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pragma Singleton
import QtQuick
import com.nextcloud.desktopclient
QtObject {
readonly property int pixelSize: fontMetrics.font.pixelSize
readonly property bool darkMode: Theme.darkMode
property SystemPalette nativePalette: SystemPalette {
// Colors
readonly property color ncBlue: Theme.wizardHeaderBackgroundColor
readonly property color ncHeaderTextColor: Theme.wizardHeaderTitleColor
readonly property color ncTextColor: nativePalette.text
readonly property color ncTextBrightColor: "white"
readonly property color ncSecondaryTextColor: "#808080"
readonly property color lightHover: Theme.darkMode ? Qt.lighter(backgroundColor, 2) : Qt.darker(backgroundColor, 1.05)
readonly property color darkerHover: Theme.darkMode ? Qt.lighter(backgroundColor, 2.35) : Qt.darker(backgroundColor, 1.25)
readonly property color menuBorder: Theme.darkMode ? Qt.lighter(backgroundColor, 2.5) : Qt.darker(backgroundColor, 1.5)
readonly property color backgroundColor: nativePalette.window
readonly property color buttonBackgroundColor: nativePalette.button
readonly property color positiveColor: Qt.rgba(0.38, 0.74, 0.38, 1)
readonly property color currentUserHeaderColor: UserModel.currentUser ? UserModel.currentUser.headerColor : ncBlue
readonly property color currentUserHeaderTextColor: UserModel.currentUser ? UserModel.currentUser.headerTextColor : ncHeaderTextColor
readonly property color adjustedCurrentUserHeaderColor: Theme.darkMode ? Qt.lighter(currentUserHeaderColor, 2)
: Qt.darker(currentUserHeaderColor, 1.5)
// ErrorBox colors
readonly property color errorBoxBackgroundColor: Qt.rgba(0.89, 0.18, 0.18, 1)
readonly property int errorBoxStripeWidth: 4
// InfoBox colors
readonly property color infoBoxBackgroundColor: Qt.rgba(0, 0.51, 0.79, 0.1)
readonly property int infoBoxBorderWidth: 1
readonly property color infoBoxBorderColor: Qt.rgba(0, 0.51, 0.79, 1)
// Fonts
// We are using pixel size because this is cross platform comparable, point size isn't
readonly property int topLinePixelSize: pixelSize
readonly property int subLinePixelSize: topLinePixelSize - 2
readonly property int defaultFontPtSize: fontMetrics.font.pointSize
readonly property int subheaderFontPtSize: defaultFontPtSize + 2
readonly property int headerFontPtSize: defaultFontPtSize + 4
readonly property int titleFontPtSize: defaultFontPtSize + 8
// Dimensions and sizes
property int trayWindowWidth: variableSize(400)
property int trayWindowHeight: variableSize(510)
// text input and main windows radius
property int trayWindowRadius: 10
// dropdown menus radius
property int halfTrayWindowRadius: 5
property int trayWindowBorderWidth: variableSize(1)
property int trayWindowHeaderHeight: variableSize(60)
property int trayHorizontalMargin: 10
property int trayModalWidth: 380
property int trayModalHeight: 490
property int trayListItemIconSize: accountAvatarSize
property int trayDrawerMargin: trayWindowHeaderHeight
property real thumbnailImageSizeReduction: 0.2 // We reserve some space within the thumbnail "item", here about 20%.
// This is because we need to also add the added/modified icon and we
// want them to fit within the general icon size. We also need to know
// this amount to properly center the sync status icon to the thumbnail
// images, which will work so long as the thumbnails are left aligned
property int standardSpacing: trayHorizontalMargin
property int smallSpacing: 5
property int extraSmallSpacing: 2
property int iconButtonWidth: 36
property int standardPrimaryButtonHeight: 40
readonly property int smallIconSize: 16
property int minActivityHeight: variableSize(32)
property int currentAccountButtonWidth: 220
property int currentAccountButtonRadius: 2
property int currentAccountLabelWidth: 128
property int normalBorderWidth: 1
property int thickBorderWidth: 2
property int veryRoundedButtonRadius: 100
property int mediumRoundedButtonRadius: 8
property int slightlyRoundedButtonRadius: 5
property double hoverOpacity: 0.7
property url stateOnlineImageSource: Theme.stateOnlineImageSource
property url stateOfflineImageSource: Theme.stateOfflineImageSource
property int accountAvatarSize: (trayWindowHeaderHeight - 16)
property int accountAvatarStateIndicatorSize: 16
property int folderStateIndicatorSize: 16
property int accountLabelWidth: 128
property int accountDropDownCaretSize: 10
property int accountDropDownCaretMargin: 8
property int trayFoldersMenuButtonStateIndicatorBottomOffset: 5
property double trayFoldersMenuButtonDropDownCaretIconSizeFraction: 0.3
property double trayFoldersMenuButtonMainIconSizeFraction: 1.0 - trayFoldersMenuButtonDropDownCaretIconSizeFraction
property int addAccountButtonHeight: 50
property int activityListButtonWidth: 42
property int activityListButtonHeight: 32
property int activityListButtonIconSize: 18
property int headerButtonIconSize: 32
property int addButtonIconSize: 26
property int dismissButtonSize: 26
property int minimumActivityItemHeight: 24
property int accountIconsMenuMargin: 7
property int activityLabelBaseWidth: 240
property int talkReplyTextFieldPreferredHeight: 34
property int talkReplyTextFieldPreferredWidth: 250
property int activityItemActionPrimaryButtonMinWidth: 100
property int activityItemActionSecondaryButtonMinWidth: 80
property int callNotificationPrimaryButtonMinWidth: 100
property int callNotificationPrimaryButtonMinHeight: 40
property int roundButtonBackgroundVerticalMargins: 10
property int roundedButtonBackgroundVerticalMargins: 5
property int userStatusEmojiSize: 8
property int userStatusSpacing: trayHorizontalMargin
property int userStatusAnchorsMargin: 2
property int accountServerAnchorsMargin: 10
property int accountLabelsSpacing: 4
property int accountLabelsAnchorsMargin: 7
property int accountLabelsLayoutMargin: 12
property int accountLabelsLayoutTopMargin: 10
// Visual behaviour
property bool hoverEffectsEnabled: true
// unified search constants
readonly property int unifiedSearchItemHeight: trayWindowHeaderHeight
readonly property int unifiedSearchResultTextLeftMargin: 18
readonly property int unifiedSearchResultTextRightMargin: 16
readonly property int unifiedSearchResultIconWidth: trayListItemIconSize * (1 - thumbnailImageSizeReduction)
readonly property int unifiedSearchResultSmallIconWidth: trayListItemIconSize * (1 - thumbnailImageSizeReduction * 2)
readonly property int unifiedSearchResultIconLeftMargin: 12
readonly property int unifiedSearchResultTitleFontSize: topLinePixelSize
readonly property int unifiedSearchResultSublineFontSize: subLinePixelSize
readonly property int unifiedSearchResultSectionItemLeftPadding: 16
readonly property int unifiedSearchResultSectionItemVerticalPadding: 8
readonly property int unifiedSearchResultNothingFoundHorizontalMargin: 10
readonly property int radioButtonCustomMarginLeftInner: 4
readonly property int radioButtonCustomMarginLeftOuter: 5
readonly property int radioButtonCustomRadius: 9
readonly property int radioButtonIndicatorSize: 16
readonly property var fontMetrics: FontMetrics {}
readonly property int bigFontPixelSizeResolveConflictsDialog: 20
readonly property int fontPixelSizeResolveConflictsDialog: 15
readonly property int minimumWidthResolveConflictsDialog: 600
readonly property int minimumHeightResolveConflictsDialog: 800
readonly property double smallIconScaleFactor: 0.6
readonly property double trayFolderListButtonWidthScaleFactor: 1.75
readonly property int trayFolderStatusIndicatorSizeOffset: 2
readonly property double trayFolderStatusIndicatorRadiusFactor: 0.5
readonly property double trayFolderStatusIndicatorMouseHoverOpacityFactor: 0.2
readonly property double trayWindowMenuWidthFactor: 0.35
readonly property int trayWindowMenuOffsetX: -2
readonly property int trayWindowMenuOffsetY: 2
readonly property int trayWindowMenuEntriesMargin: 6
// animation durations
readonly property int shortAnimationDuration: 200
readonly property int veryLongAnimationDuration: 3000
// sync status
property int progressBarPreferredHeight: 9
property int progressBarWidth: 100
property int progressBarBackgroundHeight: 8
property int progressBarContentHeight: 8
property int progressBarRadius: 4
property int progressBarContentBorderWidth: 1
property int progressBarBackgroundBorderWidth: 1
property color progressBarContentColor: ncBlue
property color progressBarContentBorderColor: menuBorder
property color progressBarBackgroundColor: backgroundColor
property color progressBarBackgroundBorderColor: menuBorder
property int newActivitiesButtonWidth: 150
property int newActivitiesButtonHeight: 40
property real newActivitiesBgNormalOpacity: 0.8
property real newActivitiesBgHoverOpacity: 1.0
property int newActivityButtonDisappearTimeout: 5000
property int newActivityButtonDisappearFadeTimeout: 250
property int activityListScrollToTopTimerInterval: 50
property int activityListScrollToTopVelocity: 10000
function variableSize(size) {
return size * (1 + Math.min(pixelSize / 100, 1));