/* * Copyright (C) by Duncan Mac-Vicar P. * Copyright (C) by Daniel Molkentin * Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "config.h" #include "account.h" #include "accountstate.h" #include "folder.h" #include "folderman.h" #include "logger.h" #include "configfile.h" #include "networkjobs.h" #include "common/syncjournalfilerecord.h" #include "syncresult.h" #include "clientproxy.h" #include "syncengine.h" #include "syncrunfilelog.h" #include "socketapi.h" #include "theme.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "creds/abstractcredentials.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace OCC { Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcFolder, "nextcloud.gui.folder", QtInfoMsg) Folder::Folder(const FolderDefinition &definition, AccountState *accountState, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , _accountState(accountState) , _definition(definition) , _csyncUnavail(false) , _lastSyncDuration(0) , _consecutiveFailingSyncs(0) , _consecutiveFollowUpSyncs(0) , _journal(_definition.absoluteJournalPath()) , _fileLog(new SyncRunFileLog) , _saveBackwardsCompatible(false) { _timeSinceLastSyncStart.start(); _timeSinceLastSyncDone.start(); SyncResult::Status status = SyncResult::NotYetStarted; if (definition.paused) { status = SyncResult::Paused; } _syncResult.setStatus(status); // check if the local path exists checkLocalPath(); _syncResult.setFolder(_definition.alias); _engine.reset(new SyncEngine(_accountState->account(), path(), remotePath(), &_journal)); // pass the setting if hidden files are to be ignored, will be read in csync_update _engine->setIgnoreHiddenFiles(_definition.ignoreHiddenFiles); ConfigFile::setupDefaultExcludeFilePaths(_engine->excludedFiles()); if (!reloadExcludes()) qCWarning(lcFolder, "Could not read system exclude file"); connect(_accountState.data(), &AccountState::isConnectedChanged, this, &Folder::canSyncChanged); connect(_engine.data(), &SyncEngine::rootEtag, this, &Folder::etagRetrievedFromSyncEngine); connect(_engine.data(), &SyncEngine::started, this, &Folder::slotSyncStarted, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(_engine.data(), &SyncEngine::finished, this, &Folder::slotSyncFinished, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(_engine.data(), &SyncEngine::csyncUnavailable, this, &Folder::slotCsyncUnavailable, Qt::QueuedConnection); //direct connection so the message box is blocking the sync. connect(_engine.data(), &SyncEngine::aboutToRemoveAllFiles, this, &Folder::slotAboutToRemoveAllFiles); connect(_engine.data(), &SyncEngine::aboutToRestoreBackup, this, &Folder::slotAboutToRestoreBackup); connect(_engine.data(), &SyncEngine::transmissionProgress, this, &Folder::slotTransmissionProgress); connect(_engine.data(), &SyncEngine::itemCompleted, this, &Folder::slotItemCompleted); connect(_engine.data(), &SyncEngine::newBigFolder, this, &Folder::slotNewBigFolderDiscovered); connect(_engine.data(), &SyncEngine::seenLockedFile, FolderMan::instance(), &FolderMan::slotSyncOnceFileUnlocks); connect(_engine.data(), &SyncEngine::aboutToPropagate, this, &Folder::slotLogPropagationStart); connect(_engine.data(), &SyncEngine::syncError, this, &Folder::slotSyncError); _scheduleSelfTimer.setSingleShot(true); _scheduleSelfTimer.setInterval(SyncEngine::minimumFileAgeForUpload); connect(&_scheduleSelfTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Folder::slotScheduleThisFolder); connect(ProgressDispatcher::instance(), &ProgressDispatcher::folderConflicts, this, &Folder::slotFolderConflicts); } Folder::~Folder() { // Reset then engine first as it will abort and try to access members of the Folder _engine.reset(); } void Folder::checkLocalPath() { const QFileInfo fi(_definition.localPath); _canonicalLocalPath = fi.canonicalFilePath(); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC // Workaround QTBUG-55896 (Should be fixed in Qt 5.8) _canonicalLocalPath = _canonicalLocalPath.normalized(QString::NormalizationForm_C); #endif if (_canonicalLocalPath.isEmpty()) { qCWarning(lcFolder) << "Broken symlink:" << _definition.localPath; _canonicalLocalPath = _definition.localPath; } else if (!_canonicalLocalPath.endsWith('/')) { _canonicalLocalPath.append('/'); } if (fi.isDir() && fi.isReadable()) { qCDebug(lcFolder) << "Checked local path ok"; } else { // Check directory again if (!FileSystem::fileExists(_definition.localPath, fi)) { _syncResult.appendErrorString(tr("Local folder %1 does not exist.").arg(_definition.localPath)); _syncResult.setStatus(SyncResult::SetupError); } else if (!fi.isDir()) { _syncResult.appendErrorString(tr("%1 should be a folder but is not.").arg(_definition.localPath)); _syncResult.setStatus(SyncResult::SetupError); } else if (!fi.isReadable()) { _syncResult.appendErrorString(tr("%1 is not readable.").arg(_definition.localPath)); _syncResult.setStatus(SyncResult::SetupError); } } } QString Folder::shortGuiRemotePathOrAppName() const { if (remotePath().length() > 0 && remotePath() != QLatin1String("/")) { QString a = QFile(remotePath()).fileName(); if (a.startsWith('/')) { a = a.remove(0, 1); } return a; } else { return Theme::instance()->appNameGUI(); } } QString Folder::alias() const { return _definition.alias; } QString Folder::path() const { return _canonicalLocalPath; } QString Folder::shortGuiLocalPath() const { QString p = _definition.localPath; QString home = QDir::homePath(); if (!home.endsWith('/')) { home.append('/'); } if (p.startsWith(home)) { p = p.mid(home.length()); } if (p.length() > 1 && p.endsWith('/')) { p.chop(1); } return QDir::toNativeSeparators(p); } bool Folder::ignoreHiddenFiles() { bool re(_definition.ignoreHiddenFiles); return re; } void Folder::setIgnoreHiddenFiles(bool ignore) { _definition.ignoreHiddenFiles = ignore; } QString Folder::cleanPath() const { QString cleanedPath = QDir::cleanPath(_canonicalLocalPath); if (cleanedPath.length() == 3 && cleanedPath.endsWith(":/")) cleanedPath.remove(2, 1); return cleanedPath; } bool Folder::isBusy() const { return _engine->isSyncRunning(); } QString Folder::remotePath() const { return _definition.targetPath; } QUrl Folder::remoteUrl() const { return Utility::concatUrlPath(_accountState->account()->davUrl(), remotePath()); } bool Folder::syncPaused() const { return _definition.paused; } bool Folder::canSync() const { return !syncPaused() && accountState()->isConnected(); } void Folder::setSyncPaused(bool paused) { if (paused == _definition.paused) { return; } _definition.paused = paused; saveToSettings(); if (!paused) { setSyncState(SyncResult::NotYetStarted); } else { setSyncState(SyncResult::Paused); } emit syncPausedChanged(this, paused); emit syncStateChange(); emit canSyncChanged(); } void Folder::setSyncState(SyncResult::Status state) { _syncResult.setStatus(state); } SyncResult Folder::syncResult() const { return _syncResult; } void Folder::prepareToSync() { _syncResult.reset(); _syncResult.setStatus(SyncResult::NotYetStarted); } void Folder::slotRunEtagJob() { qCInfo(lcFolder) << "Trying to check" << remoteUrl().toString() << "for changes via ETag check. (time since last sync:" << (_timeSinceLastSyncDone.elapsed() / 1000) << "s)"; AccountPtr account = _accountState->account(); if (_requestEtagJob) { qCInfo(lcFolder) << remoteUrl().toString() << "has ETag job queued, not trying to sync"; return; } if (!canSync()) { qCInfo(lcFolder) << "Not syncing. :" << remoteUrl().toString() << _definition.paused << AccountState::stateString(_accountState->state()); return; } // Do the ordinary etag check for the root folder and schedule a // sync if it's different. _requestEtagJob = new RequestEtagJob(account, remotePath(), this); _requestEtagJob->setTimeout(60 * 1000); // check if the etag is different when retrieved QObject::connect(_requestEtagJob.data(), &RequestEtagJob::etagRetrieved, this, &Folder::etagRetrieved); FolderMan::instance()->slotScheduleETagJob(alias(), _requestEtagJob); // The _requestEtagJob is auto deleting itself on finish. Our guard pointer _requestEtagJob will then be null. } void Folder::etagRetrieved(const QString &etag) { // re-enable sync if it was disabled because network was down FolderMan::instance()->setSyncEnabled(true); if (_lastEtag != etag) { qCInfo(lcFolder) << "Compare etag with previous etag: last:" << _lastEtag << ", received:" << etag << "-> CHANGED"; _lastEtag = etag; slotScheduleThisFolder(); } _accountState->tagLastSuccessfullETagRequest(); } void Folder::etagRetrievedFromSyncEngine(const QString &etag) { qCInfo(lcFolder) << "Root etag from during sync:" << etag; accountState()->tagLastSuccessfullETagRequest(); _lastEtag = etag; } void Folder::showSyncResultPopup() { if (_syncResult.firstItemNew()) { createGuiLog(_syncResult.firstItemNew()->_file, LogStatusNew, _syncResult.numNewItems()); } if (_syncResult.firstItemDeleted()) { createGuiLog(_syncResult.firstItemDeleted()->_file, LogStatusRemove, _syncResult.numRemovedItems()); } if (_syncResult.firstItemUpdated()) { createGuiLog(_syncResult.firstItemUpdated()->_file, LogStatusUpdated, _syncResult.numUpdatedItems()); } if (_syncResult.firstItemRenamed()) { LogStatus status(LogStatusRename); // if the path changes it's rather a move QDir renTarget = QFileInfo(_syncResult.firstItemRenamed()->_renameTarget).dir(); QDir renSource = QFileInfo(_syncResult.firstItemRenamed()->_file).dir(); if (renTarget != renSource) { status = LogStatusMove; } createGuiLog(_syncResult.firstItemRenamed()->_originalFile, status, _syncResult.numRenamedItems(), _syncResult.firstItemRenamed()->_renameTarget); } if (_syncResult.firstNewConflictItem()) { createGuiLog(_syncResult.firstNewConflictItem()->_file, LogStatusConflict, _syncResult.numNewConflictItems()); } if (int errorCount = _syncResult.numErrorItems()) { createGuiLog(_syncResult.firstItemError()->_file, LogStatusError, errorCount); } if (int lockedCount = _syncResult.numLockedItems()) { createGuiLog(_syncResult.firstItemLocked()->_file, LogStatusFileLocked, lockedCount); } qCInfo(lcFolder) << "Folder sync result: " << int(_syncResult.status()); } void Folder::createGuiLog(const QString &filename, LogStatus status, int count, const QString &renameTarget) { if (count > 0) { Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); QString file = QDir::toNativeSeparators(filename); QString text; switch (status) { case LogStatusRemove: if (count > 1) { text = tr("%1 and %n other file(s) have been removed.", "", count - 1).arg(file); } else { text = tr("%1 has been removed.", "%1 names a file.").arg(file); } break; case LogStatusNew: if (count > 1) { text = tr("%1 and %n other file(s) have been downloaded.", "", count - 1).arg(file); } else { text = tr("%1 has been downloaded.", "%1 names a file.").arg(file); } break; case LogStatusUpdated: if (count > 1) { text = tr("%1 and %n other file(s) have been updated.", "", count - 1).arg(file); } else { text = tr("%1 has been updated.", "%1 names a file.").arg(file); } break; case LogStatusRename: if (count > 1) { text = tr("%1 has been renamed to %2 and %n other file(s) have been renamed.", "", count - 1).arg(file, renameTarget); } else { text = tr("%1 has been renamed to %2.", "%1 and %2 name files.").arg(file, renameTarget); } break; case LogStatusMove: if (count > 1) { text = tr("%1 has been moved to %2 and %n other file(s) have been moved.", "", count - 1).arg(file, renameTarget); } else { text = tr("%1 has been moved to %2.").arg(file, renameTarget); } break; case LogStatusConflict: if (count > 1) { text = tr("%1 has and %n other file(s) have sync conflicts.", "", count - 1).arg(file); } else { text = tr("%1 has a sync conflict. Please check the conflict file!").arg(file); } break; case LogStatusError: if (count > 1) { text = tr("%1 and %n other file(s) could not be synced due to errors. See the log for details.", "", count - 1).arg(file); } else { text = tr("%1 could not be synced due to an error. See the log for details.").arg(file); } break; case LogStatusFileLocked: if (count > 1) { text = tr("%1 and %n other file(s) are currently locked.", "", count -1).arg(file); } else { text = tr("%1 is currently locked.").arg(file); } break; } if (!text.isEmpty()) { // Ignores the settings in case of an error or conflict if(status == LogStatusError || status == LogStatusConflict) logger->postOptionalGuiLog(tr("Sync Activity"), text); } } } int Folder::slotDiscardDownloadProgress() { // Delete from journal and from filesystem. QDir folderpath(_definition.localPath); QSet keep_nothing; const QVector deleted_infos = _journal.getAndDeleteStaleDownloadInfos(keep_nothing); for (const auto &deleted_info : deleted_infos) { const QString tmppath = folderpath.filePath(deleted_info._tmpfile); qCInfo(lcFolder) << "Deleting temporary file: " << tmppath; FileSystem::remove(tmppath); } return deleted_infos.size(); } int Folder::downloadInfoCount() { return _journal.downloadInfoCount(); } int Folder::errorBlackListEntryCount() { return _journal.errorBlackListEntryCount(); } int Folder::slotWipeErrorBlacklist() { return _journal.wipeErrorBlacklist(); } void Folder::slotWatchedPathChanged(const QString &path) { if (!path.startsWith(this->path())) { qCDebug(lcFolder) << "Changed path is not contained in folder, ignoring:" << path; return; } auto relativePath = path.midRef(this->path().size()); // Add to list of locally modified paths // // We do this before checking for our own sync-related changes to make // extra sure to not miss relevant changes. auto relativePathBytes = relativePath.toUtf8(); _localDiscoveryPaths.insert(relativePathBytes); qCDebug(lcFolder) << "local discovery: inserted" << relativePath << "due to file watcher"; // The folder watcher fires a lot of bogus notifications during // a sync operation, both for actual user files and the database // and log. Therefore we check notifications against operations // the sync is doing to filter out our own changes. #ifdef Q_OS_MAC // On OSX the folder watcher does not report changes done by our // own process. Therefore nothing needs to be done here! #else // Use the path to figure out whether it was our own change if (_engine->wasFileTouched(path)) { qCDebug(lcFolder) << "Changed path was touched by SyncEngine, ignoring:" << path; return; } #endif // Check that the mtime actually changed. SyncJournalFileRecord record; if (_journal.getFileRecord(relativePathBytes, &record) && record.isValid() && !FileSystem::fileChanged(path, record._fileSize, record._modtime)) { qCInfo(lcFolder) << "Ignoring spurious notification for file" << relativePath; return; // probably a spurious notification } warnOnNewExcludedItem(record, relativePath); emit watchedFileChangedExternally(path); // Also schedule this folder for a sync, but only after some delay: // The sync will not upload files that were changed too recently. scheduleThisFolderSoon(); } void Folder::saveToSettings() const { // Remove first to make sure we don't get duplicates removeFromSettings(); auto settings = _accountState->settings(); // The folder is saved to backwards-compatible "Folders" // section only if it has the migrate flag set (i.e. was in // there before) or if the folder is the only one for the // given target path. // This ensures that older clients will not read a configuration // where two folders for different accounts point at the same // local folders. const auto &folderMap = FolderMan::instance()->map(); const auto it = std::find_if(folderMap.cbegin(), folderMap.cend(), [this](const auto *other) { return other != this && other->cleanPath() == this->cleanPath(); }); bool oneAccountOnly = it == folderMap.cend(); bool compatible = _saveBackwardsCompatible || oneAccountOnly; if (compatible) { settings->beginGroup(QLatin1String("Folders")); } else { settings->beginGroup(QLatin1String("Multifolders")); } FolderDefinition::save(*settings, _definition); settings->sync(); qCInfo(lcFolder) << "Saved folder" << _definition.alias << "to settings, status" << settings->status(); } void Folder::removeFromSettings() const { auto settings = _accountState->settings(); settings->beginGroup(QLatin1String("Folders")); settings->remove(FolderMan::escapeAlias(_definition.alias)); settings->endGroup(); settings->beginGroup(QLatin1String("Multifolders")); settings->remove(FolderMan::escapeAlias(_definition.alias)); } bool Folder::isFileExcludedAbsolute(const QString &fullPath) const { return _engine->excludedFiles().isExcluded(fullPath, path(), _definition.ignoreHiddenFiles); } bool Folder::isFileExcludedRelative(const QString &relativePath) const { return _engine->excludedFiles().isExcluded(path() + relativePath, path(), _definition.ignoreHiddenFiles); } void Folder::slotTerminateSync() { qCInfo(lcFolder) << "folder " << alias() << " Terminating!"; if (_engine->isSyncRunning()) { _engine->abort(); setSyncState(SyncResult::SyncAbortRequested); } } // This removes the csync File database // This is needed to provide a clean startup again in case another // local folder is synced to the same ownCloud. void Folder::wipe() { QString stateDbFile = _engine->journal()->databaseFilePath(); // Delete files that have been partially downloaded. slotDiscardDownloadProgress(); //Unregister the socket API so it does not keep the ._sync_journal file open FolderMan::instance()->socketApi()->slotUnregisterPath(alias()); _journal.close(); // close the sync journal QFile file(stateDbFile); if (file.exists()) { if (!file.remove()) { qCWarning(lcFolder) << "Failed to remove existing csync StateDB " << stateDbFile; } else { qCInfo(lcFolder) << "wipe: Removed csync StateDB " << stateDbFile; } } else { qCWarning(lcFolder) << "statedb is empty, can not remove."; } // Also remove other db related files QFile::remove(stateDbFile + ".ctmp"); QFile::remove(stateDbFile + "-shm"); QFile::remove(stateDbFile + "-wal"); QFile::remove(stateDbFile + "-journal"); if (canSync()) FolderMan::instance()->socketApi()->slotRegisterPath(alias()); } bool Folder::reloadExcludes() { return _engine->excludedFiles().reloadExcludeFiles(); } void Folder::startSync(const QStringList &pathList) { Q_UNUSED(pathList) if (isBusy()) { qCCritical(lcFolder) << "ERROR csync is still running and new sync requested."; return; } _csyncUnavail = false; _timeSinceLastSyncStart.start(); _syncResult.setStatus(SyncResult::SyncPrepare); emit syncStateChange(); qCInfo(lcFolder) << "*** Start syncing " << remoteUrl().toString() << " - client version" << qPrintable(Theme::instance()->version()); _fileLog->start(path()); if (!reloadExcludes()) { slotSyncError(tr("Could not read system exclude file")); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "slotSyncFinished", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(bool, false)); return; } setDirtyNetworkLimits(); setSyncOptions(); static std::chrono::milliseconds fullLocalDiscoveryInterval = []() { auto interval = ConfigFile().fullLocalDiscoveryInterval(); QByteArray env = qgetenv("OWNCLOUD_FULL_LOCAL_DISCOVERY_INTERVAL"); if (!env.isEmpty()) { interval = std::chrono::milliseconds(env.toLongLong()); } return interval; }(); bool hasDoneFullLocalDiscovery = _timeSinceLastFullLocalDiscovery.isValid(); bool periodicFullLocalDiscoveryNow = fullLocalDiscoveryInterval.count() >= 0 // negative means we don't require periodic full runs && _timeSinceLastFullLocalDiscovery.hasExpired(fullLocalDiscoveryInterval.count()); if (_folderWatcher && _folderWatcher->isReliable() && hasDoneFullLocalDiscovery && !periodicFullLocalDiscoveryNow) { qCInfo(lcFolder) << "Allowing local discovery to read from the database"; _engine->setLocalDiscoveryOptions(LocalDiscoveryStyle::DatabaseAndFilesystem, _localDiscoveryPaths); if (lcFolder().isDebugEnabled()) { QByteArrayList paths; for (auto &path : _localDiscoveryPaths) paths.append(path); qCDebug(lcFolder) << "local discovery paths: " << paths; } _previousLocalDiscoveryPaths = std::move(_localDiscoveryPaths); } else { qCInfo(lcFolder) << "Forbidding local discovery to read from the database"; _engine->setLocalDiscoveryOptions(LocalDiscoveryStyle::FilesystemOnly); _previousLocalDiscoveryPaths.clear(); } _localDiscoveryPaths.clear(); _engine->setIgnoreHiddenFiles(_definition.ignoreHiddenFiles); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_engine.data(), "startSync", Qt::QueuedConnection); emit syncStarted(); } void Folder::setSyncOptions() { SyncOptions opt; ConfigFile cfgFile; auto newFolderLimit = cfgFile.newBigFolderSizeLimit(); opt._newBigFolderSizeLimit = newFolderLimit.first ? newFolderLimit.second * 1000LL * 1000LL : -1; // convert from MB to B opt._confirmExternalStorage = cfgFile.confirmExternalStorage(); opt._moveFilesToTrash = cfgFile.moveToTrash(); QByteArray chunkSizeEnv = qgetenv("OWNCLOUD_CHUNK_SIZE"); if (!chunkSizeEnv.isEmpty()) { opt._initialChunkSize = chunkSizeEnv.toUInt(); } else { opt._initialChunkSize = cfgFile.chunkSize(); } QByteArray minChunkSizeEnv = qgetenv("OWNCLOUD_MIN_CHUNK_SIZE"); if (!minChunkSizeEnv.isEmpty()) { opt._minChunkSize = minChunkSizeEnv.toUInt(); } else { opt._minChunkSize = cfgFile.minChunkSize(); } QByteArray maxChunkSizeEnv = qgetenv("OWNCLOUD_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE"); if (!maxChunkSizeEnv.isEmpty()) { opt._maxChunkSize = maxChunkSizeEnv.toUInt(); } else { opt._maxChunkSize = cfgFile.maxChunkSize(); } // Previously min/max chunk size values didn't exist, so users might // have setups where the chunk size exceeds the new min/max default // values. To cope with this, adjust min/max to always include the // initial chunk size value. opt._minChunkSize = qMin(opt._minChunkSize, opt._initialChunkSize); opt._maxChunkSize = qMax(opt._maxChunkSize, opt._initialChunkSize); QByteArray targetChunkUploadDurationEnv = qgetenv("OWNCLOUD_TARGET_CHUNK_UPLOAD_DURATION"); if (!targetChunkUploadDurationEnv.isEmpty()) { opt._targetChunkUploadDuration = std::chrono::milliseconds(targetChunkUploadDurationEnv.toUInt()); } else { opt._targetChunkUploadDuration = cfgFile.targetChunkUploadDuration(); } _engine->setSyncOptions(opt); } void Folder::setDirtyNetworkLimits() { ConfigFile cfg; int downloadLimit = -75; // 75% int useDownLimit = cfg.useDownloadLimit(); if (useDownLimit >= 1) { downloadLimit = cfg.downloadLimit() * 1000; } else if (useDownLimit == 0) { downloadLimit = 0; } int uploadLimit = -75; // 75% int useUpLimit = cfg.useUploadLimit(); if (useUpLimit >= 1) { uploadLimit = cfg.uploadLimit() * 1000; } else if (useUpLimit == 0) { uploadLimit = 0; } _engine->setNetworkLimits(uploadLimit, downloadLimit); } void Folder::slotSyncError(const QString &message, ErrorCategory category) { _syncResult.appendErrorString(message); emit ProgressDispatcher::instance()->syncError(alias(), message, category); } void Folder::slotSyncStarted() { qCInfo(lcFolder) << "#### Propagation start ####################################################"; _syncResult.setStatus(SyncResult::SyncRunning); emit syncStateChange(); } void Folder::slotCsyncUnavailable() { _csyncUnavail = true; } void Folder::slotSyncFinished(bool success) { qCInfo(lcFolder) << "Client version" << qPrintable(Theme::instance()->version()) << " Qt" << qVersion() << " SSL " << QSslSocket::sslLibraryVersionString().toUtf8().data() ; bool syncError = !_syncResult.errorStrings().isEmpty(); if (syncError) { qCWarning(lcFolder) << "SyncEngine finished with ERROR"; } else { qCInfo(lcFolder) << "SyncEngine finished without problem."; } _fileLog->finish(); showSyncResultPopup(); auto anotherSyncNeeded = _engine->isAnotherSyncNeeded(); if (syncError) { _syncResult.setStatus(SyncResult::Error); } else if (_csyncUnavail) { _syncResult.setStatus(SyncResult::Error); qCWarning(lcFolder) << "csync not available."; } else if (_syncResult.foundFilesNotSynced()) { _syncResult.setStatus(SyncResult::Problem); } else if (_definition.paused) { // Maybe the sync was terminated because the user paused the folder _syncResult.setStatus(SyncResult::Paused); } else { _syncResult.setStatus(SyncResult::Success); } // Count the number of syncs that have failed in a row. if (_syncResult.status() == SyncResult::Success || _syncResult.status() == SyncResult::Problem) { _consecutiveFailingSyncs = 0; } else { _consecutiveFailingSyncs++; qCInfo(lcFolder) << "the last" << _consecutiveFailingSyncs << "syncs failed"; } if (_syncResult.status() == SyncResult::Success && success) { // Clear the white list as all the folders that should be on that list are sync-ed journalDb()->setSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncWhiteList, QStringList()); } // bug: This function uses many different criteria for "sync was successful" - investigate! if ((_syncResult.status() == SyncResult::Success || _syncResult.status() == SyncResult::Problem) && success) { if (_engine->lastLocalDiscoveryStyle() == LocalDiscoveryStyle::FilesystemOnly) { _timeSinceLastFullLocalDiscovery.start(); } qCDebug(lcFolder) << "Sync success, forgetting last sync's local discovery path list"; } else { // On overall-failure we can't forget about last sync's local discovery // paths yet, reuse them for the next sync again. // C++17: Could use std::set::merge(). _localDiscoveryPaths.insert( _previousLocalDiscoveryPaths.begin(), _previousLocalDiscoveryPaths.end()); qCDebug(lcFolder) << "Sync failed, keeping last sync's local discovery path list"; } _previousLocalDiscoveryPaths.clear(); emit syncStateChange(); // The syncFinished result that is to be triggered here makes the folderman // clear the current running sync folder marker. // Lets wait a bit to do that because, as long as this marker is not cleared, // file system change notifications are ignored for that folder. And it takes // some time under certain conditions to make the file system notifications // all come in. QTimer::singleShot(200, this, &Folder::slotEmitFinishedDelayed); _lastSyncDuration = std::chrono::milliseconds(_timeSinceLastSyncStart.elapsed()); _timeSinceLastSyncDone.start(); // Increment the follow-up sync counter if necessary. if (anotherSyncNeeded == ImmediateFollowUp) { _consecutiveFollowUpSyncs++; qCInfo(lcFolder) << "another sync was requested by the finished sync, this has" << "happened" << _consecutiveFollowUpSyncs << "times"; } else { _consecutiveFollowUpSyncs = 0; } // Maybe force a follow-up sync to take place, but only a couple of times. if (anotherSyncNeeded == ImmediateFollowUp && _consecutiveFollowUpSyncs <= 3) { // Sometimes another sync is requested because a local file is still // changing, so wait at least a small amount of time before syncing // the folder again. scheduleThisFolderSoon(); } } void Folder::slotEmitFinishedDelayed() { emit syncFinished(_syncResult); // Immediately check the etag again if there was some sync activity. if ((_syncResult.status() == SyncResult::Success || _syncResult.status() == SyncResult::Problem) && (_syncResult.firstItemDeleted() || _syncResult.firstItemNew() || _syncResult.firstItemRenamed() || _syncResult.firstItemUpdated() || _syncResult.firstNewConflictItem())) { slotRunEtagJob(); } } // the progress comes without a folder and the valid path set. Add that here // and hand the result over to the progress dispatcher. void Folder::slotTransmissionProgress(const ProgressInfo &pi) { emit progressInfo(pi); ProgressDispatcher::instance()->setProgressInfo(alias(), pi); } // a item is completed: count the errors and forward to the ProgressDispatcher void Folder::slotItemCompleted(const SyncFileItemPtr &item) { if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NONE || item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_UPDATE_METADATA) { // We only care about the updates that deserve to be shown in the UI return; } // add new directories or remove gone away dirs to the watcher if (_folderWatcher && item->isDirectory()) { switch (item->_instruction) { case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW: _folderWatcher->addPath(path() + item->_file); break; case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE: _folderWatcher->removePath(path() + item->_file); break; case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_RENAME: _folderWatcher->removePath(path() + item->_file); _folderWatcher->addPath(path() + item->destination()); break; default: break; } } // Success and failure of sync items adjust what the next sync is // supposed to do. // // For successes, we want to wipe the file from the list to ensure we don't // rediscover it even if this overall sync fails. // // For failures, we want to add the file to the list so the next sync // will be able to retry it. if (item->_status == SyncFileItem::Success || item->_status == SyncFileItem::FileIgnored || item->_status == SyncFileItem::Restoration || item->_status == SyncFileItem::Conflict) { if (_previousLocalDiscoveryPaths.erase(item->_file.toUtf8())) qCDebug(lcFolder) << "local discovery: wiped" << item->_file; } else { _localDiscoveryPaths.insert(item->_file.toUtf8()); qCDebug(lcFolder) << "local discovery: inserted" << item->_file << "due to sync failure"; } _syncResult.processCompletedItem(item); _fileLog->logItem(*item); emit ProgressDispatcher::instance()->itemCompleted(alias(), item); } void Folder::slotNewBigFolderDiscovered(const QString &newF, bool isExternal) { auto newFolder = newF; if (!newFolder.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) { newFolder += QLatin1Char('/'); } auto journal = journalDb(); // Add the entry to the blacklist if it is neither in the blacklist or whitelist already bool ok1 = false; bool ok2 = false; auto blacklist = journal->getSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncBlackList, &ok1); auto whitelist = journal->getSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncWhiteList, &ok2); if (ok1 && ok2 && !blacklist.contains(newFolder) && !whitelist.contains(newFolder)) { blacklist.append(newFolder); journal->setSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncBlackList, blacklist); } // And add the entry to the undecided list and signal the UI auto undecidedList = journal->getSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncUndecidedList, &ok1); if (ok1) { if (!undecidedList.contains(newFolder)) { undecidedList.append(newFolder); journal->setSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncUndecidedList, undecidedList); emit newBigFolderDiscovered(newFolder); } QString message = !isExternal ? (tr("A new folder larger than %1 MB has been added: %2.\n") .arg(ConfigFile().newBigFolderSizeLimit().second) .arg(newF)) : (tr("A folder from an external storage has been added.\n")); message += tr("Please go in the settings to select it if you wish to download it."); auto logger = Logger::instance(); logger->postOptionalGuiLog(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI(), message); } } void Folder::slotLogPropagationStart() { _fileLog->logLap("Propagation starts"); } void Folder::slotScheduleThisFolder() { FolderMan::instance()->scheduleFolder(this); } void Folder::slotNextSyncFullLocalDiscovery() { _timeSinceLastFullLocalDiscovery.invalidate(); } void Folder::slotFolderConflicts(const QString &folder, const QStringList &conflictPaths) { if (folder != _definition.alias) return; auto &r = _syncResult; // If the number of conflicts is too low, adjust it upwards if (conflictPaths.size() > r.numNewConflictItems() + r.numOldConflictItems()) r.setNumOldConflictItems(conflictPaths.size() - r.numNewConflictItems()); } void Folder::warnOnNewExcludedItem(const SyncJournalFileRecord &record, const QStringRef &path) { // Never warn for items in the database if (record.isValid()) return; // Don't warn for items that no longer exist. // Note: This assumes we're getting file watcher notifications // for folders only on creation and deletion - if we got a notification // on content change that would create spurious warnings. QFileInfo fi(_canonicalLocalPath + path); if (!fi.exists()) return; bool ok = false; auto blacklist = _journal.getSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncBlackList, &ok); if (!ok) return; if (!blacklist.contains(path + "/")) return; const auto message = fi.isDir() ? tr("The folder %1 was created but was excluded from synchronization previously. " "Data inside it will not be synchronized.") .arg(fi.filePath()) : tr("The file %1 was created but was excluded from synchronization previously. " "It will not be synchronized.") .arg(fi.filePath()); Logger::instance()->postOptionalGuiLog(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI(), message); } void Folder::slotWatcherUnreliable(const QString &message) { qCWarning(lcFolder) << "Folder watcher for" << path() << "became unreliable:" << message; auto fullMessage = tr("Changes in synchronized folders could not be tracked reliably.\n" "\n" "This means that the synchronization client might not upload local changes " "immediately and will instead only scan for local changes and upload them " "occasionally (every two hours by default).\n" "\n" "%1").arg(message); Logger::instance()->postGuiLog(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI(), fullMessage); } void Folder::scheduleThisFolderSoon() { if (!_scheduleSelfTimer.isActive()) { _scheduleSelfTimer.start(); } } void Folder::setSaveBackwardsCompatible(bool save) { _saveBackwardsCompatible = save; } void Folder::registerFolderWatcher() { if (_folderWatcher) return; if (!QDir(path()).exists()) return; _folderWatcher.reset(new FolderWatcher(this)); connect(_folderWatcher.data(), &FolderWatcher::pathChanged, this, &Folder::slotWatchedPathChanged); connect(_folderWatcher.data(), &FolderWatcher::lostChanges, this, &Folder::slotNextSyncFullLocalDiscovery); connect(_folderWatcher.data(), &FolderWatcher::becameUnreliable, this, &Folder::slotWatcherUnreliable); _folderWatcher->init(path()); } void Folder::slotAboutToRemoveAllFiles(SyncFileItem::Direction dir, bool *cancel) { ConfigFile cfgFile; if (!cfgFile.promptDeleteFiles()) return; QString msg = dir == SyncFileItem::Down ? tr("All files in the sync folder '%1' were deleted on the server.\n" "These deletes will be synchronized to your local sync folder, making such files " "unavailable unless you have a right to restore. \n" "If you decide to restore the files, they will be re-synced with the server if you have rights to do so.\n" "If you decide to delete the files, they will be unavailable to you, unless you are the owner.") : tr("All files got deleted from your local sync folder '%1'.\n" "These files will be deleted from the server and will not be available on your other devices if they " "will not be restored.\n" "If this action was unintended you can restore the lost data now."); QMessageBox msgBox(QMessageBox::Warning, tr("Delete all files?"), msg.arg(shortGuiLocalPath())); msgBox.setWindowFlags(msgBox.windowFlags() | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); msgBox.addButton(tr("Delete all files"), QMessageBox::DestructiveRole); QPushButton *keepBtn = msgBox.addButton(tr("Restore deleted files"), QMessageBox::AcceptRole); if (msgBox.exec() == -1) { *cancel = true; return; } *cancel = msgBox.clickedButton() == keepBtn; if (*cancel) { FileSystem::setFolderMinimumPermissions(path()); journalDb()->clearFileTable(); _lastEtag.clear(); slotScheduleThisFolder(); } } void Folder::slotAboutToRestoreBackup(bool *restore) { QString msg = tr("This sync would reset the files to an earlier time in the sync folder '%1'.\n" "This might be because a backup was restored on the server.\n" "Continuing the sync as normal will cause all your files to be overwritten by an older " "file in an earlier state. " "Do you want to keep your local most recent files as conflict files?"); QMessageBox msgBox(QMessageBox::Warning, tr("Backup detected"), msg.arg(shortGuiLocalPath())); msgBox.setWindowFlags(msgBox.windowFlags() | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); msgBox.addButton(tr("Normal Synchronisation"), QMessageBox::DestructiveRole); QPushButton *keepBtn = msgBox.addButton(tr("Keep Local Files as Conflict"), QMessageBox::AcceptRole); if (msgBox.exec() == -1) { *restore = true; return; } *restore = msgBox.clickedButton() == keepBtn; } void FolderDefinition::save(QSettings &settings, const FolderDefinition &folder) { settings.beginGroup(FolderMan::escapeAlias(folder.alias)); settings.setValue(QLatin1String("localPath"), folder.localPath); settings.setValue(QLatin1String("journalPath"), folder.journalPath); settings.setValue(QLatin1String("targetPath"), folder.targetPath); settings.setValue(QLatin1String("paused"), folder.paused); settings.setValue(QLatin1String("ignoreHiddenFiles"), folder.ignoreHiddenFiles); // Happens only on Windows when the explorer integration is enabled. if (!folder.navigationPaneClsid.isNull()) settings.setValue(QLatin1String("navigationPaneClsid"), folder.navigationPaneClsid); else settings.remove(QLatin1String("navigationPaneClsid")); settings.endGroup(); } bool FolderDefinition::load(QSettings &settings, const QString &alias, FolderDefinition *folder) { settings.beginGroup(alias); folder->alias = FolderMan::unescapeAlias(alias); folder->localPath = settings.value(QLatin1String("localPath")).toString(); folder->journalPath = settings.value(QLatin1String("journalPath")).toString(); folder->targetPath = settings.value(QLatin1String("targetPath")).toString(); folder->paused = settings.value(QLatin1String("paused")).toBool(); folder->ignoreHiddenFiles = settings.value(QLatin1String("ignoreHiddenFiles"), QVariant(true)).toBool(); folder->navigationPaneClsid = settings.value(QLatin1String("navigationPaneClsid")).toUuid(); settings.endGroup(); // Old settings can contain paths with native separators. In the rest of the // code we assum /, so clean it up now. folder->localPath = prepareLocalPath(folder->localPath); // Target paths also have a convention folder->targetPath = prepareTargetPath(folder->targetPath); return true; } QString FolderDefinition::prepareLocalPath(const QString &path) { QString p = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(path); if (!p.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) { p.append(QLatin1Char('/')); } return p; } QString FolderDefinition::prepareTargetPath(const QString &path) { QString p = path; if (p.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) { p.chop(1); } // Doing this second ensures the empty string or "/" come // out as "/". if (!p.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) { p.prepend(QLatin1Char('/')); } return p; } QString FolderDefinition::absoluteJournalPath() const { return QDir(localPath).filePath(journalPath); } QString FolderDefinition::defaultJournalPath(AccountPtr account) { return SyncJournalDb::makeDbName(account->url(), targetPath, account->credentials()->user()); } } // namespace OCC