() << "opening local url " << f->path(); if( f ) { QUrl url(f->path(), QUrl::TolerantMode); url.setScheme( QLatin1String("file") ); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 // work around a bug in QDesktopServices on Win32, see i-net QString filePath = f->path(); if (filePath.startsWith(QLatin1String("\\\\")) || filePath.startsWith(QLatin1String("//"))) url.setUrl(QDir::toNativeSeparators(filePath)); else url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(filePath); #endif QDesktopServices::openUrl(url); } } void Application::slotOpenOwnCloud() { MirallConfigFile cfgFile; QString url = cfgFile.ownCloudUrl(); QDesktopServices::openUrl( url ); } void Application::slotTrayClicked( QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason ) { // A click on the tray icon should only open the status window on Win and // Linux, not on Mac. They want a menu entry. // If the user canceled login, rather open the login window. if( CredentialStore::instance()->state() == CredentialStore::UserCanceled || CredentialStore::instance()->state() == CredentialStore::Error ) { slotFetchCredentials(); } #if defined Q_WS_WIN || defined Q_WS_X11 if( reason == QSystemTrayIcon::Trigger ) { slotOpenStatus(); } #endif } void Application::slotAddFolder() { /** Helper class to ensure sync is always switched back on */ class SyncDisabler { public: SyncDisabler(Application *app) : _app(app) { _app->_folderMan->setSyncEnabled(false); } ~SyncDisabler() { _app->_folderMan->setSyncEnabled(true); _app->computeOverallSyncStatus(); _app->_folderMan->slotScheduleAllFolders(); } private: Application *_app; }; if (!_folderWizard.isNull()) { raiseDialog(_folderWizard); return; } // disables sync queuing while in scope SyncDisabler disableSync(this); Folder::Map folderMap = _folderMan->map(); _folderWizard = new FolderWizard; _folderWizard->setFolderMap( &folderMap ); if (_folderWizard->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { qDebug() << "* Folder wizard completed"; QString alias = _folderWizard->field(QLatin1String("alias")).toString(); QString sourceFolder = _folderWizard->field(QLatin1String("sourceFolder")).toString(); QString targetPath = _folderWizard->field(QLatin1String("OCFolderLineEdit")).toString(); QString backend = QLatin1String("owncloud"); if (!FolderMan::ensureJournalGone( sourceFolder )) return; _folderMan->addFolderDefinition( backend, alias, sourceFolder, targetPath, false ); Folder *f = _folderMan->setupFolderFromConfigFile( alias ); if( f ) { _statusDialog->slotAddFolder( f ); _statusDialog->buttonsSetEnabled(); setupContextMenu(); } } else { qDebug() << "* Folder wizard cancelled"; } _folderWizard->deleteLater(); } void Application::slotOpenStatus() { if( ! _statusDialog ) return; QWidget *raiseWidget = 0; // check if there is a mirall.cfg already. if( !_owncloudSetupWizard.isNull() && _owncloudSetupWizard->wizard()->isVisible() ) { raiseWidget = _owncloudSetupWizard->wizard(); } // if no config file is there, start the configuration wizard. if( ! raiseWidget ) { MirallConfigFile cfgFile; if( !cfgFile.exists() ) { qDebug() << "No configured folders yet, start the Owncloud integration dialog."; slotConfigure(); } else { qDebug() << "#============# Status dialog starting #=============#"; raiseWidget = _statusDialog; _statusDialog->setFolderList( _folderMan->map() ); } } raiseDialog( raiseWidget ); } void Application::raiseDialog( QWidget *raiseWidget ) { // viel hilft viel ;-) if( raiseWidget ) { #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined (Q_OS_MAC) Qt::WindowFlags eFlags = raiseWidget->windowFlags(); eFlags |= Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint; raiseWidget->setWindowFlags(eFlags); raiseWidget->show(); eFlags &= ~Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint; raiseWidget->setWindowFlags(eFlags); #endif raiseWidget->show(); raiseWidget->raise(); raiseWidget->activateWindow(); } } void Application::slotOpenLogBrowser() { _logBrowser->show(); _logBrowser->raise(); } void Application::slotAbout() { QMessageBox::about(0, tr("About %1").arg(_theme->appNameGUI()), Theme::instance()->about()); } /* * the folder is to be removed. The slot is called from a signal emitted by * the status dialog, which removes the folder from its list by itself. */ void Application::slotRemoveFolder( const QString& alias ) { int ret = QMessageBox::question( 0, tr("Confirm Folder Remove"), tr("

Do you really want to stop syncing the folder %1?

" "

Note: This will not remove the files from your client.

").arg(alias), QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No ); if( ret == QMessageBox::No ) { return; } _folderMan->slotRemoveFolder( alias ); _statusDialog->slotRemoveSelectedFolder( ); computeOverallSyncStatus(); setupContextMenu(); } void Application::slotResetFolder( const QString & alias ) { int ret = QMessageBox::question( 0, tr("Confirm Folder Reset"), tr("

Do you really want to reset folder %1 and rebuild your client database?

" "

Note: While no files will be removed, this can cause significant data " "traffic and take several minutes to hours, depending on the size of the folder.

").arg(alias), QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No ); if( ret == QMessageBox::No ) { return; } Folder *f = _folderMan->folder(alias); f->slotTerminateSync(); f->wipe(); _folderMan->slotScheduleAllFolders(); } // Open the File list info dialog. void Application::slotInfoFolder( const QString& alias ) { qDebug() << "details of folder with alias " << alias; if( !_fileItemDialog ) { _fileItemDialog = new FileItemDialog(_theme); } SyncResult folderResult = _folderMan->syncResult( alias ); _fileItemDialog->setSyncResult( folderResult ); raiseDialog( _fileItemDialog ); } void Application::slotEnableFolder(const QString& alias, const bool enable) { qDebug() << "Application: enable folder with alias " << alias; bool terminate = false; // this sets the folder status to disabled but does not interrupt it. Folder *f = _folderMan->folder( alias ); if( f && !enable ) { // check if a sync is still running and if so, ask if we should terminate. if( f->isBusy() ) { // its still running int reply = QMessageBox::question( 0, tr("Sync Running"), tr("The syncing operation is running.
Do you want to terminate it?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes ); if ( reply == QMessageBox::Yes ) terminate = true; else return; // do nothing } } // message box can return at any time while the thread keeps running, // so better check again after the user has responded. if ( f->isBusy() && terminate ) _folderMan->terminateSyncProcess( alias ); _folderMan->slotEnableFolder( alias, enable ); _statusDialog->slotUpdateFolderState( f ); } void Application::slotConfigure() { if (!_owncloudSetupWizard.isNull() && !_owncloudSetupWizard->wizard()->isVisible()) { raiseDialog(_owncloudSetupWizard->wizard()); return; } _owncloudSetupWizard.reset(new OwncloudSetupWizard( _folderMan, _theme, this ));; connect( _owncloudSetupWizard.data(), SIGNAL(ownCloudWizardDone(int)), this, SLOT(slotownCloudWizardDone(int))); _folderMan->setSyncEnabled(false); // do not start more syncs. _owncloudSetupWizard->startWizard(); } void Application::slotConfigureProxy() { if (_proxyDialog.isNull()) { _proxyDialog = new ProxyDialog; _proxyDialog->open(); connect(_proxyDialog, SIGNAL(accept()), SLOT(slotSetupProxy())); } else { raiseDialog(_proxyDialog); } } void Application::slotParseOptions(const QString &opts) { QStringList options = opts.split(QLatin1Char('|')); parseOptions(options); setupLogBrowser(); } void Application::slotShowTrayMessage(const QString &title, const QString &msg) { if( _tray != NULL ) _tray->showMessage(title, msg); else qDebug() << "Tray not ready: " << msg; } void Application::slotSyncStateChange( const QString& alias ) { SyncResult result = _folderMan->syncResult( alias ); _statusDialog->slotUpdateFolderState( _folderMan->folder(alias) ); if( _fileItemDialog && _fileItemDialog->isVisible() ) { _fileItemDialog->setSyncResult( _folderMan->syncResult(alias) ); } computeOverallSyncStatus(); qDebug() << "Sync state changed for folder " << alias << ": " << result.statusString(); if (result.status() == SyncResult::Success || result.status() == SyncResult::Error) { enterNextLogFile(); } } void Application::parseOptions(const QStringList &options) { QStringListIterator it(options); // skip file name; if (it.hasNext()) it.next(); //parse options; if help or bad option exit while (it.hasNext()) { QString option = it.next(); if (option == QLatin1String("--help") || option == QLatin1String("-h")) { setHelp(); break; } else if (option == QLatin1String("--logwindow") || option == QLatin1String("-l")) { _showLogWindow = true; } else if (option == QLatin1String("--logfile")) { if (it.hasNext() && !it.peekNext().startsWith(QLatin1String("--"))) { _logFile = it.next(); } else { setHelp(); } } else if (option == QLatin1String("--logdir")) { if (it.hasNext() && !it.peekNext().startsWith(QLatin1String("--"))) { _logDirectory = it.next(); } else { setHelp(); } } else if (option == QLatin1String("--logexpire")) { if (it.hasNext() && !it.peekNext().startsWith(QLatin1String("--"))) { _logExpire = it.next().toInt(); } else { setHelp(); } } else if (option == QLatin1String("--logflush")) { _logFlush = true; } else if (option == QLatin1String("--monoicons")) { _theme->setSystrayUseMonoIcons(true); } else if (option == QLatin1String("--confdir")) { if (it.hasNext() && !it.peekNext().startsWith(QLatin1String("--"))) { QString confDir = it.next(); MirallConfigFile::setConfDir( confDir ); } else { showHelp(); } } else { setHelp(); break; } } } void Application::computeOverallSyncStatus() { // display the info of the least successful sync (eg. not just display the result of the latest sync SyncResult overallResult(SyncResult::Undefined ); QMap overallStatusStrings; QString trayMessage; Folder::Map map = _folderMan->map(); foreach ( Folder *syncedFolder, map.values() ) { QString folderMessage; SyncResult folderResult = syncedFolder->syncResult(); SyncResult::Status syncStatus = folderResult.status(); switch( syncStatus ) { case SyncResult::Undefined: if ( overallResult.status() != SyncResult::Error ) { overallResult.setStatus(SyncResult::Error); } folderMessage = tr( "Undefined State." ); break; case SyncResult::NotYetStarted: folderMessage = tr( "Waits to start syncing." ); overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::NotYetStarted ); break; case SyncResult::SyncPrepare: folderMessage = tr( "Preparing for sync." ); overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::SyncPrepare ); break; case SyncResult::SyncRunning: folderMessage = tr( "Sync is running." ); overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::SyncRunning ); break; case SyncResult::Unavailable: folderMessage = tr( "Server is currently not available." ); overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::Unavailable ); break; case SyncResult::Success: if( overallResult.status() == SyncResult::Undefined ) { overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::Success ); } folderMessage = tr( "Last Sync was successful." ); break; case SyncResult::Error: overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::Error ); folderMessage = tr( "Syncing Error." ); break; case SyncResult::SetupError: if ( overallResult.status() != SyncResult::Error ) { overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::SetupError ); } folderMessage = tr( "Setup Error." ); break; default: folderMessage = tr( "Undefined Error State." ); overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::Error ); } if( !syncedFolder->syncEnabled() ) { // sync is disabled. folderMessage += tr( " (Sync is paused)" ); } qDebug() << "Folder in overallStatus Message: " << syncedFolder << " with name " << syncedFolder->alias(); QString msg = tr("Folder %1: %2").arg(syncedFolder->alias(), folderMessage); overallStatusStrings[syncedFolder->alias()] = msg; } // create the tray blob message, check if we have an defined state if( overallResult.status() != SyncResult::Undefined ) { QStringList allStatusStrings = overallStatusStrings.values(); if( ! allStatusStrings.isEmpty() ) trayMessage = allStatusStrings.join(QLatin1String("\n")); else trayMessage = tr("No sync folders configured."); QIcon statusIcon = _theme->syncStateIcon( overallResult.status(), true); // size 48 before _tray->setIcon( statusIcon ); _tray->setToolTip(trayMessage); } } // Helpers for displaying messages. Note that there is no console on Windows. #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // Format as
static inline void toHtml(QString &t)
    t.replace(QLatin1Char('&'), QLatin1String("&"));
    t.replace(QLatin1Char('<'), QLatin1String("<"));
    t.replace(QLatin1Char('>'), QLatin1String(">"));
    t.insert(0, QLatin1String("
")); } static void displayHelpText(QString t) // No console on Windows. { toHtml(t); QMessageBox::information(0, Theme::instance()->appNameGUI(), t); } #else static void displayHelpText(const QString &t) { std::cout << qPrintable(t); } #endif void Application::showHelp() { setHelp(); QString helpText; QTextStream stream(&helpText); stream << _theme->appName().toLatin1().constData() << QLatin1String(" version ") << _theme->version().toLatin1().constData() << endl; stream << QLatin1String("File synchronisation desktop utility.") << endl << endl << QLatin1String(optionsC); if (_theme->appName() == QLatin1String("ownCloud")) stream << endl << "For more information, see http://www.owncloud.org" << endl; displayHelpText(helpText); } void Application::setHelp() { _helpOnly = true; } #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) bool Application::winEventFilter(MSG *pMsg, long *result) { if (pMsg->message == WM_POWERBROADCAST) { switch(pMsg->wParam) { case PBT_APMPOWERSTATUSCHANGE: qDebug() << "WM_POWERBROADCAST: Power state changed"; break; case PBT_APMSUSPEND: qDebug() << "WM_POWERBROADCAST: Entering low power state"; break; case PBT_APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC: qDebug() << "WM_POWERBROADCAST: Resuming from low power state"; break; default: break; } return true; } return SharedTools::QtSingleApplication::winEventFilter(pMsg, result); } #endif QString substLang(const QString &lang) { // Map the more apropriate script codes // to country codes as used by Qt and // transifex translation conventions. // Simplified Chinese if (lang == QLatin1String("zh_Hans")) return QLatin1String("zh_CN"); // Traditional Chinese if (lang == QLatin1String("zh_Hant")) return QLatin1String("zh_TW"); return lang; } void Application::setupTranslations() { QStringList uiLanguages; // uiLanguages crashes on Windows with 4.8.0 release builds #if (QT_VERSION >= 0x040801) || (QT_VERSION >= 0x040800 && !defined(Q_OS_WIN)) uiLanguages = QLocale::system().uiLanguages(); #else // older versions need to fall back to the systems locale uiLanguages << QLocale::system().name(); #endif QString enforcedLocale = Theme::instance()->enforcedLocale(); if (!enforcedLocale.isEmpty()) uiLanguages.prepend(enforcedLocale); QTranslator *translator = new QTranslator(this); QTranslator *qtTranslator = new QTranslator(this); QTranslator *qtkeychainTranslator = new QTranslator(this); foreach(QString lang, uiLanguages) { lang.replace(QLatin1Char('-'), QLatin1Char('_')); // work around QTBUG-25973 lang = substLang(lang); const QString trPath = applicationTrPath(); const QString trFile = QLatin1String("mirall_") + lang; if (translator->load(trFile, trPath) || lang.startsWith(QLatin1String("en"))) { // Permissive approach: Qt and keychain translations // may be missing, but Qt translations must be there in order // for us to accept the language. Otherwise, we try with the next. // "en" is an exeption as it is the default language and may not // have a translation file provided. qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Using" << lang << "translation"; setProperty("ui_lang", lang); const QString qtTrPath = QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath); const QString qtTrFile = QLatin1String("qt_") + lang; if (qtTranslator->load(qtTrFile, qtTrPath)) { qtTranslator->load(qtTrFile, trPath); } const QString qtkeychainFile = QLatin1String("qt_") + lang; if (!qtkeychainTranslator->load(qtkeychainFile, qtTrPath)) { qtkeychainTranslator->load(qtkeychainFile, trPath); } if (!translator->isEmpty()) installTranslator(translator); if (!qtTranslator->isEmpty()) installTranslator(qtTranslator); if (!qtkeychainTranslator->isEmpty()) installTranslator(qtkeychainTranslator); break; } if (property("ui_lang").isNull()) setProperty("ui_lang", "C"); } } bool Application::giveHelp() { return _helpOnly; } } // namespace Mirall