
Ignoring revisions in .git-blame-ignore-revs. Click here to bypass and see the normal blame view.

119 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import QtQml 2.15
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.3
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2
import Style 1.0
import com.nextcloud.desktopclient 1.0
RowLayout {
id: root
spacing: 20
property string objectType: ""
property variant linksForActionButtons: []
property variant linksContextMenu: []
property bool displayActions: false
property color moreActionsButtonColor: "transparent"
property int maxActionButtons: 0
property Flickable flickable
signal triggerAction(int actionIndex)
Repeater {
id: actionsRepeater
// a max of maxActionButtons will get dispayed as separate buttons
model: root.linksForActionButtons
ActivityActionButton {
id: activityActionButton
readonly property string verb: model.modelData.verb
readonly property bool primary: model.index === 0 && verb !== "DELETE"
readonly property bool isTalkReplyButton: verb === "REPLY"
Layout.minimumWidth: primary ? Style.activityItemActionPrimaryButtonMinWidth : Style.activityItemActionSecondaryButtonMinWidth
Layout.preferredHeight: primary ? parent.height : parent.height * 0.3
Layout.preferredWidth: primary ? -1 : parent.height
text: model.modelData.label
toolTipText: model.modelData.label
imageSource: model.modelData.imageSource
imageSourceHover: model.modelData.imageSourceHovered
textColor: imageSource !== "" ? UserModel.currentUser.headerColor : Style.ncTextColor
textColorHovered: imageSource !== "" ? Style.lightHover : Style.ncTextColor
bold: primary
onClicked: !isTalkReplyButton? root.triggerAction(model.index) : showReplyOptions(model.index)
Loader {
// actions that do not fit maxActionButtons limit, must be put into a context menu
id: moreActionsButtonContainer
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.height
Layout.topMargin: Style.roundedButtonBackgroundVerticalMargins
Layout.bottomMargin: Style.roundedButtonBackgroundVerticalMargins
Layout.fillHeight: true
active: root.displayActions && (root.linksContextMenu.length > 0)
sourceComponent: Button {
id: moreActionsButton
icon.source: "qrc:///client/theme/more.svg"
icon.color: Style.ncTextColor
background: Rectangle {
color: parent.hovered ? Style.lightHover : root.moreActionsButtonColor
radius: width / 2
ToolTip {
id: moreActionsButtonTooltip
visible: parent.hovered
delay: Qt.styleHints.mousePressAndHoldInterval
text: qsTr("Show more actions")
contentItem: Label {
text: moreActionsButtonTooltip.text
color: Style.ncTextColor
background: Rectangle {
border.color: Style.menuBorder
color: Style.backgroundColor
} qsTr("Show more actions")
onClicked: moreActionsButtonContextMenu.popup(moreActionsButton.x, moreActionsButton.y);
Connections {
target: root.flickable
function onMovementStarted() {
ActivityItemContextMenu {
id: moreActionsButtonContextMenu
maxActionButtons: root.maxActionButtons
linksContextMenu: root.linksContextMenu
onMenuEntryTriggered: function(entryIndex) {