
455 lines
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* Copyright (C) by Dominik Schmidt <>
2014-07-14 17:28:26 +04:00
* Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag <>
* Copyright (C) by Roeland Jago Douma <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include "socketapi.h"
#include "config.h"
2014-11-10 01:25:57 +03:00
#include "configfile.h"
#include "folderman.h"
#include "folder.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "theme.h"
#include "syncjournalfilerecord.h"
#include "syncengine.h"
#include "syncfileitem.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
2014-08-27 14:02:47 +04:00
#include "version.h"
#include "account.h"
#include "accountstate.h"
#include "account.h"
#include "capabilities.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QMetaObject>
#include <QStringList>
2014-06-02 14:08:06 +04:00
#include <QScopedPointer>
#include <QFile>
#include <QDir>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QLocalSocket>
#include <QStringBuilder>
2014-10-13 16:14:43 +04:00
#include <sqlite3.h>
#include <QStandardPaths>
2014-08-27 14:02:47 +04:00
// This is the version that is returned when the client asks for the VERSION.
// The first number should be changed if there is an incompatible change that breaks old clients.
// The second number should be changed when there are new features.
2014-11-10 00:34:07 +03:00
namespace OCC {
#define DEBUG qDebug() << "SocketApi: "
2014-07-17 17:00:21 +04:00
SocketApi::SocketApi(QObject* parent)
: QObject(parent)
QString socketPath;
if (Utility::isWindows()) {
socketPath = QLatin1String("\\\\.\\pipe\\")
+ QLatin1String("ownCloud");
// TODO: once the windows extension supports multiple
// client connections, switch back to the theme name
// See issue #2388
// + Theme::instance()->appName();
} else if (Utility::isMac()) {
// This must match the code signing Team setting of the extension
// Example for developer builds (with ad-hoc signing identity): "" "com.owncloud.desktopclient" ".socketApi"
// Example for official signed packages: "9B5WD74GWJ." "com.owncloud.desktopclient" ".socketApi"
2015-01-09 00:40:47 +03:00
} else if( Utility::isLinux() || Utility::isBSD() ) {
QString runtimeDir;
runtimeDir = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::RuntimeLocation);
runtimeDir = QFile::decodeName(qgetenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"));
if (runtimeDir.isEmpty()) {
runtimeDir = QDir::tempPath() + QLatin1String("/runtime-")
+ QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv("USER"));
socketPath = runtimeDir + "/" + Theme::instance()->appName() + "/socket";
} else {
DEBUG << "An unexpected system detected";
QFileInfo info(socketPath);
if (!info.dir().exists()) {
bool result = info.dir().mkpath(".");
DEBUG << "creating" << info.dir().path() << result;
if( result ) {
if(!_localServer.listen(socketPath)) {
DEBUG << "can't start server" << socketPath;
} else {
DEBUG << "server started, listening at " << socketPath;
connect(&_localServer, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(slotNewConnection()));
// folder watcher
connect(FolderMan::instance(), SIGNAL(folderSyncStateChange(Folder*)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateFolderView(Folder*)));
DEBUG << "dtor";
// All remaining sockets will be destroyed with _localServer, their parent
Q_ASSERT(_listeners.isEmpty() || _listeners.first()->parent() == &_localServer);
2014-06-02 14:08:06 +04:00
void SocketApi::slotNewConnection()
QIODevice* socket = _localServer.nextPendingConnection();
2014-06-02 14:08:06 +04:00
if( ! socket ) {
2014-07-17 17:00:21 +04:00
DEBUG << "New connection" << socket;
2014-06-02 14:08:06 +04:00
connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(slotReadSocket()));
connect(socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(onLostConnection()));
foreach( Folder *f, FolderMan::instance()->map() ) {
QString message = buildRegisterPathMessage(f->path());
sendMessage(socket, message);
void SocketApi::onLostConnection()
DEBUG << "Lost connection " << sender();
QIODevice* socket = qobject_cast<QIODevice*>(sender());
2014-06-02 14:08:06 +04:00
void SocketApi::slotReadSocket()
QIODevice* socket = qobject_cast<QIODevice*>(sender());
2014-06-02 14:08:06 +04:00
while(socket->canReadLine()) {
QString line = QString::fromUtf8(socket->readLine());
line.chop(1); // remove the '\n'
QString command = line.split(":").value(0);
QString function = QString(QLatin1String("command_")).append(command);
QString functionWithArguments = function + QLatin1String("(QString,QIODevice*)");
int indexOfMethod = this->metaObject()->indexOfMethod(functionWithArguments.toAscii());
QString argument = line.remove(0, command.length()+1);
2014-06-02 14:08:06 +04:00
if(indexOfMethod != -1) {
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, function.toAscii(), Q_ARG(QString, argument), Q_ARG(QIODevice*, socket));
2014-06-02 14:08:06 +04:00
} else {
DEBUG << "The command is not supported by this version of the client:" << command << "with argument:" << argument;
void SocketApi::slotRegisterPath( const QString& alias )
Folder *f = FolderMan::instance()->folder(alias);
if (f) {
QString message = buildRegisterPathMessage(f->path());
foreach(QIODevice *socket, _listeners) {
sendMessage(socket, message);
void SocketApi::slotUnregisterPath( const QString& alias )
Folder *f = FolderMan::instance()->folder(alias);
if (f)
broadcastMessage(QLatin1String("UNREGISTER_PATH"), f->path(), QString::null, true );
void SocketApi::slotUpdateFolderView(Folder *f)
if (_listeners.isEmpty()) {
if (f) {
// do only send UPDATE_VIEW for a couple of status
if( f->syncResult().status() == SyncResult::SyncPrepare ||
f->syncResult().status() == SyncResult::Success ||
f->syncResult().status() == SyncResult::Paused ||
f->syncResult().status() == SyncResult::Problem ||
f->syncResult().status() == SyncResult::Error ||
f->syncResult().status() == SyncResult::SetupError ) {
broadcastMessage(QLatin1String("STATUS"), f->path() ,
broadcastMessage(QLatin1String("UPDATE_VIEW"), f->path() );
} else {
qDebug() << "Not sending UPDATE_VIEW for" << f->alias() << "because status() is" << f->syncResult().status();
void SocketApi::slotFileStatusChanged(const QString& systemFileName, SyncFileStatus fileStatus)
broadcastMessage(QLatin1String("STATUS"), systemFileName, fileStatus.toSocketAPIString());
void SocketApi::sendMessage(QIODevice *socket, const QString& message, bool doWait)
DEBUG << "Sending message: " << message;
QString localMessage = message;
if( ! localMessage.endsWith(QLatin1Char('\n'))) {
2014-10-10 18:20:57 +04:00
QByteArray bytesToSend = localMessage.toUtf8();
qint64 sent = socket->write(bytesToSend);
if( doWait ) {
2014-10-10 18:20:57 +04:00
if( sent != bytesToSend.length() ) {
qDebug() << "WARN: Could not send all data on socket for " << localMessage;
void SocketApi::broadcastMessage( const QString& verb, const QString& path, const QString& status, bool doWait )
QString msg(verb);
if( !status.isEmpty() ) {
if( !path.isEmpty() ) {
QFileInfo fi(path);
foreach(QIODevice *socket, _listeners) {
sendMessage(socket, msg, doWait);
void SocketApi::command_RETRIEVE_FOLDER_STATUS(const QString& argument, QIODevice* socket)
// This command is the same as RETRIEVE_FILE_STATUS
2014-10-22 16:43:23 +04:00
//qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << argument;
command_RETRIEVE_FILE_STATUS(argument, socket);
void SocketApi::command_RETRIEVE_FILE_STATUS(const QString& argument, QIODevice* socket)
const QString nopString("NOP");
if( !socket ) {
qDebug() << "No valid socket object.";
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << argument;
QString statusString;
Folder* syncFolder = FolderMan::instance()->folderForPath( argument );
if (!syncFolder) {
// this can happen in offline mode e.g.: nothing to worry about
statusString = nopString;
} else {
const QString file = QDir::cleanPath(argument).mid(syncFolder->cleanPath().length()+1);
// future: Send more specific states for paused, disconnected etc.
if( syncFolder->syncPaused() ){
statusString = nopString;
} else if( !syncFolder->accountState()->isConnected() ) {
if( file.isEmpty() || file == QLatin1String("/") ) {
// only the root folder
statusString = nopString;
} else {
// all other files and dirs in unconnected sync
statusString = nopString;
} else {
SyncFileStatus fileStatus = syncFolder->syncEngine().syncFileStatusTracker().fileStatus(file);
statusString = fileStatus.toSocketAPIString();
const QString message = QLatin1String("STATUS:") % statusString % QLatin1Char(':') % QDir::toNativeSeparators(argument);
sendMessage(socket, message);
void SocketApi::command_SHARE(const QString& localFile, QIODevice* socket)
if (!socket) {
2015-01-11 15:41:15 +03:00
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "No valid socket object.";
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << localFile;
auto theme = Theme::instance();
Folder *shareFolder = FolderMan::instance()->folderForPath(localFile);
if (!shareFolder) {
const QString message = QLatin1String("SHARE:NOP:")+QDir::toNativeSeparators(localFile);
// files that are not within a sync folder are not synced.
sendMessage(socket, message);
} else if (!shareFolder->accountState()->isConnected()) {
const QString message = QLatin1String("SHARE:NOTCONNECTED:")+QDir::toNativeSeparators(localFile);
// if the folder isn't connected, don't open the share dialog
sendMessage(socket, message);
} else if (!theme->linkSharing() && (
!theme->userGroupSharing() ||
shareFolder->accountState()->account()->serverVersionInt() < ((8 << 16) + (2 << 8)))) {
const QString message = QLatin1String("SHARE:NOP:")+QDir::toNativeSeparators(localFile);
sendMessage(socket, message);
} else {
const QString localFileClean = QDir::cleanPath(localFile);
const QString file = localFileClean.mid(shareFolder->cleanPath().length()+1);
SyncFileStatus fileStatus = shareFolder->syncEngine().syncFileStatusTracker().fileStatus(file);
// Verify the file is on the server (to our knowledge of course)
if (fileStatus.tag() != SyncFileStatus::StatusUpToDate) {
const QString message = QLatin1String("SHARE:NOTSYNCED:")+QDir::toNativeSeparators(localFile);
sendMessage(socket, message);
const QString remotePath = QDir(shareFolder->remotePath()).filePath(file);
// Can't share root folder
if (remotePath == "/") {
const QString message = QLatin1String("SHARE:CANNOTSHAREROOT:")+QDir::toNativeSeparators(localFile);
sendMessage(socket, message);
SyncJournalFileRecord rec = shareFolder->journalDb()->getFileRecord(localFileClean);
bool allowReshare = true; // lets assume the good
if( rec.isValid() ) {
// check the permission: Is resharing allowed?
if( !rec._remotePerm.contains('R') ) {
allowReshare = false;
const QString message = QLatin1String("SHARE:OK:")+QDir::toNativeSeparators(localFile);
sendMessage(socket, message);
emit shareCommandReceived(remotePath, localFileClean, allowReshare);
void SocketApi::command_VERSION(const QString&, QIODevice* socket)
2014-08-27 14:02:47 +04:00
2014-08-27 14:02:47 +04:00
void SocketApi::command_SHARE_STATUS(const QString &localFile, QIODevice *socket)
if (!socket) {
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "No valid socket object.";
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << localFile;
Folder *shareFolder = FolderMan::instance()->folderForPath(localFile);
if (!shareFolder) {
const QString message = QLatin1String("SHARE_STATUS:NOP:")+QDir::toNativeSeparators(localFile);
sendMessage(socket, message);
} else {
const QString file = QDir::cleanPath(localFile).mid(shareFolder->cleanPath().length()+1);
SyncFileStatus fileStatus = shareFolder->syncEngine().syncFileStatusTracker().fileStatus(file);
// Verify the file is on the server (to our knowledge of course)
if (fileStatus.tag() != SyncFileStatus::StatusUpToDate) {
const QString message = QLatin1String("SHARE_STATUS:NOTSYNCED:")+QDir::toNativeSeparators(localFile);
sendMessage(socket, message);
const Capabilities capabilities = shareFolder->accountState()->account()->capabilities();
if (!capabilities.shareAPI()) {
const QString message = QLatin1String("SHARE_STATUS:DISABLED:")+QDir::toNativeSeparators(localFile);
sendMessage(socket, message);
} else {
auto theme = Theme::instance();
QString available;
if (theme->userGroupSharing()) {
available = "USER,GROUP";
if (theme->linkSharing() && capabilities.sharePublicLink()) {
if (available.isEmpty()) {
available = "LINK";
} else {
available += ",LINK";
if (available.isEmpty()) {
const QString message = QLatin1String("SHARE_STATUS:DISABLED") + ":" + QDir::toNativeSeparators(localFile);
sendMessage(socket, message);
} else {
const QString message = QLatin1String("SHARE_STATUS:") + available + ":" + QDir::toNativeSeparators(localFile);
sendMessage(socket, message);
void SocketApi::command_SHARE_MENU_TITLE(const QString &, QIODevice* socket)
sendMessage(socket, QLatin1String("SHARE_MENU_TITLE:") + tr("Share with %1", "parameter is ownCloud").arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()));
QString SocketApi::buildRegisterPathMessage(const QString& path)
QFileInfo fi(path);
QString message = QLatin1String("REGISTER_PATH:");
return message;
2014-11-10 00:34:07 +03:00
} // namespace OCC