FolderWizardSourcePage Form Vorm Pick a local folder on your computer to sync Vali oma arvutist sünkroniseeritav kataloog &Choose... &Vali... FolderWizardTargetPage Form Vorm Select a remote destination folder Vali eemalolev sihtkaust Create Folder Loo kaust Refresh Värskenda Folders Kaustad TextLabel TekstiSilt NotificationWidget Form Vorm Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod temporm TextLabel Tekstisilt OCC::AbstractNetworkJob Connection timed out Ühendus aegus Unknown error: network reply was deleted Server replied "%1 %2" to "%3 %4" OCC::AccountSettings Form Vorm ... ... Storage space: ... Salvestusruum: ... Unchecked folders will be <b>removed</b> from your local file system and will not be synchronized to this computer anymore Märkimata kataloogid <b>eemaldatakse</b> kohalikust failisüsteemist ning neid ei sünkroniseerita enam sellesse arvutisse Synchronize all Synchronize none Apply manual changes Apply Rakenda Cancel Loobu Connected with <server> as <user> Ühendatud <server> kasutajana <user> No account configured. Ühtegi kontot pole seadistatud Add new Lisa uus Remove Eemalda Account Konto Choose what to sync Vali, mida sünkroniseerida Force sync now Restart sync Remove folder sync connection Folder creation failed Kausta loomine ebaõnnestus <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>. Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Remove Folder Sync Connection Sync Running Sünkroniseerimine on käimas The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Sünkroniseerimine on käimas.<br/>Kas sa soovid seda lõpetada? %1 in use %1 kasutusel %1 as <i>%2</i> %1 as <i>%2</i> The server version %1 is old and unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. Connected to %1. Ühendatud %1 Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Server %1 pole ajutiselt saadaval. Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Signed out from %1. Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Connecting to %1... No connection to %1 at %2. Log in Logi sisse There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Confirm Account Removal Kinnita konto eemaldamine <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> Remove connection Eemalda ühendus Open folder Ava kaust Log out Logi välja Resume sync Taasta sünroonimist Pause sync Peata sünkroonimine <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 of %2 in use Currently there is no storage usage information available. Hetkel pole mahu kasutuse info saadaval. No %1 connection configured. Ühtegi %1 ühendust pole seadistatud. OCC::AccountState Signed out Välja logitud Disconnected Lahti ühendatud Connected Ühendatud Service unavailable Teenus pole saadaval Maintenance mode Network error Võrgu viga Configuration error Seadistamise tõrge Asking Credentials Unknown account state Tundmatu konto olek OCC::ActivityItemDelegate %1 on %2 %1 on %2 (disconnected) OCC::ActivitySettings Server Activity Serveri aktiivsus Sync Protocol Sünkroniseerimisprotokoll Not Synced Pole sünkroonitud Not Synced (%1) %1 is the number of not synced files. The server activity list has been copied to the clipboard. The sync activity list has been copied to the clipboard. The list of unsynced items has been copied to the clipboard. Copied to clipboard Kopeeritud lõikepuhvrisse OCC::ActivityWidget Form Vorm TextLabel Tekstisilt Server Activities Serveri tegevused Copy Kopeeri Copy the activity list to the clipboard. Kopeeri tegevuste nimistu puhvrisse. Action Required: Notifications <br/>Account %1 does not have activities enabled. You received %n new notification(s) from %2. You received %n new notification(s) from %1 and %2. You received new notifications from %1, %2 and other accounts. %1 Notifications - Action Required OCC::AddCertificateDialog SSL client certificate authentication SSL kliendisertifikaadiga autentimine This server probably requires a SSL client certificate. See server nõuab tõenäoliselt SSL kliendisertifikaati Certificate & Key (pkcs12) : Browse... Lehitse... Certificate password : Sertifikaadi parool: Select a certificate Vali sertifikaat Certificate files (*.p12 *.pfx) Sertifikaadifailid (*.p12 *.pfx) OCC::Application Error accessing the configuration file There was an error while accessing the configuration file at %1. Quit ownCloud OCC::AuthenticationDialog Authentication Required Vajalik on autentimine. Enter username and password for '%1' at %2. Sisesta kasutajanimi ja parool '%1' %2 &User: Kas&utaja: &Password: &Parool: OCC::CleanupPollsJob Error writing metadata to the database OCC::ConnectionValidator No ownCloud account configured Ühtegi ownCloud kontot pole seadistatud The configured server for this client is too old Seadistatud server on selle kliendi jaoks liiga vana Please update to the latest server and restart the client. Palun uuenda server viimasele versioonile ning taaskäivita klient. Authentication error: Either username or password are wrong. Autentimise tõrge: Kasutajanimi või parool on vale timeout aegumine The provided credentials are not correct Sisestatud kasutajatunnused pole õiged OCC::DiscoveryMainThread Aborted by the user Kasutaja poolt tühistatud OCC::Folder Local folder %1 does not exist. Kohalikku kausta %1 pole olemas. %1 should be a folder but is not. %1 is not readable. %1 pole loetav. %1 has been removed. %1 names a file. %1 on eemaldatud. %1 has been downloaded. %1 names a file. %1 on alla laaditud. %1 has been updated. %1 names a file. %1 on uuendatud. %1 has been renamed to %2. %1 and %2 name files. %1 on ümber nimetatud %2. %1 has been moved to %2. %1 on tõstetud %2. %1 and %n other file(s) have been removed. %1 and %n other file(s) have been downloaded. %1 and %n other file(s) have been updated. %1 has been renamed to %2 and %n other file(s) have been renamed. %1 has been moved to %2 and %n other file(s) have been moved. %1 has and %n other file(s) have sync conflicts. %1 has a sync conflict. Please check the conflict file! %1 and %n other file(s) could not be synced due to errors. See the log for details. %1 could not be synced due to an error. See the log for details. %1 sünkroniseerimine ebaõnnestus tõrke tõttu. Lisainfot vaata logist. Sync Activity Sünkroniseerimise tegevus Could not read system exclude file Süsteemi väljajätmiste faili lugemine ebaõnnestus A new folder larger than %1 MB has been added: %2. A folder from an external storage has been added. Please go in the settings to select it if you wish to download it. All files in the sync folder '%1' folder were deleted on the server. These deletes will be synchronized to your local sync folder, making such files unavailable unless you have a right to restore. If you decide to keep the files, they will be re-synced with the server if you have rights to do so. If you decide to delete the files, they will be unavailable to you, unless you are the owner. All the files in your local sync folder '%1' were deleted. These deletes will be synchronized with your server, making such files unavailable unless restored. Are you sure you want to sync those actions with the server? If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synced from the server. Remove All Files? Kustutada kõik failid? Remove all files Kustutada kõik failid Keep files Säilita failid This sync would reset the files to an earlier time in the sync folder '%1'. This might be because a backup was restored on the server. Continuing the sync as normal will cause all your files to be overwritten by an older file in an earlier state. Do you want to keep your local most recent files as conflict files? Backup detected Leiti varukoopia Normal Synchronisation Tavaline sünkroonimine Keep Local Files as Conflict OCC::FolderMan Could not reset folder state Ei suutnud tühistada kataloogi staatust An old sync journal '%1' was found, but could not be removed. Please make sure that no application is currently using it. Leiti vana sünkroniseeringu zurnaal '%1', kuid selle eemaldamine ebaõnnenstus. Palun veendu, et seda kasutaks ükski programm. (backup) (varukoopia) (backup %1) (varukoopia %1) Undefined State. Määramata staatus. Waiting to start syncing. Oodatakse sünkroonimise alustamist. Preparing for sync. Valmistun sünkroniseerima. Sync is running. Sünkroniseerimine on käimas. Last Sync was successful. Viimane sünkroniseerimine oli edukas. Last Sync was successful, but with warnings on individual files. Viimane sünkroniseering oli edukas, kuid mõned failid põhjustasid tõrkeid. Setup Error. Seadistamise viga. User Abort. Kasutaja tühistamine. Sync is paused. Sünkroniseerimine on peatatud. %1 (Sync is paused) %1 (Sünkroniseerimine on peatatud) No valid folder selected! Sobilikku kausta pole valitud! The selected path is not a folder! Valitud asukoht pole kaust! You have no permission to write to the selected folder! Sul puuduvad õigused valitud kataloogi kirjutamiseks! The local folder %1 contains a symbolic link. The link target contains an already synced folder Please pick another one! There is already a sync from the server to this local folder. Please pick another local folder! The local folder %1 already contains a folder used in a folder sync connection. Please pick another one! The local folder %1 is already contained in a folder used in a folder sync connection. Please pick another one! The local folder %1 is a symbolic link. The link target is already contained in a folder used in a folder sync connection. Please pick another one! OCC::FolderStatusDelegate Add Folder Sync Connection Synchronizing with local folder File Fail OCC::FolderStatusModel You need to be connected to add a folder Kausta lisamiseks pead sa olema ühendatud Click this button to add a folder to synchronize. Sünkroniseeritava kausta lisamiseks kliki sellele nupule. %1 (%2) Example text: "File.txt (23KB)" %1 (%2) Error while loading the list of folders from the server. Signed out Välja logitud Fetching folder list from server... There are unresolved conflicts. Click for details. Checking for changes in '%1' Kontrollitakse muudatusi kaustas '%1' Reconciling changes , '%1' Build a list of file names , '%1' '%1' Argument is a file name '%1' Syncing %1 Example text: "Syncing 'foo.txt', 'bar.txt'" Sünkroniseerimine %1 , , download %1/s Example text: "download 24Kb/s" (%1 is replaced by 24Kb (translated)) allalaadimine %1/s u2193 %1/s u2193 %1/s upload %1/s Example text: "upload 24Kb/s" (%1 is replaced by 24Kb (translated)) üleslaadimine %1/s u2191 %1/s u2191 %1/s %1 %2 (%3 of %4) Example text: "uploading foobar.png (2MB of 2MB)" %1 %2 (%3 / %4) %1 %2 Example text: "uploading foobar.png" %1 %2 %5 left, %1 of %2, file %3 of %4 Example text: "5 minutes left, 12 MB of 345 MB, file 6 of 7" %1 of %2, file %3 of %4 Example text: "12 MB of 345 MB, file 6 of 7" %1 / %2, fail %3 / %4 file %1 of %2 fail %1 / %2-st Waiting... Ootamine... Waiting for %n other folder(s)... Preparing to sync... Sünkroniseerimiseks valmistumine... OCC::FolderWizard Add Folder Sync Connection Add Sync Connection OCC::FolderWizardLocalPath Click to select a local folder to sync. Klõpsa valimaks kohalikku sünkroniseeritavat kataloogi. Enter the path to the local folder. Sisesta otsingutee kohaliku kataloogini. Select the source folder Vali algne kaust OCC::FolderWizardRemotePath Create Remote Folder Loo kaugkaust Enter the name of the new folder to be created below '%1': Folder was successfully created on %1. %1 - kaust on loodud. Authentication failed accessing %1 Failed to create the folder on %1. Please check manually. Kausta loomine ebaõnnestus - %1. Palun kontrolli käsitsi. Failed to list a folder. Error: %1 Choose this to sync the entire account Vali see sünkroniseering tervele kontole This folder is already being synced. Seda kataloogi juba sünkroniseeritakse. You are already syncing <i>%1</i>, which is a parent folder of <i>%2</i>. Sa juba sünkroniseerid <i>%1</i>, mis on <i>%2</i> ülemkataloog. OCC::FormatWarningsWizardPage <b>Warning:</b> %1 <b>Hoiatus:</b> %1 <b>Warning:</b> <b>Hoiatus:</b> OCC::GETFileJob No E-Tag received from server, check Proxy/Gateway Ühtegi E-Silti ei saabunud serverist, kontrolli puhverserverit/lüüsi. We received a different E-Tag for resuming. Retrying next time. Saime jätkamiseks erineva E-Sildi. Proovin järgmine kord uuesti. Server returned wrong content-range Server tagastas vale vahemiku Connection Timeout Ühenduse aegumine OCC::GeneralSettings Form Vorm General Settings Üldised seaded For System Tray Süsteemisalve jaoks Advanced Täpsem Ask for confirmation before synchronizing folders larger than MB Trailing part of "Ask confirmation before syncing folder larger than" MB Ask for confirmation before synchronizing external storages &Launch on System Startup Käivita süsteemi startimise&l Show &Desktop Notifications Näita &töölauateavitusi Use &Monochrome Icons Kasuta ühevärvilisi ikoone Edit &Ignored Files Muuda &ignoreeritud faile S&how crash reporter &Näita kokkujooksmise teavitajat About Info Updates Uuendused &Restart && Update &Taaskäivita && Uuenda OCC::HttpCredentialsGui Please enter %1 password:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Reading from keychain failed with error: '%1' Enter Password Sisesta parool <a href="%1">Click here</a> to request an app password from the web interface. OCC::IgnoreListEditor Ignored Files Editor Ignoreeritud failide redaktor Global Ignore Settings Üldised ignoreerimise seaded Sync hidden files Sünkroniseeri peidetud failid Files Ignored by Patterns Mustri poolt ignoreeritud failid Add Lisa Pattern Muster Allow Deletion Luba kustutamine Remove Eemalda Files or folders matching a pattern will not be synchronized. Items where deletion is allowed will be deleted if they prevent a directory from being removed. This is useful for meta data. Could not open file Ei suutunud avada faili Cannot write changes to '%1'. Ei saa kirjutada muudatusi '%1'. Add Ignore Pattern Lisa ignoreerimise muster Add a new ignore pattern: Lisa uus ignoreerimise muster: This entry is provided by the system at '%1' and cannot be modified in this view. Selle kirje on pakkunud süsteem '%1' ning seda ei saa antud vaates muuta. OCC::IssuesWidget Form Vorm List of issues Account Konto <no filter> Folder Kaust Show warnings Show ignored files Copy the issues list to the clipboard. Copy Kopeeri Time Aeg File Fail Issue OCC::LogBrowser Log Output Logi väljund &Search: &Otsi; &Find Leia: &Capture debug messages Clear Tühjenda Clear the log display. Tühjenda näidatav logi. S&ave S&alvesta Save the log file to a file on disk for debugging. Salvesta logi fail kettale täpsemaks uurimiseks. Save log file Salvesta logifail Error Viga Could not write to log file %1 Logifaili %1 kirjutamine ebaõnnestus OCC::Logger Error Viga <nobr>File '%1'<br/>cannot be opened for writing.<br/><br/>The log output can <b>not</b> be saved!</nobr> <nobr>Faili '%1'<br/>ei saa kirjutamiseks avada.<br/><br/>Logi väljundit <b>ei saa</b> salvestada!</nobr> OCC::NSISUpdater New Version Available Saadaval on uuem versioon <p>A new version of the %1 Client is available.</p><p><b>%2</b> is available for download. The installed version is %3.</p> <p>Uus versioon %1 kliendist on saadaval.</p><p><b>%2</b> on saadaval alla laadimiseks. Paigaldatud on versioon %3.<p> Skip this version Jäta see versioon vahele Skip this time Jäta seekord vahele Get update Hangi uuendus OCC::NetworkSettings Form Vorm Proxy Settings Proksi seaded No Proxy Proksit pole Use system proxy Kasuta süsteemi proksit Specify proxy manually as Määra proksi käsitsi kui Host Host : : Proxy server requires authentication Proksi server nõuab autentimist Download Bandwidth Allalaadimise ülekandekiirus Limit to Piira KBytes/s KBaiti/s No limit Piiramatu Limit to 3/4 of estimated bandwidth Upload Bandwidth Üleslaadimise ülekandekiirus Limit automatically Piira automaatselt Hostname of proxy server Proksiserveri hostinimi Username for proxy server Proksiserveri kasutajanimi Password for proxy server Proksiserveri parool HTTP(S) proxy HTTP(S) proksi SOCKS5 proxy SOCKS5 proksi OCC::NotificationWidget Created at %1 Closing in a few seconds... %1 request failed at %2 The second parameter is a time, such as 'failed at 09:58pm' '%1' selected at %2 The second parameter is a time, such as 'selected at 09:58pm' OCC::OAuth Error returned from the server: <em>%1</em> There was an error accessing the 'token' endpoint: <br><em>%1</em> Could not parse the JSON returned from the server: <br><em>%1</em> The reply from the server did not contain all expected fields <h1>Login Error</h1><p>%1</p> <h1>Wrong user</h1><p>You logged-in with user <em>%1</em>, but must login with user <em>%2</em>.<br>Please log out of %3 in another tab, then <a href='%4'>click here</a> and log in as user %2</p> OCC::OCUpdater New %1 Update Ready Uus %1 uuendus on valmis A new update for %1 is about to be installed. The updater may ask for additional privileges during the process. Downloading version %1. Please wait... Laadin alla versiooni %1. Palun oota... Could not download update. Please click <a href='%1'>here</a> to download the update manually. Ei suutnud uuendust alla laadida. Palun klõpsa käsitsi uuenduse alla laadimiseks <a href='%1'>siia</a> %2 Could not check for new updates. Uuenduste kontrollimine ebaõnnestus. %1 version %2 available. Restart application to start the update. New %1 version %2 available. Please use the system's update tool to install it. Checking update server... Kontrollin uuendusserverit... Update status is unknown: Did not check for new updates. Uuenduse staatus on teadmata: Uuendusi ei kontrollitud. No updates available. Your installation is at the latest version. Uuendusi pole saadaval. Kasutad kõige viimast versiooni. Update Check Uuenduste kontrollimine OCC::OwncloudAdvancedSetupPage Connect to %1 Ühendu %1 Setup local folder options Seadista kohaliku kataloogi valikud Connect... Ühenda... %1 folder '%2' is synced to local folder '%3' %1 kataloog '%2' on sünkroniseeritud kohalikku kataloogi '%3' Sync the folder '%1' Sünkrooni kaust '%1' <p><small><strong>Warning:</strong> The local folder is not empty. Pick a resolution!</small></p> Local Sync Folder Kohalik Sync Kataloog (%1) (%1) OCC::OwncloudConnectionMethodDialog Connection failed Ühendus ebaõnnestus <html><head/><body><p>Failed to connect to the secure server address specified. How do you wish to proceed?</p></body></html> Select a different URL Vali teine URL Retry unencrypted over HTTP (insecure) Configure client-side TLS certificate Seadista kliendipoolne TLS sertifikaat <html><head/><body><p>Failed to connect to the secure server address <em>%1</em>. How do you wish to proceed?</p></body></html> OCC::OwncloudHttpCredsPage &Email Connect to %1 Ühendu %1 Enter user credentials Sisesta kasutajaandmed OCC::OwncloudOAuthCredsPage Connect to %1 Ühendu %1 Login in your browser OCC::OwncloudSetupPage Connect to %1 Ühendu %1 Setup %1 server Seadista %1 server This url is NOT secure as it is not encrypted. It is not advisable to use it. See url EI OLE turvaline, kuna see pole krüpteeritud. Selle kasutamine pole soovitatav. This url is secure. You can use it. See aadress on turvaline. Võid seda kasutada. &Next > &Edasi > OCC::OwncloudSetupWizard <font color="green">Successfully connected to %1: %2 version %3 (%4)</font><br/><br/> <font color="green">Edukalt ühendatud %1: %2 versioon %3 (4)</font><br/><br/> Failed to connect to %1 at %2:<br/>%3 Ühendumine ebaõnnestus %1 %2-st:<br/>%3 Timeout while trying to connect to %1 at %2. Trying to connect to %1 at %2... Püüan ühenduda %1 kohast %2 The authenticated request to the server was redirected to '%1'. The URL is bad, the server is misconfigured. There was an invalid response to an authenticated webdav request Access forbidden by server. To verify that you have proper access, <a href="%1">click here</a> to access the service with your browser. Invalid URL The server reported the following error: Local sync folder %1 already exists, setting it up for sync.<br/><br/> Kohalik kataloog %1 on juba olemas. Valmistan selle ette sünkroniseerimiseks. Creating local sync folder %1... Kohaliku kausta %1 sünkroonimise loomine ... ok ok failed. ebaõnnestus. Could not create local folder %1 Ei suuda tekitada kohalikku kataloogi %1 No remote folder specified! Ühtegi võrgukataloogi pole määratletud! Error: %1 Viga: %1 creating folder on ownCloud: %1 loon uue kataloogi ownCloudi: %1 Remote folder %1 created successfully. Eemalolev kaust %1 on loodud. The remote folder %1 already exists. Connecting it for syncing. Serveris on kataloog %1 juba olemas. Ühendan selle sünkroniseerimiseks. The folder creation resulted in HTTP error code %1 Kausta tekitamine lõppes HTTP veakoodiga %1 The remote folder creation failed because the provided credentials are wrong!<br/>Please go back and check your credentials.</p> Kataloogi loomine serverisse ebaõnnestus, kuna kasutajatõendid on valed!<br/>Palun kontrolli oma kasutajatunnust ja parooli.</p> <p><font color="red">Remote folder creation failed probably because the provided credentials are wrong.</font><br/>Please go back and check your credentials.</p> <p><font color="red">Serveris oleva kataloogi tekitamine ebaõnnestus tõenäoliselt valede kasutajatunnuste tõttu.</font><br/>Palun mine tagasi ning kontrolli kasutajatunnust ning parooli.</p> Remote folder %1 creation failed with error <tt>%2</tt>. Kataloogi %1 tekitamine serverisse ebaõnnestus veaga <tt>%2</tt> A sync connection from %1 to remote directory %2 was set up. Loodi sünkroniseerimisühendus kataloogist %1 serveri kataloogi %2 Successfully connected to %1! Edukalt ühendatud %1! Connection to %1 could not be established. Please check again. Ühenduse loomine %1 ebaõnnestus. Palun kontrolli uuesti. Folder rename failed Kataloogi ümbernimetamine ebaõnnestus Can't remove and back up the folder because the folder or a file in it is open in another program. Please close the folder or file and hit retry or cancel the setup. Ei suuda eemaldada ning varundada kataloogi kuna kataloog või selles asuv fail on avatud mõne teise programmi poolt. Palun sulge kataloog või fail ning proovi uuesti või katkesta paigaldus. <font color="green"><b>Local sync folder %1 successfully created!</b></font> <font color="green"><b>Kohalik kataloog %1 edukalt loodud!</b></font> OCC::OwncloudWizard %1 Connection Wizard %1 seadistamise juhendaja Skip folders configuration Jäta kaustade seadistamine vahele OCC::OwncloudWizardResultPage Everything set up! Kõik on seadistatud! Open Local Folder Ava Kohalik Kataloog Open %1 in Browser Ava %1 veebilehitsejas OCC::PollJob Invalid JSON reply from the poll URL OCC::PropagateDirectory Error writing metadata to the database OCC::PropagateDownloadFile File %1 can not be downloaded because of a local file name clash! Faili %1 ei saa alla laadida kuna on konflikt kohaliku faili nimega. The download would reduce free local disk space below the limit Free space on disk is less than %1 File was deleted from server Fail on serverist kustutatud The file could not be downloaded completely. Faili täielik allalaadimine ebaõnnestus. The downloaded file is empty despite the server announced it should have been %1. File %1 cannot be saved because of a local file name clash! Faili %1 ei saa salvestada kuna on nime konflikt kohaliku failiga! File has changed since discovery Faili on pärast avastamist muudetud Error writing metadata to the database OCC::PropagateItemJob ; Restoration Failed: %1 ; Taastamine ebaõnnestus: %1 A file or folder was removed from a read only share, but restoring failed: %1 OCC::PropagateLocalMkdir could not delete file %1, error: %2 ei saa kustutada faili %1, viga: %2 Attention, possible case sensitivity clash with %1 Tähelepanu, võimalik tõusutundliku nime konflikt %1-ga could not create folder %1 kausta %1 loomine ebaõnnestus Error writing metadata to the database OCC::PropagateLocalRemove Error removing '%1': %2; Viga eemaldamisel '%1': %2; Could not remove folder '%1' Kausta '%1' eemaldamine ebaõnnestus Could not remove %1 because of a local file name clash Ei saa eemaldada %1 kuna on konflikt kohaliku faili nimega OCC::PropagateLocalRename File %1 can not be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash Faili %1 ei saa ümber nimetada %2-ks, kuna on konflikt kohaliku faili nimega Error writing metadata to the database OCC::PropagateRemoteDelete The file has been removed from a read only share. It was restored. Fail oli eemaldatud kirjutamisõiguseta kataloogist. See on nüüd taastatud. Wrong HTTP code returned by server. Expected 204, but received "%1 %2". Server saatis vale HTTP koodi. Ootuspärane kood oli 204, aga saadeti kood "%1 %2". OCC::PropagateRemoteMkdir Wrong HTTP code returned by server. Expected 201, but received "%1 %2". Server saatis vale HTTP koodi. Ootuspärane kood oli 201, aga saadeti kood "%1 %2". Error writing metadata to the database OCC::PropagateRemoteMove This folder must not be renamed. It is renamed back to its original name. Kausta ei tohi ümber nimetada. Kausta algne nimi taastati. This folder must not be renamed. Please name it back to Shared. Kausta nime ei tohi muuta. Palun pane selle nimeks tagasi Shared. The file was renamed but is part of a read only share. The original file was restored. Fail oli ümber nimetatud, kuid see on osa kirjutamisõiguseta jagamisest. Algne fail taastati. Wrong HTTP code returned by server. Expected 201, but received "%1 %2". Server saatis vale HTTP koodi. Ootuspärane kood oli 201, aga saadeti kood "%1 %2". Error writing metadata to the database OCC::PropagateUploadFileCommon File %1 cannot be uploaded because another file with the same name, differing only in case, exists File Removed Fail eemaldatud Local file changed during syncing. It will be resumed. Kohalik fail muutus sünkroniseeringu käigus. See taastakse. Local file changed during sync. Kohalik fail muutus sünkroniseeringu käigus. Upload of %1 exceeds the quota for the folder Error writing metadata to the database OCC::PropagateUploadFileNG The local file was removed during sync. Kohalik fail on eemaldatud sünkroniseeringu käigus. Local file changed during sync. Kohalik fail muutus sünkroniseeringu käigus. Unexpected return code from server (%1) Missing File ID from server Missing ETag from server OCC::PropagateUploadFileV1 The file was edited locally but is part of a read only share. It is restored and your edit is in the conflict file. Faili on lokaalselt muudetud, kuid see on osa kirjutamisõiguseta jagamisest. See on taastatud ning sinu muudatus on konfliktses failis. Poll URL missing Küsitluse URL puudub The local file was removed during sync. Kohalik fail on eemaldatud sünkroniseeringu käigus. Local file changed during sync. Kohalik fail muutus sünkroniseeringu käigus. The server did not acknowledge the last chunk. (No e-tag was present) OCC::ProtocolWidget Form Vorm TextLabel Tekstisilt Time Aeg File Fail Folder Kaust Action Tegevus Size Suurus Local sync protocol Copy Kopeeri Copy the activity list to the clipboard. Kopeeri tegevuste nimistu puhvrisse. OCC::ProxyAuthDialog Proxy authentication required Vajalik on proksi autentimine Username: Kasutajanimi: Proxy: Proksi: The proxy server needs a username and password. Proksi serveri jaoks on vajalik kasutajanimi ja parool. Password: Parool: TextLabel Tekstisilt OCC::SelectiveSyncDialog Choose What to Sync Vali, mida sünkroniseerida OCC::SelectiveSyncWidget Loading ... Laadimine ... Deselect remote folders you do not wish to synchronize. Name Nimi Size Suurus No subfolders currently on the server. Serveris pole praegu alamkaustasid. An error occurred while loading the list of sub folders. OCC::SettingsDialog Settings Seaded Activity Toimingud General Üldine Network Võrk Account Konto OCC::SettingsDialogMac %1 %1 Activity Toimingud General Üldine Network Võrk Account Konto OCC::ShareDialog TextLabel Tekstisilt share label jagamise silt Dialog Dialoog ownCloud Path: ownCloudi kaust: %1 Sharing %1 jagamine %1 %1 Folder: %2 Kaust: %2 The server does not allow sharing See server ei luba jagamist Retrieving maximum possible sharing permissions from server... The file can not be shared because it was shared without sharing permission. Users and Groups Public Links Avalikud lingid OCC::ShareLinkWidget Share NewDocument.odt Jaga faili NewDocument.odt TextLabel Tekstisilt Set &password Määra &parool Enter a name to create a new public link... &Create new Set &expiration date Määra &aegumise kuupäev Set password Määra parool Link properties: Show file listing Näita failide nimekirja Allow editing Luba muutmine Anyone with the link has access to the file/folder P&assword protect P&arooliga kaitstud Password Protected Parooliga kaitstud The file can not be shared because it was shared without sharing permission. %1 link Link shares have been disabled Create public link share Delete Kustuta Open link in browser Copy link to clipboard Copy link to clipboard (direct download) Send link by email Saada link e-postiga Send link by email (direct download) Confirm Link Share Deletion <p>Do you really want to delete the public link share <i>%1</i>?</p><p>Note: This action cannot be undone.</p> Cancel Loobu Public link Delete link share Public sh&aring requires a password Avalik j&agamine nõuab parooli Please Set Password Palun määra parool OCC::ShareUserGroupWidget Share NewDocument.odt Jaga faili NewDocument.odt Share with users or groups ... Jaga kasutajate või gruppidega ... <html><head/><body><p>You can direct people to this shared file or folder <a href="private link menu"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">by giving them a private link</span></a>.</p></body></html> The item is not shared with any users or groups Open link in browser Copy link to clipboard Send link by email Saada link e-postiga No results for '%1' I shared something with you OCC::ShareUserLine Form Vorm TextLabel Tekstisilt can edit saab muuta can share saab jagada ... ... create loo change muuda delete kustuta OCC::ShibbolethCredentials Login Error Sisselogimise viga You must sign in as user %1 Pead sisse logima kui kasutaja %1 OCC::ShibbolethWebView %1 - Authenticate %1 - autentimine SSL Chipher Debug View Reauthentication required Vajalik on uuesti autentimine Your session has expired. You need to re-login to continue to use the client. Sinu sessioon on aegunud. Sa pead kliendi kasutamiseks uuesti sisse logima. OCC::SocketApi Share with %1 parameter is ownCloud Jagatud kasutajaga %1 I shared something with you Share... Copy private link to clipboard Send private link by email... OCC::SslButton <h3>Certificate Details</h3> <h3>Sertifikaadi detailid</h3> Common Name (CN): Üldine nimi (CN): Subject Alternative Names: Subjekti Alternatiivsed Nimed: Organization (O): Organisatsioon (O): Organizational Unit (OU): Organisatsiooni üksus (OU): State/Province: Riik/Maakond: Country: Riik: Serial: Järjenumber: <h3>Issuer</h3> <h3>Väljastaja</h3> Issuer: Väljastaja: Issued on: Väljastatud: Expires on: Aegub: <h3>Fingerprints</h3> <h3>Sõrmejäljendid</h3> SHA-256: SHA-256: SHA-1: SHA-1: <p><b>Note:</b> This certificate was manually approved</p> <p><b>Märkus</b>See sertifikaat on käsitsi heakskiidetud</p> %1 (self-signed) %1 (oma-signeering) %1 %1 This connection is encrypted using %1 bit %2. Ühendus on krüpteeritud kasutades %1 bitt %2 No support for SSL session tickets/identifiers Certificate information: Seritifikaadi informatsioon: This connection is NOT secure as it is not encrypted. See url EI OLE turvaline, kuna see pole krüpteeritud. OCC::SslErrorDialog Form Vorm Trust this certificate anyway Usalda siiski seda sertifikaati Untrusted Certificate Tundmatu sertifikaat Cannot connect securely to <i>%1</i>: with Certificate %1 sertifikaadiga %1 &lt;not specified&gt; &lt;pole määratud&gt; Organization: %1 Organisatsioon: %1 Unit: %1 Ühik: %1 Country: %1 Riik: %1 Fingerprint (MD5): <tt>%1</tt> Sõrmejälg (MD5): <tt>%1</tt> Fingerprint (SHA1): <tt>%1</tt> Sõrmejälg (SHA1): <tt>%1</tt> Effective Date: %1 Efektiivne kuupäev: %1 Expiration Date: %1 Aegumise kuupäev: %1 Issuer: %1 Esitaja: %1 OCC::SyncEngine Success. Korras. CSync failed to load the journal file. The journal file is corrupted. <p>The %1 plugin for csync could not be loaded.<br/>Please verify the installation!</p> <p>Ei suuda laadida csync lisa %1.<br/>Palun kontrolli paigaldust!</p> CSync fatal parameter error. CSync parameetri saatuslik viga. CSync processing step update failed. CSync uuendusprotsess ebaõnnestus. CSync processing step reconcile failed. CSync tasakaalustuse protsess ebaõnnestus. CSync could not authenticate at the proxy. CSync ei suutnud puhverserveris autoriseerida. CSync failed to lookup proxy or server. Csync ei suuda leida puhverserverit. CSync failed to authenticate at the %1 server. CSync autoriseering serveris %1 ebaõnnestus. CSync failed to connect to the network. CSync võrguga ühendumine ebaõnnestus. A network connection timeout happened. Toimus võrgukatkestus. A HTTP transmission error happened. HTTP ülekande viga. The mounted folder is temporarily not available on the server An error occurred while opening a folder Error while reading folder. %1 (skipped due to earlier error, trying again in %2) File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. Folder hierarchy is too deep Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Only %1 are available, need at least %2 to start Placeholders are postfixed with file sizes using Utility::octetsToString() Unable to open or create the local sync database. Make sure you have write access in the sync folder. Not allowed because you don't have permission to add parent folder Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. CSync: No space on %1 server available. CSync: Serveris %1 on ruum otsas. CSync unspecified error. CSync tuvastamatu viga. Aborted by the user Kasutaja poolt tühistatud CSync failed to access CSyncile ligipääs ebaõnnestus CSync failed to load or create the journal file. Make sure you have read and write permissions in the local sync folder. CSync failed due to unhandled permission denied. CSync tried to create a folder that already exists. The service is temporarily unavailable Teenus pole ajutiselt saadaval Access is forbidden Ligipääs on keelatud An internal error number %1 occurred. Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. Sümboolsed lingid ei ole sünkroniseerimisel toetatud. File is listed on the ignore list. Fail on märgitud ignoreeritavate nimistus. File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. File names containing the character '%1' are not supported on this file system. The file name is a reserved name on this file system. Filename contains trailing spaces. Filename is too long. Faili nimi on liiga pikk. The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. Unresolved conflict. Stat failed. Filename encoding is not valid Failinime kodeering pole kehtiv Invalid characters, please rename "%1" Unable to read the blacklist from the local database Unable to read from the sync journal. Cannot open the sync journal Ei suuda avada sünkroniseeringu zurnaali File name contains at least one invalid character Faili nimesonvähemalt üks keelatud märk Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist "Vali, mida sünkroniseerida" musta nimekirja tõttu vahele jäetud Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Pole lubatud üles laadida, kuna tegemist on ainult-loetava serveriga, taastan Not allowed to remove, restoring Eemaldamine pole lubatud, taastan Local files and share folder removed. Kohalikud failid ja jagatud kaustad eemaldatud. Move not allowed, item restored Liigutamine pole lubatud, üksus taastatud Move not allowed because %1 is read-only Liigutamien pole võimalik kuna %1 on ainult lugemiseks the destination sihtkoht the source allikas OCC::SyncLogDialog Synchronisation Log Sünkroonimise logi OCC::Systray %1: %2 %1: %2 OCC::Theme <p>Version %1. For more information please visit <a href='%2'>%3</a>.</p> <p>Copyright ownCloud GmbH</p> <p>Distributed by %1 and licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2.0.<br/>%2 and the %2 logo are registered trademarks of %1 in the United States, other countries, or both.</p> OCC::ValidateChecksumHeader The checksum header is malformed. The checksum header contained an unknown checksum type '%1' The downloaded file does not match the checksum, it will be resumed. OCC::ownCloudGui Please sign in Palun logi sisse Folder %1: %2 Kaust %1: %2 There are no sync folders configured. Sünkroniseeritavaid kaustasid pole määratud. Open in browser Ava veebilehitsejas Log in... Logi sisse... Log out Logi välja Recent Changes Hiljutised muudatused Checking for changes in '%1' Kontrollitakse muudatusi kaustas '%1' Managed Folders: Hallatavad kaustad: Open folder '%1' Ava kaust '%1' Open %1 in browser Ava %1 veebilehitsejas Unknown status Tundmatu staatus Settings... Seaded... Details... Üksikasjad... Help Abiinfo Quit %1 Lõpeta %1 Disconnected from %1 Unsupported Server Version The server on account %1 runs an old and unsupported version %2. Using this client with unsupported server versions is untested and potentially dangerous. Proceed at your own risk. Disconnected Lahti ühendatud Disconnected from some accounts Disconnected from accounts: Kontodest lahtiühendatud Account %1: %2 Konto %1: %2 Signed out Välja logitud Account synchronization is disabled Synchronization is paused Error during synchronization No sync folders configured Unpause all folders Pause all folders Unpause all synchronization Unpause synchronization Pause all synchronization Pause synchronization Log out of all accounts Logi välja kõikidelt kontodelt Log in to all accounts... Logi sisse kõikidesse kontodesse... New account... Crash now Only shows in debug mode to allow testing the crash handler Jookse kokku No items synced recently Ühtegi üksust pole hiljuti sünkroniseeritud Syncing %1 of %2 (%3 left) Sünkroniseerin %1 %2-st (%3 veel) Syncing %1 of %2 Syncing %1 (%2 left) Sünkroniseerin %1 (%2 veel) Syncing %1 Sünkroniseerimine %1 %1 (%2, %3) %1 (%2, %3) Up to date Ajakohane OCC::ownCloudTheme <p>Version %2. For more information visit <a href="%3">https://%4</a></p><p>For known issues and help, please visit: <a href=""></a></p><p><small>By Klaas Freitag, Daniel Molkentin, Olivier Goffart, Markus Götz, Jan-Christoph Borchardt, and others.</small></p><p>Copyright ownCloud GmbH</p><p>Licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2.0<br/>ownCloud and the ownCloud Logo are registered trademarks of ownCloud GmbH in the United States, other countries, or both.</p> OwncloudAdvancedSetupPage Form Vorm TextLabel Tekstisilt Server Server <html><head/><body><p>If this box is checked, existing content in the local folder will be erased to start a clean sync from the server.</p><p>Do not check this if the local content should be uploaded to the servers folder.</p></body></html> Start a &clean sync (Erases the local folder!) Ask for confirmation before synchroni&zing folders larger than MB Trailing part of "Ask confirmation before syncing folder larger than" MB Ask for confirmation before synchronizing e&xternal storages Choose what to sync Vali, mida sünkroniseerida &Local Folder &Kohalik kataloog pbSelectLocalFolder pbSelectLocalFolder &Keep local data &Säilita kohalikud andmed S&ync everything from server Status message Staatuse teade OwncloudHttpCredsPage Form Vorm &Username &Kasutajatunnus &Password &Parool OwncloudOAuthCredsPage Form Vorm Please switch to your browser to proceed. An error occured while connecting. Please try again. Re-open Browser OwncloudSetupPage Form Vorm TextLabel Tekstisilt Ser&ver Address https://... https://... Error Label Vea silt OwncloudWizardResultPage Form Vorm TextLabel TekstiSilt Your entire account is synced to the local folder Kogu Su konto sünkroniseeriti kohalikku kataloogi PushButton Nupp QObject in the future tulevikus %n day(s) ago %n hour(s) ago now kohe Less than a minute ago Vähem kui minut tagasi %n minute(s) ago Some time ago Mõni aeg tagasi %1: %2 this displays an error string (%2) for a file %1 %1: %2 Utility %L1 GB %L1 GB %L1 MB %L1 MB %L1 KB %L1 KB %L1 B %L1 B %n year(s) %n month(s) %n day(s) %n hour(s) %n minute(s) %n second(s) %1 %2 %1 %2 main.cpp System Tray not available Süsteemisalv pole saadaval %1 requires on a working system tray. If you are running XFCE, please follow <a href="">these instructions</a>. Otherwise, please install a system tray application such as 'trayer' and try again. %1 vajab tööks süsteemisalve. Kui Sa kasutad XFCE-d, palun järgi <a href="">neid juhiseid</a>. Muudel juhtudel palun paigalda süsteemisalve rakendus nagu näiteks 'trayer' ning proovi uuesti. ownCloudTheme::about() <p><small>Built from Git revision <a href="%1">%2</a> on %3, %4 using Qt %5, %6</small></p> progress Downloaded Allalaetud Uploaded Üles laetud Server version downloaded, copied changed local file into conflict file Deleted Kustutatud Moved to %1 Tõstetud %1 Ignored Eiratud Filesystem access error Failisüsteemi ligipääsu viga Error Viga Updated local metadata Unknown Tundmatu downloading allalaadimine uploading üleslaadimine deleting kustutan moving liigutan ignoring eiran error viga updating local metadata theme Status undefined Staatus on määramata Waiting to start sync Oodatakse sünkroniseerimise alustamist Sync is running Sünkroniseerimine on käimas Sync Success Sünkroniseerimine on tehtud Sync Success, some files were ignored. Sünkroniseering õnnestus, mõnda faili ignoreeriti. Sync Error Sünkroniseerimise viga Setup Error Viga sünkroniseerimisel Preparing to sync Sünkroniseerimiseks valmistumine Aborting... Tühistamine ... Sync is paused Sünkroniseerimine on peatatud utility Could not open browser There was an error when launching the browser to go to URL %1. Maybe no default browser is configured? Could not open email client There was an error when launching the email client to create a new message. Maybe no default email client is configured?