Remove previous craft client builder

Signed-off-by: Claudio Cambra <>
This commit is contained in:
Claudio Cambra 2024-06-20 15:59:25 +08:00 committed by Claudio Cambra
parent fb582c4394
commit 6c82430553

View file

@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
import Foundation
func run(
_ launchPath: String,
_ args: [String],
env: [String: String]? = nil,
quiet: Bool = false
) -> Int32 {
let task = Process()
task.launchPath = launchPath
task.arguments = args
if let env,
let combinedEnv = task.environment?.merging(env, uniquingKeysWith: { (_, new) in new })
task.environment = combinedEnv
if quiet {
task.standardOutput = nil
task.standardError = nil
return task.terminationStatus
func run(
_ launchPath: String,
_ args: String...,
env: [String: String]? = nil,
quiet: Bool = false
) -> Int32 {
return run(launchPath, args, env: env, quiet: quiet)
func shell(_ commands: String..., env: [String: String]? = nil, quiet: Bool = false) -> Int32 {
return run("/bin/zsh", ["-c"] + commands, env: env, quiet: quiet)
func commandExists(_ command: String) -> Bool {
return run("/usr/bin/type", command, quiet: true) == 0
func installIfMissing(
_ command: String,
_ installCommand: String,
installCommandEnv: [String: String]? = nil
) {
if commandExists(command) {
print("\(command) is installed.")
} else {
print("\(command) is missing. Installing...")
guard shell(installCommand, env: installCommandEnv) == 0 else {
print("Failed to install \(command).")
print("\(command) installed.")
func codesign(
identity: String,
path: String,
options: String = "--timestamp --force --preserve-metadata=entitlements --verbose=4 --options runtime"
) {
print("Code-signing \(path)...")
let command = "codesign -s \"\(identity)\" \(options) \(path)"
guard shell(command) == 0 else {
print("Failed to code-sign \(path).")
print("Configuring build tooling.")
installIfMissing("git", "xcode-select --install")
"curl -fsSL | /bin/bash",
installCommandEnv: ["NONINTERACTIVE": "1"]
installIfMissing("inkscape", "brew install inkscape")
installIfMissing("python3", "brew install pyenv && pyenv install 3.12.4")
print("Build tooling configured.")
print("Configuring KDE Craft.")
let fm = FileManager.default
let currentDir = fm.currentDirectoryPath
let craftDir = "\(currentDir)/craftmaster"
if fm.fileExists(atPath: craftDir) {
print("KDE Craft is already cloned.")
} else {
print("Cloning KDE Craft...")
shell("git clone -q --depth=1 \(craftDir)")
print("Configuring Nextcloud Desktop Client blueprints for KDE Craft...")
let repoRootDir = "\(currentDir)/../.."
let craftMasterIni = "\(repoRootDir)/craftmaster.ini"
let craftMasterPy = "\(craftDir)/"
let craftTarget = "macos-clang-arm64"
let craftCommand = "python3 \(craftMasterPy) --config \(craftMasterIni) --target \(craftTarget) -c"
let clientBlueprintsGitUrl = ""
shell("\(craftCommand) --add-blueprint-repository \(clientBlueprintsGitUrl)")
print("Crafting KDE Craft...")
shell("\(craftCommand) craft")
print("Crafting Nextcloud Desktop Client dependencies...")
shell("\(craftCommand) --install-deps nextcloud-client")
print("Crafting Nextcloud Desktop Client...")
shell("\(craftCommand) --src-dir \(repoRootDir) nextcloud-client")