FileSystem The destination file has an unexpected size or modification time Ciljna datoteka ima nepričakovano velikost oziroma čas zadnje spremembe. FolderWizardSourcePage Form Obrazec Pick a local folder on your computer to sync Izberite krajevno mapo za usklajevanje. &Choose... &Izberi ... &Directory alias name: &Oznaka mape: FolderWizardTargetPage Form Obrazec Select a remote destination folder Izberite oddaljeno ciljno mapo. Create Folder Ustvari mapo Refresh Osveži Folders Mape TextLabel Oznaka OCC::AccountSettings Form Obrazec ... ... Storage space: ... Unchecked folders will be <b>removed</b> from your local file system and will not be synchronized to this computer anymore Neizbrane mape bodo <b>odstranjene</b> iz krajevnega datotečnega sistema in s tem računalnikom ne bodo več usklajevane! Apply Uveljavi Cancel Prekliči Connected with <server> as <user> Vzpostavljena je povezava s strežnikom <server> kot <user> No account configured. Ni nastavljenega računa. Add new Remove Odstrani Account Račun Choose what to sync Izbor datotek za usklajevanje Remove folder sync connection Folder creation failed Ustvarjanje mape je spodletelo <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>. Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Remove Folder Sync Connection Confirm Folder Reset Potrdi ponastavitev mape <p>Do you really want to reset folder <i>%1</i> and rebuild your client database?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This function is designed for maintenance purposes only. No files will be removed, but this can cause significant data traffic and take several minutes or hours to complete, depending on the size of the folder. Only use this option if advised by your administrator.</p> <p>Ali ste prepričani, da želite mapo <i>%1</i> ponastaviti in ponovno izgraditi podatkovno zbirko?</p><p><b>Opozorilo:</b> Možnost je zasnovana za vzdrževanje. Datoteke sicer ne bodo spremenjene, vendar pa je opravilo lahko zelo dolgotrajno in lahko traja tudi več ur. Trajanje je odvisno od velikosti mape. Možnost uporabite le, če vam to svetuje skrbnik sistema.</p> Sync Running Usklajevanje je v teku The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Izvaja se usklajevanje.<br/>Ali želite opravilo prekiniti? %1 in use %1 as <i>%2</i> Connected to %1. Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Signed out from %1. No connection to %1 at %2. Log in Prijava There are new folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Confirm Account Removal <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> Remove connection Open folder Odpri mapo Log out Odjava Resume sync Nadaljuj z usklajevanjem Pause sync Premor usklajevanja <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 of %2 in use Currently there is no storage usage information available. Trenutno ni na voljo nobenih podatkov o porabi prostora. No %1 connection configured. Ni nastavljene povezave %1. OCC::AccountState Signed out Disconnected Brez povezave Connected Povezano Service unavailable Storitev ni na voljo Network error Omrežna napaka Configuration error Napaka v nastavitvah Unknown account state Reauthentication required Zahtevano je vnovično overjanje istovetnosti You need to re-login to continue using the account %1. OCC::ActivityItemDelegate %1 on %2 (disconnected) OCC::ActivitySettings Server Activity Sync Protocol Protokol usklajevanja List of ignored or erroneous files Copy Kopiraj Copy the activity list to the clipboard. Kopiraj seznam opravil v odložišče. Not Synced server activity list sync activity list not syned items list Copied to clipboard Kopirano v odložišče The %1 has been copied to the clipboard. OCC::ActivityWidget Form Obrazec TextLabel Besedilna oznaka Server Activities Copy Kopiraj Copy the activity list to the clipboard. Kopiraj seznam opravil v odložišče. <br/>Account %1 does not have activities enabled. OCC::AddCertificateDialog SSL client certificate authentication Overitev odjemalca s potrdilom SSL This server probably requires a SSL client certificate. Ta strežnik verjetno zahteva potrdilo SSL odjemalca. Certificate : Digitalno potrdilo: Browse... Prebrskaj ... Certificate password : Geslo potrdila: Select a certificate Izberi potrdilo Certificate files (*.p12 *.pfx) Vrste potrdil (*.p12 *.pfx) OCC::AuthenticationDialog Authentication Required Zahtevana je overitev Enter username and password for '%1' at %2. Vpišite uporabniško ime in geslo za '%1' pri %2. &User: &Uporabnik: &Password: &Geslo: OCC::ConnectionValidator No ownCloud account configured Ni nastavljenega računa v oblaku ownCloud The configured server for this client is too old Nastavljen strežnik tega odjemalca je prestar. Please update to the latest server and restart the client. Posodobite strežnik in ponovno zaženite odjemalca. Authentication error: Either username or password are wrong. Napaka overitve: uporabniško ime ali geslo je napačno. timeout časovni zamik The provided credentials are not correct Podana poverila niso pravilna. OCC::DeleteJob Connection timed out Povezava je časovno potekla OCC::DiscoveryMainThread Aborted by the user Opravilo je bilo prekinjeno s strani uporabnika OCC::Folder Unable to create csync-context Ni mogoče ustvariti vsebine csync-context Local folder %1 does not exist. Krajevna mapa %1 ne obstaja. %1 should be a folder but is not. %1 is not readable. %1 ni mogoče brati. %1: %2 %1: %2 %1 and %2 other files have been removed. %1 names a file. Datoteka %1 in %2 drugih datotek je odstranjenih. %1 has been removed. %1 names a file. Datoteka %1 je odstranjena. %1 and %2 other files have been downloaded. %1 names a file. Datoteka %1 in %2 drugih datotek je prejetih. %1 has been downloaded. %1 names a file. Datoteka %1 je prejeta. %1 and %2 other files have been updated. Datoteka %1 in še %2 drugih datotek je posodobljenih. %1 has been updated. %1 names a file. Datoteka %1 je posodobljena. %1 has been renamed to %2 and %3 other files have been renamed. Datoteka %1 je preimenovana v %2. Preimenovanih je bilo še nekaj datotek (%3). %1 has been renamed to %2. %1 and %2 name files. Datoteka %1 je preimenovana v %2. %1 has been moved to %2 and %3 other files have been moved. Datoteka %1 je premaknjena v %2. Premaknjenih je bilo še nekaj datotek (%3). %1 has been moved to %2. Datoteka %1 je premaknjena v %2. %1 and %2 other files could not be synced due to errors. See the log for details. %1 names a file. Datoteka %1 in še %2 drugih datotek ni mogoče uskladiti zaradi napake. Več podrobnosti je zabeleženih v dnevniški datoteki. %1 could not be synced due to an error. See the log for details. Datoteke %1 zaradi napake ni mogoče uskladiti. Več podrobnosti je zabeleženih v dnevniški datoteki. Sync Activity Dejavnost usklajevanja Could not read system exclude file Ni mogoče prebrati sistemske izločitvene datoteke A new folder larger than %1 MB has been added: %2. Please go in the settings to select it if you wish to download it. This sync would remove all the files in the sync folder '%1'. This might be because the folder was silently reconfigured, or that all the files were manually removed. Are you sure you want to perform this operation? Remove All Files? Ali naj bodo odstranjene vse datoteke? Remove all files Odstrani vse datoteke Keep files Ohrani datoteke OCC::FolderMan Could not reset folder state Ni mogoče ponastaviti stanja mape An old sync journal '%1' was found, but could not be removed. Please make sure that no application is currently using it. Obstaja starejši dnevnik usklajevanja '%1', vendar ga ni mogoče odstraniti. Preverite, ali je datoteka v uporabi. (backup) (backup %1) Undefined State. Nedoločeno stanje. Waiting to start syncing. Preparing for sync. Poteka priprava za usklajevanje. Sync is running. Usklajevanje je v teku. Last Sync was successful. Zadnje usklajevanje je bilo uspešno končano. Last Sync was successful, but with warnings on individual files. Zadnje usklajevanje je bilo sicer uspešno, vendar z opozorili za posamezne datoteke. Setup Error. Napaka nastavitve. User Abort. Uporabniška prekinitev. Sync is paused. Usklajevanje je začasno v premoru. %1 (Sync is paused) %1 (usklajevanje je v premoru) No valid folder selected! The selected path is not a folder! You have no permission to write to the selected folder! Ni ustreznih dovoljenj za pisanje v izbrano mapo! The local folder %1 is already used in a folder sync connection. Please pick another one! The local folder %1 already contains a folder used in a folder sync connection. Please pick another one! The local folder %1 is a symbolic link. The link target already contains a folder used in a folder sync connection. Please pick another one! The local folder %1 is already contained in a folder used in a folder sync connection. Please pick another one! The local folder %1 is a symbolic link. The link target is already contained in a folder used in a folder sync connection. Please pick another one! OCC::FolderStatusDelegate Add Folder Sync Connection File Datoteka Syncing selected files in your account with Remote path: %1 Oddaljena pot: %1 OCC::FolderStatusModel You need to be connected to add a folder Click this button to add a folder to synchronize. %1 (%2) Example text: "File.txt (23KB)" Error while loading the list of folders from the server. Signed out Adding folder is disabled because you are already syncing all your files. If you want to sync multiple folders, please remove the currently configured root folder. Fetching folder list from server... Checking for changes in '%1' , '%1' Build a list of file names '%1' Argument is a file name Syncing %1 Example text: "Syncing 'foo.txt', 'bar.txt'" , , download %1/s Example text: "download 24Kb/s" (%1 is replaced by 24Kb (translated)) u2193 %1/s upload %1/s Example text: "upload 24Kb/s" (%1 is replaced by 24Kb (translated)) u2191 %1/s %1 %2 (%3 of %4) Example text: "uploading foobar.png (2MB of 2MB)" %1 %2 (%3 od %4) %1 %2 Example text: "uploading foobar.png" %1 %2 %1 of %2, file %3 of %4 Total time left %5 Example text: "12 MB of 345 MB, file 6 of 7 Total time left 12 minutes" %1 od %2, datoteka %3 od %4 Skupaj še %5 file %1 of %2 datoteka %1 od %2 Waiting... Waiting for %n other folder(s)... Preparing to sync... OCC::FolderWizard Add Folder Sync Connection Add Sync Connection OCC::FolderWizardLocalPath Click to select a local folder to sync. Kliknite za izbor krajevne mape za usklajevanje. Enter the path to the local folder. Vpišite pot do krajevne mape. The folder alias is a descriptive name for this sync connection. The alias can not be empty. Please provide a descriptive alias word. Polje oznake ne sme biti prazno. The alias <i>%1</i> is already in use. Please pick another alias. Oznaka <i>%1</i> je že v uporabi. Izbrati je treba drugo. Select the source folder Izbor izvorne mape OCC::FolderWizardRemotePath Create Remote Folder Ustvari oddaljeno mapo Enter the name of the new folder to be created below '%1': Vnesite ime nove mape, ki bo ustvarjena kot podrejena '%1': Folder was successfully created on %1. Mapa je uspešno ustvarjena na %1. Authentication failed accessing %1 Overitev dostopa do %1 je spodletela. Failed to create the folder on %1. Please check manually. Ustvarjanje mape na %1 je spodletelo. Morda jo je mogoče ustvariti ročno. Failed to list a folder. Error: %1 Choose this to sync the entire account Izberite možnost za usklajevanje celotnega računa. This folder is already being synced. Ta mapa je že določena za usklajevanje. You are already syncing <i>%1</i>, which is a parent folder of <i>%2</i>. Datoteke se že usklajujejo na ravni mape <i>%1</i>, ki je nadrejena mapi <i>%2</i>. You are already syncing all your files. Syncing another folder is <b>not</b> supported. If you want to sync multiple folders, please remove the currently configured root folder sync. Trenutno so v usklajevanju vse datoteke korenske mape. Usklajevanje še ene mape <b>ni</b> podprto. Če želite uskladiti več map, je treba odstraniti trenutno nastavljeno korensko mapo in spremeniti nastavitve. OCC::FolderWizardSelectiveSync Choose What to Sync: You can optionally deselect remote subfolders you do not wish to synchronize. Izbira usklajevanja: izbirno je mogoče določiti oddaljene podrejene mape, ki naj se ne usklajujejo. OCC::FormatWarningsWizardPage <b>Warning:</b> %1 <b>Opozorilo:</b> %1 <b>Warning:</b> <b>Opozorilo:</b> OCC::GETFileJob No E-Tag received from server, check Proxy/Gateway Ni prejete oznake s strežnika. Preveriti je treba podatke posredovalnega strežnika ali prehoda. We received a different E-Tag for resuming. Retrying next time. Prejeta je različna oznaka za nadaljevanje opravila. Ponovni poskus bo izveden kasneje. Server returned wrong content-range Odziv strežnika kaže na neveljaven obseg vsebine Connection Timeout Povezava je časovno potekla OCC::GeneralSettings Form Obrazec General Settings Splošne nastavitve For System Tray Advanced Napredne možnosti MB MB &Launch on System Startup Show &Desktop Notifications Use &Monochrome Icons Edit &Ignored Files Ask &confirmation before downloading folders larger than S&how crash reporter About O programu... Updates Posodobitve &Restart && Update &Ponovno zaženi && posodobi OCC::HttpCredentialsGui Please enter %1 password: User: %2 Account: %3 Reading from keychain failed with error: '%1' Enter Password Vnos gesla OCC::IgnoreListEditor Ignored Files Editor Urejevalnik prezrtih datotek Global Ignore Settings Sync hidden files Uskladi tudi skrite datoteke Files Ignored by Patterns Add Dodaj Pattern Vzorec Allow Deletion Remove Odstrani Files or folders matching a pattern will not be synchronized. Items where deletion is allowed will be deleted if they prevent a directory from being removed. This is useful for meta data. Could not open file Datoteke ni mogoče odpreti Cannot write changes to '%1'. Ni mogoče zapisati sprememb v '%1'. Add Ignore Pattern Dodaj vzorec za izpuščanje Add a new ignore pattern: Dodaj nov vzorec za izpuščanje: This entry is provided by the system at '%1' and cannot be modified in this view. Ta vnos je ponujen pri '%1' in ga v tem pogledu ni mogoče spreminjati. OCC::LogBrowser Log Output Beleži odvod &Search: &Poišči: &Find &Najdi Clear Počisti Clear the log display. Počisti izpis dnevnika. S&ave S&hrani Save the log file to a file on disk for debugging. Shrani beleženje v dnevniško datoteko na disk za nadaljnje razhroščevanje. Save log file Shrani dnevniško datoteko Error Napaka Could not write to log file %1 Ni mogoče pisati v dnevniško datoteko %1 OCC::Logger Error Napaka <nobr>File '%1'<br/>cannot be opened for writing.<br/><br/>The log output can <b>not</b> be saved!</nobr> <nobr>Datoteke '%1'<br/>ni mogoče odpreti za pisanje.<br/><br/>Dnevniškega zapisa <b>ni mogoče</b> shraniti!</nobr> OCC::MoveJob Connection timed out Povezava je potekla OCC::NSISUpdater New Version Available Na voljo je novejša različica <p>A new version of the %1 Client is available.</p><p><b>%2</b> is available for download. The installed version is %3.</p> <p>Na voljo je nova različica odjemalca %1.</p><p><b>%2</b> je na voljo za prejem. Trenutno je nameščena različica %3.</p> Skip this version Preskoči to različico Skip this time Posodobitev tokrat preskoči Get update Pridobi posodobitve OCC::NetworkSettings Form Obrazec Proxy Settings Nastavitve posredniškega strežnika No Proxy Brez posredniškega strežnika Use system proxy Uporabi sistemski posredniški strežnik Specify proxy manually as Določi posredniški strežnik ročno kot Host Gostitelj : : Proxy server requires authentication Posredniški strežnik zahteva overitev Download Bandwidth Pasovna širina prejemanja Limit to Omeji na KBytes/s KBajtov/s No limit Ni omejitve Limit to 3/4 of estimated bandwidth Upload Bandwidth Pasovna širina pošiljanja Limit automatically Samodejno omeji Hostname of proxy server Ime gostitelja posredniškega strežnika Username for proxy server Uporabniško ime za posredniški strežnik Password for proxy server Geslo za posredniški strežnik HTTP(S) proxy Posredniški strežnik HTTP(S) SOCKS5 proxy Posredniški strežnik SOCKS5 Qt >= 5.4 is required in order to use the bandwidth limit OCC::OCUpdater New %1 Update Ready Na voljo je posodobitev %1 A new update for %1 is about to be installed. The updater may ask for additional privileges during the process. Nameščena bo najnovejša posodobitev %1. Program lahko zahteva skrbniška dovoljenja za dokončanje opravila. Downloading version %1. Please wait... Poteka prejemanje različice %1 ... Could not download update. Please click <a href='%1'>here</a> to download the update manually. Ni mogoče prejeti posodobitve. Kliknite <a href='%1'>here</a> za ročni prejem in namestitev. Could not check for new updates. Ni mogoče preveriti za nove posodobitve. %1 version %2 available. Restart application to start the update. New %1 version %2 available. Please use the system's update tool to install it. Checking update server... Preverjanje strežnika za posodabljanje ... Update status is unknown: Did not check for new updates. Stanje posodobitve ni znano: ni mogoče preveriti za nove posodobitve. No updates available. Your installation is at the latest version. Na voljo ni novih posodobitev. Nameščena je najnovejša različica. Update Check OCC::OwncloudAdvancedSetupPage Connect to %1 Vzpostavi povezavo s strežnikom %1 Setup local folder options Nastavi možnosti krajevne mape Connect... Vzpostavi povezavo ... %1 folder '%2' is synced to local folder '%3' %1 mapa '%2' je usklajena s krajevno mapo '%3' Sync the folder '%1' <p><small><strong>Warning:</strong> The local folder is not empty. Pick a resolution!</small></p> Local Sync Folder Krajevna mapa usklajevanja (%1) (%1) OCC::OwncloudConnectionMethodDialog Connection failed Povezava je spodletela <html><head/><body><p>Failed to connect to the secure server address specified. How do you wish to proceed?</p></body></html> Select a different URL Vpisati je treba drug naslov URL. Retry unencrypted over HTTP (insecure) Configure client-side TLS certificate <html><head/><body><p>Failed to connect to the secure server address <em>%1</em>. How do you wish to proceed?</p></body></html> OCC::OwncloudHttpCredsPage Connect to %1 Vzpostavi povezavo s strežnikom %1 Enter user credentials Vpiši uporabniška poverila OCC::OwncloudSetupPage Connect to %1 Vzpostavi povezavo s strežnikom %1 Setup %1 server Nastavi strežnik %1 This url is NOT secure as it is not encrypted. It is not advisable to use it. Na naslov URL ni varen, saj ni šifriran. Uporaba ni priporočljiva. This url is secure. You can use it. Ta naslov URL je varen za uporabo. &Next > &Naslednja > OCC::OwncloudSetupWizard <font color="green">Successfully connected to %1: %2 version %3 (%4)</font><br/><br/> <font color="green">Uspešno vzpostavljena povezava z %1: %2 različica %3 (%4)</font><br/><br/> Failed to connect to %1 at %2:<br/>%3 Povezava z %1 pri %2 je spodletela:<br/>%3 Timeout while trying to connect to %1 at %2. Prekinitev med poskusom povezave na %1 pri %2. Trying to connect to %1 at %2... Poteka poskus povezave z %1 na %2 ... The authenticated request to the server was redirected to '%1'. The URL is bad, the server is misconfigured. Zahteva za overitev s strežnikom je bila preusmerjena na '%1'. Naslov URL ni veljaven ali pa strežnik ni ustrezno nastavljen. There was an invalid response to an authenticated webdav request Prejet je neveljaven odziv na zahtevo overitve webdav Access forbidden by server. To verify that you have proper access, <a href="%1">click here</a> to access the service with your browser. Strežnik ne dovoli dostopa. Če želite preveriti, ali imate ustrezen dostop, <a href="%1">kliknite tu</a> za dostop do te storitve z vašim brskalnikom. Local sync folder %1 already exists, setting it up for sync.<br/><br/> Krajevna mapa %1 že obstaja. Nastavljena bo za usklajevanje.<br/><br/> Creating local sync folder %1... Ustvarjanje mape za krajevno usklajevanje %1 ... ok je v redu failed. je spodletelo. Could not create local folder %1 Krajevne mape %1 ni mogoče ustvariti. No remote folder specified! Ni navedenega oddaljenega strežnika! Error: %1 Napaka: %1 creating folder on ownCloud: %1 ustvarjanje mape v oblaku ownCloud: %1 Remote folder %1 created successfully. Oddaljena mapa %1 je uspešno ustvarjena. The remote folder %1 already exists. Connecting it for syncing. Oddaljena mapa %1 že obstaja. Vzpostavljena bo povezava za usklajevanje. The folder creation resulted in HTTP error code %1 Ustvarjanje mape je povzročilo napako HTTP %1 The remote folder creation failed because the provided credentials are wrong!<br/>Please go back and check your credentials.</p> Ustvarjanje mape na oddaljenem naslovu je spodletelo zaradi napačnih poveril. <br/>Vrnite se in preverite zahtevana gesla.</p> <p><font color="red">Remote folder creation failed probably because the provided credentials are wrong.</font><br/>Please go back and check your credentials.</p> <p><font color="red">Ustvarjanje oddaljene mape je spodletelo. Najverjetneje je vzrok v neustreznih poverilih.</font><br/>Vrnite se na predhodno stran in jih preverite.</p> Remote folder %1 creation failed with error <tt>%2</tt>. Ustvarjanje oddaljene mape %1 je spodletelo z napako <tt>%2</tt>. A sync connection from %1 to remote directory %2 was set up. Povezava za usklajevanje med %1 in oddaljeno mapo %2 je vzpostavljena. Successfully connected to %1! Povezava z %1 je uspešno vzpostavljena! Connection to %1 could not be established. Please check again. Povezave z %1 ni mogoče vzpostaviti. Preveriti je treba nastavitve. Folder rename failed Preimenovanje mape je spodletelo Can't remove and back up the folder because the folder or a file in it is open in another program. Please close the folder or file and hit retry or cancel the setup. Mape ni mogoče odstraniti niti ni mogoče ustvariti varnostne kopije, saj je mapa oziroma dokument v njej odprt v z drugim programom. Zaprite mapo/dokument ali prekinite namestitev. <font color="green"><b>Local sync folder %1 successfully created!</b></font> <font color="green"><b>Krajevno usklajena mapa %1 je uspešno ustvarjena!</b></font> OCC::OwncloudWizard %1 Connection Wizard Čarovnik za povezavo %1 Skip folders configuration Preskoči nastavitve map OCC::OwncloudWizardResultPage Everything set up! Vse je pripravljeno za uporabo! Open Local Folder Odpri krajevno mapo Open %1 in Browser Odpri %1 v brskalniku OCC::PUTFileJob Connection Timeout Povezava časovno pretekla OCC::PollJob Invalid JSON reply from the poll URL OCC::PropagateDownloadFileQNAM File %1 can not be downloaded because of a local file name clash! Datoteke %1 ni mogoče prejeti zaradi neskladja z imenom krajevne datoteke! The download would reduce free disk space below %1 Free space on disk is less than %1 File was deleted from server The file could not be downloaded completely. Datoteke ni mogoče v celoti prejeti. File %1 cannot be saved because of a local file name clash! Datoteke %1 ni mogoče shraniti zaradi neskladja z imenom obstoječe datoteke! File has changed since discovery Datoteka je bila po spremenjena po usklajevanju seznama datotek. OCC::PropagateItemJob ; Restoration Failed: %1 ; obnovitev je spodletela: %1 Continue blacklisting: A file or folder was removed from a read only share, but restoring failed: %1 OCC::PropagateLocalMkdir Attention, possible case sensitivity clash with %1 Pozor, mogoče je neskladje v velikosti črk imena %1 could not create folder %1 OCC::PropagateLocalRemove Error removing '%1': %2; Napaka odstranjevanja '%1': %2; Could not remove folder '%1' Could not remove %1 because of a local file name clash Ni mogoče odstraniti %1 zaradi neskladja s krajevnim imenom datoteke OCC::PropagateLocalRename File %1 can not be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash Datoteke %1 ni mogoče preimenovati v %2 zaradi že obstoječe datoteke s tem imenom. OCC::PropagateRemoteDelete The file has been removed from a read only share. It was restored. Datoteka je bila odstranjena iz mesta v souporabi, vendar je uspešno obnovljena. Wrong HTTP code returned by server. Expected 204, but received "%1 %2". S strežnika je vrnjen neveljaven odziv HTTP. Pričakovan je 204, prejet pa je bil "%1 %2". OCC::PropagateRemoteMkdir Wrong HTTP code returned by server. Expected 201, but received "%1 %2". S strežnika je vrnjen neveljaven odziv HTTP. Pričakovan je 201, prejet pa je bil "%1 %2". OCC::PropagateRemoteMove This folder must not be renamed. It is renamed back to its original name. Te mape ni dovoljeno preimenovati, zato bo samodejno preimenovana v izvorno ime. This folder must not be renamed. Please name it back to Shared. Mape ni dovoljeno preimenovati. Preimenujte jo nazaj na privzeto vrednost. The file was renamed but is part of a read only share. The original file was restored. Datoteka je preimenovana, vendar je označena za souporabo le za branje. Obnovljena je izvirna datoteka. Wrong HTTP code returned by server. Expected 201, but received "%1 %2". S strežnika je vrnjen neveljaven odziv HTTP. Pričakovan je 201, prejet pa je bil "%1 %2". OCC::PropagateUploadFileQNAM File name contains at least one invalid character Ime datoteke vsebuje vsaj en neveljaven znak. File Removed Datoteka je odstranjena Local file changed during syncing. It will be resumed. Krajevna datoteka je bila med usklajevanjem spremenjena. Usklajena bo, ko bo shranjena. Local file changed during sync. Krajevna datoteka je bila med usklajevanjem spremenjena. Forcing job abort on HTTP connection reset with Qt < 5.4.2. The file was edited locally but is part of a read only share. It is restored and your edit is in the conflict file. Datoteka je bila krajevno spremenjena, vendar pa je označena za souporabo le za branje. Izvorna datoteka je obnovljena, vaše spremembe pa so zabeležene v datoteki spora. Poll URL missing The local file was removed during sync. Krajevna datoteka je bila me usklajevanjem odstranjena. The server did not acknowledge the last chunk. (No e-tag was present) OCC::ProtocolWidget Form Obrazec TextLabel Besedilna oznaka Time Čas File Datoteka Folder Mapa Action Dejanje Size Velikost Local sync protocol Copy Kopiraj Copy the activity list to the clipboard. Kopiraj seznam opravil v odložišče. Currently no files are ignored because of previous errors and no downloads are in progress. Trenutno zaradi predhodnih napak ni prezrta nobena datoteka in ni dejavnih prejemov. %n files are ignored because of previous errors. %n files are partially downloaded. Try to sync these again. Poskusi s ponovnim usklajevanje. OCC::ProxyAuthDialog Proxy authentication required Username: Uporabniško ime: Proxy: Posredniški strežnik: The proxy server needs a username and password. Password: Geslo: TextLabel Besedilna oznaka OCC::SelectiveSyncDialog Unchecked folders will be <b>removed</b> from your local file system and will not be synchronized to this computer anymore Neizbrane mape bodo <b>odstranjene</b> iz krajevnega datotečnega sistema in s tem računalnikom ne bodo več usklajevane! Choose What to Sync: Select remote subfolders you wish to synchronize. Choose What to Sync: Deselect remote subfolders you do not wish to synchronize. Choose What to Sync Izbor map za usklajevanje OCC::SelectiveSyncTreeView Loading ... Nalaganje ... Name Ime Size Velikost No subfolders currently on the server. Na strežniku trenutno ni podrejenih map. An error occured while loading the list of sub folders. Prišlo je do napake med nalaganjem seznama podrejenih map. OCC::SettingsDialog Settings Nastavitve Activity Dejavnosti General Splošno Network Omrežje OCC::SettingsDialogMac %1 %1 Activity Dejavnosti General Splošno Network Omrežje OCC::ShareDialog TextLabel Besedilna oznaka share label Dialog ownCloud Path: Pot do OwnCloud: %1 Sharing %1 %1 Folder: %2 Mapa: %2 The server does not allow sharing OCC::ShareLinkWidget Share NewDocument.odt Share link Povezava za souporabo TextLabel Besedilna oznaka Set &password Nastavi &geslo Set &expiration date Nastavi datum &preteka Set password Nastavi geslo Copy &link &Kopiraj povezavo Allow editing Dovoli urejanje P&assword protect &Zaščiti z geslom Password Protected Zaščiteno z geslom The file can not be shared because it was shared without sharing permission. Public sh&aring requires a password Please Set Password &Share link Povezava za &souporabo OCS API error code: %1 Koda napake OCS API: %1 OCC::ShareUserGroupWidget Share NewDocument.odt Share with users or groups ... Souporaba z uporabniki ali skupinami ... OCC::ShareWidget Form Obrazec TextLabel Besedilna oznaka can edit lahko ureja can share lahko omogoči souporabo ... ... create ustvari change sprememba delete izbriši OCC::ShibbolethCredentials Login Error Napaka prijave You must sign in as user %1 Prijaviti se je treba kot uporabnik %1 OCC::ShibbolethWebView %1 - Authenticate %1 - Overitev Reauthentication required Zahtevano je vnovično overjanje istovetnosti Your session has expired. You need to re-login to continue to use the client. Seja je potekla. Ponovno se je treba prijaviti in nadaljevati z uporabo odjemalca. OCC::SocketApi Share with %1 parameter is ownCloud Omogoči souporabo z %1 OCC::SslButton <h3>Certificate Details</h3> <h3>Podrobnosti potrdila</h3> Common Name (CN): Splošno ime (CN): Subject Alternative Names: Druga imena: Organization (O): Ustanova (U): Organizational Unit (OU): Organizacijska enota (OE): State/Province: Okraj: Country: Država: Serial: Zaporedna številka: <h3>Issuer</h3> <h3>Izdaljatelj</h3> Issuer: Izdaljatelj: Issued on: Izdano na: Expires on: Poteče na: <h3>Fingerprints</h3> <h3>Prstni odtisi</h3> MD 5: MD5: SHA-256: SHA-256: SHA-1: SHA-1: <p><b>Note:</b> This certificate was manually approved</p> <p><b>Opomba:</b> to potrdilo je bilo ročno odobreno</p> %1 (self-signed) %1 (samopodpisano) %1 %1 This connection is encrypted using %1 bit %2. Ta povezava je šifrirana z %1 bitnim %2. No support for SSL session tickets/identifiers Certificate information: Podrobnosti potrdila: This connection is NOT secure as it is not encrypted. Ta povezava NI varna, saj ni šifrirana. OCC::SslErrorDialog Form Obrazec Trust this certificate anyway Vseeno zaupaj digitalnemu potrdilu Untrusted Certificate Cannot connect securely to <i>%1</i>: with Certificate %1 s potrdilom %1 &lt;not specified&gt; &lt;ni podano&gt; Organization: %1 Ustanova: %1 Unit: %1 Enota: %1 Country: %1 Država: %1 Fingerprint (MD5): <tt>%1</tt> Prstni odtis (MD5): <tt>%1</tt> Fingerprint (SHA1): <tt>%1</tt> Prstni odtis (SHA1): <tt>%1</tt> Effective Date: %1 Začetek veljavnosti: %1 Expiration Date: %1 Datum preteka: %1 Issuer: %1 Izdajatelj: %1 OCC::SyncEngine Success. Uspešno končano. CSync failed to load the journal file. The journal file is corrupted. <p>The %1 plugin for csync could not be loaded.<br/>Please verify the installation!</p> <p>Vstavka %1 za CSync ni mogoče naložiti.<br/>Preverite namestitev!</p> CSync got an error while processing internal trees. Pri obdelavi notranje drevesne strukture s CSync je prišlo do napake. CSync failed to reserve memory. Vpisovanje prostora v pomnilniku za CSync je spodletelo. CSync fatal parameter error. Usodna napaka parametra CSync. CSync processing step update failed. Korak opravila posodobitve CSync je spodletel. CSync processing step reconcile failed. Korak opravila poravnave CSync je spodletel. CSync could not authenticate at the proxy. Overitev CSync na posredniškem strežniku je spodletela. CSync failed to lookup proxy or server. Poizvedba posredniškega strežnika s CSync je spodletela. CSync failed to authenticate at the %1 server. Overitev CSync pri strežniku %1 je spodletela. CSync failed to connect to the network. Povezava CSync v omrežje je spodletela. A network connection timeout happened. Omrežna povezava je časovno potekla. A HTTP transmission error happened. Prišlo je do napake med prenosom HTTP. The mounted folder is temporarily not available on the server An error occurred while opening a folder Error while reading folder. Not allowed because you don't have permission to add parent folder Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder CSync: No space on %1 server available. Odziv CSync: na strežniku %1 ni razpoložljivega prostora. CSync unspecified error. Nedoločena napaka CSync. Aborted by the user Opravilo je bilo prekinjeno s strani uporabnika Filename contains invalid characters that can not be synced cross platform. CSync failed to access Dostop s CSync je spodletel CSync failed to load or create the journal file. Make sure you have read and write permissions in the local sync folder. CSync failed due to unhandled permission denied. CSync tried to create a folder that already exists. The service is temporarily unavailable Storitev trenutno ni na voljo Access is forbidden An internal error number %1 occurred. Prišlo je do notranje napake %1. The item is not synced because of previous errors: %1 Predmet ni usklajen zaradi predhodne napake: %1 Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. Usklajevanje simbolnih povezav ni podprto. File is listed on the ignore list. Datoteka je na seznamu prezrtih datotek. Filename is too long. Ime datoteke je predolgo. File is ignored because it's hidden. Stat failed. Filename encoding is not valid Kodni zapis imena datoteke ni veljaven. Invalid characters, please rename "%1" Only %1 are available, need at least %2 to start Unable to initialize a sync journal. Dnevnika usklajevanja ni mogoče začeti. Cannot open the sync journal Ni mogoče odpreti dnevnika usklajevanja Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist Prezrto, ker ni neizbrano za usklajevanje Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Ni dovoljeno pošiljati te datoteke, ker ima določena dovoljenja le za branje. Datoteka bo obnovljena na izvorno različico. Not allowed to remove, restoring Odstranitev ni dovoljena, datoteka bo obnovljena. Local files and share folder removed. Krajevne datoteke in mape v souporabi so odstranjene. Move not allowed, item restored Premikanje ni dovoljeno, datoteka bo obnovljena. Move not allowed because %1 is read-only Premikanje ni dovoljeno, ker je nastavljeno določilo %1 le za branje. the destination cilj the source vir OCC::SyncLogDialog Synchronisation Log OCC::Systray %1: %2 %1: %2 OCC::Theme <p>Version %1. For more information please visit <a href='%2'>%3</a>.</p> <p>Različica %1. Za več podrobnosti si oglejte <a href='%2'>%3</a>.</p> <p>Copyright ownCloud, Incorporated</p> <p>Avtorske pravice ownCloud, Incorporated</p> <p>Distributed by %1 and licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2.0.<br/>%2 and the %2 logo are registered trademarks of %1 in the United States, other countries, or both.</p> <p>Programski paket objavlja %1 pod pogoji Splošnega javnega dovoljenja GNU (GNU General Public License - GPL), različice 2.0.<br>%2 in logotip %2 sta blagovni znamki %1 v Združenih državah, drugih državah ali oboje.</p> OCC::ValidateChecksumHeader The checksum header is malformed. The checksum header contained an unknown checksum type '%1' The downloaded file does not match the checksum, it will be resumed. OCC::ownCloudGui Please sign in Pred nadaljevanjem je zahtevana prijava Folder %1: %2 Mapa %1: %2 No sync folders configured. Ni nastavljenih map za usklajevanje. There are no sync folders configured. Ni nastavljenih map za usklajevanje. Open in browser Log in... Log out Odjava Recent Changes Nedavne spremembe Checking for changes in '%1' Managed Folders: Upravljane mape: Open folder '%1' Odpri mapo '%1' Open %1 in browser Odpri %1 v brskalniku Unknown status Neznano stanje Settings... Nastavitve ... Details... Podrobnosti ... Help Pomoč Quit %1 Končaj %1 Disconnected from %1 Disconnected from accounts: Account %1: %2 Log out of all accounts Log in to all accounts... Crash now Only shows in debug mode to allow testing the crash handler No items synced recently Ni nedavno usklajenih predmetov Syncing %1 of %2 (%3 left) Poteka usklajevanje %1 od %2 (preostaja %3) Syncing %1 (%2 left) Usklajevanje %1 (%2 do konca) %1 (%2, %3) %1 (%2, %3) Up to date Ni posodobitev OCC::ownCloudTheme <p>Version %2. For more information visit <a href="%3">%4</a></p><p><small>By Klaas Freitag, Daniel Molkentin, Jan-Christoph Borchardt, Olivier Goffart, Markus Götz and others.</small></p><p>Copyright ownCloud, Inc.</p><p>Licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2.0<br/>ownCloud and the ownCloud Logo are registered trademarks of ownCloud, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both.</p> <p>Različica %2. Več podrobnosti je zabeleženih na <a href='%3'>%4</a>.</p><p><small>Avtorstvo: Klaas Freitag, Daniel Molkentin, Jan-Christoph Borchardt, Olivier Goffart, Markus Götz in drugi.</small></p><p>Avtorske pravice ownCloud, Inc.</p><p>Programski paket je objavljen z dovoljenjem GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2.0.<br/>ownCloud in logotip ownCloud sta blagovni znamki ownCloud v Združenih državah, drugih državah ali oboje.</p> OwncloudAdvancedSetupPage Form Obrazec TextLabel Besedilna oznaka Server Strežnik <html><head/><body><p>If this box is checked, existing content in the local folder will be erased to start a clean sync from the server.</p><p>Do not check this if the local content should be uploaded to the servers folder.</p></body></html> Start a &clean sync (Erases the local folder!) Choose what to sync Izbor datotek za usklajevanje &Local Folder &Krajevna mapa pbSelectLocalFolder pbSelectLocalFolder &Keep local data &Ohrani krajevno shranjene podatke S&ync everything from server Uskladi &vse datoteke s strežnika Status message Sporočilo stanja OwncloudHttpCredsPage Form Obrazec &Username &Uporabniško ime &Password &Geslo Error Label Oznaka napake TextLabel Besedilna oznaka OwncloudSetupPage Form Obrazec Server &address: &Naslov strežnika: TextLabel Besedilna oznaka Use &secure connection Uporabi &varno povezavo CheckBox Potrditveno polje &Username: &Uporabniško ime: Enter the ownCloud username. Vnos uporabniškega imena za oblak ownCloud. &Password: &Geslo: Enter the ownCloud password. Vnos gesla za oblak ownCloud. Do not allow the local storage of the password. Ne dovoli shranjevanja gesla na krajevnem računalniku. &Do not store password on local machine &Ne shranjuj gesel na krajevnem računalniku. https:// https:// Enter the url of the ownCloud you want to connect to (without http or https). Vnesite naslov URL oblaka ownCloud, s katerim želite vzpostaviti povezavo (brez http ali https). Server &Address &Naslov strežnika https://... https:// ... Error Label Oznaka napake OwncloudWizardResultPage Form Obrazec TextLabel Besedilna oznaka Your entire account is synced to the local folder Naveden račun je v celoti usklajen s krajevno mapo PushButton Potisni gumb QObject %1 day(s) ago %1 hour(s) ago Less than a minute ago %1 minute(s) ago Some time ago Utility %L1 GB %L1 GB %L1 MB %L1 MB %L1 KB %L1 B %L1 B %Ln year(s) %Ln month(s) %Ln day(s) %Ln hour(s) %Ln minute(s) %Ln second(s) 0 seconds %1 %2 %1 %2 main.cpp System Tray not available Sistemska vrstica ni na voljo %1 requires on a working system tray. If you are running XFCE, please follow <a href="">these instructions</a>. Otherwise, please install a system tray application such as 'trayer' and try again. %1 zahteva uporabo sistemske obvestilne vrstice. Pri uporabnikih namizja XFCE je treba upoštevati <a href="">posebne nastavitve</a>. V kolikor to ni mogoče, je treba namestiti katerikoli sistem obveščanja, kot je na primer program 'trayer'. ownCloudTheme::about() <p><small>Built from Git revision <a href="%1">%2</a> on %3, %4 using Qt %5, %6</small></p> progress Downloaded Prejeto Uploaded Poslano Downloaded, renamed conflicting file Deleted Izbrisano Moved to %1 Premaknjeno v %1 Ignored Prezrto Filesystem access error Napaka dostopa do datotečnega sistema Error Napaka Unknown Neznano downloading prejemanje uploading pošiljanje deleting brisanje moving premikanje ignoring Prezrto error napaka theme Status undefined Stanje je nedoločeno Waiting to start sync Čakanje začetek usklajevanja Sync is running Usklajevanje v teku Sync Success Usklajevanje je uspešno končano Sync Success, some files were ignored. Usklajevanje je končano, ostajajo pa nerešene težave s posameznimi datotekami. Sync Error Napaka usklajevanja Setup Error Napaka nastavitve Preparing to sync Priprava na usklajevanje Aborting... Poteka prekinjanje ... Sync is paused Usklajevanje je ustavljeno