# # Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag # # This program is the core of OwnCloud integration to Nautilus # It will be installed on /usr/share/nautilus-python/extensions/ with the paquet owncloud-client-nautilus # (https://github.com/owncloud/client/edit/master/shell_integration/nautilus/syncstate.py) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. import sys python3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3 import os import urllib if python3: import urllib.parse import socket import tempfile import time from gi.repository import GObject, Nautilus # Note: setappname.sh will search and replace 'ownCloud' on this file to update this line and other # occurrences of the name appname = 'Nextcloud' print("Initializing "+appname+"-client-nautilus extension") print("Using python version {}".format(sys.version_info)) def get_local_path(url): if url[0:7] == 'file://': url = url[7:] unquote = urllib.parse.unquote if python3 else urllib.unquote return unquote(url) def get_runtime_dir(): """Returns the value of $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, a directory path. If the value is not set, returns the same default as in Qt5 """ try: return os.environ['XDG_RUNTIME_DIR'] except KeyError: fallback = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'runtime-' + os.environ['USER']) return fallback class SocketConnect(GObject.GObject): def __init__(self): GObject.GObject.__init__(self) self.connected = False self.registered_paths = {} self._watch_id = 0 self._sock = None self._listeners = [self._update_registered_paths, self._get_version] self._remainder = ''.encode() if python3 else '' self.protocolVersion = '1.0' self.nautilusVFSFile_table = {} # not needed in this object actually but shared # all over the other objects. # returns true when one should try again! if self._connectToSocketServer(): GObject.timeout_add(5000, self._connectToSocketServer) def reconnect(self): self._sock.close() self.connected = False GObject.source_remove(self._watch_id) GObject.timeout_add(5000, self._connectToSocketServer) def sendCommand(self, cmd): # print("Server command: " + cmd) if self.connected: try: self._sock.send(cmd.encode() if python3 else cmd) except: print("Sending failed.") self.reconnect() else: print("Cannot send, not connected!") def addListener(self, listener): self._listeners.append(listener) def _connectToSocketServer(self): try: self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock_file = os.path.join(get_runtime_dir(), appname, "socket") try: self._sock.connect(sock_file) # fails if sock_file doesn't exist self.connected = True self._watch_id = GObject.io_add_watch(self._sock, GObject.IO_IN, self._handle_notify) self.sendCommand('VERSION:\n') self.sendCommand('GET_STRINGS:\n') return False # Don't run again except Exception as e: print("Could not connect to unix socket " + sock_file + ". " + str(e)) except Exception as e: # Bad habbit print("Connect could not be established, try again later.") self._sock.close() return True # Run again, if enabled via timeout_add() # Reads data that becomes available. # New responses can be accessed with get_available_responses(). # Returns false if no data was received within timeout def read_socket_data_with_timeout(self, timeout): self._sock.settimeout(timeout) try: self._remainder += self._sock.recv(1024) except socket.timeout: return False else: return True finally: self._sock.settimeout(None) # Parses response lines out of collected data, returns list of strings def get_available_responses(self): end = self._remainder.rfind(b'\n') if end == -1: return [] data = self._remainder[:end] self._remainder = self._remainder[end+1:] data = data.decode() if python3 else data return data.split('\n') # Notify is the raw answer from the socket def _handle_notify(self, source, condition): # Blocking is ok since we're notified of available data self._remainder += self._sock.recv(1024) if len(self._remainder) == 0: return False for line in self.get_available_responses(): self.handle_server_response(line) return True # Run again def handle_server_response(self, line): # print("Server response: " + line) parts = line.split(':') action = parts[0] args = parts[1:] for listener in self._listeners: listener(action, args) def _update_registered_paths(self, action, args): if action == 'REGISTER_PATH': self.registered_paths[args[0]] = 1 elif action == 'UNREGISTER_PATH': del self.registered_paths[args[0]] # Check if there are no paths left. If so, its usual # that mirall went away. Try reconnecting. if not self.registered_paths: self.reconnect() def _get_version(self, action, args): if action == 'VERSION': self.protocolVersion = args[1] socketConnect = SocketConnect() class MenuExtension_ownCloud(GObject.GObject, Nautilus.MenuProvider): def __init__(self): GObject.GObject.__init__(self) self.strings = {} socketConnect.addListener(self.handle_commands) def handle_commands(self, action, args): if action == 'STRING': self.strings[args[0]] = ':'.join(args[1:]) def check_registered_paths(self, filename): topLevelFolder = False internalFile = False absfilename = os.path.realpath(filename) for reg_path in socketConnect.registered_paths: if absfilename == reg_path: topLevelFolder = True break if absfilename.startswith(reg_path): internalFile = True # you can't have a registered path below another so it is save to break here break return (topLevelFolder, internalFile) def get_file_items(self, window, files): # Show the menu extension to share a file or folder # Get usable file paths from the uris all_internal_files = True for i, file_uri in enumerate(files): filename = get_local_path(file_uri.get_uri()) filename = os.path.realpath(filename) # Check if its a folder (ends with an /), if yes add a "/" # otherwise it will not find the entry in the table isDir = os.path.isdir(filename + os.sep) if isDir: filename += os.sep # Check if toplevel folder, we need to ignore those as they cannot be shared topLevelFolder, internalFile = self.check_registered_paths(filename) if not internalFile: all_internal_files = False files[i] = filename # Don't show a context menu if some selected files aren't in a sync folder if not all_internal_files: return [] if socketConnect.protocolVersion >= '1.1': # lexicographic! return self.ask_for_menu_items(files) else: return self.legacy_menu_items(files) def ask_for_menu_items(self, files): record_separator = '\x1e' filesstring = record_separator.join(files) socketConnect.sendCommand(u'GET_MENU_ITEMS:{}\n'.format(filesstring)) done = False start = time.time() timeout = 0.1 # 100ms menu_items = [] while not done: dt = time.time() - start if dt >= timeout: break if not socketConnect.read_socket_data_with_timeout(timeout - dt): break for line in socketConnect.get_available_responses(): # Process lines we don't care about if done or not (line.startswith('GET_MENU_ITEMS:') or line.startswith('MENU_ITEM:')): socketConnect.handle_server_response(line) continue if line == 'GET_MENU_ITEMS:END': done = True # don't break - we'd discard other responses if line.startswith('MENU_ITEM:'): args = line.split(':') if len(args) < 4: continue menu_items.append([args[1], 'd' not in args[2], ':'.join(args[3:])]) if not done: return self.legacy_menu_items(files) if len(menu_items) == 0: return [] # Set up the 'ownCloud...' submenu item_owncloud = Nautilus.MenuItem( name='IntegrationMenu', label=self.strings.get('CONTEXT_MENU_TITLE', appname)) menu = Nautilus.Menu() item_owncloud.set_submenu(menu) for action, enabled, label in menu_items: item = Nautilus.MenuItem(name=action, label=label, sensitive=enabled) item.connect("activate", self.context_menu_action, action, filesstring) menu.append_item(item) return [item_owncloud] def legacy_menu_items(self, files): # No legacy menu for a selection of several files if len(files) != 1: return [] filename = files[0] entry = socketConnect.nautilusVFSFile_table.get(filename) if not entry: return [] # Currently 'sharable' also controls access to private link actions, # and we definitely don't want to show them for IGNORED. shareable = False state = entry['state'] state_ok = state.startswith('OK') state_sync = state.startswith('SYNC') isDir = os.path.isdir(filename + os.sep) if state_ok: shareable = True elif state_sync and isDir: # some file below is OK or SYNC for key, value in socketConnect.nautilusVFSFile_table.items(): if key != filename and key.startswith(filename): state = value['state'] if state.startswith('OK') or state.startswith('SYNC'): shareable = True break if not shareable: return [] # Set up the 'ownCloud...' submenu item_owncloud = Nautilus.MenuItem( name='IntegrationMenu', label=self.strings.get('CONTEXT_MENU_TITLE', appname)) menu = Nautilus.Menu() item_owncloud.set_submenu(menu) # Add share menu option item = Nautilus.MenuItem( name='NautilusPython::ShareItem', label=self.strings.get('SHARE_MENU_TITLE', 'Share...')) item.connect("activate", self.context_menu_action, 'SHARE', filename) menu.append_item(item) # Add permalink menu options, but hide these options for older clients # that don't have these actions. if 'COPY_PRIVATE_LINK_MENU_TITLE' in self.strings: item_copyprivatelink = Nautilus.MenuItem( name='CopyPrivateLink', label=self.strings.get('COPY_PRIVATE_LINK_MENU_TITLE', 'Copy private link to clipboard')) item_copyprivatelink.connect("activate", self.context_menu_action, 'COPY_PRIVATE_LINK', filename) menu.append_item(item_copyprivatelink) if 'EMAIL_PRIVATE_LINK_MENU_TITLE' in self.strings: item_emailprivatelink = Nautilus.MenuItem( name='EmailPrivateLink', label=self.strings.get('EMAIL_PRIVATE_LINK_MENU_TITLE', 'Send private link by email...')) item_emailprivatelink.connect("activate", self.context_menu_action, 'EMAIL_PRIVATE_LINK', filename) menu.append_item(item_emailprivatelink) return [item_owncloud] def context_menu_action(self, menu, action, filename): # print("Context menu: " + action + ' ' + filename) socketConnect.sendCommand(action + ":" + filename + "\n") class SyncStateExtension_ownCloud(GObject.GObject, Nautilus.InfoProvider): def __init__(self): GObject.GObject.__init__(self) socketConnect.nautilusVFSFile_table = {} socketConnect.addListener(self.handle_commands) def find_item_for_file(self, path): if path in socketConnect.nautilusVFSFile_table: return socketConnect.nautilusVFSFile_table[path] else: return None def askForOverlay(self, file): # print("Asking for overlay for "+file) # For debug only if os.path.isdir(file): folderStatus = socketConnect.sendCommand("RETRIEVE_FOLDER_STATUS:"+file+"\n"); if os.path.isfile(file): fileStatus = socketConnect.sendCommand("RETRIEVE_FILE_STATUS:"+file+"\n"); def invalidate_items_underneath(self, path): update_items = [] if not socketConnect.nautilusVFSFile_table: self.askForOverlay(path) else: for p in socketConnect.nautilusVFSFile_table: if p == path or p.startswith(path): item = socketConnect.nautilusVFSFile_table[p]['item'] update_items.append(p) for path1 in update_items: socketConnect.nautilusVFSFile_table[path1]['item'].invalidate_extension_info() # Handles a single line of server response and sets the emblem def handle_commands(self, action, args): # file = args[0] # For debug only # print("Action for " + file + ": " + args[0]) # For debug only if action == 'STATUS': newState = args[0] filename = ':'.join(args[1:]) itemStore = self.find_item_for_file(filename) if itemStore: if( not itemStore['state'] or newState != itemStore['state'] ): item = itemStore['item'] # print("Setting emblem on " + filename + "<>" + emblem + "<>") # For debug only # If an emblem is already set for this item, we need to # clear the existing extension info before setting a new one. # # That will also trigger a new call to # update_file_info for this item! That's why we set # skipNextUpdate to True: we don't want to pull the # current data from the client after getting a push # notification. invalidate = itemStore['state'] != None if invalidate: item.invalidate_extension_info() self.set_emblem(item, newState) socketConnect.nautilusVFSFile_table[filename] = { 'item': item, 'state': newState, 'skipNextUpdate': invalidate } elif action == 'UPDATE_VIEW': # Search all items underneath this path and invalidate them if args[0] in socketConnect.registered_paths: self.invalidate_items_underneath(args[0]) elif action == 'REGISTER_PATH': self.invalidate_items_underneath(args[0]) elif action == 'UNREGISTER_PATH': self.invalidate_items_underneath(args[0]) def set_emblem(self, item, state): Emblems = { 'OK' : appname +'_ok', 'SYNC' : appname +'_sync', 'NEW' : appname +'_sync', 'IGNORE' : appname +'_warn', 'ERROR' : appname +'_error', 'OK+SWM' : appname +'_ok_shared', 'SYNC+SWM' : appname +'_sync_shared', 'NEW+SWM' : appname +'_sync_shared', 'IGNORE+SWM': appname +'_warn_shared', 'ERROR+SWM' : appname +'_error_shared', 'NOP' : '' } emblem = 'NOP' # Show nothing if no emblem is defined. if state in Emblems: emblem = Emblems[state] item.add_emblem(emblem) def update_file_info(self, item): if item.get_uri_scheme() != 'file': return filename = get_local_path(item.get_uri()) filename = os.path.realpath(filename) if item.is_directory(): filename += os.sep inScope = False for reg_path in socketConnect.registered_paths: if filename.startswith(reg_path): inScope = True break if not inScope: return # Ask for the current state from the client -- unless this update was # triggered by receiving a STATUS message from the client in the first # place. itemStore = self.find_item_for_file(filename) if itemStore and itemStore['skipNextUpdate'] and itemStore['state']: itemStore['skipNextUpdate'] = False itemStore['item'] = item self.set_emblem(item, itemStore['state']) else: socketConnect.nautilusVFSFile_table[filename] = { 'item': item, 'state': None, 'skipNextUpdate': False } # item.add_string_attribute('share_state', "share state") # ? self.askForOverlay(filename)