#!/bin/bash date=$(date +%Y%m%d) # use current date for version code/name sed -i "/versionDev/,/\}/ s/versionCode .*/versionCode $date/" build.gradle sed -i "/versionDev/,/\}/ s/versionName .*/versionName \"$date\"/" build.gradle # build signed apk ./gradlew assembleVersionDevRelease >> /tmp/dev.log 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Build error!" exit 1 fi # sign mkdir -p ~/apks source ~/.gradle/devVersionSecrets /home/nextcloud/bin/apksigner sign --ks-pass env:VERSION_DEV_STORE_PASSWORD \ --key-pass env:VERSION_DEV_KEY_PASSWORD \ --ks $VERSION_DEV_STORE_FILE \ --out ~/apks/nextcloud-dev-$date.apk \ ./build/outputs/apk/versionDev/release/versionDev-release-$date.apk # use the current date echo $date > ~/apks/latest ln -s nextcloud-dev-$date.apk latest.apk mv latest.apk ~/apks/ # remove all but the latest 5 apks /bin/ls -t ~/apks/*.apk | awk 'NR>6' | xargs rm -f lastBuildTime=$(date --date="$(git log -1 --format=%ai $(git tag | grep dev | tail -n1))" +%s) # Show only the commit subject in the changelog and filter out: # * Merges # * Dependabot commits # * Commits touching only non-user-facing stuff like tests # * Version bump commits changelog=$(git log --no-merges --after=$lastBuildTime --invert-grep --author=dependabot --pretty='format:%s' -- ':!src/androidTest' ':!.*' ':!scripts/analysis' | grep -vE '^daily dev [[:digit:]]{8}$') # Make Transifex updates have a nicer description if echo "$changelog" | grep -q 'tx-robot'; then changelog=$(echo "$changelog" | grep -v 'tx-robot') # This is a funky bashism - preceding a single-quote string with $ lets you put escape chars in it changelog="${changelog}"$'\nUpdate translations' fi libraryCommit=$(curl https://api.github.com/repos/nextcloud/android-library/commits/master | jq .sha | sed s'/\"//g') # Check if the library was updated if ! grep -q libraryCommit build.gradle; then changelog="${changelog}"$'\nUpdate Nextcloud Android library' fi # Collapse dependency updates into a single "Update dependencies" entry if git log --after=$lastBuildTime --pretty='format:%an' | grep -q dependabot; then changelog="${changelog}"$'\nUpdate 3rd-party dependencies' fi # changelog echo "$changelog" > src/versionDev/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/$date.txt # build sed -i s"# androidLibraryVersion.*#androidLibraryVersion =\"$libraryCommit\"#" build.gradle git add . git commit -m "daily dev $date" -m "$changelog" git push git tag dev-$date git push origin dev-$date