/* * This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical * support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for * any purpose. * */ #include #include "folderwatcher.h" #include "utility.h" void touch(const QString &file) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN OCC::Utility::writeRandomFile(file); #else QString cmd; cmd = QString("touch %1").arg(file); qDebug() << "Command: " << cmd; system(cmd.toLocal8Bit()); #endif } void mkdir(const QString &file) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN QDir dir; dir.mkdir(file); #else QString cmd = QString("mkdir %1").arg(file); qDebug() << "Command: " << cmd; system(cmd.toLocal8Bit()); #endif } void rmdir(const QString &file) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN QDir dir; dir.rmdir(file); #else QString cmd = QString("rmdir %1").arg(file); qDebug() << "Command: " << cmd; system(cmd.toLocal8Bit()); #endif } void rm(const QString &file) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN QFile::remove(file); #else QString cmd = QString("rm %1").arg(file); qDebug() << "Command: " << cmd; system(cmd.toLocal8Bit()); #endif } void mv(const QString &file1, const QString &file2) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN QFile::rename(file1, file2); #else QString cmd = QString("mv %1 %2").arg(file1, file2); qDebug() << "Command: " << cmd; system(cmd.toLocal8Bit()); #endif } using namespace OCC; class TestFolderWatcher : public QObject { Q_OBJECT QTemporaryDir _root; QString _rootPath; QScopedPointer _watcher; QScopedPointer _pathChangedSpy; bool waitForPathChanged(const QString &path) { QElapsedTimer t; t.start(); while (t.elapsed() < 5000) { // Check if it was already reported as changed by the watcher for (int i = 0; i < _pathChangedSpy->size(); ++i) { const auto &args = _pathChangedSpy->at(i); if (args.first().toString() == path) return true; } // Wait a bit and test again (don't bother checking if we timed out or not) _pathChangedSpy->wait(200); } return false; } public: TestFolderWatcher() { qsrand(QTime::currentTime().msec()); QDir rootDir(_root.path()); _rootPath = rootDir.canonicalPath(); qDebug() << "creating test directory tree in " << _rootPath; rootDir.mkpath("a1/b1/c1"); rootDir.mkpath("a1/b1/c2"); rootDir.mkpath("a1/b2/c1"); rootDir.mkpath("a1/b3/c3"); rootDir.mkpath("a2/b3/c3"); Utility::writeRandomFile( _rootPath+"/a1/random.bin"); Utility::writeRandomFile( _rootPath+"/a1/b2/todelete.bin"); Utility::writeRandomFile( _rootPath+"/a2/renamefile"); Utility::writeRandomFile( _rootPath+"/a1/movefile"); _watcher.reset(new FolderWatcher(_rootPath)); _pathChangedSpy.reset(new QSignalSpy(_watcher.data(), SIGNAL(pathChanged(QString)))); } private slots: void init() { _pathChangedSpy->clear(); } void testACreate() { // create a new file QString file(_rootPath + "/foo.txt"); QString cmd; cmd = QString("echo \"xyz\" > %1").arg(file); qDebug() << "Command: " << cmd; system(cmd.toLocal8Bit()); QVERIFY(waitForPathChanged(file)); } void testATouch() { // touch an existing file. QString file(_rootPath + "/a1/random.bin"); touch(file); QVERIFY(waitForPathChanged(file)); } void testCreateADir() { QString file(_rootPath+"/a1/b1/new_dir"); mkdir(file); QVERIFY(waitForPathChanged(file)); } void testRemoveADir() { QString file(_rootPath+"/a1/b3/c3"); rmdir(file); QVERIFY(waitForPathChanged(file)); } void testRemoveAFile() { QString file(_rootPath+"/a1/b2/todelete.bin"); QVERIFY(QFile::exists(file)); rm(file); QVERIFY(!QFile::exists(file)); QVERIFY(waitForPathChanged(file)); } void testRenameAFile() { QString file1(_rootPath+"/a2/renamefile"); QString file2(_rootPath+"/a2/renamefile.renamed"); QVERIFY(QFile::exists(file1)); mv(file1, file2); QVERIFY(QFile::exists(file2)); QVERIFY(waitForPathChanged(file1)); QVERIFY(waitForPathChanged(file2)); } void testMoveAFile() { QString old_file(_rootPath+"/a1/movefile"); QString new_file(_rootPath+"/a2/movefile.renamed"); QVERIFY(QFile::exists(old_file)); mv(old_file, new_file); QVERIFY(QFile::exists(new_file)); QVERIFY(waitForPathChanged(old_file)); QVERIFY(waitForPathChanged(new_file)); } }; #ifdef Q_OS_MAC QTEST_MAIN(TestFolderWatcher) #else QTEST_GUILESS_MAIN(TestFolderWatcher) #endif #include "testfolderwatcher.moc"