2020-09-05 07:30:09 +03:00
* Copyright ( C ) by Daniel Molkentin < danimo @ owncloud . com >
2020-10-15 03:15:42 +03:00
* Copyright ( C ) by Michael Schuster < michael @ schuster . ms >
2020-09-05 07:30:09 +03:00
* This library is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either
* version 2.1 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor , Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 USA
# include "utility.h"
2020-09-09 22:01:38 +03:00
# include <cassert>
# include <algorithm>
# include <Shlobj.h>
# include <psapi.h>
2020-09-05 07:30:09 +03:00
# define ASSERT assert
# define Q_ASSERT assert
namespace NCTools {
// Ported from libsync
registryVariant Utility : : registryGetKeyValue ( HKEY hRootKey , const std : : wstring & subKey , const std : : wstring & valueName )
registryVariant value ;
HKEY hKey ;
LONG result = RegOpenKeyEx ( hRootKey , reinterpret_cast < LPCWSTR > ( subKey . data ( ) ) , 0 , sam , & hKey ) ;
ASSERT ( result = = ERROR_SUCCESS | | result = = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) ;
if ( result ! = ERROR_SUCCESS )
return value ;
DWORD type = 0 , sizeInBytes = 0 ;
result = RegQueryValueEx ( hKey , reinterpret_cast < LPCWSTR > ( valueName . data ( ) ) , 0 , & type , nullptr , & sizeInBytes ) ;
ASSERT ( result = = ERROR_SUCCESS | | result = = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) ;
if ( result = = ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
switch ( type ) {
case REG_DWORD :
DWORD dword ;
Q_ASSERT ( sizeInBytes = = sizeof ( dword ) ) ;
if ( RegQueryValueEx ( hKey , reinterpret_cast < LPCWSTR > ( valueName . data ( ) ) , 0 , & type , reinterpret_cast < LPBYTE > ( & dword ) , & sizeInBytes ) = = ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
value = int ( dword ) ;
break ;
case REG_SZ : {
std : : wstring string ;
string . resize ( sizeInBytes / sizeof ( wchar_t ) ) ;
result = RegQueryValueEx ( hKey , reinterpret_cast < LPCWSTR > ( valueName . data ( ) ) , 0 , & type , reinterpret_cast < LPBYTE > ( string . data ( ) ) , & sizeInBytes ) ;
if ( result = = ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
int newCharSize = sizeInBytes / sizeof ( wchar_t ) ;
// From the doc:
// If the data has the REG_SZ, REG_MULTI_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ type, the string may not have been stored with
// the proper terminating null characters. Therefore, even if the function returns ERROR_SUCCESS,
// the application should ensure that the string is properly terminated before using it; otherwise, it may overwrite a buffer.
if ( string . at ( newCharSize - 1 ) = = wchar_t ( ' \0 ' ) )
string . resize ( newCharSize - 1 ) ;
value = string ;
break ;
case REG_BINARY : {
std : : vector < unsigned char > buffer ;
buffer . resize ( sizeInBytes ) ;
result = RegQueryValueEx ( hKey , reinterpret_cast < LPCWSTR > ( valueName . data ( ) ) , 0 , & type , reinterpret_cast < LPBYTE > ( buffer . data ( ) ) , & sizeInBytes ) ;
if ( result = = ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
value = buffer . at ( 12 ) ;
break ;
default :
break ; // Q_UNREACHABLE();
ASSERT ( result = = ERROR_SUCCESS | | result = = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) ;
RegCloseKey ( hKey ) ;
return value ;
bool Utility : : registrySetKeyValue ( HKEY hRootKey , const std : : wstring & subKey , const std : : wstring & valueName , DWORD type , const registryVariant & value )
HKEY hKey ;
// KEY_WOW64_64KEY is necessary because CLSIDs are "Redirected and reflected only for CLSIDs that do not specify InprocServer32 or InprocHandler32."
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa384253%28v=vs.85%29.aspx#redirected__shared__and_reflected_keys_under_wow64
// This shouldn't be an issue in our case since we use shell32.dll as InprocServer32, so we could write those registry keys for both 32 and 64bit.
// FIXME: Not doing so at the moment means that explorer will show the cloud provider, but 32bit processes' open dialogs (like the ownCloud client itself) won't show it.
LONG result = RegCreateKeyEx ( hRootKey , reinterpret_cast < LPCWSTR > ( subKey . data ( ) ) , 0 , nullptr , 0 , sam , nullptr , & hKey , nullptr ) ;
ASSERT ( result = = ERROR_SUCCESS ) ;
if ( result ! = ERROR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
result = - 1 ;
switch ( type ) {
case REG_DWORD : {
try {
DWORD dword = std : : get < int > ( value ) ;
result = RegSetValueEx ( hKey , reinterpret_cast < LPCWSTR > ( valueName . data ( ) ) , 0 , type , reinterpret_cast < const BYTE * > ( & dword ) , sizeof ( dword ) ) ;
catch ( const std : : bad_variant_access & ) { }
break ;
case REG_SZ : {
try {
std : : wstring string = std : : get < std : : wstring > ( value ) ;
result = RegSetValueEx ( hKey , reinterpret_cast < LPCWSTR > ( valueName . data ( ) ) , 0 , type , reinterpret_cast < const BYTE * > ( string . data ( ) ) , static_cast < DWORD > ( ( string . size ( ) + 1 ) * sizeof ( wchar_t ) ) ) ;
catch ( const std : : bad_variant_access & ) { }
break ;
default :
break ; // Q_UNREACHABLE();
ASSERT ( result = = ERROR_SUCCESS ) ;
RegCloseKey ( hKey ) ;
return result = = ERROR_SUCCESS ;
bool Utility : : registryDeleteKeyTree ( HKEY hRootKey , const std : : wstring & subKey )
HKEY hKey ;
LONG result = RegOpenKeyEx ( hRootKey , reinterpret_cast < LPCWSTR > ( subKey . data ( ) ) , 0 , sam , & hKey ) ;
ASSERT ( result = = ERROR_SUCCESS ) ;
if ( result ! = ERROR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
result = RegDeleteTree ( hKey , nullptr ) ;
RegCloseKey ( hKey ) ;
ASSERT ( result = = ERROR_SUCCESS ) ;
result | = RegDeleteKeyEx ( hRootKey , reinterpret_cast < LPCWSTR > ( subKey . data ( ) ) , sam , 0 ) ;
ASSERT ( result = = ERROR_SUCCESS ) ;
return result = = ERROR_SUCCESS ;
bool Utility : : registryDeleteKeyValue ( HKEY hRootKey , const std : : wstring & subKey , const std : : wstring & valueName )
HKEY hKey ;
LONG result = RegOpenKeyEx ( hRootKey , reinterpret_cast < LPCWSTR > ( subKey . data ( ) ) , 0 , sam , & hKey ) ;
ASSERT ( result = = ERROR_SUCCESS ) ;
if ( result ! = ERROR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
result = RegDeleteValue ( hKey , reinterpret_cast < LPCWSTR > ( valueName . data ( ) ) ) ;
ASSERT ( result = = ERROR_SUCCESS ) ;
RegCloseKey ( hKey ) ;
return result = = ERROR_SUCCESS ;
bool Utility : : registryWalkSubKeys ( HKEY hRootKey , const std : : wstring & subKey , const std : : function < void ( HKEY , const std : : wstring & ) > & callback )
HKEY hKey ;
LONG result = RegOpenKeyEx ( hRootKey , reinterpret_cast < LPCWSTR > ( subKey . data ( ) ) , 0 , sam , & hKey ) ;
ASSERT ( result = = ERROR_SUCCESS ) ;
if ( result ! = ERROR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
DWORD maxSubKeyNameSize ;
// Get the largest keyname size once instead of relying each call on ERROR_MORE_DATA.
result = RegQueryInfoKey ( hKey , nullptr , nullptr , nullptr , nullptr , & maxSubKeyNameSize , nullptr , nullptr , nullptr , nullptr , nullptr , nullptr ) ;
ASSERT ( result = = ERROR_SUCCESS ) ;
if ( result ! = ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
RegCloseKey ( hKey ) ;
return false ;
std : : wstring subKeyName ;
subKeyName . reserve ( maxSubKeyNameSize + 1 ) ;
for ( DWORD i = 0 ; retCode = = ERROR_SUCCESS ; + + i ) {
Q_ASSERT ( unsigned ( subKeyName . capacity ( ) ) > maxSubKeyNameSize ) ;
// Make the previously reserved capacity official again.
subKeyName . resize ( subKeyName . capacity ( ) ) ;
DWORD subKeyNameSize = static_cast < DWORD > ( subKeyName . size ( ) ) ;
retCode = RegEnumKeyEx ( hKey , i , reinterpret_cast < LPWSTR > ( subKeyName . data ( ) ) , & subKeyNameSize , nullptr , nullptr , nullptr , nullptr ) ;
ASSERT ( result = = ERROR_SUCCESS | | retCode = = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) ;
if ( retCode = = ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
// subKeyNameSize excludes the trailing \0
subKeyName . resize ( subKeyNameSize ) ;
// Pass only the sub keyname, not the full path.
callback ( hKey , subKeyName ) ;
RegCloseKey ( hKey ) ;
return retCode ! = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ;
// Created for Win32
DWORD Utility : : execCmd ( std : : wstring cmd , bool wait )
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/procthread/creating-processes
ZeroMemory ( & si , sizeof ( si ) ) ;
si . cb = sizeof ( si ) ;
ZeroMemory ( & pi , sizeof ( pi ) ) ;
// Start the child process.
if ( ! CreateProcess ( nullptr , // No module name (use command line)
cmd . data ( ) , // Command line
nullptr , // Process handle not inheritable
nullptr , // Thread handle not inheritable
FALSE , // Set handle inheritance to FALSE
0 , // No creation flags
nullptr , // Use parent's environment block
nullptr , // Use parent's starting directory
& si , // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
& pi ) // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure
DWORD exitCode = 0 ;
if ( wait ) {
// Wait until child process exits.
WaitForSingleObject ( pi . hProcess , INFINITE ) ;
GetExitCodeProcess ( pi . hProcess , & exitCode ) ;
// Close process and thread handles.
CloseHandle ( pi . hProcess ) ;
CloseHandle ( pi . hThread ) ;
return exitCode ;
bool Utility : : killProcess ( const std : : wstring & exePath )
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/psapi/enumerating-all-processes
// Get the list of process identifiers.
DWORD aProcesses [ 1024 ] , cbNeeded , cProcesses , i ;
if ( ! EnumProcesses ( aProcesses , sizeof ( aProcesses ) , & cbNeeded ) ) {
return false ;
// Calculate how many process identifiers were returned.
cProcesses = cbNeeded / sizeof ( DWORD ) ;
std : : wstring tmpMatch = exePath ;
std : : transform ( tmpMatch . begin ( ) , tmpMatch . end ( ) , tmpMatch . begin ( ) , std : : tolower ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < cProcesses ; i + + ) {
if ( aProcesses [ i ] ! = 0 ) {
// Get a handle to the process.
HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess ( PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_TERMINATE , FALSE , aProcesses [ i ] ) ;
// Get the process name.
if ( hProcess ) {
TCHAR szProcessName [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } ;
DWORD cbSize = sizeof ( szProcessName ) / sizeof ( TCHAR ) ;
if ( QueryFullProcessImageName ( hProcess , 0 , szProcessName , & cbSize ) = = TRUE & & cbSize > 0 ) {
std : : wstring procName = szProcessName ;
std : : transform ( procName . begin ( ) , procName . end ( ) , procName . begin ( ) , std : : tolower ) ;
if ( procName = = tmpMatch ) {
if ( TerminateProcess ( hProcess , 0 ) = = TRUE ) {
WaitForSingleObject ( hProcess , INFINITE ) ;
CloseHandle ( hProcess ) ;
return true ;
CloseHandle ( hProcess ) ;
return false ;
bool Utility : : isValidDirectory ( const std : : wstring & path )
auto attrib = GetFileAttributes ( path . data ( ) ) ;
if ( attrib = = INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES | | GetLastError ( ) = = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) {
return false ;
return ( attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) ;
std : : wstring Utility : : getAppRegistryString ( const std : : wstring & appVendor , const std : : wstring & appName , const std : : wstring & valueName )
std : : wstring appKey = std : : wstring ( LR " (SOFTWARE \ ) " ) + appVendor + L ' \\ ' + appName ;
std : : wstring appKeyWow64 = std : : wstring ( LR " (SOFTWARE \ WOW6432Node \ ) " ) + appVendor + L ' \\ ' + appName ;
std : : vector < std : : wstring > appKeys = { appKey , appKeyWow64 } ;
for ( auto & key : appKeys ) {
try {
return std : : get < std : : wstring > ( Utility : : registryGetKeyValue ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ,
key ,
valueName ) ) ;
catch ( const std : : bad_variant_access & ) { }
return { } ;
std : : wstring Utility : : getAppPath ( const std : : wstring & appVendor , const std : : wstring & appName )
return getAppRegistryString ( appVendor , appName , L " " ) ; // intentionally left empty to get the key's "(default)" value
std : : wstring Utility : : getConfigPath ( const std : : wstring & appName )
// On Windows, use AppDataLocation, that's where the roaming data is and where we should store the config file
PWSTR pszPath = nullptr ;
if ( ! SUCCEEDED ( SHGetKnownFolderPath ( FOLDERID_RoamingAppData , 0 , nullptr , & pszPath ) ) | | ! pszPath ) {
return { } ;
std : : wstring path = pszPath + PathSeparator + appName + PathSeparator ;
CoTaskMemFree ( pszPath ) ;
auto newLocation = path ;
return newLocation ;
void Utility : : waitForNsisUninstaller ( const std : : wstring & appShortName )
// Can't WaitForSingleObject because NSIS Uninstall.exe copies itself to a TEMP directory and creates a new process,
// so we do sort of a hack and wait for its mutex (see nextcloud.nsi).
HANDLE hMutex ;
std : : wstring name = appShortName + std : : wstring ( L " Uninstaller " ) ;
// Give the process enough time to start, to wait for the NSIS mutex.
Sleep ( 1500 ) ;
do {
hMutex = OpenMutex ( MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS , FALSE , name . data ( ) ) ;
lastError = GetLastError ( ) ;
if ( hMutex ) {
CloseHandle ( hMutex ) ;
// This is sort of a hack because WaitForSingleObject immediately returns for the NSIS mutex.
Sleep ( 500 ) ;
} while ( lastError ! = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) ;
void Utility : : removeNavigationPaneEntries ( const std : : wstring & appName )
if ( appName . empty ( ) ) {
return ;
// Start by looking at every registered namespace extension for the sidebar, and look for an "ApplicationName" value
// that matches ours when we saved.
std : : vector < std : : wstring > entriesToRemove ;
Utility : : registryWalkSubKeys (
LR " (Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Desktop \ NameSpace) " ,
[ & entriesToRemove , & appName ] ( HKEY key , const std : : wstring & subKey ) {
try {
auto curAppName = std : : get < std : : wstring > ( Utility : : registryGetKeyValue ( key , subKey , L " ApplicationName " ) ) ;
if ( curAppName = = appName ) {
entriesToRemove . push_back ( subKey ) ;
catch ( const std : : bad_variant_access & ) { }
} ) ;
for ( auto & clsid : entriesToRemove ) {
std : : wstring clsidStr = clsid ;
std : : wstring clsidPath = std : : wstring ( LR " (Software \ Classes \ CLSID \ ) " ) + clsidStr ;
std : : wstring clsidPathWow64 = std : : wstring ( LR " (Software \ Classes \ Wow6432Node \ CLSID \ ) " ) + clsidStr ;
std : : wstring namespacePath = std : : wstring ( LR " (Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Desktop \ NameSpace \ ) " ) + clsidStr ;
Utility : : registryDeleteKeyTree ( HKEY_CURRENT_USER , clsidPath ) ;
Utility : : registryDeleteKeyTree ( HKEY_CURRENT_USER , clsidPathWow64 ) ;
Utility : : registryDeleteKeyTree ( HKEY_CURRENT_USER , namespacePath ) ;
Utility : : registryDeleteKeyValue ( HKEY_CURRENT_USER , LR " (Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ HideDesktopIcons \ NewStartPanel) " , clsidStr ) ;
// Ported from gui, modified to optionally rename matching files
bool Utility : : copy_dir_recursive ( std : : wstring from_dir , std : : wstring to_dir , copy_dir_recursive_callback * callbackFileNameMatchReplace )
WIN32_FIND_DATA fileData ;
if ( from_dir . empty ( ) | | to_dir . empty ( ) ) {
return false ;
if ( from_dir . back ( ) ! = PathSeparator . front ( ) )
from_dir . append ( PathSeparator ) ;
if ( to_dir . back ( ) ! = PathSeparator . front ( ) )
to_dir . append ( PathSeparator ) ;
std : : wstring startDir = from_dir ;
startDir . append ( L " *.* " ) ;
auto hFind = FindFirstFile ( startDir . data ( ) , & fileData ) ;
if ( hFind = = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
return false ;
bool success = true ;
do {
if ( fileData . dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) {
if ( std : : wstring ( fileData . cFileName ) = = L " . " | | std : : wstring ( fileData . cFileName ) = = L " .. " ) {
continue ;
std : : wstring from = from_dir + fileData . cFileName ;
std : : wstring to = to_dir + fileData . cFileName ;
if ( CreateDirectoryEx ( from . data ( ) , to . data ( ) , nullptr ) = = FALSE ) {
success = false ;
break ;
if ( copy_dir_recursive ( from , to , callbackFileNameMatchReplace ) = = false ) {
success = false ;
break ;
} else {
std : : wstring newFilename = fileData . cFileName ;
if ( callbackFileNameMatchReplace ) {
( * callbackFileNameMatchReplace ) ( std : : wstring ( fileData . cFileName ) , newFilename ) ;
std : : wstring from = from_dir + fileData . cFileName ;
std : : wstring to = to_dir + newFilename ;
if ( CopyFile ( from . data ( ) , to . data ( ) , TRUE ) = = FALSE ) {
success = false ;
break ;
} while ( FindNextFile ( hFind , & fileData ) ) ;
FindClose ( hFind ) ;
return success ;
} // namespace NCTools