diff --git a/translations/client_cs.ts b/translations/client_cs.ts index b51fff810..4af05d325 100644 --- a/translations/client_cs.ts +++ b/translations/client_cs.ts @@ -442,7 +442,11 @@ Počkejte na příští synchronizaci a pak složku zašifrujte. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Toto vypne podporu virtuálních souborů. Následně bude obsah složek označených jako "K dispozici pouze při připojení k síti" stažený do zařízení. + +Jediná výhoda vypnutí podpory virtuálních souborů je v tom, že funkce výběru jednotlivých složek k synchronizaci bude zase k dispozici. + +Současně tato akce zruší právě běžící synchronizaci. @@ -699,7 +703,7 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Some settings were configured in newer versions of this client and use features that are not available in this version.<br><br>%1<br><br>The current configuration file was already backed up to <i>%2</i>. - + Některá nastavení byla vytvořena v novejší verzi tohoto klienta a využívají funkce, které tato verze nepodporuje.<br><br>%1<br><br>Současné konfigurační soubory byly zálohovany do <i>%2</i>. @@ -950,7 +954,7 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Directory not accessible on client, permission denied - + Adresář není klientem přístupný, práva jsou zamítnuta @@ -1274,14 +1278,19 @@ Pokračováním v synchronizaci způsobí přepsání všech vašich souborů st These deletes will be synchronized to your local sync folder, making such files unavailable unless you have a right to restore. If you decide to restore the files, they will be re-synced with the server if you have rights to do so. If you decide to delete the files, they will be unavailable to you, unless you are the owner. - + Všechny soubory v synchronizované složce '%1' byly na serveru smazány. +Tyto soubory budou smazány i ve vaší místní synchronizované složce a nebudou tedy dostupné, pokud nemáte právo obnovovat. +Rozhodnete-li se soubory ponechat, budou opět synchronizovány se serverem, pokud k tomu máte práva. +Rozhodnete-li se soubory smazat, budou vám nedostupné, nejste-li jejich vlastníkem. All the files in your local sync folder '%1' were deleted. These deletes will be synchronized with your server, making such files unavailable unless restored. Are you sure you want to sync those actions with the server? If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synced from the server. - + Všechny soubory v místní synchronizované složce '%1' byly smazány. Tyto soubory budou smazány i v synchronizované složce na serveru a nebudou tedy dostupné, dokud nebudou obnovené. +Jste si jisti, že chcete tyto změny provést i na serveru? +Pokud to byla pouze chyba a chcete si tyto soubory ponechat, budou ze serverem znovu synchronizovány. @@ -1500,7 +1509,7 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Synchronizing VirtualFiles with local folder - + Synchronizují se virtuální soubory s místní složkou @@ -1618,7 +1627,7 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce The watcher did not receive a test notification. - + Pozorovatel neobdržel zkušební upozornění. @@ -1710,7 +1719,7 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce You are already syncing <i>%1</i>, which is a subfolder of <i>%2</i>. - + Už synchronizujete složku <i>%1</i>, která je podsložkou <i>%2</i>. @@ -1718,7 +1727,7 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Use virtual files instead of downloading content immediately %1 - + Použít virtuální soubory místo okamžitého stahování obsahu %1 @@ -1894,7 +1903,7 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce You cannot disable autostart because system-wide autostart is enabled. - + Nemůžete vypnout automatický start, protože je nastavený automatický start v celém systému. @@ -2242,7 +2251,7 @@ Záznamy událostí budou zapisovány do %1 <p>A new version of the %1 Client is available but the updating process failed.</p><p><b>%2</b> has been downloaded. The installed version is %3.</p> - + <p>Je k dispozici nová verze %1 klienta, ale aktualizace selhala.</p><p><b>%2</b> byla stažena. Nyní je nainstalovaná %3.</p> @@ -2433,7 +2442,7 @@ můžete být požádáni o dodatečná oprávnění. %1 available. Restart application to start the update. - + %1 k dispozici. Pro spuštění aktualizace aplikaci restartujte. @@ -2453,7 +2462,7 @@ můžete být požádáni o dodatečná oprávnění. New %1 is available. Please click <a href='%2'>here</a> to download the update. - + Nová %1 je k dispozici. Kliknutím <a href='%2'>zde</a> stáhnete aktualizaci. @@ -2496,7 +2505,7 @@ můžete být požádáni o dodatečná oprávnění. Use &virtual files instead of downloading content immediately %1 - + Použít &virtuální soubory místo okamžitého stahování obsahu %1 @@ -2526,7 +2535,7 @@ můžete být požádáni o dodatečná oprávnění. Virtual files are not available for the selected folder - + Pro označenou složku nejsou virtuální soubory k dispozici @@ -2909,7 +2918,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss File names containing the character '%1' are not supported on this file system. - + Názvy souborů obsahující znak '%1' nejsou na tomto souborovém systému podporovány. @@ -2919,7 +2928,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Název souboru je na tomto souborovém systému rezervovaným názvem (nelze ho použít). @@ -2944,22 +2953,22 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + Konflikt: Stažena verze ze serveru, místní kopie přejmenována a nenahrána. The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + Název souboru nemůže být na vašem souborovém systému enkódován. The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + Název souboru je na serveru zakázán. File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + Soubor má příponu vyhrazenou pro virtuální soubory. @@ -2984,22 +2993,22 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Ignorováno podle nastavení „vybrat co synchronizovat“ Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Není možné, protože nemáte oprávnění přidávat podsložky do této složky Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Není možné, protože nemáte oprávnění přidávat soubory do této složky Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Není možné tento soubor nahrát, protože je na serveru povoleno pouze čtení, obnovuje se @@ -3009,7 +3018,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Odstranění není umožněno, obnovuje se @@ -3169,7 +3178,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Wrong HTTP code returned by server. Expected 204, but received "%1 %2". - + Server vrátil neplatný HTTP kód. Očekáván 204, ale obdržen "%1 %2". @@ -3214,7 +3223,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Failed to upload encrypted file. - + Šifrovaný soubor se nepodařilo nahrát. @@ -3245,7 +3254,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Failed to unlock encrypted folder. - + Šifrovanou složku se nepodařilo otevřít. @@ -3268,7 +3277,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Poll URL missing - + Chybí adresa URL @@ -3398,7 +3407,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss %1 Settings This name refers to the application name e.g Nextcloud - + %1 Nastavení @@ -4088,7 +4097,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Could not update file: %1 - + Nedaří se aktualizovat soubor: %1 @@ -4206,7 +4215,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Using virtual files with suffix, but suffix is not set - + Používají se virtuální soubory s příponou, ale přípona není nastavena @@ -4410,7 +4419,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss The Virtual filesystem feature requires a NTFS file system, %1 is using %2 - + Virtuální souborový systém vyžaduje diskový systém NTFS, %1 používá %2 @@ -4462,7 +4471,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss The server on account %1 runs an unsupported version %2. Using this client with unsupported server versions is untested and potentially dangerous. Proceed at your own risk. - + Server na účtu %1 používá nepodporovanou verzi %2. Používání tohoto klienta s nepodporovanými verzemi serveru není otestováno a může být nebezpečné. Pokračujte na vlastní riziko. @@ -4692,7 +4701,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss S&ynchronize everything from server - + Ses&ynchronizovat vše ze serveru @@ -5015,7 +5024,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss The downloaded file does not match the checksum, it will be resumed. '%1' != '%2' - + Stažený soubor neodpovídá kontrolnímu součtu, bude znovu stažen. '%1' != '%2' @@ -5338,12 +5347,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Currently available locally - + Současně lokálně k dispozici Some available online only - + Některé k dispozici po připojení k síti diff --git a/translations/client_eu.ts b/translations/client_eu.ts index 31fd9e4ad..31bdf5a09 100644 --- a/translations/client_eu.ts +++ b/translations/client_eu.ts @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ Itxaron berriro sinkronizatu arte, ondoren enkriptatu. Create new folder - + Sortu karpeta berria diff --git a/translations/client_gl.ts b/translations/client_gl.ts index cdf340b66..775c84b2f 100644 --- a/translations/client_gl.ts +++ b/translations/client_gl.ts @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ Agarde a nova sincronización e logo cífreo. Create new folder - + Crear un cartafol novo @@ -1314,27 +1314,27 @@ Se fose un accidente e decide manter os seus ficheiros, volverán ser sincroniza Create new folder - + Crear un cartafol novo Enter folder name - + Introduza o nome do cartafol Folder already exists - + Xa existe o cartafol Error - + Erro Could not create a folder! Check your write permissions. - + Non foi posíbel crear un cartafol. Comprobe os seus permisos de escritura. @@ -4849,7 +4849,7 @@ Este é un novo modo experimental. Se decide usalo, agradecémoslle que informe New folder - + Novo cartafol diff --git a/translations/client_tr.ts b/translations/client_tr.ts index 8b9e280fc..a3c0b6c1c 100644 --- a/translations/client_tr.ts +++ b/translations/client_tr.ts @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ Eşitlemenin tamamlanmasını bekleyip klasörü şifreleyin Create new folder - + Klasör ekle @@ -1313,27 +1313,27 @@ Bu işlemi yanlışlıkla yaptıysanız ve dosyalarınızı korumak istiyorsanı Create new folder - + Klasör ekle Enter folder name - + Klasör adını yazın Folder already exists - + Klasör zaten var Error - + Hata Could not create a folder! Check your write permissions. - + Bir klasör eklenemedi! Yazma izinlerinizi denetleyin. @@ -4848,7 +4848,7 @@ Bu yeni ve deneysel bir özelliktir. Kullanmaya karar verirseniz, lütfen karş New folder - + Yeni klasör diff --git a/translations/client_zh_CN.ts b/translations/client_zh_CN.ts index 528547022..2545250d4 100644 --- a/translations/client_zh_CN.ts +++ b/translations/client_zh_CN.ts @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Create new folder - + 创建新文件夹 @@ -1305,27 +1305,27 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Create new folder - + 创建新文件夹 Enter folder name - + 输入文件夹名 Folder already exists - + 文件夹已存在 Error - + 错误 Could not create a folder! Check your write permissions. - + 无法创建一个文件夹!检查你的写入权限。 @@ -4831,7 +4831,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss New folder - + 新文件夹 diff --git a/translations/client_zh_HK.ts b/translations/client_zh_HK.ts index b403b0cb6..6ae8d9e05 100644 --- a/translations/client_zh_HK.ts +++ b/translations/client_zh_HK.ts @@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Files from the ignore list as well as symbolic links are not synced. - 略過清單中的文件以及符號鏈接不會同步。 + 略過清單中的檔案以及符號連結不會同步。 @@ -5112,7 +5112,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Activity list - + 活動清單 diff --git a/translations/client_zh_TW.ts b/translations/client_zh_TW.ts index e58e37878..b13951f10 100644 --- a/translations/client_zh_TW.ts +++ b/translations/client_zh_TW.ts @@ -703,12 +703,12 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Some settings were configured in newer versions of this client and use features that are not available in this version.<br><br>%1<br><br>The current configuration file was already backed up to <i>%2</i>. - + 部份設定是在此客戶端的較新版本中設定的,且使用了此版本不提供的功能。<br><br>%1<br><br>目前的設定檔已備份至 <i>%2</i>。 Quit - 結束 + 離開 @@ -718,12 +718,12 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Error accessing the configuration file - 存取配置文件時錯誤 + 存取設定檔時發生錯誤 There was an error while accessing the configuration file at %1. Please make sure the file can be accessed by your user. - 存取設定檔%1時發生錯誤 請確定檔案可以被使用者存取 + 存取位於 %1 的設定檔時發生錯誤。請確保您的使用者可以存取該檔案。 @@ -741,17 +741,17 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Enter username and password for '%1' at %2. - 輸入 '%1' 在 %2 使用者名稱 和 密碼 + 輸入「%1」在 %2 的使用者名稱與密碼。 &User: - 使用者 (&U): + 使用者(&U): &Password: - 密碼 (&P): + 密碼(&P): @@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Error writing metadata to the database - 寫入後設資料(metadata) 時發生錯誤 + 將詮釋資料寫入到資料庫時發生錯誤 @@ -767,12 +767,12 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - 請輸入您的端點對端點加密的認證資訊<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + 請輸入您的端到端加密認證資訊:<br><br>使用者:%2<br>帳號:%3<br> Enter E2E passphrase - 請輸入端到端密碼短語 + 輸入端到端加密認證資訊 @@ -791,12 +791,12 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Which version of the file do you want to keep?<br/>If you select both versions, the local file will have a number added to its name. - + 您想要保留哪個版本的檔案?<br/>如果您選擇同時保留兩個版本,本機的檔案名稱後方僵化加上數字。 Local version - 本地版本 + 本機版本 @@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. <a href="%1">Open local version</a> - <a href="%1">開啟本地版本</a> + <a href="%1">開啟本機版本</a> @@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Open local version - 開啟本地版本 + 開啟本機版本 @@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Keep local version - 保留本地版本 + 保留本機版本 @@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Do you want to delete the directory <i>%1</i> and all its contents permanently? - 您確定要刪除所選目錄 <i>%1</i> 和裡面的內容嗎? + 您確定要永久刪除所選目錄 <i>%1</i> 和裡面的內容嗎? @@ -902,12 +902,12 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. No Nextcloud account configured - 沒有 Nextcloud 帳戶的設定檔 + 沒有 Nextcloud 帳號的設定檔 Authentication error: Either username or password are wrong. - 驗證錯誤︰使用者名稱或是密碼錯誤 + 驗證錯誤︰使用者名稱或是密碼錯誤。 @@ -922,12 +922,12 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. The configured server for this client is too old - 設置的伺服器對這個客戶端來說太舊了 + 設定的伺服器對此客戶端來說太舊了 Please update to the latest server and restart the client. - 請將伺服器端更新到最新版並重新啟動客戶端 + 請將伺服器端更新到最新版並重新啟動客戶端。 @@ -935,13 +935,13 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. The server file discovery reply is missing data. - 伺服器回報檔案遺失 + 伺服器回報檔案遺失。 Server error: PROPFIND reply is not XML formatted! - + 伺服器錯誤:PROPFIND 回覆未使用 XML 格式! @@ -949,12 +949,12 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Error while opening directory %1 - 開啟目錄 %1 發生錯誤 + 開啟目錄 %1 時發生錯誤 Directory not accessible on client, permission denied - 用戶端無法存取目錄,權限被拒 + 客戶端無法存取目錄,權限被拒 @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Error while reading directory %1 - 讀取目錄 %1 發生錯誤 + 讀取目錄 %1 時發生錯誤 @@ -978,7 +978,8 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Could not generate the metadata for encryption, Unlocking the folder. This can be an issue with your OpenSSL libraries. - + 無法生成用於加密的詮釋資料,正在解鎖資料夾。 +這可能是您 OpenSSL 函式庫的問題。 @@ -987,7 +988,7 @@ This can be an issue with your OpenSSL libraries. Error returned from the server: <em>%1</em> - 伺服器發回錯誤訊息:<em>%1</em> + 伺服器回傳錯誤訊息:<em>%1</em> @@ -999,13 +1000,13 @@ This can be an issue with your OpenSSL libraries. Could not parse the JSON returned from the server: <br><em>%1</em> - 無法解析伺服器發回的JSON:<br><em>%1</em> + 無法解析伺服器回傳的 JSON:<br><em>%1</em> The reply from the server did not contain all expected fields - 伺服器的回應沒有包含所有預期的欄位 + 伺服器的回應並未包含所有預期的欄位 @@ -1013,12 +1014,12 @@ This can be an issue with your OpenSSL libraries. Connect to %1 - 連接到%1 + 連線至 %1 Login in your browser (Login Flow v2) - 請在瀏覽器上登入(Login Flow v2) + 請在瀏覽器上登入 (Login Flow v2) @@ -1026,27 +1027,27 @@ This can be an issue with your OpenSSL libraries. Unable to open the Browser, please copy the link to your Browser. - 無法開啟瀏覽器。請將連結複製到瀏覽器中。 + 無法開啟瀏覽器,請將連結複製到瀏覽器中。 Waiting for authorization - 等候驗證中 + 正在等候授權 Polling for authorization - 輪詢驗證中 + 正在輪詢授權 Starting authorization - 開始驗證 + 開始授權 Link copied to clipboard. - 超連結已複製到剪貼簿 + 超連結已複製到剪貼簿。 @@ -1054,66 +1055,66 @@ This can be an issue with your OpenSSL libraries. Local folder %1 does not exist. - 本機資料夾 %1 不存在 + 本機資料夾 %1 不存在。 %1 should be a folder but is not. - 資料夾不存在, %1 必須是資料夾 + %1 應該是資料夾,但並不是。 %1 is not readable. - %1 是不可讀的 + %1 不可讀。 %1 and %n other file(s) have been removed. - %1 跟 %n 其他檔案已經被刪除 + 已移除 %1 跟 %n 個其他檔案。 %1 has been removed. %1 names a file. - %1 已被移除。 + 已移除 %1。 %1 and %n other file(s) have been downloaded. - %1 跟 %n 其他檔案已經被下載 + 已下載 %1 跟 %n 個其他檔案。 %1 has been downloaded. %1 names a file. - %1 已被下載。 + 已下載 %1。 %1 and %n other file(s) have been added. - %1 跟 %n 其他檔案已經被加入 + 已新增 %1 跟 %n 個其他檔案。 %1 has been added. %1 names a file. - %1 已加入。 + 已新增 %1。 %1 and %n other file(s) have been updated. - %1 跟 %n 其他檔案已經被修改 + 已更新 %1 跟 %n 個其他檔案。 %1 has been updated. %1 names a file. - %1 已被更新。 + 已更新 %1。 %1 has been renamed to %2 and %n other file(s) have been renamed. - %1 已被改名為 %2 並且 %n其他檔案已被改名 + %1 已被更名為 %2,其他 %n 個檔案也被更名。 @@ -1124,42 +1125,42 @@ This can be an issue with your OpenSSL libraries. %1 has been moved to %2 and %n other file(s) have been moved. - %1 已被搬移到%2 並且 %n 其他檔案已經被搬移 + %1 已被移動到 %2,其他 %n 個檔案也被移動。 %1 has been moved to %2. - %1 已被搬移至 %2。 + %1 已被移動到 %2。 %1 has and %n other file(s) have sync conflicts. - %1 跟 %n 其他檔案同步時發生衝突 + %1 跟 %n 個其他檔案同步時發生衝突。 %1 has a sync conflict. Please check the conflict file! - %1 同步時發生衝突,請檢查發生衝突的檔案 + %1 同步時發生衝突。請檢查發生衝突的檔案! %1 and %n other file(s) could not be synced due to errors. See the log for details. - %1 與%n 其他檔案因為錯誤無法被同步。請從紀錄檔觀看細節。 + %1 跟 %n 個其他檔案因為錯誤無法被同步。請檢視紀錄檔以取得詳細資訊。 %1 could not be synced due to an error. See the log for details. - %1 因為錯誤無法被同步。請從紀錄檔觀看細節。 + %1 因為錯誤無法被同步。請檢視紀錄檔以取得詳細資訊。 %1 and %n other file(s) are currently locked. - %1以及%n個其他文件正在被鎖定狀態 + %1 跟 %n 個其他檔案正在被鎖定狀態。 %1 is currently locked. - %1正在被鎖定狀態 + %1 目前已被鎖定。 @@ -1175,29 +1176,30 @@ This can be an issue with your OpenSSL libraries. A new folder larger than %1 MB has been added: %2. - 一個大於%1MB的資料夾已被新增至:%2 + 一個大於 %1 MB 的資料夾已被新增至:%2 A folder from an external storage has been added. - 一個來自外部空間的資料夾已被新增 + 一個來自外部空間的資料夾已被新增。 + Please go in the settings to select it if you wish to download it. - 若要下載此項目,請前往設定選擇它 + 若要下載此項目,請前往設定選擇它。 The folder %1 was created but was excluded from synchronization previously. Data inside it will not be synchronized. - 已創建%1資料夾,但該資料夾已從要同步的檔案中剔除,因此不會被同步。 + 已建立 %1 資料夾,但先前已從同步中排除。因此其中的資料將不會被同步。 The file %1 was created but was excluded from synchronization previously. It will not be synchronized. - 已新增%1檔案,但該檔案已從要同步的檔案中剔除,因此不會被同步。 + 已建立 %1 檔案,但先前已從同步中排除。因此其中的資料將不會被同步。 @@ -1206,9 +1208,9 @@ This can be an issue with your OpenSSL libraries. This means that the synchronization client might not upload local changes immediately and will instead only scan for local changes and upload them occasionally (every two hours by default). %1 - 無法可靠地跟蹤要同步的資料夾內容之更動。 + 無法可靠地追蹤要同步的資料夾內容更動。 -客戶端可能無法及時上傳本地的更動,而只能每隔一段時間(預設為2小時)才掃描及上傳一次本地變更。 +客戶端可能無法及時上傳本地的更動,而只能每隔一段時間(預設為2小時)才掃描及上傳一次本機變更。 %1 @@ -1219,7 +1221,7 @@ These deletes will be synchronized to your local sync folder, making such files If you decide to restore the files, they will be re-synced with the server if you have rights to do so. If you decide to delete the files, they will be unavailable to you, unless you are the owner. 「%1」資料夾中的所有檔案已從伺服器上移除。 -同步後,這些檔案也會從您的本地資料夾中移除。除非您有復原的權限,否則您將無法讀取這些檔案。 +同步後,這些檔案也會從您的本機資料夾中移除。除非您有復原的權限,否則您將無法讀取這些檔案。 假如您決定復原這些檔案,只要您擁有權限,這些檔案就會重新和伺服器同步。 假如您決定移除這些檔案,除非您是檔案的所有者,否則您將無法讀取這些檔案。 @@ -1228,19 +1230,19 @@ If you decide to delete the files, they will be unavailable to you, unless you a All files got deleted from your local sync folder '%1'. These files will be deleted from the server and will not be available on your other devices if they will not be restored. If this action was unintended you can restore the lost data now. - 「%1」本地同步資料夾中的所有檔案已被移除。 + 「%1」本機同步資料夾中的所有檔案已被移除。 這些檔案將會從伺服器上移除,使得您無法從其他裝置讀取這些檔案,除非您選擇復原。 如果您意外地做了此項動作,您可以立即復原已移除的資料。 Delete all files? - 確定要移除所有檔案嗎? + 刪除所有檔案? Delete all files - 移除所有檔案 + 刪除所有檔案 @@ -1252,9 +1254,9 @@ If this action was unintended you can restore the lost data now. This sync would reset the files to an earlier time in the sync folder '%1'. This might be because a backup was restored on the server. Continuing the sync as normal will cause all your files to be overwritten by an older file in an earlier state. Do you want to keep your local most recent files as conflict files? - 此次同步將會將同步資料夾「%1」的檔案重置到先前一個版本。 + 此次同步將會將同步資料夾「%1」的檔案重設為較早的版本。 這有可能是因為伺服器被復原至一個備份。 -繼續正常同步將會使您的所有檔案被先前的一個版本覆蓋。您希望將目前的最新檔案儲存為衝突檔案嗎? +繼續正常同步將會使您的所有檔案被較舊的版本覆寫。您希望將目前的最新檔案儲存為衝突檔案嗎? @@ -1269,7 +1271,7 @@ Continuing the sync as normal will cause all your files to be overwritten by an Keep Local Files as Conflict - 將本地檔案視為衝突檔案 + 將本機檔案視為衝突檔案 @@ -1277,14 +1279,19 @@ Continuing the sync as normal will cause all your files to be overwritten by an These deletes will be synchronized to your local sync folder, making such files unavailable unless you have a right to restore. If you decide to restore the files, they will be re-synced with the server if you have rights to do so. If you decide to delete the files, they will be unavailable to you, unless you are the owner. - + 「%1」資料夾中的所有檔案已從伺服器上移除。 +同步後,這些檔案也會從您的本地資料夾中移除。除非您有復原的權限,否則您將無法讀取這些檔案。 +假如您決定復原這些檔案,只要您擁有權限,這些檔案就會重新和伺服器同步。 +假如您決定移除這些檔案,除非您是檔案的所有者,否則您將無法讀取這些檔案。 All the files in your local sync folder '%1' were deleted. These deletes will be synchronized with your server, making such files unavailable unless restored. Are you sure you want to sync those actions with the server? If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synced from the server. - + 在您本機同步資料夾「%1」中的所有檔案都已刪除。這些刪除將會與您的伺服器同步,除非復原,否則這些檔案將不可用。 +您確定您想要與伺服器同步那些動作嗎? +如果這是意外,而且您決定保留您的檔案,它們將會自伺服器重新同步。 @@ -1307,27 +1314,27 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Create new folder - + 建立新資料夾 Enter folder name - + 輸入資料夾名稱 Folder already exists - + 資料夾已存在 Error - + 錯誤 Could not create a folder! Check your write permissions. - + 無法建立資料夾!請檢查您的寫入權限。 @@ -1335,12 +1342,12 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Could not reset folder state - 無法重置資料夾狀態 + 無法重設資料夾狀態 An old sync journal '%1' was found, but could not be removed. Please make sure that no application is currently using it. - 發現較舊的同步處理日誌'%1',但無法移除。請確認沒有應用程式正在使用它。 + 發現較舊的同步處理日誌「%1」,但無法移除。請確認沒有應用程式正在使用它。 @@ -1350,17 +1357,17 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce (backup %1) - (備份 %1) + (備份 %1) Undefined State. - 未知狀態 + 未定義狀態。 Waiting to start syncing. - 正在等待同步開始 + 正在等待同步開始。 @@ -1370,22 +1377,22 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Sync is running. - 同步執行中 + 正在執行同步。 Sync was successful, unresolved conflicts. - 同步成功,衝突未解決 + 同步成功,但衝突未解決。 Last Sync was successful. - 最後一次同步成功 + 最後一次同步成功。 Setup Error. - 安裝失敗 + 安裝失敗。 @@ -1395,17 +1402,17 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Sync is paused. - 同步已暫停 + 同步已暫停。 %1 (Sync is paused) - %1 (同步暫停) + %1(同步已暫停) No valid folder selected! - 沒有選擇有效的資料夾 + 未選取有效的資料夾! @@ -1415,12 +1422,12 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce The selected path is not a folder! - 所選的路徑並非資料夾! + 所選的路徑並非資料夾! You have no permission to write to the selected folder! - 您沒有權限來寫入被選取的資料夾! + 您沒有權限來寫入被選取的資料夾! @@ -1435,7 +1442,7 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce There is already a sync from the server to this local folder. Please pick another local folder! - 此資料夾已與Server設定同步,請選擇其他資料夾 + 此本機資料夾已設定為從伺服器同步。請挑選其他本機資料夾! @@ -1448,7 +1455,7 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Synchronized with local folder (%1) - 已與本地資料夾同步(%1) + 已與本機資料夾同步(%1) @@ -1478,17 +1485,17 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Error while loading the list of folders from the server. - 從伺服器端同步資料夾清單時發生錯誤。 + 從伺服器端同步資料夾列表時發生錯誤。 Fetching folder list from server … - 正在從伺服器取得資料清單... + 正在從伺服器擷取資料夾列表…… There are unresolved conflicts. Click for details. - 存在未解決的衝突,請查看細節 + 有未解決的衝突。點擊以檢視詳細資訊。 @@ -1503,22 +1510,22 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Synchronizing VirtualFiles with local folder - 與本地資料夾同步虛擬檔案 + 與本機資料夾同步虛擬檔案 Synchronizing with local folder - 與本地資料夾同步 + 與本機資料夾同步 Checking for changes in remote '%1' - 檢查遠端 '%1' 的變動 + 正在檢查遠端「%1」的變動 Checking for changes in local '%1' - 檢查本地 '%1' 的變動 + 正在檢查本機「%1」的變動 @@ -1529,19 +1536,19 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce , '%1' Build a list of file names - , '%1' + ,「%1」 '%1' Argument is a file name - '%1' + 「%1」 Syncing %1 Example text: "Syncing 'foo.txt', 'bar.txt'" - 同步 %1 + 正在同步 %1 @@ -1553,29 +1560,29 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce download %1/s Example text: "download 24Kb/s" (%1 is replaced by 24Kb (translated)) - 下載 %1/s + 下載 %1/秒 ↓ %1/s - ↓ %1/s + ↓ %1/秒 upload %1/s Example text: "upload 24Kb/s" (%1 is replaced by 24Kb (translated)) - 上傳 %1/s + 上傳 %1/秒 ↑ %1/s - ↑ %1/s + ↑ %1/秒 %1 %2 (%3 of %4) Example text: "uploading foobar.png (2MB of 2MB)" - %1 %2 (%3 的 %4) + %1 %2(%3 的 %4) @@ -1587,13 +1594,13 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce %5 left, %1 of %2, file %3 of %4 Example text: "5 minutes left, 12 MB of 345 MB, file 6 of 7" - 剩餘%5,%1 的 %2, 檔案 %3 的 %4 + 剩餘%5,%1 的 %2,檔案 %3 的 %4 %1 of %2, file %3 of %4 Example text: "12 MB of 345 MB, file 6 of 7" - %1 的 %2, 檔案 %3 的 %4 + %1 的 %2,檔案 %3 的 %4 @@ -1603,17 +1610,17 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Waiting … - 請稍後... + 請稍候…… Waiting for %n other folder(s) … - 等候其他 %n 個資料夾 + 正在等待其他 %n 個資料夾…… Preparing to sync … - 正在準備同步... + 正在準備同步…… @@ -1621,7 +1628,7 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce The watcher did not receive a test notification. - + 監視程式未收到測試通知。 @@ -1629,7 +1636,7 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce This problem usually happens when the inotify watches are exhausted. Check the FAQ for details. - 這個問題通常是因為 inotify 監視器資源耗盡。請到問與答查看更多詳細資料。 + 這個問題通常是因為 inotify 監視程式資源耗盡。請到 FAQ 檢視詳細資訊。 @@ -1650,12 +1657,12 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Click to select a local folder to sync. - 請選擇要同步的本地資料夾 + 點擊選取要同步的本機資料夾。 Enter the path to the local folder. - 請輸入本地資料夾的路徑 + 請輸入本機資料夾的路徑。 @@ -1673,27 +1680,27 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Enter the name of the new folder to be created below '%1': - 請輸入欲創建在 '%1' 底下的新資料夾名稱: + 請輸入要在「%1」底下建立的資料夾名稱: Folder was successfully created on %1. - 資料夾成功建立在%1 + 資料夾成功建立於 %1。 Authentication failed accessing %1 - 存取 %1 認證失敗 + 存取 %1 驗證失敗 Failed to create the folder on %1. Please check manually. - 在 %1 建立資料夾失敗,請手動檢查 + 在 %1 建立資料夾失敗。請手動檢查。 Failed to list a folder. Error: %1 - 取得資料夾清單失敗,錯誤: %1 + 取得資料夾列表失敗。錯誤:%1