default: frontend cargo build clean: @cargo clean @yarn cache clean @-rm -rf browser/pkg @-rm ./src/cache_buster_data.json @-rm -rf ./static/cache/bundle @-rm -rf ./assets coverage: migrate cd browser && cargo tarpaulin -t 1200 --out Html cargo tarpaulin -t 1200 --out Html dev-env: cargo fetch yarn install doc: #yarn doc cargo doc --no-deps --workspace --all-features cd browser && cargo doc --no-deps --workspace --all-features docker: docker build -t mcaptcha/mcaptcha:master -t mcaptcha/mcaptcha:latest . docker-publish: docker push mcaptcha/mcaptcha:master docker push mcaptcha/mcaptcha:latest frontend: cd browser && wasm-pack build --release yarn install yarn build frontend-test: cd browser && wasm-pack test --release --headless --chrome cd browser && wasm-pack test --release --headless --firefox cd browser && cargo test yarn test migrate: cargo run --bin tests-migrate release: frontend cargo build --release run: frontend cargo run test: frontend-test frontend echo 'static/' && tree static || true echo 'tree/' && tree assets || true cargo test --all-features --no-fail-fast xml-test-coverage: migrate cd browser && cargo tarpaulin -t 1200 --out Xml cargo tarpaulin -t 1200 --out Xml help: @echo ' clean - drop builds and environments' @echo ' coverage - build test coverage in HTML format' @echo ' dev-env - download dependencies' @echo ' docker - build docker image' @echo ' docker-publish - build and publish docker image' @echo ' doc - build documentation' @echo ' frontend - build static assets in prod mode' @echo ' frontend-test - run frontend tests' @echo ' migrate - run database migrations' @echo ' run - run developer instance' @echo ' test - run unit and integration tests' @echo ' xml-coverage - build test coverage in XML for upload to codecov' @echo ''