2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >
< TS version = "2.0" language = "de_DE" sourcelanguage = "en_US" >
< context >
< name > CreateAnOwncloudPage < / name >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/createanowncloudpage.ui" line = "14" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Formular < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/createanowncloudpage.ui" line = "39" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Create a new ownCloud < / source >
< translation > Eine neue ownCloud anlegen < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/createanowncloudpage.ui" line = "61" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Where do you want to create your ownCloud ? < / source >
< translation > Wo soll die neue ownCloud angelegt werden ? < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/createanowncloudpage.ui" line = "73" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > create ownCloud on this computer < / source >
< translation > Eine ownCloud auf diesem Rechner anlegen < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/createanowncloudpage.ui" line = "105" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s S e r i f & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; installs the ownCloud on this computer . Other people will not be able to access your data by default . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s S e r i f & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Die ownCloud wird auf diesem Rechner angelegt . Andere Nutzer können mit den Standardeinstellung nicht auf Ihre Daten zugreifen . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/createanowncloudpage.ui" line = "132" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > create ownCloud on my internet domain < / source >
< translation > ownCloud in meinem Webspace anlegen < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/createanowncloudpage.ui" line = "155" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s S e r i f & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; installs ownCloud on a domain you control . You need the FTP credentials for the installation . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; - qt - paragraph - type : empty ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; This ownCloud will be accessible from the internet . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s S e r i f & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; ownCloud wird in einem Webspace angelegt . Für die Installation werden die FTP Zugangsdaten benötigt . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; - qt - paragraph - type : empty ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Diese ownCloud Instanz ist aus dem Internet erreichbar . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/createanowncloudpage.ui" line = "177" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Domain : < / source >
< translation > & amp ; Domain : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/createanowncloudpage.ui" line = "190" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > mydomain . org < / source >
< translation > mydomain . org < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > FolderWizardNetworkPage < / name >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardnetworkpage.ui" line = "14" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Formular < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardnetworkpage.ui" line = "27" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Network Settings < / source >
< translation > Netzwerkeinstellungen < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardnetworkpage.ui" line = "34" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Set networking options : < / source >
< translation > Netzwerkoptionen setzen : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardnetworkpage.ui" line = "40" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Only enable if network is available < / source >
< translation > Nur verfügbar wenn Netzwerk aktiv < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardnetworkpage.ui" line = "47" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > restrict to this local network < / source >
< translation > Auf das lokale Netzwerk einschränken < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > FolderWizardOwncloudPage < / name >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardowncloudpage.ui" line = "14" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Formular < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardowncloudpage.ui" line = "20" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > ownCloud Settings < / source >
< translation > ownCloud Einstellungen < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardowncloudpage.ui" line = "29" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > URL : < / source >
< translation > URL : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardowncloudpage.ui" line = "36" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > User : < / source >
< translation > Benutzer : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardowncloudpage.ui" line = "46" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Password : < / source >
< translation > Passwort : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardowncloudpage.ui" line = "63" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Alias : < / source >
< translation > Alias : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardowncloudpage.ui" line = "93" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > ownCloud < / source >
< translation > ownCloud < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > FolderWizardSourcePage < / name >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardsourcepage.ui" line = "14" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Formular < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardsourcepage.ui" line = "25" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Express Upload Source < / source >
< translation > Express - Uploadquelle < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardsourcepage.ui" line = "32" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Pick a folder on your computer to upload : < / source >
< translation > Verzeichnis auf lokalem Rechner zum Upload auswählen : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardsourcepage.ui" line = "40" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > / home / local1 < / source >
< translation > / home / local1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardsourcepage.ui" line = "47" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Choose . . . < / source >
< translation > & amp ; Auswählen . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardsourcepage.ui" line = "58" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Directory alias name : < / source >
< translation > & amp ; Verzeichnisalias : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardsourcepage.ui" line = "68" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Music < / source >
< translation > Musik < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardsourcepage.ui" line = "150" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > TextLabel < / source >
< translation > < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > FolderWizardTargetPage < / name >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "14" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Formular < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "29" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Express Upload Target < / source >
< translation > Express - Uploadziel < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "51" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Pick a place where the data should go to : < / source >
< translation > Zielort für Daten auswählen : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "78" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > to your & amp ; ownCloud < / source >
< translation > in die eigene ownCloud < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "91" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Folder on ownCloud : < / source >
< translation > Verzeichnis in ownCloud : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "98" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > root < / source >
< translatorcomment > folder ? user ? < / translatorcomment >
< translation > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "152" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > to a & amp ; local folder < / source >
< translation > In ein & amp ; lokales Verzeichnis < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "165" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Folder name : < / source >
< translation > Verzeichnisname : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "172" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > / home / local < / source >
< translation > / home / local < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "179" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > C & amp ; hoose . . < / source >
< translation > Wä & amp ; hlen . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "226" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > to a & amp ; remote folder ( URL ) < / source >
< translation > In ein & amp ; entferntes Verzeichnis ( URL ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "239" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > URL : < / source >
< translation > URL : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "246" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > scp : //john@host.com//myfolder</source>
< translation > scp : //john@host.com//myfolder</translation>
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "373" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > TextLabel < / source >
< translatorcomment > ? ? < / translatorcomment >
< translation > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "395" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > create < / source >
< translation > Erstellen < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : Application < / name >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "222" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Add folder . . . < / source >
< translation > Hinzufügen . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "224" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Configure . . . < / source >
< translation > Einstellen . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "228" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Quit < / source >
< translation > Beenden < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "257" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > open % 1 < / source >
< translation > % 1 ö ffnen < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "366" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Confirm Folder Remove < / source >
< translation > Bestätigung Verzeichnis Löschen < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "366" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Do you really want to remove upload folder & lt ; i & gt ; % 1 & lt ; / i & g t ; ? < / s o u r c e >
< translation > Möchten Sie wirklich das Sync - Verzeichnis & lt ; i & gt ; % 1 & lt ; / i & g t ; l ö s c h e n ? < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
< source > Confirm Folder Fetch < / source >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > Bestätigung Verzeichnis holen < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Do you really want to fetch the folder with alias & lt ; i & gt ; % 1 & lt ; /i> from your ownCloud?<br/ & gt ; This overwrites your local data in directory & lt ; i & gt ; % 2 & lt ; / i & g t ; ! < / s o u r c e >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > Möchten Sie wirklich das Verzeichnis mit dem Alias & lt ; i & gt ; % 1 & lt ; /i> von Ihrer ownCloud herunterladen?<br/ & gt ; Das wird die lokalen daten im Verzeichnis & lt ; i & gt ; % 2 & lt ; / i & g t ; ü b e r s c h r e i b e n ! < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Confirm Folder Push < / source >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > Bestätigung Verzeichnis Hochladen < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Do you really want to push the folder with alias & lt ; i & gt ; % 1 & lt ; /i> to your ownCloud?<br/ & gt ; This overwrites your remote data with data in directory & lt ; i & gt ; % 2 & lt ; / i & g t ; ! < / s o u r c e >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > Möchten Sie wirklich das Verzeichnis mit dem Alias & lt ; i & gt ; % 1 & lt ; /i> auf die ownCloud laden?<br/ & gt ; Das wird die Dateien im Verzeichnis & lt ; i & gt ; % 2 & lt ; / i & g t ; ü b e r s c h r e i b e n ! < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "411" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Last sync was succesful < / source >
< translation > Die letzte Synchronisierung war erfolgreich < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< source > % 1 < / source >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > % 1 < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Setup error < / source >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > Konfigurationsfehler < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Undefined state < / source >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > Unbekannter Status < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "208" / >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< source > ownCloud Sync Started < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > ownCloud Sync ist gestartet < / translation >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "208" / >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< source > Sync started for % 1 configured sync folder ( s ) . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Synchronisation gestart für % 1 Verzeichniss ( e ) . < / translation >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "179" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "196" / >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< source > No ownCloud Connection < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Keine Verbindung zu ownCloud < / translation >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "180" / >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< source > There is no ownCloud connection available . Please configure one by clicking on the tray icon ! < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Es besteht keine ownCloud Verbindung . Bitte konfigurieren Sie eine durch Klicken auf das Icon in der Systemleiste ! < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "197" / >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< source > Your ownCloud credentials are not correct . Please correct them by clicking on the tray icon ! < / source >
< translation > Der ownCloud Nutzer oder das Passwort ist falsch . Bitte korrigieren Sie das durch Klicken auf das Symbol in der Systemleiste ! < / translation >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "415" / >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< source > & lt ; b & gt ; Syncing Error & lt ; /b><br/ & gt ; < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; b & gt ; Synchronisationsfehler & lt ; /b><br/ & gt ; < / translation >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "417" / >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< source > & lt ; b & gt ; Setup Error & lt ; /b><br/ & gt ; < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; b & gt ; Installationsfehler & lt ; /b><br/ & gt ; < / translation >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "419" / >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< source > & lt ; b & gt ; Disabled Folder & lt ; /b><br/ & gt ; < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; b & gt ; Deaktiviertes Verzeichnis & lt ; /b><br/ & gt ; < / translation >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "421" / >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< source > & lt ; b & gt ; Undefined state & lt ; /b><br/ & gt ; < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; b & gt ; Undefinierter Status & lt ; /b><br/ & gt ; < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "424" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Folder information < / source >
< translation > Verzeichnis Information < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "439" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Unknown < / source >
< translation > Unbekannt < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "441" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Changed files :
< / source >
< translation > Geänderte Dateien : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "443" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Added files :
< / source >
< translation > Hinzugefügte Dateien : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "445" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > New files in the server , or files deleted locally :
< / source >
< translation > Neue Dateien auf dem Server , oder lokal gelöschte Dateien : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "500" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Folder % 1 : Ok. < / source >
< translation > Verzeichnis % 1 : Ok. < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "503" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "514" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Folder % 1 : % 2 < / source >
< translation > Verzeichnis % 1 : % 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "508" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Folder % 1 : setup error < / source >
< translation > Verzeichnis % 1 : Konfigurationsfehler < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "519" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Folder % 1 : undefined state < / source >
< translation > Verzeichnis % 1 : Unbekannter Fehler < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< name > Mirall : : CSyncThread < / name >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "144" / >
< source > CSync create failed . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > CSync Initialisierung ist gescheitert . < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "178" / >
< source > CSync failed to create a lock file . < / source >
< translation > CSync konnte keine Lock - Datei anlegen . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "181" / >
< source > CSync failed to load the state db . < / source >
< translation > CSync konnte die Status - Datenbank nicht laden . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "184" / >
< source > CSync failed to load the ownCloud module . < / source >
< translation > CSync konnte das ownCloud - Modul nicht laden . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "187" / >
< source > The system time between the local machine and the server differs too much . Please use a time syncronization service ( ntp ) on both machines . < / source >
< translation > Die Systemzeit dieser Maschine und die des Servers ist zu unterschiedlich . Bitte aktivieren Sie einen Zeitsynchronisationsserver auf beiden Computern . < / translation >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "191" / >
< source > CSync could not detect the filesystem type . < / source >
< translation > CSync konnte den Filesystem - Typ nicht ermitteln . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "194" / >
< source > CSync got an error while processing internal trees . < / source >
< translation > CSync - Fehler beim Bearbeiten von internen Bäumen . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "197" / >
< source > An internal error number % 1 happend . < / source >
< translation > Ein interner Fehler mit Nummer % 1 ist vorgekommen . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "206" / >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< source > CSync Update failed . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > CSync Aktualisierung ist fehlgeschlagen . < / translation >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "217" / >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< source > The local filesystem has directories which are write protected .
That prevents ownCloud from successful syncing .
Please make sure that all directories are writeable . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Das lokale Dateisystem hat Verzeichnisse , die schreibgeschützt sind . Das verhindert erfolgreiche Synchronisation zur ownCloud . Bitte stellen Sie sicher , dass alle Verzeichnisse beschreibbar sind . < / translation >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "221" / >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< source > CSync encountered an error while examining the file system .
Syncing is not possible . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > CSync konnte das Dateisystem nicht fehlerfrei durchsuchen . Synchronisation ist nicht möglich . < / translation >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "224" / >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< source > CSync update generated a strange instruction .
Please write a bug report . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > CSync Aktualisierung erzeugte eine unbekannte Anweisung . Bitte schreiben Sie einen Fehlerreport . < / translation >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "227" / >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< source > Local filesystem problems . Better disable Syncing and check . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Fehler im lokalen Dateisystem . Synchronisation sollte deaktiviert werden . < / translation >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "245" / >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< source > CSync reconcile failed . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > CSync Vergleich fehlerhaft . < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "249" / >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< source > CSync propagate failed . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > CSync Abgleich fehlerhaft . < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : FolderViewDelegate < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.cpp" line = "116" / >
< source > Enabled < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Aktiviert < / translation >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.cpp" line = "116" / >
< source > Disabled < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Angehalten < / translation >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / message >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.cpp" line = "150" / >
< source > Remote path : % 1 < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Server - Pfad : % 1 < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : FolderWizard < / name >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "466" / >
< source > % 1 Folder Wizard < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > % 1 Verzeichnis Assistent < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : FolderWizardSourcePage < / name >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "71" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > No local directory selected ! < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Kein lokales Verzeichnis ausgewählt ! < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "87" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > The local path % 1 is already an upload folder . & lt ; br / & gt ; Please pick another one ! < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Der lokale Pfad % 1 ist schon ein synchronisiertes Verzeichnis . & lt ; br / & gt ; Bitte wählen Sie ein anderes ! < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "91" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > An already configured folder is contained in the current entry . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Ein bereits synchronisiertes Verzeichnis ist Teil des aktuellen Eintrages . < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "96" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > An already configured folder contains the currently entered directory . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Ein schon synchronisiertes Verzeichnis enthält den aktuellen Verzeichniseintrag . < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "106" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > The alias can not be empty . Please provide a descriptive alias word . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Der Alias darf nicht leer sein . Bitte geben Sie einen beschreibenden Namen an . < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "117" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; br / & gt ; The alias & lt ; i & gt ; % 1 & lt ; / i & g t ; i s a l r e a d y i n u s e . P l e a s e p i c k a n o t h e r a l i a s . < / s o u r c e >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; br / & gt ; Der Alias & lt ; i & gt ; % 1 & lt ; / i & g t ; w i r d s c h o n v e r w e n d e t . B i t t e w ä h l e n S i e e i n e n a n d e r e n . < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "138" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Select the source folder < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Wählen Sie das Quellverzeichnis aus . < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : FolderWizardTargetPage < / name >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "207" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > The folder is not available on your ownCloud . & lt ; br / & gt ; Click to let mirall create it . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Das Verzeichnis ist auf der ownCloud nicht verfügbar . & lt ; br / & gt ; Klicken um es anlegen zu lassen . < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "246" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Folder on ownCloud was successfully created . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Das Verzeichnis wurde erfolgreich auf der ownCloud angelegt . < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "249" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Failed to create the folder on ownCloud . & lt ; br / & gt ; Please check manually . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Anlegen des Verzeichnisses auf der ownCloud fehlgeschlagen . & lt ; br / & gt ; Bitte ü berprüfen Sie manuell . < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "269" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Better do not use the remote root directory . & lt ; br / & gt ; If you do , you can & lt ; b & gt ; not & lt ; / b & g t ; m i r r o r a n o t h e r l o c a l f o l d e r . < / s o u r c e >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Wählen Sie besser nicht das ownCloud root Verzeichnis aus . & lt ; br / & gt ; Wenn Sie dieses wählen , können Sie & lt ; b & gt ; kein & lt ; / b & g t ; w e i t e r e s V e r z e i c h n i s s y n c h r o n i s i e r e n . < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "314" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > to your & lt ; a href = & quot ; % 1 & quot ; & gt ; ownCloud & lt ; / a & g t ; ( v e r s i o n % 2 ) < / s o u r c e >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > zur & lt ; a href = & quot ; % 1 & quot ; & gt ; ownCloud & lt ; / a & g t ; ( v e r s i o n % 2 ) < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "324" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > no configured ownCloud found ! < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > keine eingerichtete ownCloud verfügbar ! < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "396" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Select the target folder < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Wählen Sie den Zielordner < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : OwncloudSetupWizard < / name >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "72" / >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< source > % 1 Connection Wizard < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > % 1 Verbindungsassistent < / translation >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "80" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Trying to connect to ownCloud at % 1 . . . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Versuche mit ownCloud % 1 zu verbinden . . . < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "109" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; font color = & quot ; green & quot ; & gt ; Successfully connected to % 1 : ownCloud version % 2 & lt ; /font><br/ & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; font color = & quot ; green & quot ; & gt ; Erfolgreich verbunden mit % 1 : ownCloud Version % 2 & lt ; /font><br/ & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "117" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; font color = & quot ; red & quot ; & gt ; Failed to connect to ownCloud ! & lt ; / f o n t & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; font color = & quot ; red & quot ; & gt ; Verbindung zu ownCloud fehlgeschlagen ! & lt ; / f o n t & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "118" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Error number % 1 < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Fehler Nummer % 1 < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "204" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Starting script owncloud - admin . . . < / source >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< translation > Starte das ownCloud - Admin Script . . . < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "255" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; font color = & quot ; red & quot ; & gt ; Installation of ownCloud failed ! & lt ; / f o n t & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; font color = & quot ; red & quot ; & gt ; Installation der ownCloud fehlgeschlagen ! & lt ; / f o n t & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "260" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; font color = & quot ; green & quot ; & gt ; Installation of ownCloud succeeded ! & lt ; / f o n t & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; font color = & quot ; green & quot ; & gt ; Installation der ownCloud erfolgreich ! & lt ; / f o n t & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "288" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > The owncloud admin script can not be found .
Setup can not be done . < / source >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< translation > Das ownCloud - Admin Script wurde nicht gefunden . Das Setup wird abgebrochen . < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "301" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Skipping automatic setup of sync folders as there are already sync folders . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Ü berspringe automatische Konfiguration von synchronisierten Verzeichnissen weil schon Synchronisationsverzeichnisse konfiguriert sind . < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "307" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Checking local sync folder % 1 < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Ü berprüfe lokales Verzeichnis % 1 < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "313" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Local sync folder % 1 already exists , setting it up for sync . & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Lokales Verzeichnis % 1 existiert schon , wird zur Synchronisation eingerichtet . & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "315" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Creating local sync folder % 1 . . . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Erzeuge lokales Synchronisation - Verzeichnis % 1 . . . < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "317" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Creating local sync folder % 1 < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Erzeuge lokales Synchronisationsverzeichnis % 1 < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "320" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > ok < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Ok < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "322" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > failed . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > fehlgeschlagen . < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "335" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Start Creation of remote folder % 1 failed . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Anlegen des entfernten Verzeichnisses % 1 fehlgeschlagen . < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "371" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Remote folder % 1 created sucessfully . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Entferntes Verzeichnis % 1 erfolgreich angelegt . < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "376" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; font color = & quot ; green & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; b & gt ; Local sync folder % 1 successfully created ! & lt ; / b & g t ; & l t ; / f o n t & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; font color = & quot ; green & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; b & gt ; Lokales Synchronisationsverzeichnis % 1 erfolgreich angelegt ! & lt ; / b & g t ; & l t ; / f o n t & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "379" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > The remote folder % 1 already exists . Automatic sync setup is skipped for security reasons . Please configure your sync folder manually . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Das entfernte Verzeichnis % 1 existiert bereits . Darum wird kein automatisches Synchronisieren eingerichtet . Bitte konfigurieren Sie die Synchronisation manuell . < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "382" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Remote folder % 1 creation failed with error % 2 . < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Anlegen des entfernten Ordner % 1 ist mit Fehler % 2 fehlgeschlagen . < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : OwncloudWizardResultPage < / name >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizard.cpp" line = "245" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Congratulations ! Your & lt ; a href = & quot ; % 1 & quot ; title = & quot ; % 1 & quot ; & gt ; new ownCloud & lt ; / a & g t ; i s n o w u p a n d r u n n i n g ! < / s o u r c e >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Herzlichen Glückwunsch ! Ihre & lt ; a href = & quot ; % 1 & quot ; & gt ; neue ownCloud & lt ; / a & g t ; i s t e i n g e r i c h t e t u n d l ä u f t ! < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : StatusDialog < / name >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.cpp" line = "226" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > disable < / source >
< translation > Sync stoppen < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.cpp" line = "228" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > enable < / source >
< translation > Sync starten < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.cpp" line = "402" / >
< source > Connected to & lt ; a href = & quot ; % 1 & quot ; & gt ; % 2 & lt ; / a & g t ; , o w n C l o u d % 3 < / s o u r c e >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Verbunden mit & lt ; a href = & quot ; % 1 & quot ; & gt ; % 2 & lt ; / a & g t ; , o w n C l o u d % 3 < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Connected to % 1 , ownCloud % 2 < / source >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > Verbunden mit % 1 , ownCloud % 2 < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.cpp" line = "409" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Failed to connect to ownCloud . Please check configuration ! < / source >
< translation > ownCloud konnte nicht erreicht werden . Bitte ü berprüfen Sie die Konfiguration ! < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : Theme < / name >
< message >
< source > Not yet started < / source >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > Noch nicht gestartet < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Sync running < / source >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > Sync läuft < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Success < / source >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > Erfolgreich < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Error < / source >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > Fehler < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Disabled < / source >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > Angehalten < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/theme.cpp" line = "75" / >
< source > Sync has not yet started < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Synchronisierung noch nicht gestartet < / translation >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/theme.cpp" line = "77" / >
< source > Sync is running < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Synchronisierung läuft < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/theme.cpp" line = "79" / >
< source > Sync Success < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Synchronisierung erfolgreich < / translation >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/theme.cpp" line = "81" / >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< source > Sync Error - Click info button for details . < / source >
< translation > Fehler - Info Button für mehr Details . < / translation >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/theme.cpp" line = "83" / >
< source > Sync Disabled < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Synchronisation ausgesetzt < / translation >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/theme.cpp" line = "85" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Setup Error < / source >
< translation > Konfigurationsfehler < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/theme.cpp" line = "87" / >
< source > Status undefined < / source >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< translation > Status undefiniert < / translation >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Undefined < / source >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > Unbekannt < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
2012-04-02 22:15:09 +04:00
< context >
< name > Mirall : : UpdateDetector < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/updatedetector.cpp" line = "98" / >
< source > Client Version Check < / source >
< translation > Client Versionsprüfung < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/updatedetector.cpp" line = "100" / >
< source > & lt ; p & gt ; A new version of the ownCloud Client is available . < / source >
< translation > & lt ; p & gt ; Eine neue Version des ownCloud Clients ist verfügbar . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/updatedetector.cpp" line = "101" / >
< source > % 1 is available . The installed version is % 3 . & lt ; p / & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; For more information see & lt ; a href = & quot ; % 2 & quot ; & gt ; % 2 & lt ; / a & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > % 1 ist verfügbar . Die installierte Version ist % 3 . & lt ; p / & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Mehr Information unter & lt ; a href = & quot ; % 2 & quot ; & gt ; % 2 & lt ; / a & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< / context >
2012-04-02 17:20:16 +04:00
< context >
< name > Mirall : : ownCloudFolder < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudfolder.cpp" line = "195" / >
< source > The CSync thread terminated unexpectedly . < / source >
< translation > Der CSync Thread ist unerwartet abgebrochen . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< context >
< name > OwncloudCredentialsPage < / name >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudcredentialspage.ui" line = "14" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Formular < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudcredentialspage.ui" line = "29" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > ownCloud Credentials < / source >
< translation > ownCloud Zugangsdaten < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudcredentialspage.ui" line = "51" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Provide ownCloud Credentials < / source >
< translation > Bitte ownCloud Zugangsdaten angeben < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudcredentialspage.ui" line = "57" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s S e r i f & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Provide the credentials to your ownCloud Instance . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; - qt - paragraph - type : empty ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; If the ownCloud is created this is the admin account of your ownCloud . If you want to connect to an existing ownCloud , provide your account data . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s S e r i f & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Bitte die ownCloud Zugangsdaten angeben . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; - qt - paragraph - type : empty ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Wird die ownCloud neu angelegt ist dies der admin Zugang zur ownCloud . Für die Verbindung zu einer bestehenden ownCloud bitte die Zugangsdaten angeben . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudcredentialspage.ui" line = "84" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > ownCloud - User : < / source >
< translation > ownCloud - Benutzername : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudcredentialspage.ui" line = "94" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > john < / source >
< translation > john < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudcredentialspage.ui" line = "101" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Password : < / source >
< translation > Passwort : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudcredentialspage.ui" line = "114" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > secret < / source >
< translation > geheim < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > OwncloudFTPAccessPage < / name >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudftpaccesspage.ui" line = "14" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Formular < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudftpaccesspage.ui" line = "29" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > FTP Access to your Webaccount : < / source >
< translation > FTP Zugang zu Webspace : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudftpaccesspage.ui" line = "51" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > FTP Details and Credentials < / source >
< translation > FTP Zugangsdaten < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudftpaccesspage.ui" line = "57" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s S e r i f & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; The details here are used to install the owncloud data on your web space which is accessible over ftp . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s S e r i f & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Die Zugangsdaten werden zur Installation der ownCloud - Daten im Webspace verwendet . Der Ü bertragung erfolgt via FTP . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudftpaccesspage.ui" line = "79" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > FTP - URL : < / source >
< translation > FTP - URL : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudftpaccesspage.ui" line = "89" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > ftp . mydomain . org < / source >
< translation > ftp . mydomain . org < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudftpaccesspage.ui" line = "96" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > FTP - User : < / source >
< translation > FTP - Benutzername : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudftpaccesspage.ui" line = "106" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudftpaccesspage.ui" line = "126" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > john < / source >
< translation > john < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudftpaccesspage.ui" line = "113" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Password : < / source >
< translation > FTP - Passwort : < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > OwncloudWizardResultPage < / name >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardresultpage.ui" line = "14" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Formular < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardresultpage.ui" line = "29" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Result < / source >
< translation > Ergebnis < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardresultpage.ui" line = "51" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s S e r i f & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; This page shows the status of the connection . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s S e r i f & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Diese Seite zeigt den Verbindungsstatus . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardresultpage.ui" line = "78" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > TextLabel < / source >
< translatorcomment > ? ? ? < / translatorcomment >
< translation > < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > OwncloudWizardSelectTypePage < / name >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardselecttypepage.ui" line = "14" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardstartpage.ui" line = "14" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Formular < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardselecttypepage.ui" line = "29" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardstartpage.ui" line = "29" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Create an ownCloud Connection < / source >
< translation > Eine ownCloud - Verbindung erstellen < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardselecttypepage.ui" line = "51" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardstartpage.ui" line = "51" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Select the ownCloud you want to connect to < / source >
< translation > Ziel - ownCloud auswählen < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardselecttypepage.ui" line = "63" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardstartpage.ui" line = "86" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > connect my ownCloud < / source >
< translation > zu ownCloud verbinden < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardselecttypepage.ui" line = "89" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardstartpage.ui" line = "125" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s S e r i f & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Select this option if you have an ownCloud instance running on a server . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; - qt - paragraph - type : empty ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Enter the web address of your ownCloud below . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s S e r i f & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Option auswählen wenn bereits eine ownCloud - Instanz auf einem Server läuft . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; - qt - paragraph - type : empty ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Bitte unten die Webadresse der ownCloud - Instanz angeben . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardselecttypepage.ui" line = "111" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardstartpage.ui" line = "118" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > ownCloud - URL : < / source >
< translation > ownCloud - URL : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardselecttypepage.ui" line = "118" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardstartpage.ui" line = "57" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > http : //owncloud.mydomain.org</source>
< translation > http : //owncloud.mydomain.org</translation>
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardselecttypepage.ui" line = "131" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardstartpage.ui" line = "169" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > create a new ownCloud < / source >
< translation > Eine neue ownCloud anlegen < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardselecttypepage.ui" line = "154" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardstartpage.ui" line = "96" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s S e r i f & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Select if you want to create a new ownCloud either on the local machine or on your server . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; - qt - paragraph - type : empty ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; This wizard will guide you through all neccessary steps . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s S e r i f & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Bitte auswählen wenn eine neue ownCloud auf dem lokalen Rechner oder in dem Webspace angelegt werden soll . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; - qt - paragraph - type : empty ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Der Dialog führt durch die notwendigen Schritte . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > statusDialog < / name >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.ui" line = "14" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Formular < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.ui" line = "25" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Directory Status < / source >
< translation > Status Verzeichnis < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.ui" line = "39" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Add Sync . . . < / source >
< translation > Synchronisation hinzufügen . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.ui" line = "46" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Remove . . . < / source >
< translatorcomment > I guess this is the & quot ; remove sync & quot ; button < / translatorcomment >
< translation > Synchronisation entfernen . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.ui" line = "56" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > fetch . . . < / source >
< translation > Holen . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.ui" line = "63" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > push . . . < / source >
< translatorcomment > very unsure - don & apos ; t remember seeing this button < / translatorcomment >
< translation > Hochladen . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.ui" line = "70" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > enable < / source >
< translation > Aktivieren < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.ui" line = "77" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > info . . . < / source >
< translation > Info . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.ui" line = "99" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > TextLabel < / source >
< translatorcomment > I guess this is a missing field < / translatorcomment >
< translation > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< source > open . . . < / source >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > Ö ffnen < / translation >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-03-30 15:57:02 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.ui" line = "128" / >
2012-03-26 11:48:30 +04:00
< source > Close < / source >
< translatorcomment > I assume the close closes the application - otherwise : Schliessen < / translatorcomment >
< translation > Beenden < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< / TS >