/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Aravinth Manivannan <realaravinth@batsense.net> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ import {LEVELS} from './levels/index'; import getNumLevels from './levels/getNumLevels'; import CONST from './const'; const REMOVE_LEVEL_BUTTON = 'sitekey-form__level-remove-level-button'; /** * Gets executed when 'Remove' Button is clicked to remove levels */ const removeLevel = (e: Event) => { const eventTarget = <HTMLElement>e.target; const PARENT = <HTMLElement>eventTarget.parentElement; const FIELDSET = <HTMLElement>PARENT.parentElement; const levelNum = parseInt( eventTarget.id.slice(CONST.REMOVE_LEVEL_BUTTON_ID_WITHOUT_LEVEL.length), ); if (Number.isNaN(levelNum)) { const msg = '[removeLevelButton.ts] error in parsing level number from remove button ID'; //console.error(msg); throw new Error(msg); } updateLevelNumbersOnDOM(levelNum); LEVELS.remove(levelNum); FIELDSET.remove(); }; /** update level number on fieldset legends and their ids too */ const updateLevelNumbersOnDOM = (id: number) => { const numLevels = getNumLevels(); if (id + 1 == numLevels) { // this is the first elemet so have to remove fist element // and downgrade the add thingy } // since I'm doing id+1, I have to remove id after I'm done // with inclreasing level numbers for (let i = id+1; i <= numLevels; i++) { const newLevel = i-1; const levelGroup = document.querySelector( `#${CONST.LEVEL_FIELDSET_ID_WITHOUT_LEVEL}${i}`, ); if (levelGroup === null) { const msg = `[removeLevelButton.ts]: error when trying to fetch level group field set ${i}. got null`; //console.error(msg); throw new Error(msg); } // rename legend levelGroup.getElementsByTagName( 'legend', )[0].innerText = `Level ${newLevel}`; // rename labels const labels = <NodeListOf<HTMLLabelElement>>( levelGroup.querySelectorAll(`.${CONST.LABEL_CLASS}`) ); //console.log(labels); labels.forEach(label => { //console.log(`${label.htmlFor}`); if (label.htmlFor.includes(CONST.VISITOR_WITHOUT_LEVEL)) { label.htmlFor = `${CONST.VISITOR_WITHOUT_LEVEL}${newLevel}`; } if (label.htmlFor.includes(CONST.DIFFICULTY_WITHOUT_LEVEL)) { label.htmlFor = `${CONST.DIFFICULTY_WITHOUT_LEVEL}${newLevel}`; } }); // rename inputs const inputs = <NodeListOf<HTMLInputElement>>( levelGroup.querySelectorAll(`.${CONST.LEVEL_INPUT_CLASS}`) ); //console.log(inputs); inputs.forEach(input => { if (input.id.includes(CONST.VISITOR_WITHOUT_LEVEL)) { //console.log(`${input.id}`); //console.log('changing visitor_threshold input'); input.id = `${CONST.VISITOR_WITHOUT_LEVEL}${newLevel}`; } if (input.id.includes(CONST.DIFFICULTY_WITHOUT_LEVEL)) { //console.log('changing difficulty input'); input.id = `${CONST.DIFFICULTY_WITHOUT_LEVEL}${newLevel}`; } }); levelGroup.id = `${CONST.LEVEL_FIELDSET_ID_WITHOUT_LEVEL}${newLevel}`; /* TODO * change field set ID * change legend inner Text * change visitor lable for value * change visitor input id * change difficulty for value * change difficulty input id */ } }; /** adds onclick event listener */ export const addRemoveLevelButtonEventListener = (level: number) => { const removeButton = <HTMLElement>( document.querySelector( `#${CONST.REMOVE_LEVEL_BUTTON_ID_WITHOUT_LEVEL}${level}`, ) ); removeButton.addEventListener('click', removeLevel); }; /** adds onclick event listener to all remove buttons */ export const addRemoveLevelButtonEventListenerAll = () => { const removeButtons = document.querySelectorAll(`.${REMOVE_LEVEL_BUTTON}`); removeButtons.forEach(button => button.addEventListener('click', removeLevel), ); }; /** * Generate Remove button HTML. On-click handler should be added * seprately */ export const getRemoveButtonHTML = (level: number) => { //console.debug(`[generating HTML getHtml]level: ${level}`); const HTML = ` ${CONST.REMOVE_LEVEL_LABEL_TEXT} <input class="sitekey-form__level-remove-level-button" type="button" name="${CONST.REMOVE_LEVEL_BUTTON_ID_WITHOUT_LEVEL}${level}" id="${CONST.REMOVE_LEVEL_BUTTON_ID_WITHOUT_LEVEL}${level}" value="x" /> </fieldset> `; return HTML; };