DOCKER_CONTAINER = "test_instance" default: cargo build --release bench: ./scripts/ clean: cargo clean coverage: cargo tarpaulin -t 1200 --out Html --all --all-features --no-fail-fast dev: cargo build doc: cargo doc --no-deps --workspace --all-features --document-private-items docker: docker docker push mcaptcha/cache:0.1.0-beta docker push mcaptcha/cache:latest docker-build: docker buildx build -t mcaptcha/cache:0.1.0-beta -t mcaptcha/cache:latest . --load docker-run: docker run -d --name=$(DOCKER_CONTAINER) \ --publish 6379:6379 \ mcaptcha/cache:latest docker-stop: docker stop $(DOCKER_CONTAINER) || true docker rm $(DOCKER_CONTAINER) env: ./scripts/ @-virtualenv venv || true @-pip install codespell test: @ . venv/bin/activate && ./scripts/ -c # cargo test --all --all-features --no-fail-fast ./tests/ xml-test-coverage: cargo tarpaulin -t 1200 --out Xml --all --all-features --no-fail-fast run-redis: redis-server --loadmodule ./target/release/ & stop-redis: killall redis-server lint: ## Lint codebase @ . venv/bin/activate && ./scripts/ -w cargo fmt -v --all -- --emit files cargo clippy --workspace --tests --all-features help: @echo ' bench - run benchmarks' @echo ' clean - drop builds and environments' @echo ' coverage - build test coverage in HTML format' @echo ' doc - build documentation' @echo ' docker-build - build docker image' @echo ' docker-run - run docker container' @echo ' docker-stop - stop docker container' @echo ' env - setup dev env' @echo ' run-redis - load and run redis on local machine' @echo ' stop-redis - kill local redis instance' @echo ' test - run unit and integration tests' @echo ' xml-coverage - build test coverage in XML for upload to codecov' @echo ''