Tobi Smethurst cc48294c31
Inbox post ()
Inbox POST from federated servers now working for statuses and follow requests.
    Follow request client API added.
    Start work on federating outgoing messages.
    Other fixes and changes/tidying up.
2021-05-15 11:58:11 +02:00

100 lines
5.2 KiB

Copyright (C) 2021 GoToSocial Authors
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package util
import (
const (
minimumPasswordEntropy = 60 // dictates password strength. See
minimumReasonLength = 40
maximumReasonLength = 500
maximumEmailLength = 256
maximumUsernameLength = 64
maximumPasswordLength = 64
maximumEmojiShortcodeLength = 30
maximumHashtagLength = 30
var (
mentionNameRegexString = `^@([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(?:@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)?)$`
// mention name regex captures the username and domain part from a mention string
// such as, returning whatever_user and (without the @ symbols)
mentionNameRegex = regexp.MustCompile(mentionNameRegexString)
// mention regex can be played around with here:
mentionFinderRegexString = `(?: |^|\W)(@[a-zA-Z0-9_]+(?:@[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)?)(?: |\n)`
mentionFinderRegex = regexp.MustCompile(mentionFinderRegexString)
// hashtag regex can be played with here:
hashtagFinderRegexString = fmt.Sprintf(`(?: |^|\W)?#([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,%d})(?:\b|\r)`, maximumHashtagLength)
hashtagFinderRegex = regexp.MustCompile(hashtagFinderRegexString)
// emoji shortcode regex can be played with here:
emojiShortcodeRegexString = fmt.Sprintf(`[a-z0-9_]{2,%d}`, maximumEmojiShortcodeLength)
emojiShortcodeValidationRegex = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("^%s$", emojiShortcodeRegexString))
// emoji regex can be played with here:
emojiFinderRegexString = fmt.Sprintf(`(?: |^|\W)?:(%s):(?:\b|\r)?`, emojiShortcodeRegexString)
emojiFinderRegex = regexp.MustCompile(emojiFinderRegexString)
// usernameRegexString defines an acceptable username on this instance
usernameRegexString = fmt.Sprintf(`[a-z0-9_]{2,%d}`, maximumUsernameLength)
// usernameValidationRegex can be used to validate usernames of new signups
usernameValidationRegex = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(`^%s$`, usernameRegexString))
userPathRegexString = fmt.Sprintf(`^?/%s/(%s)$`, UsersPath, usernameRegexString)
// userPathRegex parses a path that validates and captures the username part from eg /users/example_username
userPathRegex = regexp.MustCompile(userPathRegexString)
inboxPathRegexString = fmt.Sprintf(`^/?%s/(%s)/%s$`, UsersPath, usernameRegexString, InboxPath)
// inboxPathRegex parses a path that validates and captures the username part from eg /users/example_username/inbox
inboxPathRegex = regexp.MustCompile(inboxPathRegexString)
outboxPathRegexString = fmt.Sprintf(`^/?%s/(%s)/%s$`, UsersPath, usernameRegexString, OutboxPath)
// outboxPathRegex parses a path that validates and captures the username part from eg /users/example_username/outbox
outboxPathRegex = regexp.MustCompile(outboxPathRegexString)
actorPathRegexString = fmt.Sprintf(`^?/%s/(%s)$`, ActorsPath, usernameRegexString)
// actorPathRegex parses a path that validates and captures the username part from eg /actors/example_username
actorPathRegex = regexp.MustCompile(actorPathRegexString)
followersPathRegexString = fmt.Sprintf(`^/?%s/(%s)/%s$`, UsersPath, usernameRegexString, FollowersPath)
// followersPathRegex parses a path that validates and captures the username part from eg /users/example_username/followers
followersPathRegex = regexp.MustCompile(followersPathRegexString)
followingPathRegexString = fmt.Sprintf(`^/?%s/(%s)/%s$`, UsersPath, usernameRegexString, FollowingPath)
// followingPathRegex parses a path that validates and captures the username part from eg /users/example_username/following
followingPathRegex = regexp.MustCompile(followingPathRegexString)
likedPathRegexString = fmt.Sprintf(`^/?%s/%s/%s$`, UsersPath, usernameRegexString, LikedPath)
// followingPathRegex parses a path that validates and captures the username part from eg /users/example_username/liked
likedPathRegex = regexp.MustCompile(likedPathRegexString)
// see
uuidRegexString = `[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}`
statusesPathRegexString = fmt.Sprintf(`^/?%s/(%s)/%s/(%s)$`, UsersPath, usernameRegexString, StatusesPath, uuidRegexString)
// statusesPathRegex parses a path that validates and captures the username part and the uuid part
// from eg /users/example_username/statuses/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000.
// The regex can be played with here:
statusesPathRegex = regexp.MustCompile(statusesPathRegexString)