/* * Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag * Copyright (C) by Krzesimir Nowak * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #ifndef MIRALL_OWNCLOUD_ADVANCED_SETUP_PAGE_H #define MIRALL_OWNCLOUD_ADVANCED_SETUP_PAGE_H #include #include "wizard/owncloudwizardcommon.h" #include "ui_owncloudadvancedsetuppage.h" class QProgressIndicator; namespace OCC { /** * @brief The OwncloudAdvancedSetupPage class * @ingroup gui */ class OwncloudAdvancedSetupPage: public QWizardPage { Q_OBJECT public: OwncloudAdvancedSetupPage(); virtual bool isComplete() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; virtual void initializePage() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; virtual int nextId() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; bool validatePage() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; QString localFolder() const; QStringList selectiveSyncBlacklist() const; bool isConfirmBigFolderChecked() const; void setRemoteFolder( const QString& remoteFolder); void setMultipleFoldersExist( bool exist ); void directoriesCreated(); signals: void createLocalAndRemoteFolders(const QString&, const QString&); public slots: void setErrorString( const QString& ); private slots: void slotSelectFolder(); void slotSyncEverythingClicked(); void slotSelectiveSyncClicked(); void slotQuotaRetrieved(const QVariantMap& result); private: void setupCustomization(); void updateStatus(); bool dataChanged(); void startSpinner(); void stopSpinner(); Ui_OwncloudAdvancedSetupPage _ui; bool _checking; bool _created; bool _localFolderValid; QProgressIndicator* _progressIndi; QString _remoteFolder; QStringList _selectiveSyncBlacklist; }; } // namespace OCC #endif