
607 lines
22 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (C) by Daniel Molkentin <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include "accountsettings.h"
#include "ui_accountsettings.h"
#include "mirall/theme.h"
#include "mirall/folderman.h"
#include "mirall/owncloudinfo.h"
#include "mirall/credentialstore.h"
#include "mirall/folderwizard.h"
#include "mirall/folderstatusmodel.h"
#include "mirall/utility.h"
#include "mirall/application.h"
#include "mirall/fileitemdialog.h"
#include "mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.h"
#include "mirall/mirallconfigfile.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QDesktopServices>
#include <QListWidgetItem>
#include <QMessageBox>
namespace Mirall {
AccountSettings::AccountSettings(FolderMan *folderMan, QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::AccountSettings),
_model = new FolderStatusModel;
FolderStatusDelegate *delegate = new FolderStatusDelegate;
ui->_folderList->setItemDelegate( delegate );
ui->_folderList->setModel( _model );
ui->_folderList->setMinimumWidth( 300 );
ui->_folderList->setEditTriggers( QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers );
connect(ui->_ButtonRemove, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotRemoveCurrentFolder()));
connect(ui->_ButtonReset, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotResetCurrentFolder()));
connect(ui->_ButtonEnable, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotEnableCurrentFolder()));
connect(ui->_ButtonInfo, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotInfoAboutCurrentFolder()));
connect(ui->_ButtonAdd, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotAddFolder()));
connect(ui->modifyAccountButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotOpenAccountWizard()));
connect(ui->_folderList, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), SLOT(slotFolderActivated(QModelIndex)));
connect(ui->_folderList, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QModelIndex)),SLOT(slotDoubleClicked(QModelIndex)));
connect(ui->changePasswordButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotPasswordDialog()));
ownCloudInfo *ocInfo = ownCloudInfo::instance();
slotUpdateQuota(ocInfo->lastQuotaTotalBytes(), ocInfo->lastQuotaUsedBytes());
connect(ocInfo, SIGNAL(quotaUpdated(qint64,qint64)), SLOT(slotUpdateQuota(qint64,qint64)));
ui->connectLabel->setWordWrap( true );
void AccountSettings::slotFolderActivated( const QModelIndex& indx )
bool state = indx.isValid();
ui->_ButtonRemove->setEnabled( state );
ui->_ButtonReset->setEnabled( state );
ui->_ButtonReset->setEnabled( state );
ui->_ButtonEnable->setEnabled( state );
ui->_ButtonInfo->setEnabled( state );
if ( state ) {
bool folderEnabled = _model->data( indx, FolderStatusDelegate::FolderSyncEnabled).toBool();
qDebug() << "folder is sync enabled: " << folderEnabled;
if ( folderEnabled ) {
ui->_ButtonEnable->setText( tr( "Pause" ) );
} else {
ui->_ButtonEnable->setText( tr( "Resume" ) );
void AccountSettings::slotAddFolder()
_folderMan->setSyncEnabled(false); // do not start more syncs.
FolderWizard *folderWizard = new FolderWizard(this);
Folder::Map folderMap = _folderMan->map();
folderWizard->setFolderMap( folderMap );
connect(folderWizard, SIGNAL(accepted()), SLOT(slotFolderWizardAccepted()));
connect(folderWizard, SIGNAL(rejected()), SLOT(slotFolderWizardRejected()));
void AccountSettings::slotFolderWizardAccepted()
FolderWizard *folderWizard = qobject_cast<FolderWizard*>(sender());
qDebug() << "* Folder wizard completed";
QString alias = folderWizard->field(QLatin1String("alias")).toString();
QString sourceFolder = folderWizard->field(QLatin1String("sourceFolder")).toString();
QString targetPath = folderWizard->field(QLatin1String("OCFolderLineEdit")).toString();
QString backend = QLatin1String("owncloud");
if (!FolderMan::ensureJournalGone( sourceFolder ))
_folderMan->addFolderDefinition( backend, alias, sourceFolder, targetPath, false );
Folder *f = _folderMan->setupFolderFromConfigFile( alias );
slotAddFolder( f );
if( f ) {
emit folderChanged();
void AccountSettings::slotFolderWizardRejected()
qDebug() << "* Folder wizard cancelled";
void AccountSettings::slotOpenAccountWizard()
OwncloudSetupWizard::runWizard(_folderMan, qApp, SLOT(slotownCloudWizardDone(int)), this);
void AccountSettings::slotPasswordDialog()
QInputDialog *dlg = new QInputDialog(this);
dlg->setLabelText(tr("Enter new password:"));
dlg->open(this, SLOT(slotChangePassword(const QString&)));
void AccountSettings::slotChangePassword(const QString& password)
MirallConfigFile cfg;
->setCredentials(cfg.ownCloudUrl(), cfg.ownCloudUser(), password);
void AccountSettings::slotAddFolder( Folder *folder )
if( ! folder || folder->alias().isEmpty() ) return;
QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem();
folderToModelItem( item, folder );
_model->appendRow( item );
void AccountSettings::buttonsSetEnabled()
bool haveFolders = ui->_folderList->model()->rowCount() > 0;
if( Theme::instance()->singleSyncFolder() ) {
// only one folder synced folder allowed.
} else {
QModelIndex selected = ui->_folderList->currentIndex();
bool isSelected = selected.isValid();
void AccountSettings::setListWidgetItem( QListWidgetItem *item )
_item = item;
void AccountSettings::folderToModelItem( QStandardItem *item, Folder *f )
if( ! item || !f ) return;
item->setData( f->nativePath(), FolderStatusDelegate::FolderPathRole );
item->setData( f->secondPath(), FolderStatusDelegate::FolderSecondPathRole );
item->setData( f->alias(), FolderStatusDelegate::FolderAliasRole );
item->setData( f->syncEnabled(), FolderStatusDelegate::FolderSyncEnabled );
SyncResult res = f->syncResult();
SyncResult::Status status = res.status();
QString errors = res.errorStrings().join(QLatin1String("<br/>"));
Theme *theme = Theme::instance();
item->setData( theme->statusHeaderText( status ), Qt::ToolTipRole );
if( f->syncEnabled() ) {
item->setData( theme->syncStateIcon( status ), FolderStatusDelegate::FolderStatusIconRole );
} else {
item->setData( theme->folderDisabledIcon( ), FolderStatusDelegate::FolderStatusIconRole ); // size 48 before
item->setData( theme->statusHeaderText( status ), FolderStatusDelegate::FolderStatus );
item->setData( errors, FolderStatusDelegate::FolderErrorMsg );
void AccountSettings::slotRemoveCurrentFolder()
QModelIndex selected = ui->_folderList->selectionModel()->currentIndex();
if( selected.isValid() ) {
QString alias = _model->data( selected, FolderStatusDelegate::FolderAliasRole ).toString();
qDebug() << "Remove Folder alias " << alias;
if( !alias.isEmpty() ) {
// remove from file system through folder man
// _model->removeRow( selected.row() );
int ret = QMessageBox::question( this, tr("Confirm Folder Remove"),
tr("<p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p>"
"<p><b>Note:</b> This will not remove the files from your client.</p>").arg(alias),
QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No );
if( ret == QMessageBox::No ) {
_folderMan->slotRemoveFolder( alias );
emit folderChanged();
void AccountSettings::slotResetCurrentFolder()
QModelIndex selected = ui->_folderList->selectionModel()->currentIndex();
if( selected.isValid() ) {
QString alias = _model->data( selected, FolderStatusDelegate::FolderAliasRole ).toString();
int ret = QMessageBox::question( 0, tr("Confirm Folder Reset"),
tr("<p>Do you really want to reset folder <i>%1</i> and rebuild your client database?</p>"
"<p><b>Note:</b> While no files will be removed, this can cause significant data "
"traffic and take several minutes to hours, depending on the size of the folder.</p>").arg(alias),
QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No );
if( ret == QMessageBox::Yes ) {
Folder *f = _folderMan->folder(alias);
void AccountSettings::slotDoubleClicked( const QModelIndex& indx )
if( ! indx.isValid() ) return;
QString alias = _model->data( indx, FolderStatusDelegate::FolderAliasRole ).toString();
emit openFolderAlias( alias );
void AccountSettings::slotCheckConnection()
if( ownCloudInfo::instance()->isConfigured() ) {
connect(ownCloudInfo::instance(), SIGNAL(ownCloudInfoFound(const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, const QString&)),
this, SLOT(slotOCInfo( const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, const QString& )));
connect(ownCloudInfo::instance(), SIGNAL(noOwncloudFound(QNetworkReply*)),
this, SLOT(slotOCInfoFail(QNetworkReply*)));
ui->connectLabel->setText( tr("Checking %1 connection...").arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()));
qDebug() << "Check status.php from statusdialog.";
} else {
// ownCloud is not yet configured.
ui->connectLabel->setText( tr("No %1 connection configured.").arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()));
ui->_ButtonAdd->setEnabled( false);
void AccountSettings::setFolderList( const Folder::Map &folders )
foreach( Folder *f, folders ) {
qDebug() << "Folder: " << f;
slotAddFolder( f );
QModelIndex idx = _model->index(0, 0);
if (idx.isValid())
// move from Application
void AccountSettings::slotFolderOpenAction( const QString& alias )
Folder *f = _folderMan->folder(alias);
qDebug() << "opening local url " << f->path();
if( f ) {
QUrl url(f->path(), QUrl::TolerantMode);
url.setScheme( QLatin1String("file") );
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
// work around a bug in QDesktopServices on Win32, see i-net
QString filePath = f->path();
if (filePath.startsWith(QLatin1String("\\\\")) || filePath.startsWith(QLatin1String("//")))
url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(filePath);
void AccountSettings::slotEnableCurrentFolder()
QModelIndex selected = ui->_folderList->selectionModel()->currentIndex();
if( selected.isValid() ) {
QString alias = _model->data( selected, FolderStatusDelegate::FolderAliasRole ).toString();
bool folderEnabled = _model->data( selected, FolderStatusDelegate::FolderSyncEnabled).toBool();
qDebug() << "Toggle enabled/disabled Folder alias " << alias << " - current state: " << folderEnabled;
if( !alias.isEmpty() ) {
qDebug() << "Application: enable folder with alias " << alias;
bool terminate = false;
// this sets the folder status to disabled but does not interrupt it.
Folder *f = _folderMan->folder( alias );
if( f && !folderEnabled ) {
// check if a sync is still running and if so, ask if we should terminate.
if( f->isBusy() ) { // its still running
int reply = QMessageBox::question( 0, tr("Sync Running"),
tr("The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it?"),
QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes );
if ( reply == QMessageBox::Yes )
terminate = true;
return; // do nothing
// message box can return at any time while the thread keeps running,
// so better check again after the user has responded.
if ( f->isBusy() && terminate )
_folderMan->terminateSyncProcess( alias );
_folderMan->slotEnableFolder( alias, !folderEnabled );
slotUpdateFolderState (f);
// set the button text accordingly.
slotFolderActivated( selected );
void AccountSettings::slotUpdateFolderState( Folder *folder )
QStandardItem *item = 0;
int row = 0;
if( ! folder ) return;
item = _model->item( row );
while( item ) {
if( item->data( FolderStatusDelegate::FolderAliasRole ) == folder->alias() ) {
// its the item to update!
item = _model->item( ++row );
if( !_fileItemDialog.isNull() && _fileItemDialog->isVisible() ) {
_fileItemDialog->setSyncResult( _folderMan->syncResult(folder) );
if( item ) {
folderToModelItem( item, folder );
} else {
// the dialog is not visible.
void AccountSettings::slotOCInfo( const QString& url, const QString& versionStr, const QString& version, const QString& )
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
// work around a bug in QDesktopServices on Win32, see i-net
QString filePath = url;
if (filePath.startsWith("\\\\") || filePath.startsWith("//"))
_OCUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(filePath);
_OCUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(url);
qDebug() << "#-------# oC found on " << url;
/* enable the open button */
ui->connectLabel->setText( tr("Connected to <a href=\"%1\">%1</a> as <i>%2</i>.")
.arg(url).arg( CredentialStore::instance()->user()) );
ui->connectLabel->setToolTip( tr("Version: %1 (%2)").arg(versionStr).arg(version));
disconnect(ownCloudInfo::instance(), SIGNAL(ownCloudInfoFound(const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, const QString&)),
this, SLOT(slotOCInfo( const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, const QString& )));
disconnect(ownCloudInfo::instance(), SIGNAL(noOwncloudFound(QNetworkReply*)),
this, SLOT(slotOCInfoFail(QNetworkReply*)));
void AccountSettings::slotOCInfoFail( QNetworkReply *reply)
QString errStr = tr("unknown problem.");
if( reply ) errStr = reply->errorString();
ui->connectLabel->setText( tr("<p>Failed to connect to %1: <tt>%2</tt></p>").arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()).arg(errStr) );
ui->_ButtonAdd->setEnabled( false);
disconnect(ownCloudInfo::instance(), SIGNAL(ownCloudInfoFound(const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, const QString&)),
this, SLOT(slotOCInfo( const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, const QString& )));
disconnect(ownCloudInfo::instance(), SIGNAL(noOwncloudFound(QNetworkReply*)),
this, SLOT(slotOCInfoFail(QNetworkReply*)));
void AccountSettings::slotOpenOC()
if( _OCUrl.isValid() )
QDesktopServices::openUrl( _OCUrl );
void AccountSettings::slotSetProgress( Progress::Kind kind, const QString& folder, const QString& file, long p1, long p2 )
// qDebug() << "================================> Progress for folder " << folder << " file " << file << ": "<< p1;
int row = 0;
if( folder.isEmpty() ) return;
QStandardItem *item = _model->item( row );
while( item ) {
if( item->data( FolderStatusDelegate::FolderAliasRole ) == folder ) {
// its the item to update!
item = _model->item( ++row );
if( item ) {
if( p1 == p2 ) { // File upload finished.
item->setData( 100, FolderStatusDelegate::SyncProgressPercent1);
item->setData( 100, FolderStatusDelegate::SyncProgressPercent2);
if( p1 == 0 ) {
item->setData( (qlonglong) _lastSyncProgress, FolderStatusDelegate::SyncProgressBytes1);
item->setData( (qlonglong) _lastSyncProgress, FolderStatusDelegate::SyncProgressBytes2);
} else {
item->setData( (qlonglong) p1, FolderStatusDelegate::SyncProgressBytes1);
item->setData( (qlonglong) p2, FolderStatusDelegate::SyncProgressBytes2);
// item->setData( QVariant(QString::null), FolderStatusDelegate::SyncFileName );
// start a timer to stop the progress display
QTimer *timer;
if( _hideProgressTimers.contains(item) ) {
timer = _hideProgressTimers[item];
// there is already one timer running.
} else {
timer = new QTimer;
connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotHideProgress()));
_hideProgressTimers.insert(item, timer);
} else if( p1 == 0 ) { // File upload starts.
if( _hideProgressTimers.contains(item) ) {
// The timer is still running.
QTimer *t = _hideProgressTimers.take(item);
// calculate the normalization factor and set the min and max
_progressFactor = 100.0/p2;
item->setData( QVariant(true), FolderStatusDelegate::AddProgressSpace );
item->setData( 0, FolderStatusDelegate::SyncProgressPercent1);
item->setData( 100, FolderStatusDelegate::SyncProgressPercent2);
item->setData( (qlonglong) 0, FolderStatusDelegate::SyncProgressBytes1);
item->setData( (qlonglong) p2, FolderStatusDelegate::SyncProgressBytes2);
// strip off the server prefix from the file name
QString shortFile(file);
if(shortFile.startsWith(QLatin1String("ownclouds://")) ||
shortFile.startsWith(QLatin1String("owncloud://")) ) {
// rip off the whole ownCloud URL.
Folder *f = _folderMan->folder(folder);
if( f ) {
QString regexp = QString("^owncloud[s]*://.*/remote.php/webdav/%1/").arg(f->secondPath());
QRegExp re( regexp );
// Set the verb if up- or download
QString kindString = Progress::asString(kind);
shortFile = kindString + QLatin1String(" ") + shortFile;
item->setData( shortFile, FolderStatusDelegate::SyncFileName );
} else { // File progress
item->setData( int(_progressFactor * p1), FolderStatusDelegate::SyncProgressPercent1);
item->setData( (qlonglong) p1, FolderStatusDelegate::SyncProgressBytes1);
_lastSyncProgress = p1;
void AccountSettings::slotHideProgress()
QTimer *t_send = qobject_cast<QTimer*>(this->sender());
QHash<QStandardItem*, QTimer*>::const_iterator i = _hideProgressTimers.constBegin();
while (i != _hideProgressTimers.constEnd()) {
if( i.value() == t_send ) {
QStandardItem *item = i.key();
item->setData( QVariant(false), FolderStatusDelegate::AddProgressSpace );
item->setData( QVariant(QString::null), FolderStatusDelegate::SyncFileName );
void AccountSettings::slotUpdateQuota(qint64 total, qint64 used)
// workaround the label only accepting ints (which may be only 32 bit wide)
ui->quotaProgressBar->setValue(round(used/(double)total * 100));
QString usedStr = Utility::octetsToString(used);
QString totalStr = Utility::octetsToString(total);
ui->quotaLabel->setText(tr("You are using %1 of your available %2 storage.").arg(usedStr, totalStr));
void AccountSettings::slotInfoAboutCurrentFolder()
QModelIndex selected = ui->_folderList->selectionModel()->currentIndex();
if( selected.isValid() ) {
QString alias = _model->data( selected, FolderStatusDelegate::FolderAliasRole ).toString();
qDebug() << "Info Folder alias " << alias;
if( !alias.isEmpty() ) {
qDebug() << "details of folder with alias " << alias;
if( _fileItemDialog.isNull() ) {
_fileItemDialog = new FileItemDialog(this);
} else {
Utility::raiseDialog( _fileItemDialog );
_fileItemDialog->setSyncResult( _folderMan->syncResult( alias ) );
delete ui;
} // namespace Mirall