Daenney da8282081c
[feature] Lower remote media cache config duration (#2007)
The old default of 30d can lead to a lot of media getting cached and
significant disk usage, even on small or single person instances. A lot
of deployments decrease this value, to 15 or even less. This is less of
an issue when using object storage, but for local storage which is the
more popular deployment option running out of disk space is unpleasant.

With GoToSocial's aim to fit in small places, this changes the default
to a much more conservative 7 days. In all likelihood people aren't
scrolling that far back in their timeline so this change shouldn't
result in any issue. Existing deployments will only be affected by
this change if the admin hasn't already configured this value, or didn't
bootstrap from the example configuration.
2023-07-21 16:22:59 +02:00

982 lines
38 KiB

# GoToSocial
# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 GoToSocial Authors
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
##### GENERAL CONFIG ######
# String. Log level to use throughout the application. Must be lower-case.
# Options: ["trace","debug","info","warn","error","fatal"]
# Default: "info"
log-level: "info"
# Bool. Log database queries when log-level is set to debug or trace.
# This setting produces verbose logs, so it's better to only enable it
# when you're trying to track an issue down.
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: false
log-db-queries: false
# Bool. Include the client IP in the emitted log lines
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: true
log-client-ip: true
# String. Application name to use internally.
# Examples: ["My Application","gotosocial"]
# Default: "gotosocial"
application-name: "gotosocial"
# String. The user that will be shown instead of the landing page. if no user is set, the landing page will be shown.
# Examples: "admin"
# Default: ""
landing-page-user: ""
# String. Hostname that this server will be reachable at. Defaults to localhost for local testing,
# but you should *definitely* change this when running for real, or your server won't work at all.
# DO NOT change this after your server has already run once, or you will break things!
# Examples: ["",""]
# Default: "localhost"
host: "localhost"
# String. Domain to use when federating profiles. This is useful when you want your server to be at
# eg., "", but you want the domain on accounts to be "" because it looks better
# or is just shorter/easier to remember.
# To make this setting work properly, you need to redirect requests at ""
# to "" so that GtS can handle them properly.
# You should also redirect requests at "" in the same way.
# You should also redirect requests at "" in the same way. This endpoint
# is used by a number of clients to discover the API endpoint to use when the host and account domain are
# different.
# An empty string (ie., not set) means that the same value as 'host' will be used.
# DO NOT change this after your server has already run once, or you will break things!
# Please read the appropriate section of the installation guide before you go messing around with this setting:
# Examples: ["",""]
# Default: ""
account-domain: ""
# String. Protocol to use for the server. Only change to http for local testing!
# This should be the protocol part of the URI that your server is actually reachable on. So even if you're
# running GoToSocial behind a reverse proxy that handles SSL certificates for you, instead of using built-in
# letsencrypt, it should still be https.
# Options: ["http","https"]
# Default: "https"
protocol: "https"
# String. Address to bind the GoToSocial server to.
# This can be an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address (surrounded in square brackets), or a hostname.
# The default value will bind to all interfaces, which makes the server
# accessible by other machines. For most setups there is no need to change this.
# If you are using GoToSocial in a reverse proxy setup with the proxy running on
# the same machine, you will want to set this to "localhost" or an equivalent,
# so that the proxy can't be bypassed.
# Examples: ["", "", "localhost", "[::]", "[2001:db8::fed1]"]
# Default: ""
bind-address: ""
# Int. Listen port for the GoToSocial webserver + API. If you're running behind a reverse proxy and/or in a docker,
# container, just set this to whatever you like (or leave the default), and make sure it's forwarded properly.
# If you are running with built-in letsencrypt enabled, and running GoToSocial directly on a host machine, you will
# probably want to set this to 443 (standard https port), unless you have other services already using that port.
# This *MUST NOT* be the same as the letsencrypt port specified below, unless letsencrypt is turned off.
# Examples: [443, 6666, 8080]
# Default: 8080
port: 8080
# Array of string. CIDRs or IP addresses of proxies that should be trusted when determining real client IP from behind a reverse proxy.
# If you're running inside a Docker container behind Traefik or Nginx, for example, add the subnet of your docker network,
# or the gateway of the docker network, and/or the address of the reverse proxy (if it's not running on the host network).
# Example: ["", ""]
# Default: ["", "::1"] (localhost ipv4 + ipv6)
- ""
- "::1"
##### DATABASE CONFIG ######
# Config pertaining to the Gotosocial database connection
# String. Database type.
# Options: ["postgres","sqlite"]
# Default: "postgres"
db-type: "postgres"
# String. Database address or parameters.
# For Postgres, this should be the address or socket at which the database can be reached.
# For Sqlite, this should be the path to your sqlite database file. Eg., /opt/gotosocial/sqlite.db.
# If the file doesn't exist at the specified path, it will be created.
# If just a filename is provided (no directory) then the database will be created in the same directory
# as the GoToSocial binary.
# If address is set to :memory: then an in-memory database will be used (no file).
# WARNING: :memory: should NOT BE USED except for testing purposes.
# Examples: ["localhost","","","",":memory:", "sqlite.db"]
# Default: ""
db-address: ""
# Int. Port for database connection.
# Examples: [5432, 1234, 6969]
# Default: 5432
db-port: 5432
# String. Username for the database connection.
# Examples: ["mydbuser","postgres","gotosocial"]
# Default: ""
db-user: ""
# String. Password to use for the database connection
# Examples: ["password123","verysafepassword","postgres"]
# Default: ""
db-password: ""
# String. Name of the database to use within the provided database type.
# Examples: ["mydb","postgres","gotosocial"]
# Default: "gotosocial"
db-database: "gotosocial"
# String. Disable, enable, or require SSL/TLS connection to the database.
# If "disable" then no TLS connection will be attempted.
# If "enable" then TLS will be tried, but the database certificate won't be checked (for self-signed certs).
# If "require" then TLS will be required to make a connection, and a valid certificate must be presented.
# Options: ["disable", "enable", "require"]
# Default: "disable"
db-tls-mode: "disable"
# String. Path to a CA certificate on the host machine for db certificate validation.
# If this is left empty, just the host certificates will be used.
# If filled in, the certificate will be loaded and added to host certificates.
# Examples: ["/path/to/some/cert.crt"]
# Default: ""
db-tls-ca-cert: ""
# Int. Number to multiply by CPU count to set permitted total of open database connections (in-use and idle).
# You can use this setting to tune your database connection behavior, though most admins won't need to touch it.
# Example values for multiplier 8:
# 1 cpu = 08 open connections
# 2 cpu = 16 open connections
# 4 cpu = 32 open connections
# Example values for multiplier 4:
# 1 cpu = 04 open connections
# 2 cpu = 08 open connections
# 4 cpu = 16 open connections
# A multiplier of 8 is a sensible default, but you may wish to increase this for instances
# running on very performant hardware, or decrease it for instances using v. slow CPUs.
# If you set the multiplier to less than 1, only one open connection will be used regardless of cpu count.
# PLEASE NOTE!!: This setting currently only applies for Postgres. SQLite will always use 1 connection regardless
# of what is set here. This behavior will change in future when we implement better SQLITE_BUSY handling.
# See for more details.
# Examples: [16, 8, 10, 2]
# Default: 8
db-max-open-conns-multiplier: 8
# String. SQLite journaling mode.
# SQLite only -- unused otherwise.
# If set to empty string, the sqlite default will be used.
# See:
# Examples: ["DELETE", "TRUNCATE", "PERSIST", "MEMORY", "WAL", "OFF"]
# Default: "WAL"
db-sqlite-journal-mode: "WAL"
# String. SQLite synchronous mode.
# SQLite only -- unused otherwise.
# If set to empty string, the sqlite default will be used.
# See:
# Examples: ["OFF", "NORMAL", "FULL", "EXTRA"]
# Default: "NORMAL"
db-sqlite-synchronous: "NORMAL"
# Byte size. SQlite cache size.
# SQLite only -- unused otherwise.
# If set to empty string or zero, the sqlite default (2MiB) will be used.
# See:
# Examples: ["0", "2MiB", "8MiB", "64MiB"]
# Default: "8MiB"
db-sqlite-cache-size: "8MiB"
# Duration. SQlite busy timeout.
# SQLite only -- unused otherwise.
# If set to empty string or zero, the sqlite default will be used.
# See:
# Examples: ["0s", "1s", "30s", "1m", "5m"]
# Default: "30m"
db-sqlite-busy-timeout: "30m"
# Cache configuration options:
# max-size = maximum cached objects count
# ttl = cached object lifetime
# sweep-freq = frequency to look for stale cache objects
# (zero will disable cache sweeping)
# Configure Status and account
# visibility cache.
visibility-max-size: 2000
visibility-ttl: "30m"
visibility-sweep-freq: "1m"
# Configure GTS database
# model caches.
account-max-size: 2000
account-ttl: "30m"
account-sweep-freq: "1m"
block-max-size: 1000
block-ttl: "30m"
block-sweep-freq: "1m"
domain-block-max-size: 2000
domain-block-ttl: "24h"
domain-block-sweep-freq: "1m"
emoji-max-size: 2000
emoji-ttl: "30m"
emoji-sweep-freq: "1m"
emoji-category-max-size: 100
emoji-category-ttl: "30m"
emoji-category-sweep-freq: "1m"
follow-max-size: 2000
follow-ttl: "30m"
follow-sweep-freq: "1m"
follow-request-max-size: 2000
follow-request-ttl: "30m"
follow-request-sweep-freq: "1m"
instance-max-size: 2000
instance-ttl: "30m"
instance-sweep-freq: "1m"
list-max-size: 2000
list-ttl: "30m"
list-sweep-freq: "1m"
list-entry-max-size: 2000
list-entry-ttl: "30m"
list-entry-sweep-freq: "1m"
media-max-size: 1000
media-ttl: "30m"
media-sweep-freq: "1m"
mention-max-size: 2000
mention-ttl: "30m"
mention-sweep-freq: "1m"
notification-max-size: 1000
notification-ttl: "30m"
notification-sweep-freq: "1m"
report-max-size: 100
report-ttl: "30m"
report-sweep-freq: "1m"
status-max-size: 2000
status-ttl: "30m"
status-sweep-freq: "1m"
status-fave-max-size: 2000
status-fave-ttl: "30m"
status-fave-sweep-freq: "1m"
tombstone-max-size: 500
tombstone-ttl: "30m"
tombstone-sweep-freq: "1m"
user-max-size: 500
user-ttl: "30m"
user-sweep-freq: "1m"
webfinger-max-size: 250
webfinger-ttl: "24h"
webfinger-sweep-freq: "15m"
##### WEB CONFIG #####
# Config pertaining to templating and serving of web pages/email notifications and the like
# String. Directory from which gotosocial will attempt to load html templates (.tmpl files).
# Examples: ["/some/absolute/path/", "./relative/path/", "../../some/weird/path/"]
# Default: "./web/template/"
web-template-base-dir: "./web/template/"
# String. Directory from which gotosocial will attempt to serve static web assets (images, scripts).
# Examples: ["/some/absolute/path/", "./relative/path/", "../../some/weird/path/"]
# Default: "./web/assets/"
web-asset-base-dir: "./web/assets/"
# Config pertaining to instance federation settings, pages to hide/expose, etc.
# Bool. Allow unauthenticated users to make queries to /api/v1/instance/peers?filter=open in order
# to see a list of instances that this instance 'peers' with. Even if set to 'false', then authenticated
# users (members of the instance) will still be able to query the endpoint.
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: false
instance-expose-peers: false
# Bool. Allow unauthenticated users to make queries to /api/v1/instance/peers?filter=suspended in order
# to see a list of instances that this instance blocks/suspends. This will also allow unauthenticated
# users to see the list through the web UI. Even if set to 'false', then authenticated users (members
# of the instance) will still be able to query the endpoint.
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: false
instance-expose-suspended: false
# Bool. Allow unauthenticated users to view /about/suspended,
# showing the HTML rendered list of instances that this instance blocks/suspends.
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: false
instance-expose-suspended-web: false
# Bool. Allow unauthenticated users to make queries to /api/v1/timelines/public in order
# to see a list of public posts on this server. Even if set to 'false', then authenticated
# users (members of the instance) will still be able to query the endpoint.
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: false
instance-expose-public-timeline: false
# Bool. This flag tweaks whether GoToSocial will deliver ActivityPub messages
# to the shared inbox of a recipient, if one is available, instead of delivering
# each message to each actor who should receive a message individually.
# Shared inbox delivery can significantly reduce network load when delivering
# to multiple recipients share an inbox (eg., on large Mastodon instances).
# See:
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: true
instance-deliver-to-shared-inboxes: true
# Config pertaining to creation and maintenance of accounts on the server, as well as defaults for new accounts.
# Bool. Do we want people to be able to just submit sign up requests, or do we want invite only?
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: true
accounts-registration-open: true
# Bool. Do sign up requests require approval from an admin/moderator before an account can sign in/use the server?
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: true
accounts-approval-required: true
# Bool. Are sign up requests required to submit a reason for the request (eg., an explanation of why they want to join the instance)?
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: true
accounts-reason-required: true
# Bool. Allow accounts on this instance to set custom CSS for their profile pages and statuses.
# Enabling this setting will allow accounts to upload custom CSS via the /user settings page,
# which will then be rendered on the web view of the account's profile and statuses.
# For instances with public sign ups, it is **HIGHLY RECOMMENDED** to leave this setting on 'false',
# since setting it to true allows malicious accounts to make their profile pages misleading, unusable
# or even dangerous to visitors. In other words, you should only enable this setting if you trust
# the users on your instance not to produce harmful CSS.
# Regardless of what this value is set to, any uploaded CSS will not be federated to other instances,
# it will only be shown on profiles and statuses on *this* instance.
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: false
accounts-allow-custom-css: false
# Int. If accounts-allow-custom-css is true, this is the permitted length in characters for
# CSS uploaded by accounts on this instance. No effect if accounts-allow-custom-css is false.
# Examples: [500, 5000, 9999]
# Default: 10000
accounts-custom-css-length: 10000
##### MEDIA CONFIG #####
# Config pertaining to media uploads (videos, image, image descriptions, emoji).
# Int. Maximum allowed image upload size in bytes.
# Examples: [2097152, 10485760]
# Default: 10485760 -- aka 10MB
media-image-max-size: 10485760
# Int. Maximum allowed video upload size in bytes.
# Examples: [2097152, 10485760]
# Default: 41943040 -- aka 40MB
media-video-max-size: 41943040
# Int. Minimum amount of characters required as an image or video description.
# Examples: [500, 1000, 1500]
# Default: 0 (not required)
media-description-min-chars: 0
# Int. Maximum amount of characters permitted in an image or video description.
# Examples: [500, 1000, 1500]
# Default: 500
media-description-max-chars: 500
# Int. Number of days to cache media from remote instances before they are removed from the cache.
# A job will run every day at midnight to clean up any remote media older than the given amount of days.
# When remote media is removed from the cache, it is deleted from storage but the database entries for the media
# are kept so that it can be fetched again if requested by a user.
# If this is set to 0, then media from remote instances will be cached indefinitely.
# Examples: [30, 60, 7, 0]
# Default: 7
media-remote-cache-days: 7
# Int. Max size in bytes of emojis uploaded to this instance via the admin API.
# The default is the same as the Mastodon size limit for emojis (50kb), which allows
# for good interoperability. Raising this limit may cause issues with federation
# of your emojis to other instances, so beware.
# Examples: [51200, 102400]
# Default: 51200
media-emoji-local-max-size: 51200
# Int. Max size in bytes of emojis to download from other instances.
# By default this is 100kb, or twice the size of the default for media-emoji-local-max-size.
# This strikes a good balance between decent interoperability with instances that have
# higher emoji size limits, and not taking up too much space in storage.
# Examples: [51200, 102400]
# Default: 102400
media-emoji-remote-max-size: 102400
##### STORAGE CONFIG #####
# Config pertaining to storage of user-created uploads (videos, images, etc).
# String. Type of storage backend to use.
# Examples: ["local", "s3"]
# Default: "local" (storage on local disk)
storage-backend: "local"
# String. Directory to use as a base path for storing files.
# Make sure whatever user/group gotosocial is running as has permission to access
# this directory, and create new subdirectories and files within it.
# Only required when running with the local storage backend.
# Examples: ["/home/gotosocial/storage", "/opt/gotosocial/datastorage"]
# Default: "/gotosocial/storage"
storage-local-base-path: "/gotosocial/storage"
# String. API endpoint of the S3 compatible service.
# Only required when running with the s3 storage backend.
# Examples: ["minio:9000", "", ""]
# GoToSocial uses "DNS-style" when accessing buckets.
# If you are using Scaleways object storage, please remove the "bucket name" from the endpoint address
# Default: ""
storage-s3-endpoint: ""
# Bool. If data stored in S3 should be proxied through GoToSocial instead of redirecting to a presigned URL.
# Default: false
storage-s3-proxy: false
# Bool. Use SSL for S3 connections.
# Only set this to 'false' when testing locally.
# Default: true
storage-s3-use-ssl: true
# String. Access key part of the S3 credentials.
# Consider setting this value using environment variables to avoid leaking it via the config file
# Only required when running with the s3 storage backend.
# Examples: ["AKIAJSIE27KKMHXI3BJQ","miniouser"]
# Default: ""
storage-s3-access-key: ""
# String. Secret key part of the S3 credentials.
# Consider setting this value using environment variables to avoid leaking it via the config file
# Only required when running with the s3 storage backend.
# Examples: ["5bEYu26084qjSFyclM/f2pz4gviSfoOg+mFwBH39","miniopassword"]
# Default: ""
storage-s3-secret-key: ""
# String. Name of the storage bucket.
# If you have already encoded your bucket name in the storage-s3-endpoint, this
# value will be used as a directory containing your data.
# The bucket must exist prior to starting GoToSocial
# Only required when running with the s3 storage backend.
# Examples: ["gts","cool-instance"]
# Default: ""
storage-s3-bucket: ""
# Config pertaining to the creation of statuses/posts, and permitted limits.
# Int. Maximum amount of characters permitted for a new status.
# Note that going way higher than the default might break federation.
# Examples: [140, 500, 5000]
# Default: 5000
statuses-max-chars: 5000
# Int. Maximum amount of characters allowed in the CW/subject header of a status.
# Note that going way higher than the default might break federation.
# Examples: [100, 200]
# Default: 100
statuses-cw-max-chars: 100
# Int. Maximum amount of options to permit when creating a new poll.
# Note that going way higher than the default might break federation.
# Examples: [4, 6, 10]
# Default: 6
statuses-poll-max-options: 6
# Int. Maximum amount of characters to permit per poll option when creating a new poll.
# Note that going way higher than the default might break federation.
# Examples: [50, 100, 150]
# Default: 50
statuses-poll-option-max-chars: 50
# Int. Maximum amount of media files that can be attached to a new status.
# Note that going way higher than the default might break federation.
# Examples: [4, 6, 10]
# Default: 6
statuses-media-max-files: 6
# Config pertaining to the automatic acquisition and use of LetsEncrypt HTTPS certificates.
# Bool. Whether or not letsencrypt should be enabled for the server.
# If false, the rest of the settings here will be ignored.
# If you serve GoToSocial behind a reverse proxy like nginx or traefik, leave this turned off.
# If you don't, then turn it on so that you can use https.
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: false
letsencrypt-enabled: false
# Int. Port to listen for letsencrypt certificate challenges on.
# If letsencrypt is enabled, this port must be reachable or you won't be able to obtain certs.
# If letsencrypt is disabled, this port will not be used.
# This *must not* be the same as the webserver/API port specified above.
# Examples: [80, 8000, 1312]
# Default: 80
letsencrypt-port: 80
# String. Directory in which to store LetsEncrypt certificates.
# It is a good move to make this a sub-path within your storage directory, as it makes
# backup easier, but you might wish to move them elsewhere if they're also accessed by other services.
# In any case, make sure GoToSocial has permissions to write to / read from this directory.
# Examples: ["/home/gotosocial/storage/certs", "/acmecerts"]
# Default: "/gotosocial/storage/certs"
letsencrypt-cert-dir: "/gotosocial/storage/certs"
# String. Email address to use when registering LetsEncrypt certs.
# Most likely, this will be the email address of the instance administrator.
# LetsEncrypt will send notifications about expiring certificates etc to this address.
# Examples: [""]
# Default: ""
letsencrypt-email-address: ""
# String. Path to a PEM-encoded file on disk that includes the certificate chain
# and the public key
# Examples: ["/gotosocial/storage/certs/chain.pem"]
# Default: ""
tls-certificate-chain: ""
# String. Path to a PEM-encoded file on disk containing the private key for the
# associated tls-certificate-chain
# Examples: ["/gotosocial/storage/certs/private.pem"]
# Default: ""
tls-certificate-key: ""
##### OIDC CONFIG #####
# Config for authentication with an external OIDC provider (Dex, Google, Auth0, etc).
# Bool. Enable authentication with external OIDC provider. If set to true, then
# the other OIDC options must be set as well. If this is set to false, then the standard
# internal oauth flow will be used, where users sign in to GtS with username/password.
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: false
oidc-enabled: false
# String. Name of the oidc idp (identity provider). This will be shown to users when
# they log in.
# Examples: ["Google", "Dex", "Auth0"]
# Default: ""
oidc-idp-name: ""
# Bool. Skip the normal verification flow of tokens returned from the OIDC provider, ie.,
# don't check the expiry or signature. This should only be used in debugging or testing,
# never ever in a production environment as it's extremely unsafe!
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: false
oidc-skip-verification: false
# String. The OIDC issuer URI. This is where GtS will redirect users to for login.
# Typically this will look like a standard web URL.
# Examples: ["", ""]
# Default: ""
oidc-issuer: ""
# String. The ID for this client as registered with the OIDC provider.
# Examples: ["some-client-id", "fda3772a-ad35-41c9-9a59-f1943ad18f54"]
# Default: ""
oidc-client-id: ""
# String. The secret for this client as registered with the OIDC provider.
# Examples: ["super-secret-business", "79379cf5-8057-426d-bb83-af504d98a7b0"]
# Default: ""
oidc-client-secret: ""
# Array of string. Scopes to request from the OIDC provider. The returned values will be used to
# populate users created in GtS as a result of the authentication flow. 'openid' and 'email' are required.
# 'profile' is used to extract a username for the newly created user.
# 'groups' is optional and can be used to determine if a user is an admin based on oidc-admin-groups.
# Examples: See eg.,
# Default: ["openid", "email", "profile", "groups"]
- "openid"
- "email"
- "profile"
- "groups"
# Bool. Link OIDC authenticated users to existing ones based on their email address.
# This is mostly intended for migration purposes if you were running previous versions of GTS
# which only correlated users with their email address. Should be set to false for most usecases.
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: false
oidc-link-existing: false
# Array of string. If the returned ID token contains a 'groups' claim that matches one of the
# groups in oidc-admin-groups, then this user will be granted admin rights on the GtS instance
# Default: []
oidc-admin-groups: []
##### SMTP CONFIG #####
# Config for sending emails via an smtp server. See
# String. The hostname of the smtp server you want to use.
# If this is not set, smtp will not be used to send emails, and you can ignore the other settings.
# Examples: ["", "localhost"]
# Default: ""
smtp-host: ""
# Int. Port to use to connect to the smtp server.
# Examples: []
# Default: 0
smtp-port: 0
# String. Username to use when authenticating with the smtp server.
# This should have been provided to you by your smtp host.
# This is often, but not always, an email address.
# Examples: [""]
# Default: ""
smtp-username: ""
# String. Password to use when authenticating with the smtp server.
# This should have been provided to you by your smtp host.
# Examples: ["1234", "password"]
# Default: ""
smtp-password: ""
# String. 'From' address for sent emails.
# Examples: [""]
# Default: ""
smtp-from: ""
# Bool. If true, when an email is sent that has multiple recipients, each recipient
# will be included in the To field, so that each recipient can see who else got the
# email, and they can 'reply all' to the other recipients if they want to.
# If false, email will be sent to Undisclosed Recipients, and each recipient will not
# be able to see who else received the email.
# It might be useful to change this setting to 'true' if you want to be able to discuss
# new moderation reports with other admins by 'replying-all' to the notification email.
# Default: false
smtp-disclose-recipients: false
##### SYSLOG CONFIG #####
# Config for additional syslog log hooks. See,
# and
# These settings are useful when one wants to daemonize GoToSocial and send logs
# to a specific place, either a local location or a syslog server. Most users will
# not need to touch these settings.
# Bool. Enable the syslog logging hook. Logs will be mirrored to the configured destination.
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: false
syslog-enabled: false
# String. Protocol to use when directing logs to syslog. Leave empty to connect to local syslog.
# Options: ["udp", "tcp", ""]
# Default: "udp"
syslog-protocol: "udp"
# String. Address:port to send syslog logs to. Leave empty to connect to local syslog.
# Default: "localhost:514"
syslog-address: "localhost:514"
# String. Header name to use to extract a request or trace ID from. Typically set by a
# loadbalancer or proxy.
# Default: "X-Request-Id"
request-id-header: "X-Request-Id"
# Bool. Enable OpenTelemetry based tracing support.
# Default: false
tracing-enabled: false
# String. Set the transport protocol for the tracing system. Can either be "grpc" for
# OTLP gRPC or "jaeger" for jaeger based ingesters.
# Options: ["grpc", "jaeger"]
# Default: "grpc"
tracing-transport: "grpc"
# String. Endpoint of the trace ingester. When using the gRPC based transport, the
# endpoint is usually a single address/port combination. For the jaeger transport it
# should be a fully qualified URL.
# OTLP gRPC or "jaeger" for jaeger based ingesters
# Examples: ["localhost:4317", "http://localhost:14268/api/traces"]
# Default: ""
tracing-endpoint: ""
# Bool. Disable HTTPS for the gRPC transport protocol.
# Default: false
tracing-insecure-transport: false
# Settings for OUTGOING http client connections used by GoToSocial to make
# requests to remote resources (status GETs, media GETs, inbox POSTs, etc).
# Duration. Timeout to use for outgoing HTTP requests. If the timeout
# is exceeded, the connection to the remote server will be dropped.
# A value of 0s indicates no timeout: this is not advised!
# Examples: ["5s", "10s", "0s"]
# Default: "10s"
timeout: "10s"
# Explicitly allow or block outgoing dialing within the provided IPv4/v6 CIDR ranges.
# By default, as a basic security precaution, GoToSocial blocks outgoing dialing within most "special-purpose"
# IP ranges. However, it may be desirable for admins with more exotic setups (proxies, funky NAT, etc) to
# explicitly override one or more of these otherwise blocked ranges.
# Each of the below allow/block config options accepts an array of IPv4 and/or IPv6 CIDR strings.
# For example, to override the hardcoded block of IPv4 and IPv6 dialing to localhost, set:
# allow-ips: ["", "::1/128"].
# You can also use YAML multi-line arrays to define these, but be diligent with indentation.
# When dialing, GoToSocial will first check if the destination falls within explicitly allowed IP ranges,
# then explicitly blocked IP ranges, then the default (hardcoded) blocked IP ranges, returning OK on the
# first allowed match, not OK on the first blocked match, or just defaulting to OK if nothing is matched.
# As with all security settings, it is better to start too restrictive and then ease off depending on
# your use case, than to start too permissive and try to close the stable door after the horse has
# already bolted. With this in mind:
# - Don't touch these settings unless you have a good reason to, and only if you know what you're doing.
# - When adding explicitly allowed exceptions, use the narrowest possible CIDR for your use case.
# For reserved / special ranges, see:
# -
# -
# Both allow-ips and block-ips default to an empty array.
allow-ips: []
block-ips: []
# Advanced settings pertaining to http timeouts, security, cookies, and more.
# Most users will not need to (and should not) touch these settings, since
# they are set to sensible defaults, and may break if they are changed.
# Nevertheless, they are provided for the sake of allowing server admins to
# tweak their instance for performance or security reasons.
# String. Value of the SameSite attribute of cookies set by GoToSocial.
# Defaults to 'lax' to ensure that the OIDC flow does not break, which is
# fine in most cases. If you want to harden your instance against CSRF attacks
# and don't mind if some login-related things might break, you can set this
# to 'strict' instead.
# For an overview of what this does, see:
# Options: ["lax", "strict"]
# Default: "lax"
advanced-cookies-samesite: "lax"
# Int. Amount of requests to permit per router grouping from a single IP address within
# a span of 5 minutes. If this amount is exceeded, a 429 HTTP error code will be returned.
# If you find yourself adjusting this limit because it's regularly being exceeded,
# you should first verify that your settings for `trusted-proxies` (above) are correct.
# In many cases, when the rate limit is exceeded it is because your instance sees all
# incoming requests as coming from the *same IP address* (you can verify this by looking
# at the client IPs in your instance logs). If this is the case, try adding that IP
# address to your `trusted-proxies` *BEFORE* you go adjusting this rate limit setting!
# If you set this to 0 or less, rate limiting will be disabled entirely.
# Examples: [1000, 500, 0]
# Default: 300
advanced-rate-limit-requests: 300
# Int. Amount of open requests to permit per CPU, per router grouping, before applying http
# request throttling. Any requests beyond the calculated limit are held in a backlog queue for
# up to 30 seconds before either being processed or timing out. Requests that don't fit in the backlog
# queue will have status 503 returned to them, and the header 'Retry-After' will be set to 30 seconds.
# Open request limit is available CPUs * multiplier; backlog queue limit is limit * multiplier.
# Example values for multiplier 8:
# 1 cpu = 08 open, 064 backlog
# 2 cpu = 16 open, 128 backlog
# 4 cpu = 32 open, 256 backlog
# Example values for multiplier 4:
# 1 cpu = 04 open, 016 backlog
# 2 cpu = 08 open, 032 backlog
# 4 cpu = 16 open, 064 backlog
# A multiplier of 8 is a sensible default, but you may wish to increase this for instances
# running on very performant hardware, or decrease it for instances using v. slow CPUs.
# If you set this to 0 or less, http request throttling will be disabled entirely.
# Examples: [8, 4, 9, 0]
# Default: 8
advanced-throttling-multiplier: 8
# Duration. Time period to use as the "retry-after" header value in response to throttled requests.
# Minimum resolution is 1 second.
# Examples: [30s, 10s, 5s, 1m]
# Default: "30s"
advanced-throttling-retry-after: "30s"
# Int. CPU multiplier for the amount of goroutines to spawn in order to send messages via ActivityPub.
# Messages will be batched so that at most multiplier * CPU count messages will be sent out at once.
# This can be tuned to limit concurrent POSTing to remote inboxes, preventing your instance CPU
# usage from skyrocketing when an account with many followers posts a new status.
# Messages are split among available senders, and each sender processes its assigned messages in serial.
# For example, say a user with 1000 followers is on an instance with 2 CPUs. With the default multiplier
# of 2, this means 4 senders would be in process at once on this instance. When the user creates a new post,
# each sender would end up iterating through about 250 Create messages + delivering them to remote instances.
# If you set this to 0 or less, only 1 sender will be used regardless of CPU count. This may be
# useful in cases where you are working with very tight network or CPU constraints.
# Example values for multiplier 2 (default):
# 1 cpu = 2 concurrent senders
# 2 cpu = 4 concurrent senders
# 4 cpu = 8 concurrent senders
# Example values for multiplier 4:
# 1 cpu = 4 concurrent senders
# 2 cpu = 8 concurrent senders
# 4 cpu = 16 concurrent senders
# Example values for multiplier <1:
# 1 cpu = 1 concurrent sender
# 2 cpu = 1 concurrent sender
# 4 cpu = 1 concurrent sender
advanced-sender-multiplier: 2