/* * Copyright (C) 2022 by Claudio Cambra * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include #include #include #include "callstatechecker.h" #include "account.h" namespace OCC { Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcCallStateChecker, "nextcloud.gui.callstatechecker", QtInfoMsg) constexpr int successStatusCode = 200; CallStateChecker::CallStateChecker(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { setup(); } void CallStateChecker::setup() { _notificationTimer.setSingleShot(true); _notificationTimer.setInterval(60 * 1000); connect(&_notificationTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &CallStateChecker::slotNotificationTimerElapsed); _statusCheckTimer.setInterval(5 * 1000); connect(&_statusCheckTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &CallStateChecker::slotStatusCheckTimerElapsed); } QString CallStateChecker::token() const { return _token; } void CallStateChecker::setToken(const QString &token) { _token = token; Q_EMIT tokenChanged(); reset(); } AccountState* CallStateChecker::accountState() const { return _accountState; } void CallStateChecker::setAccountState(AccountState *state) { _accountState = state; Q_EMIT accountStateChanged(); reset(); } bool CallStateChecker::checking() const { return _checking; } void CallStateChecker::setChecking(const bool checking) { if(checking) { qCInfo(lcCallStateChecker) << "Starting to check state of call with token:" << _token; _notificationTimer.start(); _statusCheckTimer.start(); } else { qCInfo(lcCallStateChecker) << "Stopping checking of call state for call with token:" << _token; _notificationTimer.stop(); _statusCheckTimer.stop(); _stateCheckJob.clear(); } _checking = checking; Q_EMIT checkingChanged(); } void CallStateChecker::reset() { qCInfo(lcCallStateChecker, "Resetting call check"); setChecking(false); setChecking(true); } void CallStateChecker::slotNotificationTimerElapsed() { qCInfo(lcCallStateChecker) << "Notification timer elapsed, stopping call checking of call with token:" << _token; setChecking(false); Q_EMIT stopNotifying(); } void CallStateChecker::slotStatusCheckTimerElapsed() { // Don't run check if another check is still ongoing if (_stateCheckJob) { return; } startCallStateCheck(); } bool CallStateChecker::isAccountServerVersion22OrLater() const { if(!_accountState || !_accountState->account()) { return false; } const auto accountNcVersion = _accountState->account()->serverVersionInt(); constexpr auto ncVersion22 = OCC::Account::makeServerVersion(22, 0, 0); return accountNcVersion >= ncVersion22; } void CallStateChecker::startCallStateCheck() { // check connectivity and credentials if (!(_accountState && _accountState->isConnected() && _accountState->account() && _accountState->account()->credentials() && _accountState->account()->credentials()->ready())) { qCInfo(lcCallStateChecker, "Could not connect, can't check call state."); return; } // Check for token if(_token.isEmpty()) { qCInfo(lcCallStateChecker, "No call token set, can't check without it."); return; } qCInfo(lcCallStateChecker) << "Checking state of call with token: " << _token; const auto spreedPath = QStringLiteral("ocs/v2.php/apps/spreed/"); const auto callApiPath = isAccountServerVersion22OrLater() ? QStringLiteral("api/v4/call/") : QStringLiteral("api/v1/call/"); const QString callPath = spreedPath + callApiPath + _token; // Make sure it's a QString and not a QStringBuilder _stateCheckJob = new JsonApiJob(_accountState->account(), callPath, this); connect(_stateCheckJob.data(), &JsonApiJob::jsonReceived, this, &CallStateChecker::slotCallStateReceived); _stateCheckJob->setVerb(JsonApiJob::Verb::Get); _stateCheckJob->start(); } void CallStateChecker::slotCallStateReceived(const QJsonDocument &json, const int statusCode) { if (statusCode != successStatusCode) { qCInfo(lcCallStateChecker) << "Failed to retrieve call state data. Server returned status code: " << statusCode; return; } const auto participantsJsonArray = json.object().value("ocs").toObject().value("data").toArray(); if (participantsJsonArray.empty()) { qCInfo(lcCallStateChecker, "Call has no participants and has therefore been abandoned."); Q_EMIT stopNotifying(); setChecking(false); return; } for (const auto &participant : participantsJsonArray) { const auto participantDataObject = participant.toObject(); const auto participantId = isAccountServerVersion22OrLater() ? participantDataObject.value("actorId").toString() : participantDataObject.value("userId").toString(); if (participantId == _accountState->account()->davUser()) { qCInfo(lcCallStateChecker, "Found own account ID in participants list, meaning call has been joined."); Q_EMIT stopNotifying(); setChecking(false); return; } } } }