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* Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include "folderman.h"
2014-11-10 01:25:57 +03:00
#include "configfile.h"
#include "folder.h"
#include "syncresult.h"
#include "theme.h"
#include "socketapi.h"
#include "account.h"
#include "accountmigrator.h"
#include <neon/ne_socket.h>
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
2012-12-07 22:53:36 +04:00
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QPointer>
2012-05-21 18:48:49 +04:00
#include <QtCore>
#include <QMutableSetIterator>
#include <QSet>
2012-05-21 18:48:49 +04:00
2014-11-10 00:34:07 +03:00
namespace OCC {
FolderMan* FolderMan::_instance = 0;
* The minimum time between a sync being requested and it
* being executed in milliseconds.
* This delay must be larger than the minFileAgeForUpload in
* the propagator.
static int msBetweenRequestAndSync = 2000;
FolderMan::FolderMan(QObject *parent) :
_syncEnabled( true )
_folderChangeSignalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this);
connect(_folderChangeSignalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(const QString &)),
this, SIGNAL(folderSyncStateChange(const QString &)));
_instance = this;
2014-07-17 17:00:21 +04:00
_socketApi = new SocketApi(this);
ConfigFile cfg;
int polltime = cfg.remotePollInterval();
qDebug() << "setting remote poll timer interval to" << polltime << "msec";
_etagPollTimer.setInterval( polltime );
QObject::connect(&_etagPollTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotEtagPollTimerTimeout()));
FolderMan *FolderMan::instance()
return _instance;
2013-06-29 00:27:53 +04:00
_instance = 0;
2014-11-10 00:34:07 +03:00
OCC::Folder::Map FolderMan::map()
return _folderMap;
// Attention: this function deletes the folder object to which
// the alias refers. Do NOT USE the folder pointer any more after
// having this called.
void FolderMan::unloadFolder( const QString& alias )
Folder *f = 0;
if( _folderMap.contains(alias)) {
f = _folderMap[alias];
if( f ) {
if( _socketApi ) {
if( _folderWatchers.contains(alias)) {
_folderMap.remove( alias );
delete f;
int FolderMan::unloadAllFolders()
int cnt = 0;
// clear the list of existing folders.
Folder::MapIterator i(_folderMap);
while (i.hasNext()) {;
Q_ASSERT(_folderMap.count() == 0);
return cnt;
// add a monitor to the local file system. If there is a change in the
// file system, the method slotFolderMonitorFired is triggered through
// the SignalMapper
void FolderMan::registerFolderMonitor( Folder *folder )
if( !folder ) return;
if( !_folderWatchers.contains(folder->alias() ) ) {
FolderWatcher *fw = new FolderWatcher(folder->path(), folder);
2014-11-10 00:30:29 +03:00
ConfigFile cfg;
fw->addIgnoreListFile( cfg.excludeFile(ConfigFile::SystemScope) );
fw->addIgnoreListFile( cfg.excludeFile(ConfigFile::UserScope) );
// Connect the pathChanged signal, which comes with the changed path,
// to the signal mapper which maps to the folder alias. The changed path
// is lost this way, but we do not need it for the current implementation.
connect(fw, SIGNAL(pathChanged(QString)), folder, SLOT(slotWatchedPathChanged(QString)));
_folderWatchers.insert(folder->alias(), fw);
// This is at the moment only for the behaviour of the SocketApi.
connect(fw, SIGNAL(pathChanged(QString)), folder, SLOT(watcherSlot(QString)));
// register the folder with the socket API
if( _socketApi ) {
void FolderMan::addMonitorPath( const QString& alias, const QString& path )
if( !alias.isEmpty() && _folderWatchers.contains(alias) ) {
FolderWatcher *fw = _folderWatchers[alias];
if( fw ) {
void FolderMan::removeMonitorPath( const QString& alias, const QString& path )
if( !alias.isEmpty() && _folderWatchers.contains(alias) ) {
FolderWatcher *fw = _folderWatchers[alias];
if( fw ) {
2013-11-18 12:35:18 +04:00
int FolderMan::setupFolders()
qDebug() << "* Setup folders from " << _folderConfigPath;
2014-11-10 00:30:29 +03:00
ConfigFile cfg;
QDir storageDir(cfg.configPath());
_folderConfigPath = cfg.configPath() + QLatin1String("folders");
QDir dir( _folderConfigPath );
//We need to include hidden files just in case the alias starts with '.'
dir.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::Hidden);
QStringList list = dir.entryList();
if( list.count() == 0 ) {
// maybe the account was just migrated.
Account *acc = AccountManager::instance()->account();
if ( acc && acc->wasMigrated() ) {
AccountMigrator accMig;
list = accMig.migrateFolderDefinitons();
2012-05-21 18:48:49 +04:00
foreach ( const QString& alias, list ) {
Folder *f = setupFolderFromConfigFile( alias );
if( f ) {
emit( folderSyncStateChange( f->alias() ) );
emit folderListLoaded(_folderMap);
// return the number of valid folders.
return _folderMap.size();
bool FolderMan::ensureJournalGone(const QString &localPath)
2014-04-06 21:34:56 +04:00
// FIXME move this to UI, not libowncloudsync
// remove old .csync_journal file
2013-06-06 23:43:05 +04:00
QString stateDbFile = localPath+QLatin1String("/.csync_journal.db");
while (QFile::exists(stateDbFile) && !QFile::remove(stateDbFile)) {
int ret = QMessageBox::warning(0, tr("Could not reset folder state"),
tr("An old sync journal '%1' was found, "
"but could not be removed. Please make sure "
"that no application is currently using it.")
2013-06-06 23:43:05 +04:00
if (ret == QMessageBox::Abort) {
2013-06-06 23:43:05 +04:00
return false;
2013-06-06 23:43:05 +04:00
return true;
#define SLASH_TAG QLatin1String("__SLASH__")
#define BSLASH_TAG QLatin1String("__BSLASH__")
#define QMARK_TAG QLatin1String("__QMARK__")
#define PERCENT_TAG QLatin1String("__PERCENT__")
#define STAR_TAG QLatin1String("__STAR__")
#define COLON_TAG QLatin1String("__COLON__")
#define PIPE_TAG QLatin1String("__PIPE__")
#define QUOTE_TAG QLatin1String("__QUOTE__")
#define LT_TAG QLatin1String("__LESS_THAN__")
#define GT_TAG QLatin1String("__GREATER_THAN__")
#define PAR_O_TAG QLatin1String("__PAR_OPEN__")
#define PAR_C_TAG QLatin1String("__PAR_CLOSE__")
2014-08-11 17:09:17 +04:00
QString FolderMan::escapeAlias( const QString& alias )
QString a(alias);
a.replace( QLatin1Char('/'), SLASH_TAG );
a.replace( QLatin1Char('\\'), BSLASH_TAG );
a.replace( QLatin1Char('?'), QMARK_TAG );
a.replace( QLatin1Char('%'), PERCENT_TAG );
a.replace( QLatin1Char('*'), STAR_TAG );
a.replace( QLatin1Char(':'), COLON_TAG );
a.replace( QLatin1Char('|'), PIPE_TAG );
a.replace( QLatin1Char('"'), QUOTE_TAG );
a.replace( QLatin1Char('<'), LT_TAG );
a.replace( QLatin1Char('>'), GT_TAG );
a.replace( QLatin1Char('['), PAR_O_TAG );
a.replace( QLatin1Char(']'), PAR_C_TAG );
return a;
QString FolderMan::unescapeAlias( const QString& alias ) const
QString a(alias);
a.replace( SLASH_TAG, QLatin1String("/") );
a.replace( BSLASH_TAG, QLatin1String("\\") );
a.replace( QMARK_TAG, QLatin1String("?") );
a.replace( PERCENT_TAG, QLatin1String("%") );
a.replace( STAR_TAG, QLatin1String("*") );
a.replace( COLON_TAG, QLatin1String(":") );
a.replace( PIPE_TAG, QLatin1String("|") );
a.replace( QUOTE_TAG, QLatin1String("\"") );
a.replace( LT_TAG, QLatin1String("<") );
a.replace( GT_TAG, QLatin1String(">") );
a.replace( PAR_O_TAG, QLatin1String("[") );
a.replace( PAR_C_TAG, QLatin1String("]") );
return a;
// filename is the name of the file only, it does not include
// the configuration directory path
Folder* FolderMan::setupFolderFromConfigFile(const QString &file) {
Folder *folder = 0;
qDebug() << " ` -> setting up:" << file;
QString escapedAlias(file);
// check the unescaped variant (for the case the filename comes out
// of the directory listing. If the file is not existing, escape the
// file and try again.
QFileInfo cfgFile( _folderConfigPath, file);
if( !cfgFile.exists() ) {
// try the escaped variant.
escapedAlias = escapeAlias(file);
cfgFile.setFile( _folderConfigPath, escapedAlias );
if( !cfgFile.isReadable() ) {
qDebug() << "Can not read folder definition for alias " << cfgFile.filePath();
return folder;
QSettings settings( _folderConfigPath + QLatin1Char('/') + escapedAlias, QSettings::IniFormat);
2012-08-17 19:13:17 +04:00
qDebug() << " -> file path: " << settings.fileName();
// Check if the filename is equal to the group setting. If not, use the group
// name as an alias.
QStringList groups = settings.childGroups();
if( ! groups.contains(escapedAlias) && groups.count() > 0 ) {
escapedAlias = groups.first();
settings.beginGroup( escapedAlias ); // read the group with the same name as the file which is the folder alias
QString path = settings.value(QLatin1String("localPath")).toString();
2012-08-17 19:13:17 +04:00
QString backend = settings.value(QLatin1String("backend")).toString();
QString targetPath = settings.value( QLatin1String("targetPath")).toString();
bool paused = settings.value( QLatin1String("paused"), false).toBool();
QStringList blackList = settings.value( QLatin1String("blackList")).toStringList();
// QString connection = settings.value( QLatin1String("connection") ).toString();
QString alias = unescapeAlias( escapedAlias );
2013-07-22 22:27:42 +04:00
if (backend.isEmpty() || backend != QLatin1String("owncloud")) {
qWarning() << "obsolete configuration of type" << backend;
return 0;
2013-07-22 22:27:42 +04:00
// cut off the leading slash, oCUrl always has a trailing.
if( targetPath.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/')) ) {
2013-07-22 22:27:42 +04:00
folder = new Folder( alias, path, targetPath, this );
2014-08-11 17:09:17 +04:00
2013-07-22 22:27:42 +04:00
qDebug() << "Adding folder to Folder Map " << folder;
_folderMap[alias] = folder;
if (paused) {
2013-07-22 22:27:42 +04:00
/* Use a signal mapper to connect the signals to the alias */
connect(folder, SIGNAL(scheduleToSync(const QString&)), SLOT(slotScheduleSync(const QString&)));
connect(folder, SIGNAL(syncStateChange()), _folderChangeSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
connect(folder, SIGNAL(syncStarted()), SLOT(slotFolderSyncStarted()));
connect(folder, SIGNAL(syncFinished(SyncResult)), SLOT(slotFolderSyncFinished(SyncResult)));
2013-07-22 22:27:42 +04:00
_folderChangeSignalMapper->setMapping( folder, folder->alias() );
return folder;
void FolderMan::slotSetFolderPaused( const QString& alias, bool paused )
if( ! _folderMap.contains( alias ) ) {
qDebug() << "!! Can not enable alias " << alias << ", can not be found in folderMap.";
Folder *f = _folderMap[alias];
if( f ) {
2014-11-10 00:30:29 +03:00
// FIXME: Use ConfigFile
2014-08-11 17:09:17 +04:00
QSettings settings(f->configFile(), QSettings::IniFormat);
if (!paused) {
} else {
settings.setValue("paused", true);
emit folderSyncStateChange(alias);
// this really terminates the current sync process
// ie. no questions, no prisoners
// csync still remains in a stable state, regardless of that.
void FolderMan::terminateSyncProcess()
if( ! _currentSyncFolder.isEmpty() && _folderMap.contains(_currentSyncFolder) ) {
Folder *f = _folderMap[_currentSyncFolder];
if( f ) {
// This will, indirectly and eventually, call slotFolderSyncFinished
// and thereby clear _currentSyncFolder.
Folder *FolderMan::folder( const QString& alias )
if( !alias.isEmpty() ) {
if( _folderMap.contains( alias )) {
return _folderMap[alias];
return 0;
SyncResult FolderMan::syncResult( const QString& alias )
Folder *f = folder( alias );
2014-01-20 18:02:30 +04:00
return f ? f->syncResult() : SyncResult();
void FolderMan::slotScheduleAllFolders()
foreach( Folder *f, _folderMap.values() ) {
if (f && ! f->syncPaused()) {
slotScheduleSync( f->alias() );
* if a folder wants to be synced, it calls this slot and is added
* to the queue. The slot to actually start a sync is called afterwards.
void FolderMan::slotScheduleSync( const QString& alias )
if( alias.isEmpty() || ! _folderMap.contains(alias) ) {
qDebug() << "Not scheduling sync for empty or unknown folder" << alias;
if( _socketApi ) {
// We want the SocketAPI to already now update so that it can show the EVAL icon
// for files/folders. Only do this when not syncing, else we might get a lot
// of those notifications.
qDebug() << "Schedule folder " << alias << " to sync!";
if( ! _scheduleQueue.contains(alias) ) {
Folder *f = _folderMap[alias];
if ( !f )
if( !f->syncPaused() ) {
} else {
qDebug() << "Folder is not enabled, not scheduled!";
if( _socketApi ) {
} else {
qDebug() << " II> Sync for folder " << alias << " already scheduled, do not enqueue!";
// Look at the scheduleQueue in a bit to see if the sync is ready to start.
// The delay here is essential as the sync will not upload files that were
// changed too recently.
QTimer::singleShot(msBetweenRequestAndSync, this, SLOT(slotStartScheduledFolderSync()));
void FolderMan::slotScheduleETagJob(const QString &/*alias*/, RequestEtagJob *job)
QObject::connect(job, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(slotEtagJobDestroyed(QObject*)));
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "slotRunOneEtagJob", Qt::QueuedConnection);
// maybe: add to queue
void FolderMan::slotEtagJobDestroyed(QObject* /*o*/)
// _currentEtagJob is automatically cleared
// maybe: remove from queue
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "slotRunOneEtagJob", Qt::QueuedConnection);
void FolderMan::slotRunOneEtagJob()
if (_currentEtagJob.isNull()) {
QString alias;
foreach(Folder *f, _folderMap) {
if (f->etagJob()) {
// Caveat: always grabs the first folder with a job, but we think this is Ok for now and avoids us having a seperate queue.
_currentEtagJob = f->etagJob();
alias = f->alias();
if (_currentEtagJob.isNull()) {
qDebug() << "No more remote ETag check jobs to schedule.";
} else {
qDebug() << "Scheduling" << alias << "to check remote ETag";
_currentEtagJob->start(); // on destroy/end it will continue the queue via slotEtagJobDestroyed
// only enable or disable foldermans will to schedule and do syncs.
// this is not the same as Pause and Resume of folders.
void FolderMan::setSyncEnabled( bool enabled )
if (!_syncEnabled && enabled && !_scheduleQueue.isEmpty()) {
// We have things in our queue that were waiting the the connection to go back on.
QTimer::singleShot(200, this, SLOT(slotStartScheduledFolderSync()));
_syncEnabled = enabled;
// force a redraw in case the network connect status changed
emit( folderSyncStateChange(QString::null) );
* slot to start folder syncs.
* It is either called from the slot where folders enqueue themselves for
* syncing or after a folder sync was finished.
void FolderMan::slotStartScheduledFolderSync()
if( !_currentSyncFolder.isEmpty() ) {
qDebug() << "Currently folder " << _currentSyncFolder << " is running, wait for finish!";
if( ! _syncEnabled ) {
qDebug() << "FolderMan: Syncing is disabled, no scheduling.";
// Try to start the top scheduled sync.
qDebug() << "XX slotScheduleFolderSync: folderQueue size: " << _scheduleQueue.count();
if( !_scheduleQueue.isEmpty() ) {
const QString alias = _scheduleQueue.dequeue();
if( !_folderMap.contains( alias ) ) {
qDebug() << "FolderMan: Not syncing queued folder" << alias << ": not in folder map anymore";
// Start syncing this folder!
Folder *f = _folderMap[alias];
if( f && !f->syncPaused() ) {
_currentSyncFolder = alias;
f->startSync( QStringList() );
// reread the excludes of the socket api
// FIXME: the excludes need rework.
if( _socketApi ) {
void FolderMan::slotEtagPollTimerTimeout()
//qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Checking if we need to make any folders check the remote ETag";
ConfigFile cfg;
int polltime = cfg.remotePollInterval();
QSet<QString> folderAliases = _folderMap.keys().toSet();
QMutableSetIterator<QString> i(folderAliases);
while (i.hasNext()) {
QString alias =;
if (_currentSyncFolder == alias) {
if (_scheduleQueue.contains(alias)) {
Folder *f = _folderMap.value(alias);
if (f && _disabledFolders.contains(f)) {
if (f && (f->etagJob() || f->isBusy() || f->syncPaused())) {
if (f && f->msecSinceLastSync() < polltime) {
if (folderAliases.isEmpty()) {
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "No folders need to check for the remote ETag";
} else {
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "The following folders need to check for the remote ETag:" << folderAliases;
i = folderAliases; // reset
while (i.hasNext()) {
QString alias =;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_folderMap.value(alias), "slotRunEtagJob", Qt::QueuedConnection);
void FolderMan::slotFolderSyncStarted( )
qDebug() << ">===================================== sync started for " << _currentSyncFolder;
* a folder indicates that its syncing is finished.
* Start the next sync after the system had some milliseconds to breath.
* This delay is particularly useful to avoid late file change notifications
* (that we caused ourselves by syncing) from triggering another spurious sync.
void FolderMan::slotFolderSyncFinished( const SyncResult& )
2012-11-02 19:32:26 +04:00
qDebug() << "<===================================== sync finished for " << _currentSyncFolder;
QTimer::singleShot(200, this, SLOT(slotStartScheduledFolderSync()));
void FolderMan::addFolderDefinition(const QString& alias, const QString& sourceFolder,
const QString& targetPath, const QStringList &selectiveSyncBlackList )
QString escapedAlias = escapeAlias(alias);
// Create a settings file named after the alias
QSettings settings( _folderConfigPath + QLatin1Char('/') + escapedAlias, QSettings::IniFormat);
2013-07-24 16:27:57 +04:00
settings.setValue(QLatin1String("localPath"), sourceFolder );
settings.setValue(QLatin1String("targetPath"), targetPath );
2013-07-22 22:27:42 +04:00
// for compat reasons
2013-07-24 16:27:57 +04:00
settings.setValue(QLatin1String("backend"), "owncloud" );
settings.setValue(QLatin1String("connection"), Theme::instance()->appName());
settings.setValue(QLatin1String("blackList"), selectiveSyncBlackList);
Folder *FolderMan::folderForPath(const QString &path)
QString absolutePath = QDir::cleanPath(path)+QLatin1Char('/');
foreach(Folder* folder, this->map().values()) {
const QString folderPath = QDir::cleanPath(folder->path())+QLatin1Char('/');
if(absolutePath.startsWith(folderPath)) {
//qDebug() << "found folder: " << folder->path() << " for " << absolutePath;
return folder;
qDebug() << "ERROR: could not find folder for " << absolutePath;
return 0;
void FolderMan::removeAllFolderDefinitions()
foreach( Folder *f, _folderMap.values() ) {
if(f) {
slotRemoveFolder( f->alias() );
// clear the queue.
void FolderMan::slotRemoveFolder( const QString& alias )
if( alias.isEmpty() ) return;
if( _currentSyncFolder == alias ) {
// terminate if the sync is currently underway.
// remove a folder from the map. Should be sure n
void FolderMan::removeFolder( const QString& alias )
Folder *f = 0;
if( _folderMap.contains( alias )) {
qDebug() << "Removing " << alias;
f = _folderMap[alias]; // do not remove from the map, that is done in unloadFolder.
} else {
qDebug() << "!! Can not remove " << alias << ", not in folderMap.";
if( f ) {
// can be removed if we are able to delete the folder object.
// remove the folder configuration
2014-08-11 17:09:17 +04:00
QFile file(f->configFile() );
if( file.exists() ) {
qDebug() << "Remove folder config file " << file.fileName();
unloadFolder( alias ); // now the folder object is gone.
// FIXME: this is a temporar dirty fix against a crash happening because
// the csync owncloud module still has static components. Activate the
// delete once the module is fixed.
// f->deleteLater();
QString FolderMan::getBackupName( QString fullPathName ) const
if (fullPathName.endsWith("/"))
if( fullPathName.isEmpty() ) return QString::null;
QString newName = fullPathName + QLatin1String(".oC_bak");
QFileInfo fi( newName );
int cnt = 1;
do {
if( fi.exists() ) {
2013-06-03 17:46:41 +04:00
newName = fullPathName + QString( ".oC_bak_%1").arg(cnt++);
} while( fi.exists() );
return newName;
bool FolderMan::startFromScratch( const QString& localFolder )
if( localFolder.isEmpty() ) {
return false;
QFileInfo fi( localFolder );
QDir parentDir( fi.dir() );
QString folderName = fi.fileName();
// Adjust for case where localFolder ends with a /
if ( fi.isDir() ) {
folderName = parentDir.dirName();
if( fi.exists() ) {
// It exists, but is empty -> just reuse it.
if( fi.isDir() && fi.dir().count() == 0 ) {
qDebug() << "startFromScratch: Directory is empty!";
return true;
// Disconnect the socket api from the database to avoid that locking of the
// db file does not allow to move this dir.
if( _socketApi ) {
Folder *f = folderForPath(localFolder);
if(f) {
if( localFolder.startsWith(f->path()) ) {
f->slotTerminateSync(); // Normaly it should not be running, but viel hilft viel
// Make a backup of the folder/file.
QString newName = getBackupName( parentDir.absoluteFilePath( folderName ) );
if( !parentDir.rename( fi.absoluteFilePath(), newName ) ) {
qDebug() << "startFromScratch: Could not rename" << fi.absoluteFilePath()
<< "to" << newName;
return false;
if( !parentDir.mkdir( fi.absoluteFilePath() ) ) {
qDebug() << "startFromScratch: Could not mkdir" << fi.absoluteFilePath();
return false;
return true;
void FolderMan::setDirtyProxy(bool value)
foreach( Folder *f, _folderMap.values() ) {
if(f) {
void FolderMan::setDirtyNetworkLimits()
foreach( Folder *f, _folderMap.values() ) {
// set only in busy folders. Otherwise they read the config anyway.
if(f && f->isBusy()) {
SyncResult FolderMan::accountStatus(const QList<Folder*> &folders)
SyncResult overallResult(SyncResult::Undefined);
int cnt = folders.count();
// if one folder: show the state of the one folder.
// if more folder:
// if one of them has an error -> show error
// if one is paused, but others ok, show ok
// do not show "problem" in the tray
if( cnt == 1 ) {
Folder *folder =;
if( folder ) {
if( folder->syncPaused() ) {
} else {
SyncResult::Status syncStatus = folder->syncResult().status();
switch( syncStatus ) {
case SyncResult::Undefined:
case SyncResult::NotYetStarted:
overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::NotYetStarted );
case SyncResult::SyncPrepare:
overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::SyncPrepare );
case SyncResult::SyncRunning:
overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::SyncRunning );
case SyncResult::Problem: // don't show the problem icon in tray.
case SyncResult::Success:
if( overallResult.status() == SyncResult::Undefined )
overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::Success );
case SyncResult::Error:
overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::Error );
case SyncResult::SetupError:
if ( overallResult.status() != SyncResult::Error )
overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::SetupError );
case SyncResult::SyncAbortRequested:
overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::SyncAbortRequested);
case SyncResult::Paused:
overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::Paused);
} else {
int errorsSeen = 0;
int goodSeen = 0;
int abortSeen = 0;
int runSeen = 0;
int various = 0;
foreach ( Folder *folder, folders ) {
if( folder->syncPaused() ) {
} else {
SyncResult folderResult = folder->syncResult();
SyncResult::Status syncStatus = folderResult.status();
switch( syncStatus ) {
case SyncResult::Undefined:
case SyncResult::NotYetStarted:
case SyncResult::SyncPrepare:
case SyncResult::SyncRunning:
case SyncResult::Problem: // don't show the problem icon in tray.
case SyncResult::Success:
case SyncResult::Error:
case SyncResult::SetupError:
case SyncResult::SyncAbortRequested:
case SyncResult::Paused:
// no default case on purpose, check compiler warnings
bool set = false;
if( errorsSeen > 0 ) {
set = true;
if( !set && abortSeen > 0 && abortSeen == cnt ) {
// only if all folders are paused
set = true;
if( !set && runSeen > 0 ) {
set = true;
if( !set && goodSeen > 0 ) {
set = true;
return overallResult;
QString FolderMan::statusToString( SyncResult syncStatus, bool paused ) const
QString folderMessage;
switch( syncStatus.status() ) {
case SyncResult::Undefined:
folderMessage = tr( "Undefined State." );
case SyncResult::NotYetStarted:
folderMessage = tr( "Waits to start syncing." );
case SyncResult::SyncPrepare:
folderMessage = tr( "Preparing for sync." );
case SyncResult::SyncRunning:
folderMessage = tr( "Sync is running." );
case SyncResult::Success:
folderMessage = tr( "Last Sync was successful." );
case SyncResult::Error:
case SyncResult::Problem:
2013-08-08 13:16:18 +04:00
folderMessage = tr( "Last Sync was successful, but with warnings on individual files.");
case SyncResult::SetupError:
folderMessage = tr( "Setup Error." );
2013-10-03 18:21:54 +04:00
case SyncResult::SyncAbortRequested:
folderMessage = tr( "User Abort." );
case SyncResult::Paused:
folderMessage = tr("Sync is paused.");
// no default case on purpose, check compiler warnings
if( paused ) {
// sync is disabled.
folderMessage = tr( "%1 (Sync is paused)" ).arg(folderMessage);
return folderMessage;
2014-11-10 00:34:07 +03:00
} // namespace OCC