# Package file name without extension. Also a directory of installer cmake-2.5.0-Linux-i686
# CPACK_GENERATOR CPack generator to be used STGZ;TGZ;TZ
# CPACK_INCLUDE_TOPLEVEL_DIRECTORY Controls whether CPack adds a top-level directory, usually of the form ProjectName-Version-OS, to the top of package tree. 0 to disable, 1 to enable
# CPACK_INSTALL_CMAKE_PROJECTS List of four values: Build directory, Project Name, Project Component, Directory in the package /home/andy/vtk/CMake-bin;CMake;ALL;/
set(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_FILE"${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/README.md")# File used as a description of a project /path/to/project/ReadMe.txt
# set( CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/LICENSE.txt" ) # License file for the project, used by the STGZ, NSIS, and PackageMaker generators. /home/andy/vtk/CMake/Copyright.txt
set(CPACK_TOPLEVEL_TAG"unused")# Directory for the installed files. - needed to provide anything to avoid an error# CPACK_INSTALL_COMMANDS Extra commands to install components.
set(CPACK_PROJECT_CONFIG_FILE"${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/CPackOptions.cmake")# File included at cpack time, once per generator after setting CPACK_GENERATOR to the actual generator being used; allows per-generator setting of CPACK_* variables at cpack time. ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/CPackOptions.cmake