MMMarcy 2cad715525 Commit for the PR
The pull request targets:

	1) Introduces Gradle support
	2) Updates maven support (even thou the apk generated is not
	3) Updates the setup_env.* scripts to support different building
	4) Removes non UTF-8 characters
	5) Removes switches on entries (not supported anymore from
ADT >= 14)
	6) Introduced a binary dependency (.aar) that replace the actionbarsherlock


	1) Change the sub-module back to the owncloud android library
once the PR will be merge
2014-10-28 16:09:34 +01:00

59 lines
1.7 KiB

@echo off
:: Use argument to decide which build system should be used
if "%1" == "gradle" goto initForGradle
if "%1" == "maven" goto initForMaven
if "%1" == "ant" goto initForAnt
goto invalidInput
echo "Executing Gradle setup..."
goto initDefault
echo "Executing Maven setup..."
goto initDefault
echo "Executing Ant setup..."
::If the directory exists the script has already been executed
if not exist .\actionbarsherlock (
::Gets the owncloud-android-library
call git submodule init
call git submodule update
::Clones the actionbarsherlock and checks-out the right release (4.2.0)
git clone "" "actionbarsherlock"
cd "actionbarsherlock"
git checkout "90939dc3925ffaaa0de269bbbe1b35e274968ea1"
cd ../
call android.bat update project -p actionbarsherlock/library -n ActionBarSherlock --target android-19
call android.bat update lib-project -p owncloud-android-library
call android.bat update project -p .
call android.bat update project -p oc_jb_workaround
copy /Y third_party\android-support-library\android-support-v4.jar actionbarsherlock\library\libs\android-support-v4.jar
call android.bat update test-project -p tests -m ..
goto complete
call git submodule init
call git submodule update
call android.bat update lib-project -p owncloud-android-library
call android.bat update project -p .
call android.bat update project -p oc_jb_workaround
call android.bat update test-project -p tests -m ..
goto complete
echo "Input argument invalid."
echo "Usage: %0 [ant | maven | gradle]."
goto exit
echo "...setup complete."
goto exit