StrCpy $MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT_STRING "Mostrar les notes de versió"
StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILL_NOT_FOUND_TEXT "Procés per matar no trobat!"
StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_1 "Una versió anterior de ${APPLICATION_NAME} està instal·lada en el vostre sistema. Es recomana desinstal·lar la versió actual abans d'instal·lar. Seleccioneu l'operació que desitjeu realitzar i feu clic a Següent per continuar."
StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_2 "Desinstal·lar abans d'instal·lar"
StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Found ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} process(s) which need to be stopped.$\nDo you want the installer to stop these for you?"
StrCpy $PageReinstall_OLD_Field_1 "A newer version of ${APPLICATION_NAME} is already installed! It is not recommended that you install an older version. If you really want to install this older version, it is better to uninstall the current version first. Select the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue."
StrCpy $PageReinstall_SAME_Field_1 "${APPLICATION_NAME} ${VERSION} is already installed.\r\nSelect the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue."
StrCpy $UNINSTALL_MESSAGEBOX "It does not appear that ${APPLICATION_NAME} is installed in the directory '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nContinue anyway (not recommended)?"
StrCpy $UNINSTALL_ABORT "Uninstall aborted by user"