/* * Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "theme.h" #include "version.h" #include "config.h" #include "utility.h" #include #ifndef TOKEN_AUTH_ONLY #include #endif #include "owncloudtheme.h" #ifdef THEME_INCLUDE # define Mirall OCC // namespace hack to make old themes work # define QUOTEME(M) #M # define INCLUDE_FILE(M) QUOTEME(M) # include INCLUDE_FILE(THEME_INCLUDE) # undef Mirall #endif namespace OCC { Theme* Theme::_instance = 0; Theme* Theme::instance() { if (!_instance) { _instance = new THEME_CLASS; // some themes may not call the base ctor _instance->_mono = false; } return _instance; } QString Theme::statusHeaderText( SyncResult::Status status ) const { QString resultStr; switch( status ) { case SyncResult::Undefined: resultStr = QCoreApplication::translate("theme", "Status undefined"); break; case SyncResult::NotYetStarted: resultStr = QCoreApplication::translate("theme", "Waiting to start sync"); break; case SyncResult::SyncRunning: resultStr = QCoreApplication::translate("theme", "Sync is running"); break; case SyncResult::Success: resultStr = QCoreApplication::translate("theme", "Sync Success"); break; case SyncResult::Problem: resultStr = QCoreApplication::translate("theme", "Sync Success, some files were ignored."); break; case SyncResult::Error: resultStr = QCoreApplication::translate("theme", "Sync Error"); break; case SyncResult::SetupError: resultStr = QCoreApplication::translate("theme", "Setup Error" ); break; case SyncResult::SyncPrepare: resultStr = QCoreApplication::translate("theme", "Preparing to sync" ); break; case SyncResult::SyncAbortRequested: resultStr = QCoreApplication::translate("theme", "Aborting..." ); break; case SyncResult::Paused: resultStr = QCoreApplication::translate("theme", "Sync is paused"); break; } return resultStr; } QString Theme::appNameGUI() const { return QLatin1String(APPLICATION_NAME); } QString Theme::appName() const { return QLatin1String(APPLICATION_SHORTNAME); } QString Theme::version() const { return QString::fromLocal8Bit( MIRALL_STRINGIFY( MIRALL_VERSION )); } #ifndef TOKEN_AUTH_ONLY QIcon Theme::trayFolderIcon( const QString& backend ) const { Q_UNUSED(backend) return applicationIcon(); } /* * helper to load a icon from either the icon theme the desktop provides or from * the apps Qt resources. */ QIcon Theme::themeIcon( const QString& name, bool sysTray ) const { QString flavor; if (sysTray) { flavor = systrayIconFlavor(_mono); } else { flavor = QLatin1String("colored"); } QIcon icon; if( QIcon::hasThemeIcon( name )) { // use from theme icon = QIcon::fromTheme( name ); } else { QList sizes; sizes <<16 << 22 << 32 << 48 << 64 << 128 << 256; foreach (int size, sizes) { QString pixmapName = QString::fromLatin1(":/client/theme/%1/%2-%3.png").arg(flavor).arg(name).arg(size); if (QFile::exists(pixmapName)) { QPixmap px(pixmapName); // HACK, get rid of it by supporting FDO icon themes, this is really just emulating ubuntu-mono if (qgetenv("DESKTOP_SESSION") == "ubuntu") { QBitmap mask = px.createMaskFromColor(Qt::white, Qt::MaskOutColor); QPainter p(&px); p.setPen(QColor("#dfdbd2")); p.drawPixmap(px.rect(), mask, mask.rect()); } icon.addPixmap(px); } } if (icon.isNull()) { foreach (int size, sizes) { QString pixmapName = QString::fromLatin1(":/client/resources/%1-%2.png").arg(name).arg(size); if (QFile::exists(pixmapName)) { icon.addFile(pixmapName); } } } } return icon; } #endif Theme::Theme() : QObject(0) ,_mono(false) { } // if this option return true, the client only supports one folder to sync. // The Add-Button is removed accoringly. bool Theme::singleSyncFolder() const { return false; } QString Theme::defaultServerFolder() const { return QLatin1String("/"); } QString Theme::overrideServerUrl() const { return QString::null; } QString Theme::defaultClientFolder() const { return appName(); } QString Theme::systrayIconFlavor(bool mono) const { QString flavor; if (mono) { flavor = Utility::hasDarkSystray() ? QLatin1String("white") : QLatin1String("black"); } else { flavor = QLatin1String("colored"); } return flavor; } void Theme::setSystrayUseMonoIcons(bool mono) { _mono = mono; emit systrayUseMonoIconsChanged(mono); } bool Theme::systrayUseMonoIcons() const { return _mono; } QString Theme::updateCheckUrl() const { return QLatin1String("https://updates.owncloud.com/client/"); } QString Theme::gitSHA1() const { QString devString; #ifdef GIT_SHA1 const QString githubPrefix(QLatin1String( "https://github.com/owncloud/mirall/commit/")); const QString gitSha1(QLatin1String(GIT_SHA1)); devString = QCoreApplication::translate("ownCloudTheme::about()", "

Built from Git revision %2" " on %3, %4 using Qt %5.

") .arg(githubPrefix+gitSha1).arg(gitSha1.left(6)) .arg(__DATE__).arg(__TIME__) .arg(QT_VERSION_STR); #endif return devString; } QString Theme::about() const { QString re; re = tr("

Version %1. For more information please visit %3.


Copyright ownCloud, Incorporated

"); re += tr("

Distributed by %1 and licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2.0.
" "%2 and the %2 logo are registered trademarks of %1 in the " "United States, other countries, or both.

") .arg(APPLICATION_VENDOR).arg(APPLICATION_NAME); re += gitSHA1(); return re; } #ifndef TOKEN_AUTH_ONLY QVariant Theme::customMedia( CustomMediaType type ) { QVariant re; QString key; switch ( type ) { case oCSetupTop: key = QLatin1String("oCSetupTop"); break; case oCSetupSide: key = QLatin1String("oCSetupSide"); break; case oCSetupBottom: key = QLatin1String("oCSetupBottom"); break; case oCSetupResultTop: key = QLatin1String("oCSetupResultTop"); break; } QString imgPath = QString::fromLatin1(":/client/theme/colored/%1.png").arg(key); if ( QFile::exists( imgPath ) ) { QPixmap pix( imgPath ); if( pix.isNull() ) { // pixmap loading hasn't succeeded. We take the text instead. re.setValue( key ); } else { re.setValue( pix ); } } return re; } QIcon Theme::syncStateIcon( SyncResult::Status status, bool sysTray ) const { // FIXME: Mind the size! QString statusIcon; switch( status ) { case SyncResult::Undefined: // this can happen if no sync connections are configured. statusIcon = QLatin1String("state-information"); break; case SyncResult::NotYetStarted: case SyncResult::SyncRunning: statusIcon = QLatin1String("state-sync"); break; case SyncResult::SyncAbortRequested: case SyncResult::Paused: statusIcon = QLatin1String("state-pause"); break; case SyncResult::SyncPrepare: case SyncResult::Success: statusIcon = QLatin1String("state-ok"); break; case SyncResult::Problem: statusIcon = QLatin1String("state-information"); break; case SyncResult::Error: case SyncResult::SetupError: // FIXME: Use state-problem once we have an icon. default: statusIcon = QLatin1String("state-error"); } return themeIcon( statusIcon, sysTray ); } QIcon Theme::folderDisabledIcon( ) const { return themeIcon( QLatin1String("state-pause") ); } QIcon Theme::folderOfflineIcon(bool systray) const { return themeIcon( QLatin1String("state-offline"), systray ); } QColor Theme::wizardHeaderTitleColor() const { return qApp->palette().text().color(); } QColor Theme::wizardHeaderBackgroundColor() const { return QColor(); } QPixmap Theme::wizardHeaderLogo() const { return applicationIcon().pixmap(64); } QPixmap Theme::wizardHeaderBanner() const { QColor c = wizardHeaderBackgroundColor(); if (!c.isValid()) return QPixmap(); QPixmap pix(QSize(600, 78)); pix.fill(wizardHeaderBackgroundColor()); return pix; } #endif bool Theme::wizardSelectiveSyncDefaultNothing() const { return false; } } // end namespace mirall