#!/bin/bash # # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2024 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2024 Tobias Kaminsky # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later OR GPL-2.0-only # set -e if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo "1: record: true/false 2: class name 3: method name 4: darkMode: dark/light / \"all\" to run all screenshot combinations 5: color" exit fi pushd app/src/androidTest/java class=$(find | grep $2 | grep -E "java$|kt$" | head -n1|sed s'/\//\./'g | sed s'#^\.\.##' | sed s'#\.java##'| sed s'#\.kt##') if [[ -z $class ]]; then echo "Class not found!" exit 1 fi cd ../../../ if [ $1 == "true" ] ; then record="-Precord" else record="" fi if [ -e $3 ] ; then method="" else method="#$3" # check if method exists if [[ $(grep -c $3 $(find | grep $2 | grep -E "java$|kt$" | head -n1)) -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Method not found!" exit 1 fi fi if [ -e $4 ] ; then darkMode="" else darkMode="-Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.DARKMODE=$4" fi popd sed -i s'#false#true#'g app/src/main/res/values/setup.xml # check if emulator is running emulatorIsRunning=false while read line ; do if [[ $(adb -s $line emu avd name 2>/dev/null | head -n1) =~ uiComparison.* ]]; then emulatorIsRunning=true export ANDROID_SERIAL=$line break fi done < <(adb devices | cut -f1) if [ "$emulatorIsRunning" == false ] ; then "$(command -v emulator)" -writable-system -avd uiComparison -no-snapshot -gpu swiftshader_indirect -no-audio -skin 500x833 & sleep 20 fi if [ -e $5 ] ; then color="" else color="-Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.COLOR=$5" fi if [[ $4 = "all" ]]; then scripts/runAllScreenshotCombinations "noCI" "$1" "-Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.class=$class$method" else SHOT_TEST=true ./gradlew --offline gplayDebugExecuteScreenshotTests $record \ -Dorg.gradle.jvmargs="--add-opens java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.nio.channels=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.base/sun.nio.ch=ALL-UNNAMED" \ -Pscreenshot=true \ -Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.annotation=com.owncloud.android.utils.ScreenshotTest \ -Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.class=$class$method \ $darkMode \ $color fi sed -i s'#true#false#'g app/src/main/res/values/setup.xml unset ANDROID_SERIAL