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2011-09-27 21:10:01 +04:00
* Copyright (C) by Duncan Mac-Vicar P. <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include <QDebug>
#include <QDesktopServices>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QValidator>
#include <QWizardPage>
#include <QDir>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mirall/owncloudwizard.h"
namespace Mirall
registerField( "connectMyOC", _ui.connectMyOCRadioBtn );
registerField( "createNewOC", _ui.createNewOCRadioBtn );
registerField( "OCUrl", _ui.OCUrlLineEdit );
connect( _ui.connectMyOCRadioBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), SIGNAL(completeChanged()));
connect( _ui.createNewOCRadioBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), SIGNAL(completeChanged()));
connect( _ui.OCUrlLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SIGNAL(completeChanged()));
2011-09-27 21:10:01 +04:00
void OwncloudWizardSelectTypePage::initializePage()
int OwncloudWizardSelectTypePage::nextId() const
if( _ui.connectMyOCRadioBtn->isChecked() ) {
return OwncloudWizard::Page_Install;
return OwncloudWizard::Page_Create_OC;
2011-09-27 21:10:01 +04:00
bool OwncloudWizardSelectTypePage::isComplete() const
if( _ui.connectMyOCRadioBtn->isChecked() ) {
// a valid url is needed.
QString u = _ui.OCUrlLineEdit->text();
QUrl url( u );
if( url.isValid() ) {
return true;
return false;
return true;
2011-09-27 21:10:01 +04:00
// ======================================================================
registerField( "ftpUrl", _ui.ftpUrlEdit );
registerField( "ftpUser", _ui.ftpUserEdit );
registerField( "ftpPasswd", _ui.ftpPasswdEdit );
// registerField( "ftpDir", _ui.ftpDir );
2011-09-27 21:10:01 +04:00
void OwncloudFTPAccessPage::initializePage()
// _ui.lineEditOCAlias->setText( "Owncloud" );
void OwncloudFTPAccessPage::setFTPUrl( const QString& url )
_ui.ftpUrlEdit->setText( url );
#if 0
int OwncloudFTPAccessPage::nextId() const
2011-09-27 21:10:01 +04:00
bool OwncloudFTPAccessPage::isComplete() const
// ======================================================================
registerField("createLocalOC", _ui.createLocalRadioBtn );
registerField("createOnDomain", _ui.createPerFTPRadioBtn );
registerField("myOCDomain", _ui.myDomainEdit );
connect( _ui.createLocalRadioBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), SIGNAL(completeChanged()));
connect( _ui.createPerFTPRadioBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), SIGNAL(completeChanged()));
connect( _ui.myDomainEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SIGNAL(completeChanged()));
2011-09-27 21:10:01 +04:00
void CreateAnOwncloudPage::initializePage()
// _ui.lineEditOCAlias->setText( "Owncloud" );
int CreateAnOwncloudPage::nextId() const
if( _ui.createLocalRadioBtn->isChecked() ) {
return OwncloudWizard::Page_Install;
return OwncloudWizard::Page_FTP;
2011-09-27 21:10:01 +04:00
bool CreateAnOwncloudPage::isComplete() const
if( _ui.createPerFTPRadioBtn->isChecked() ) {
QString dom = _ui.myDomainEdit->text();
qDebug() << "check is Complete with " << dom;
return (!dom.isEmpty() && dom.contains( QChar('.'))
&& dom.lastIndexOf('.') < dom.length()-2 );
return true;
2011-09-27 21:10:01 +04:00
QString CreateAnOwncloudPage::domain() const
return _ui.myDomainEdit->text();
2011-09-27 21:10:01 +04:00
// ======================================================================
// no fields to register.
2011-09-27 21:10:01 +04:00
void OwncloudWizardResultPage::initializePage()
// _ui.lineEditOCAlias->setText( "Owncloud" );
bool OwncloudWizardResultPage::isComplete() const
void OwncloudWizardResultPage::appendResultText( const QString& msg )
if( msg.isEmpty() ) {
} else {
_ui.resultTextEdit->append( msg );
2011-09-27 21:10:01 +04:00
// ======================================================================
* Folder wizard itself
OwncloudWizard::OwncloudWizard(QWidget *parent)
: QWizard(parent)
setPage(Page_SelectType, new OwncloudWizardSelectTypePage() );
setPage(Page_Create_OC, new CreateAnOwncloudPage() );
setPage(Page_FTP, new OwncloudFTPAccessPage() );
setPage(Page_Install, new OwncloudWizardResultPage() );
setWizardStyle( QWizard::ClassicStyle );
connect( this, SIGNAL(currentIdChanged(int)), SLOT(slotCurrentPageChanged(int)));
2011-09-27 21:10:01 +04:00
void OwncloudWizard::slotCurrentPageChanged( int id )
qDebug() << "Current Wizard page changed to " << id;
qDebug() << "Page_install is " << Page_Install;
if( id == Page_FTP ) {
// preset the ftp url field
CreateAnOwncloudPage *p = static_cast<CreateAnOwncloudPage*> (page( Page_Create_OC ));
QString domain = p->domain();
if( domain.startsWith( "http://" )) {
domain = domain.right( domain.length()-7 );
if( domain.startsWith( "https://" )) {
domain = domain.right( domain.length()-8 );
field("myOCUrl").setValue( domain );
QString host = "ftp." +domain;
OwncloudFTPAccessPage *p1 = static_cast<OwncloudFTPAccessPage*> (page( Page_FTP ));
p1->setFTPUrl( host );
if( id == Page_Install ) {
appendToResultWidget( QString() );
if( field("connectMyOC").toBool() ) {
// check the url and connect.
QString url = field("OCUrl").toString();
emit connectToOCUrl( url );
} else if( field("createLocalOC").toBool() ) {
qDebug() << "Connect to local!";
emit installOCLocalhost();
} else if( field("createNewOC").toBool() ) {
// call in installation mode and install to ftp site.
emit installOCServer();
} else {
qDebug() << "XX: " << field("connectMyOC").toBool();
void OwncloudWizard::appendToResultWidget( const QString& msg )
OwncloudWizardResultPage *p = static_cast<OwncloudWizardResultPage*> (page( Page_Install ));
p->appendResultText( msg );
2011-09-27 21:10:01 +04:00
} // end namespace
#include "owncloudwizard.moc"