# Configuration Guard is highly configurable. Configuration is applied/merged in the following order: 1. path to configuration file passed in via `GUARD_CONFIG` 2. `./config/default.toml` 3. `/etc/guard/config.toml` 4. environment variables. ## Setup ### Environment variables: Setting environment variables are optional. The configuration files have all the necessary parameters listed. By setting environment variables, you will be overriding the values set in the configuration files. #### Database: | Name | Value | | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------- | | `GUARD_DATEBASE_PASSWORD` | Postgres password | | `GUARD_DATEBASE_NAME` | Postgres database name | | `GUARD_DATEBASE_PORT` | Postgres port | | `GUARD_DATEBASE_HOSTNAME` | Postgres hostmane | | `GUARD_DATEBASE_USERNAME` | Postgres username | | `GUARD_DATEBASE_POOL` | Postgres database connection pool size | | `DATABSE_URL` (overrides above vars) | databse URL in `postgres://user:pass@host:port/dbname` format | #### Server: | Name | Value | | ------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- | | `GUARD_SERVER_PORT` | The port on which you want guard to listen to | | `PORT`(overrides `GUARD_SERVER_PORT`) | The port on which you want guard to listen to | | `GUARD_SERVER_IP` | The IP address on which you want guard to listen to | | `GUARD_SERVER_DOMAIN` | Domain under which guard will be\* | | `GUARD_SERVER_COOKIE_SECRET` | Cookie secret, must be long and random | | `GUARD_SERVER_ALLOW_REGISTRATION` | `bool` that controls | | registration | \* Authentication doesn't work without `GUARD_DOMAIN` set to the correct domain ### Configuration file location: | Name | Value | | -------------- | ------------------- | | `GUARD_CONFIG` | Path to config file | ### Proof of work: | Name | Value | | ---------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `GUARD_POW_SALT` | Salt has to be long and random | | `GUARD_POW_GC` | Garbage collection duration in seconds, requires tuning but 30 is a good starting point |