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* Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include <QtGui>
#include <QtWidgets>
#include "activitylistmodel.h"
#include "activitywidget.h"
#include "syncresult.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "theme.h"
#include "folderman.h"
#include "syncfileitem.h"
#include "folder.h"
#include "openfilemanager.h"
#include "owncloudpropagator.h"
#include "account.h"
#include "accountstate.h"
#include "accountmanager.h"
#include "activityitemdelegate.h"
#include "protocolwidget.h"
#include "issueswidget.h"
#include "QProgressIndicator.h"
#include "notificationwidget.h"
#include "notificationconfirmjob.h"
#include "servernotificationhandler.h"
#include "theme.h"
#include "ocsjob.h"
#include "ui_activitywidget.h"
#include <climits>
// time span in milliseconds which has to be between two
// refreshes of the notifications
namespace OCC {
ActivityWidget::ActivityWidget(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
, _ui(new Ui::ActivityWidget)
, _notificationRequestsRunning(0)
// Adjust copyToClipboard() when making changes here!
#if defined(Q_OS_MAC)
_model = new ActivityListModel(this);
ActivityItemDelegate *delegate = new ActivityItemDelegate;
// Create a widget container for the notifications. The ui file defines
// a scroll area that get a widget with a layout as children
QWidget *w = new QWidget;
_notificationsLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
connect(_model, SIGNAL(activityJobStatusCode(AccountState *, int)),
this, SLOT(slotAccountActivityStatus(AccountState *, int)));
_copyBtn = _ui->_dialogButtonBox->addButton(tr("Copy"), QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
_copyBtn->setToolTip(tr("Copy the activity list to the clipboard."));
connect(_copyBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), SIGNAL(copyToClipboard()));
connect(_model, SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex, int, int)), SIGNAL(rowsInserted()));
connect(_ui->_activityList, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this,
connect(&_removeTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotCheckToCleanWidgets()));
delete _ui;
void ActivityWidget::slotRefreshActivities(AccountState *ptr)
void ActivityWidget::slotRefreshNotifications(AccountState *ptr)
// start a server notification handler if no notification requests
// are running
if (_notificationRequestsRunning == 0) {
ServerNotificationHandler *snh = new ServerNotificationHandler;
connect(snh, SIGNAL(newNotificationList(ActivityList)), this,
} else {
qCWarning(lcActivity) << "Notification request counter not zero.";
void ActivityWidget::slotRemoveAccount(AccountState *ptr)
void ActivityWidget::showLabels()
QString t = tr("Server Activities");
_ui->_notifyLabel->setText(tr("Action Required: Notifications"));
QSetIterator<QString> i(_accountsWithoutActivities);
while (i.hasNext()) {
t.append(tr("<br/>Account %1 does not have activities enabled.").arg(;
void ActivityWidget::slotAccountActivityStatus(AccountState *ast, int statusCode)
if (!(ast && ast->account())) {
if (statusCode == 999) {
} else {
2016-04-14 12:35:16 +03:00
// FIXME: Reused from protocol widget. Move over to utilities.
QString ActivityWidget::timeString(QDateTime dt, QLocale::FormatType format) const
const QLocale loc = QLocale::system();
QString dtFormat = loc.dateTimeFormat(format);
static const QRegExp re("(HH|H|hh|h):mm(?!:s)");
dtFormat.replace(re, "\\1:mm:ss");
return loc.toString(dt, dtFormat);
void ActivityWidget::storeActivityList(QTextStream &ts)
ActivityList activities = _model->activityList();
foreach (Activity activity, activities) {
ts << right
// account name
<< qSetFieldWidth(30)
<< activity._accName
// separator
<< qSetFieldWidth(0) << ","
// date and time
<< qSetFieldWidth(34)
<< activity._dateTime.toString()
// separator
<< qSetFieldWidth(0) << ","
// file
<< qSetFieldWidth(30)
<< activity._file
// separator
<< qSetFieldWidth(0) << ","
// subject
<< qSetFieldWidth(100)
<< activity._subject
// separator
<< qSetFieldWidth(0) << ","
// message (mostly empty)
<< qSetFieldWidth(55)
<< activity._message
<< qSetFieldWidth(0)
<< endl;
2016-04-14 12:35:16 +03:00
void ActivityWidget::checkActivityTabVisibility()
int accountCount = AccountManager::instance()->accounts().count();
bool hasAccountsWithActivity =
_accountsWithoutActivities.count() != accountCount;
bool hasNotifications = !_widgetForNotifId.isEmpty();
emit hideActivityTab(!hasAccountsWithActivity && !hasNotifications);
void ActivityWidget::slotOpenFile(QModelIndex indx)
qCDebug(lcActivity) << indx.isValid() << << QFile::exists(;
if (indx.isValid()) {
QString fullPath =;
if (QFile::exists(fullPath)) {
// GUI: Display the notifications.
// All notifications in list are coming from the same account
// but in the _widgetForNotifId hash widgets for all accounts are
// collected.
void ActivityWidget::slotBuildNotificationDisplay(const ActivityList &list)
QHash<QString, int> accNotified;
QString listAccountName;
// Whether a new notification widget was added to the notificationLayout.
bool newNotificationShown = false;
foreach (auto activity, list) {
if (_blacklistedNotifications.contains(activity)) {
qCInfo(lcActivity) << "Activity in blacklist, skip";
NotificationWidget *widget = 0;
if (_widgetForNotifId.contains(activity.ident())) {
widget = _widgetForNotifId[activity.ident()];
} else {
widget = new NotificationWidget(this);
connect(widget, SIGNAL(sendNotificationRequest(QString, QString, QByteArray)),
this, SLOT(slotSendNotificationRequest(QString, QString, QByteArray)));
connect(widget, SIGNAL(requestCleanupAndBlacklist(Activity)),
this, SLOT(slotRequestCleanupAndBlacklist(Activity)));
// _ui->_notifyScroll->setMinimumHeight( widget->height());
_widgetForNotifId[activity.ident()] = widget;
newNotificationShown = true;
// remember the list account name for the strayCat handling below.
listAccountName = activity._accName;
// handle gui logs. In order to NOT annoy the user with every fetching of the
// notifications the notification id is stored in a Set. Only if an id
// is not in the set, it qualifies for guiLog.
// Important: The _guiLoggedNotifications set must be wiped regularly which
// will repeat the gui log.
// after one hour, clear the gui log notification store
if (_guiLogTimer.elapsed() > 60 * 60 * 1000) {
if (!_guiLoggedNotifications.contains(activity._id)) {
QString host = activity._accName;
// store the name of the account that sends the notification to be
// able to add it to the tray notification
// remove the user name from the account as that is not accurate here.
int indx = host.indexOf(QChar('@'));
if (indx > -1) {
host.remove(0, 1 + indx);
if (!host.isEmpty()) {
if (accNotified.contains(host)) {
accNotified[host] = accNotified[host] + 1;
} else {
accNotified[host] = 1;
// check if there are widgets that have no corresponding activity from
// the server any more. Collect them in a list
QList<Activity::Identifier> strayCats;
foreach (auto id, _widgetForNotifId.keys()) {
NotificationWidget *widget = _widgetForNotifId[id];
bool found = false;
// do not mark widgets of other accounts to delete.
if (widget->activity()._accName != listAccountName) {
foreach (auto activity, list) {
if (activity.ident() == id) {
// found an activity
found = true;
if (!found) {
// the activity does not exist any more.
// .. and now delete all these stray cat widgets.
foreach (auto strayCatId, strayCats) {
NotificationWidget *widgetToGo = _widgetForNotifId[strayCatId];
scheduleWidgetToRemove(widgetToGo, 0);
2016-04-14 12:35:16 +03:00
int newGuiLogCount = accNotified.count();
if (newGuiLogCount > 0) {
// restart the gui log timer now that we show a notification
// Assemble a tray notification
QString msg = tr("You received %n new notification(s) from %2.", "", accNotified[accNotified.keys().at(0)]).arg(accNotified.keys().at(0));
if (newGuiLogCount >= 2) {
QString acc1 = accNotified.keys().at(0);
QString acc2 = accNotified.keys().at(1);
if (newGuiLogCount == 2) {
int notiCount = accNotified[acc1] + accNotified[acc2];
msg = tr("You received %n new notification(s) from %1 and %2.", "", notiCount).arg(acc1, acc2);
} else {
msg = tr("You received new notifications from %1, %2 and other accounts.").arg(acc1, acc2);
const QString log = tr("%1 Notifications - Action Required").arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI());
emit guiLog(log, msg);
if (newNotificationShown) {
emit newNotification();
void ActivityWidget::slotSendNotificationRequest(const QString &accountName, const QString &link, const QByteArray &verb)
qCInfo(lcActivity) << "Server Notification Request " << verb << link << "on account" << accountName;
NotificationWidget *theSender = qobject_cast<NotificationWidget *>(sender());
const QStringList validVerbs = QStringList() << "GET"
<< "PUT"
<< "POST"
<< "DELETE";
if (validVerbs.contains(verb)) {
AccountStatePtr acc = AccountManager::instance()->account(accountName);
if (acc) {
NotificationConfirmJob *job = new NotificationConfirmJob(acc->account());
QUrl l(link);
job->setLinkAndVerb(l, verb);
connect(job, SIGNAL(networkError(QNetworkReply *)),
this, SLOT(slotNotifyNetworkError(QNetworkReply *)));
connect(job, SIGNAL(jobFinished(QString, int)),
this, SLOT(slotNotifyServerFinished(QString, int)));
// count the number of running notification requests. If this member var
// is larger than zero, no new fetching of notifications is started
} else {
qCWarning(lcActivity) << "Notification Links: Invalid verb:" << verb;
void ActivityWidget::endNotificationRequest(NotificationWidget *widget, int replyCode)
if (widget) {
void ActivityWidget::slotNotifyNetworkError(QNetworkReply *reply)
NotificationConfirmJob *job = qobject_cast<NotificationConfirmJob *>(sender());
if (!job) {
int resultCode = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt();
endNotificationRequest(job->widget(), resultCode);
qCWarning(lcActivity) << "Server notify job failed with code " << resultCode;
void ActivityWidget::slotNotifyServerFinished(const QString &reply, int replyCode)
NotificationConfirmJob *job = qobject_cast<NotificationConfirmJob *>(sender());
if (!job) {
endNotificationRequest(job->widget(), replyCode);
// FIXME: remove the widget after a couple of seconds
qCInfo(lcActivity) << "Server Notification reply code" << replyCode << reply;
// if the notification was successful start a timer that triggers
// removal of the done widgets in a few seconds
// Add 200 millisecs to the predefined value to make sure that the timer in
// widget's method readyToClose() has elapsed.
if (replyCode == OCS_SUCCESS_STATUS_CODE) {
// blacklist the activity coming in here.
void ActivityWidget::slotRequestCleanupAndBlacklist(const Activity &blacklistActivity)
if (!_blacklistedNotifications.contains(blacklistActivity)) {
NotificationWidget *widget = _widgetForNotifId[blacklistActivity.ident()];
void ActivityWidget::scheduleWidgetToRemove(NotificationWidget *widget, int milliseconds)
if (!widget) {
// in five seconds from now, remove the widget.
QDateTime removeTime = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addMSecs(milliseconds);
QDateTime &it = _widgetsToRemove[widget];
if (!it.isValid() || it > removeTime) {
it = removeTime;
if (!_removeTimer.isActive()) {
// Called every second to see if widgets need to be removed.
void ActivityWidget::slotCheckToCleanWidgets()
auto currentTime = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
auto it = _widgetsToRemove.begin();
while (it != _widgetsToRemove.end()) {
// loop over all widgets in the to-remove queue
QDateTime t = it.value();
NotificationWidget *widget = it.key();
if (currentTime > t) {
// found one to remove!
Activity::Identifier id = widget->activity().ident();
it = _widgetsToRemove.erase(it);
} else {
if (_widgetsToRemove.isEmpty()) {
// check to see if the whole notification pane should be hidden
if (_widgetForNotifId.isEmpty()) {
2015-11-16 17:38:08 +03:00
/* ==================================================================== */
ActivitySettings::ActivitySettings(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout(this);
// create a tab widget for the three activity views
_tab = new QTabWidget(this);
_activityWidget = new ActivityWidget(this);
_activityTabId = _tab->addTab(_activityWidget, Theme::instance()->applicationIcon(), tr("Server Activity"));
connect(_activityWidget, SIGNAL(copyToClipboard()), this, SLOT(slotCopyToClipboard()));
2016-04-14 11:59:40 +03:00
connect(_activityWidget, SIGNAL(hideActivityTab(bool)), this, SLOT(setActivityTabHidden(bool)));
connect(_activityWidget, SIGNAL(guiLog(QString, QString)), this, SIGNAL(guiLog(QString, QString)));
connect(_activityWidget, SIGNAL(newNotification()), SLOT(slotShowActivityTab()));
_protocolWidget = new ProtocolWidget(this);
_protocolTabId = _tab->addTab(_protocolWidget, Theme::instance()->syncStateIcon(SyncResult::Success), tr("Sync Protocol"));
connect(_protocolWidget, SIGNAL(copyToClipboard()), this, SLOT(slotCopyToClipboard()));
_issuesWidget = new IssuesWidget(this);
_syncIssueTabId = _tab->addTab(_issuesWidget, Theme::instance()->syncStateIcon(SyncResult::Problem), QString());
slotShowIssueItemCount(0); // to display the label.
connect(_issuesWidget, SIGNAL(issueCountUpdated(int)),
this, SLOT(slotShowIssueItemCount(int)));
connect(_issuesWidget, SIGNAL(copyToClipboard()),
this, SLOT(slotCopyToClipboard()));
// Add a progress indicator to spin if the acitivity list is updated.
_progressIndicator = new QProgressIndicator(this);
connect(&_notificationCheckTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
this, SLOT(slotRegularNotificationCheck()));
// connect a model signal to stop the animation.
connect(_activityWidget, SIGNAL(rowsInserted()), _progressIndicator, SLOT(stopAnimation()));
// We want the protocol be the default
void ActivitySettings::setNotificationRefreshInterval(quint64 interval)
qCDebug(lcActivity) << "Starting Notification refresh timer with " << interval / 1000 << " sec interval";
void ActivitySettings::setActivityTabHidden(bool hidden)
if (hidden && _activityTabId > -1) {
_activityTabId = -1;
_protocolTabId -= 1;
_syncIssueTabId -= 1;
if (!hidden && _activityTabId == -1) {
_activityTabId = _tab->insertTab(0, _activityWidget, Theme::instance()->applicationIcon(), tr("Server Activity"));
_protocolTabId += 1;
_syncIssueTabId += 1;
void ActivitySettings::slotShowIssueItemCount(int cnt)
QString cntText = tr("Not Synced");
if (cnt) {
//: %1 is the number of not synced files.
cntText = tr("Not Synced (%1)").arg(cnt);
_tab->setTabText(_syncIssueTabId, cntText);
void ActivitySettings::slotShowActivityTab()
if (_activityTabId != -1) {
void ActivitySettings::slotShowIssuesTab(const QString &folderAlias)
if (_syncIssueTabId == -1)
void ActivitySettings::slotCopyToClipboard()
QString text;
QTextStream ts(&text);
int idx = _tab->currentIndex();
QString message;
if (idx == _activityTabId) {
// the activity widget
message = tr("The server activity list has been copied to the clipboard.");
} else if (idx == _protocolTabId) {
// the protocol widget
message = tr("The sync activity list has been copied to the clipboard.");
} else if (idx == _syncIssueTabId) {
// issues Widget
message = tr("The list of unsynced items has been copied to the clipboard.");
emit guiLog(tr("Copied to clipboard"), message);
void ActivitySettings::slotRemoveAccount(AccountState *ptr)
void ActivitySettings::slotRefresh(AccountState *ptr)
2016-04-14 12:35:16 +03:00
// QElapsedTimer isn't actually constructed as invalid.
if (!_timeSinceLastCheck.contains(ptr)) {
QElapsedTimer &timer = _timeSinceLastCheck[ptr];
// Fetch Activities only if visible and if last check is longer than 15 secs ago
if (timer.isValid() && timer.elapsed() < NOTIFICATION_REQUEST_FREE_PERIOD) {
qCDebug(lcActivity) << "Do not check as last check is only secs ago: " << timer.elapsed() / 1000;
if (ptr && ptr->isConnected()) {
2016-04-14 12:35:16 +03:00
if (isVisible() || !timer.isValid()) {
2016-04-14 12:35:16 +03:00
void ActivitySettings::slotRegularNotificationCheck()
AccountManager *am = AccountManager::instance();
foreach (AccountStatePtr a, am->accounts()) {
bool ActivitySettings::event(QEvent *e)
if (e->type() == QEvent::Show) {
AccountManager *am = AccountManager::instance();
foreach (AccountStatePtr a, am->accounts()) {
return QWidget::event(e);