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2015-02-25 20:32:25 +03:00
* Copyright (C) by Roeland Jago Douma <>
* Copyright (C) 2015 by Klaas Freitag <>
2015-02-25 20:32:25 +03:00
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include "sharedialog.h"
#include "ui_sharedialog.h"
#include "networkjobs.h"
#include "account.h"
#include "json.h"
#include "folderman.h"
#include "folder.h"
#include "accountmanager.h"
#include "theme.h"
#include "syncresult.h"
2015-03-26 20:08:06 +03:00
#include "configfile.h"
2015-07-16 22:49:12 +03:00
#include "capabilities.h"
#include "QProgressIndicator.h"
#include <QBuffer>
#include <QFileIconProvider>
#include <QClipboard>
namespace {
2014-12-19 18:56:17 +03:00
namespace OCC {
ShareDialog::ShareDialog(AccountPtr account, const QString &sharePath, const QString &localPath, bool resharingAllowed, QWidget *parent) :
_ui(new Ui::ShareDialog),
2015-03-26 20:08:06 +03:00
setObjectName("SharingDialog"); // required as group for saveGeometry call
connect(_ui->pushButton_copy, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(slotPushButtonCopyLinkPressed()));
2015-02-25 15:41:44 +03:00
QPushButton *closeButton = _ui->buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Close);
if( closeButton ) {
connect( closeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(close()) );
// the following progress indicator widgets are added to layouts which makes them
// automatically deleted once the dialog dies.
_pi_link = new QProgressIndicator();
_pi_password = new QProgressIndicator();
_pi_date = new QProgressIndicator();
// _ui->horizontalLayout_expire->addWidget(_pi_date);
connect(_ui->checkBox_shareLink, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotCheckBoxShareLinkClicked()));
connect(_ui->checkBox_password, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotCheckBoxPasswordClicked()));
connect(_ui->lineEdit_password, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(slotPasswordReturnPressed()));
connect(_ui->lineEdit_password, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(slotPasswordChanged(QString)));
connect(_ui->pushButton_setPassword, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(slotPasswordReturnPressed()));
connect(_ui->checkBox_expire, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotCheckBoxExpireClicked()));
connect(_ui->calendar, SIGNAL(dateChanged(QDate)), SLOT(slotCalendarClicked(QDate)));
//Disable checkbox
QFileInfo f_info(_localPath);
QFileIconProvider icon_provider;
QIcon icon = icon_provider.icon(f_info);
QFileInfo lPath(_localPath);
QString fileName = lPath.fileName();
QFont f( _ui->label_name->font());
f.setPointSize( f.pointSize() * 1.4 );
_ui->label_name->setFont( f );
QString ocDir(_sharePath);
ocDir.replace(QRegExp("^/*"), "");
ocDir.replace(QRegExp("/*$"), "");
if( ocDir.isEmpty() ) {
2015-03-26 20:08:06 +03:00
} else {
_ui->label_sharePath->setText(tr("Folder: %2").arg(ocDir));
this->setWindowTitle(tr("%1 Sharing").arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()));
2015-03-26 20:08:06 +03:00
_ui->checkBox_password->setText(tr("P&assword protect"));
// check if the file is already inside of a synced folder
if( sharePath.isEmpty() ) {
// The file is not yet in an ownCloud synced folder. We could automatically
// copy it over, but that is skipped as not all questions can be answered that
// are involved in that, see
// _ui->checkBox_shareLink->setEnabled(false);
// uploadExternalFile();
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Unable to share files not in a sync folder.";
// error label, red box and stuff
QPalette errPalette = _ui->errorLabel->palette();
errPalette.setColor(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base, QColor(0xaa, 0x4d, 0x4d));
errPalette.setColor(QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText, QColor(0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa));
// Parse capabilities
// If password is enforced then don't allow users to disable it
if (_account->capabilities().publicLinkEnforcePassword()) {
// If expiredate is enforced do not allow disable and set max days
if (_account->capabilities().publicLinkEnforceExpireDate()) {
2015-03-26 20:08:06 +03:00
void ShareDialog::done( int r ) {
ConfigFile cfg;
static int getJsonReturnCode(const QVariantMap &json, QString &message)
//TODO proper checking
int code = json.value("ocs").toMap().value("meta").toMap().value("statuscode").toInt();
message = json.value("ocs").toMap().value("meta").toMap().value("message").toString();
return code;
void ShareDialog::setExpireDate(const QDate &date)
if( _public_share_id == 0 ) {
// no public share so far.
QUrl url = Account::concatUrlPath(_account->url(), QString("ocs/v1.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares/%1").arg(_public_share_id));
QList<QPair<QString, QString> > postParams;
if (date.isValid()) {
postParams.append(qMakePair(QString::fromLatin1("expireDate"), date.toString("yyyy-MM-dd")));
} else {
postParams.append(qMakePair(QString::fromLatin1("expireDate"), QString()));
OcsShareJob *job = new OcsShareJob("PUT", url, _account, this);
connect(job, SIGNAL(jobFinished(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(slotExpireSet(QVariantMap)));
void ShareDialog::slotExpireSet(const QVariantMap &reply)
QString message;
int code = getJsonReturnCode(reply, message);
if (code != 100) {
2015-01-11 13:19:12 +03:00
void ShareDialog::slotCalendarClicked(const QDate &date)
delete _ui;
void ShareDialog::slotPasswordReturnPressed()
2015-01-11 15:27:32 +03:00
_ui->lineEdit_password->setPlaceholderText(tr("Password Protected"));
void ShareDialog::slotPasswordChanged(const QString& newText)
// disable the set-password button
_ui->pushButton_setPassword->setEnabled( newText.length() > 0 );
2015-01-14 21:36:42 +03:00
void ShareDialog::setPassword(const QString &password)
if( _passwordJobRunning ) {
// This happens because the entry field and the button both trigger this slot.
QUrl url;
QList<QPair<QString, QString> > requestParams;
QByteArray verb("PUT");
if( _public_share_id > 0 ) {
url = Account::concatUrlPath(_account->url(), QString("ocs/v1.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares/%1").arg(_public_share_id));
requestParams.append(qMakePair(QString::fromLatin1("password"), password));
} else {
// lets create a new share.
url = Account::concatUrlPath(_account->url(), QLatin1String("ocs/v1.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares"));
requestParams.append(qMakePair(QString::fromLatin1("path"), _sharePath));
requestParams.append(qMakePair(QString::fromLatin1("shareType"), QString::number(SHARETYPE_PUBLIC)));
requestParams.append(qMakePair(QString::fromLatin1("password"), password));
verb = "POST";
if( _ui->checkBox_expire->isChecked() ) {
QDate date = _ui->calendar->date();
if( date.isValid() ) {
requestParams.append(qMakePair(QString::fromLatin1("expireDate"), date.toString("yyyy-MM-dd")));
OcsShareJob *job = new OcsShareJob(verb, url, _account, this);
connect(job, SIGNAL(jobFinished(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(slotPasswordSet(QVariantMap)));
2015-07-16 21:55:54 +03:00
if (_public_share_id == 0) {
connect(job, SIGNAL(jobFinished(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(slotCreateShareFetched(QVariantMap)));
_passwordJobRunning = true;
void ShareDialog::slotPasswordSet(const QVariantMap &reply)
QString message;
int code = getJsonReturnCode(reply, message);
if (code != 100) {
2015-01-22 11:28:26 +03:00
* When setting/deleting a password from a share the old share is
* deleted and a new one is created. So we need to refetch the shares
* at this point.
2015-01-14 21:47:25 +03:00
_passwordJobRunning = false;
void ShareDialog::getShares()
QUrl url = Account::concatUrlPath(_account->url(), QLatin1String("ocs/v1.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares"));
QList<QPair<QString, QString> > params;
params.append(qMakePair(QString::fromLatin1("path"), _sharePath));
OcsShareJob *job = new OcsShareJob("GET", url, _account, this);
job->addPassStatusCode(404); // don't report error if share doesn't exist yet
connect(job, SIGNAL(jobFinished(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(slotSharesFetched(QVariantMap)));
if (QFileInfo(_localPath).isFile()) {
ThumbnailJob *job2 = new ThumbnailJob(_sharePath, _account, this);
connect(job2, SIGNAL(jobFinished(int, QByteArray)), SLOT(slotThumbnailFetched(int, QByteArray)));
void ShareDialog::slotSharesFetched(const QVariantMap &reply)
QString message;
int code = getJsonReturnCode(reply, message);
if (code != 100 && code != 404) {
2015-01-14 21:47:25 +03:00
ShareDialog::_shares = reply.value("ocs").toMap().value("data").toList();
2015-04-17 18:56:17 +03:00
const QString versionString = _account->serverVersion();
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << versionString << "Fetched" << ShareDialog::_shares.count() << "shares";
//Show link checkbox now
Q_FOREACH(auto share, ShareDialog::_shares) {
2015-01-17 11:29:13 +03:00
QVariantMap data = share.toMap();
if (data.value("share_type").toInt() == SHARETYPE_PUBLIC) {
_public_share_id = data.value("id").toULongLong();
if (data.value("share_with").isValid()) {
} else {
// _ui->lineEdit_password->setPlaceholderText("********");
if (data.value("expiration").isValid()) {
_ui->calendar->setDate(QDate::fromString(data.value("expiration").toString(), "yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00"));
} else {
QString url;
// From ownCloud server 8.2 the url field is always set for public shares
if (data.contains("url")) {
url = data.value("url").toString();
} else if (versionString.contains('.') && versionString.split('.')[0].toInt() >= 8) {
// From ownCloud server version 8 on, a different share link scheme is used.
url = Account::concatUrlPath(_account->url(), QString("index.php/s/%1").arg(data.value("token").toString())).toString();
} else {
QList<QPair<QString, QString>> queryArgs;
queryArgs.append(qMakePair(QString("service"), QString("files")));
queryArgs.append(qMakePair(QString("t"), data.value("token").toString()));
url = Account::concatUrlPath(_account->url(), QLatin1String("public.php"), queryArgs).toString();
if( _shares.count()>0 ) {
} else {
// If there are no shares yet, check the checkbox to create a link automatically.
// If its clear that resharing is not allowed, display an error
if( !_resharingAllowed ) {
displayError(tr("The file can not be shared because it was shared without sharing permission."));
} else {
void ShareDialog::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e)
void ShareDialog::redrawElidedUrl()
QString u;
if( !_shareUrl.isEmpty() ) {
QFontMetrics fm( _ui->_labelShareLink->font() );
int linkLengthPixel = _ui->_labelShareLink->width();
const QUrl realUrl(_shareUrl);
QString elidedUrl = fm.elidedText(_shareUrl, Qt::ElideRight, linkLengthPixel);
u = QString("<a href=\"%1\">%2</a>").arg(realUrl.toString(QUrl::None)).arg(elidedUrl);
void ShareDialog::setShareLink( const QString& url )
// FIXME: shorten the url for output.
const QUrl realUrl(url);
if( realUrl.isValid() ) {
_shareUrl = url;
} else {
void ShareDialog::slotDeleteShareFetched(const QVariantMap &reply)
QString message;
int code = getJsonReturnCode(reply, message);
if (code != 100) {
_public_share_id = 0;
void ShareDialog::slotCheckBoxShareLinkClicked()
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO <<( _ui->checkBox_shareLink->checkState() == Qt::Checked);
if (_ui->checkBox_shareLink->checkState() == Qt::Checked) {
QUrl url = Account::concatUrlPath(_account->url(), QLatin1String("ocs/v1.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares"));
QList<QPair<QString, QString> > postParams;
postParams.append(qMakePair(QString::fromLatin1("path"), _sharePath));
postParams.append(qMakePair(QString::fromLatin1("shareType"), QString::number(SHARETYPE_PUBLIC)));
* Check the capabilities if the server requires a password for a share
* Ask for it directly
if (_account->capabilities().publicLinkEnforcePassword()) {
2015-07-16 21:55:54 +03:00
_ui->checkBox_password->setText(tr("Public sh&aring requires a password"));
OcsShareJob *job = new OcsShareJob("POST", url, _account, this);
job->addPassStatusCode(403); // "password required" is not an error
connect(job, SIGNAL(jobFinished(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(slotCreateShareFetched(QVariantMap)));
} else {
QUrl url = Account::concatUrlPath(_account->url(), QString("ocs/v1.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares/%1").arg(_public_share_id));
OcsShareJob *job = new OcsShareJob("DELETE", url, _account, this);
connect(job, SIGNAL(jobFinished(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(slotDeleteShareFetched(QVariantMap)));
void ShareDialog::slotCreateShareFetched(const QVariantMap &reply)
QString message;
int code = getJsonReturnCode(reply, message);
2015-01-14 21:47:25 +03:00
if (code == 403) {
// there needs to be a password
_ui->checkBox_password->setText(tr("Public sh&aring requires a password"));
} else if (code != 100) {
2015-01-14 21:47:25 +03:00
_public_share_id = reply.value("ocs").toMap().values("data")[0].toMap().value("id").toULongLong();
void ShareDialog::slotCheckBoxPasswordClicked()
if (_ui->checkBox_password->checkState() == Qt::Checked) {
_ui->lineEdit_password->setPlaceholderText(tr("Please Set Password"));
} else {
2015-01-11 15:24:40 +03:00
void ShareDialog::slotCheckBoxExpireClicked()
if (_ui->checkBox_expire->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
const QDate date = QDate::currentDate().addDays(1);
void ShareDialog::slotPushButtonCopyLinkPressed()
QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
void ShareDialog::setShareCheckBoxTitle(bool haveShares)
2015-03-26 20:08:06 +03:00
const QString noSharesTitle(tr("&Share link"));
const QString haveSharesTitle(tr("&Share link"));
if( haveShares ) {
_ui->checkBox_shareLink->setText( haveSharesTitle );
} else {
_ui->checkBox_shareLink->setText( noSharesTitle );
void ShareDialog::displayError(const QString& errMsg)
_ui->errorLabel->setText( errMsg );
void ShareDialog::displayError(int code)
const QString errMsg = tr("OCS API error code: %1").arg(code);
#if 0
void ShareDialog::displayInfo( const QString& msg )
* This code is disabled for now as we do not have answers for all the questions involved
* here, see
bool ShareDialog::uploadExternalFile()
bool re = false;
const QString folderName = QString("ownCloud"); // FIXME: get a proper folder name
Folder *folder = 0;
Folder::Map folders = FolderMan::instance()->map();
if( folders.isEmpty() ) {
2015-01-22 11:28:26 +03:00
displayInfo(tr("There is no sync folder configured."));
return false;
if( folders.contains( Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()) ) {
folder = folders.value(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI());
if( !folder ) {
folder = folders.value( folders.keys().at(0));
if( ! folder ) {
qDebug() << "Folder not defined: " << folderName;
2015-06-07 15:19:59 +03:00
displayInfo(tr("Cannot find a folder to upload to."));
return false;
QFileInfo fi(_localPath);
if( fi.isDir() ) {
// we can not do this for directories yet.
displayInfo(tr("Sharing of external directories is not yet working."));
return false;
_sharePath = folder->remotePath()+QLatin1Char('/')+fi.fileName();
_folderAlias = folderName;
// connect the finish signal of the folder before the file to upload
// is copied to the sync folder.
connect( folder, SIGNAL(syncFinished(SyncResult)), this, SLOT(slotNextSyncFinished(SyncResult)) );
// copy the file
_expectedSyncFile = folder->path()+fi.fileName();
QFileInfo target(_expectedSyncFile);
if( target.exists() ) {
_ui->label_sharePath->setText(tr("A sync file with the same name exists. "
2015-02-06 00:00:13 +03:00
"The file cannot be registered to sync."));
// TODO: Add a file comparison here. If the existing file is still the same
// as the file-to-copy we can share it.
} else {
_uploadFails = 0;
QFile file( _localPath);
if( file.copy(_expectedSyncFile) ) {
// copying succeeded.
re = true;
displayInfo(tr("Waiting to upload..."));
} else {
displayInfo(tr("Unable to register in sync space."));
return re;
void ShareDialog::slotNextSyncFinished( const SyncResult& result )
// FIXME: Check for state!
SyncFileItemVector itemVector = result.syncFileItemVector();
SyncFileItem targetItem;
Folder *folder = FolderMan::instance()->folder(_folderAlias);
const QString folderPath = folder->path();
foreach( SyncFileItem item, itemVector ) {
const QString fullSyncedFile = folderPath + item._file;
if( item._direction == SyncFileItem::Up &&
fullSyncedFile == _expectedSyncFile) {
// found the item!
targetItem = item;
if( targetItem.isEmpty() ) {
// The item was not in this sync run. Lets wait for the next one. FIXME
_uploadFails ++;
if( _uploadFails > 2 ) {
// stop the upload job
2015-02-06 00:00:13 +03:00
displayInfo(tr("The file cannot be synced."));
} else {
// it's there and the sync was successful.
// The server should be able to generate a share link now.
// Enable the sharing link
if( targetItem._status == SyncFileItem::Success ) {
_ui->label_sharePath->setText(tr("%1 path: %2").arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()).arg(_sharePath));
} else {
displayInfo(tr("Sync of registered file was not successful yet."));
void ShareDialog::slotThumbnailFetched(const int &statusCode, const QByteArray &reply)
if (statusCode != 200) {
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Status code: " << statusCode;
QPixmap p;
p.loadFromData(reply, "PNG");
OcsShareJob::OcsShareJob(const QByteArray &verb, const QUrl &url, AccountPtr account, QObject* parent)
: AbstractNetworkJob(account, "", parent),
void OcsShareJob::setPostParams(const QList<QPair<QString, QString> >& postParams)
_postParams = postParams;
void OcsShareJob::addPassStatusCode(int code)
void OcsShareJob::start()
QNetworkRequest req;
req.setRawHeader("OCS-APIREQUEST", "true");
req.setRawHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
2014-12-19 18:56:17 +03:00
// Url encode the _postParams and put them in a buffer.
QByteArray postData;
Q_FOREACH(auto tmp2, _postParams) {
if (! postData.isEmpty()) {
2014-12-19 18:56:17 +03:00
QBuffer *buffer = new QBuffer;
2014-12-19 18:56:17 +03:00
auto queryItems = _url.queryItems();
queryItems.append(qMakePair(QString::fromLatin1("format"), QString::fromLatin1("json")));
setReply(davRequest(_verb, _url, req, buffer));
bool OcsShareJob::finished()
const QString replyData = reply()->readAll();
bool success;
QVariantMap json = QtJson::parse(replyData, success).toMap();
if (!success) {
qDebug() << "Could not parse reply to" << _verb << _url << _postParams
<< ":" << replyData;
QString message;
const int statusCode = getJsonReturnCode(json, message);
if (!_passStatusCodes.contains(statusCode)) {
qDebug() << "Reply to" << _verb << _url << _postParams
<< "has unexpected status code:" << statusCode << replyData;
emit jobFinished(json);
return true;
ThumbnailJob::ThumbnailJob(const QString &path, AccountPtr account, QObject* parent)
: AbstractNetworkJob(account, "", parent)
_url = Account::concatUrlPath(account->url(), QLatin1String("index.php/apps/files/api/v1/thumbnail/150/150/") + path);
void ThumbnailJob::start()
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO;
bool ThumbnailJob::finished()
emit jobFinished(reply()->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt(), reply()->readAll());
return true;