package exif

// The thumbnail offset and length tags shouldn't be set directly. Use the
// (*IfdBuilder).SetThumbnail() method instead.

import (




var (
	ifdBuilderLogger = log.NewLogger("exif.ifd_builder")

var (
	ErrTagEntryNotFound = errors.New("tag entry not found")
	ErrChildIbNotFound  = errors.New("child IB not found")

type IfdBuilderTagValue struct {
	valueBytes []byte
	ib         *IfdBuilder

func (ibtv IfdBuilderTagValue) String() string {
	if ibtv.IsBytes() == true {
		var valuePhrase string
		if len(ibtv.valueBytes) <= 8 {
			valuePhrase = fmt.Sprintf("%v", ibtv.valueBytes)
		} else {
			valuePhrase = fmt.Sprintf("%v...", ibtv.valueBytes[:8])

		return fmt.Sprintf("IfdBuilderTagValue<BYTES=%v LEN=(%d)>", valuePhrase, len(ibtv.valueBytes))
	} else if ibtv.IsIb() == true {
		return fmt.Sprintf("IfdBuilderTagValue<IB=%s>", ibtv.ib)
	} else {
		log.Panicf("IBTV state undefined")
		return ""

func NewIfdBuilderTagValueFromBytes(valueBytes []byte) *IfdBuilderTagValue {
	return &IfdBuilderTagValue{
		valueBytes: valueBytes,

func NewIfdBuilderTagValueFromIfdBuilder(ib *IfdBuilder) *IfdBuilderTagValue {
	return &IfdBuilderTagValue{
		ib: ib,

// IsBytes returns true if the bytes are populated. This is always the case
// when we're loaded from a tag in an existing IFD.
func (ibtv IfdBuilderTagValue) IsBytes() bool {
	return ibtv.valueBytes != nil

func (ibtv IfdBuilderTagValue) Bytes() []byte {
	if ibtv.IsBytes() == false {
		log.Panicf("this tag is not a byte-slice value")
	} else if ibtv.IsIb() == true {
		log.Panicf("this tag is an IFD-builder value not a byte-slice")

	return ibtv.valueBytes

func (ibtv IfdBuilderTagValue) IsIb() bool {
	return ibtv.ib != nil

func (ibtv IfdBuilderTagValue) Ib() *IfdBuilder {
	if ibtv.IsIb() == false {
		log.Panicf("this tag is not an IFD-builder value")
	} else if ibtv.IsBytes() == true {
		log.Panicf("this tag is a byte-slice, not a IFD-builder")

	return ibtv.ib

type BuilderTag struct {
	// ifdPath is the path of the IFD that hosts this tag.
	ifdPath string

	tagId  uint16
	typeId exifcommon.TagTypePrimitive

	// value is either a value that can be encoded, an IfdBuilder instance (for
	// child IFDs), or an IfdTagEntry instance representing an existing,
	// previously-stored tag.
	value *IfdBuilderTagValue

	// byteOrder is the byte order. It's chiefly/originally here to support
	// printing the value.
	byteOrder binary.ByteOrder

func NewBuilderTag(ifdPath string, tagId uint16, typeId exifcommon.TagTypePrimitive, value *IfdBuilderTagValue, byteOrder binary.ByteOrder) *BuilderTag {
	return &BuilderTag{
		ifdPath:   ifdPath,
		tagId:     tagId,
		typeId:    typeId,
		value:     value,
		byteOrder: byteOrder,

func NewChildIfdBuilderTag(ifdPath string, tagId uint16, value *IfdBuilderTagValue) *BuilderTag {
	return &BuilderTag{
		ifdPath: ifdPath,
		tagId:   tagId,
		typeId:  exifcommon.TypeLong,
		value:   value,

func (bt *BuilderTag) Value() (value *IfdBuilderTagValue) {
	return bt.value

func (bt *BuilderTag) String() string {
	var valueString string

	if bt.value.IsBytes() == true {
		var err error

		valueString, err = exifcommon.FormatFromBytes(bt.value.Bytes(), bt.typeId, false, bt.byteOrder)
	} else {
		valueString = fmt.Sprintf("%v", bt.value)

	return fmt.Sprintf("BuilderTag<IFD-PATH=[%s] TAG-ID=(0x%04x) TAG-TYPE=[%s] VALUE=[%s]>", bt.ifdPath, bt.tagId, bt.typeId.String(), valueString)

func (bt *BuilderTag) SetValue(byteOrder binary.ByteOrder, value interface{}) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	// TODO(dustin): !! Add test.

	var ed exifcommon.EncodedData
	if bt.typeId == exifcommon.TypeUndefined {
		encodeable := value.(exifundefined.EncodeableValue)

		encoded, unitCount, err := exifundefined.Encode(encodeable, byteOrder)

		ed = exifcommon.EncodedData{
			Type:      exifcommon.TypeUndefined,
			Encoded:   encoded,
			UnitCount: unitCount,
	} else {
		ve := exifcommon.NewValueEncoder(byteOrder)

		var err error

		ed, err = ve.Encode(value)

	bt.value = NewIfdBuilderTagValueFromBytes(ed.Encoded)

	return nil

// NewStandardBuilderTag constructs a `BuilderTag` instance. The type is looked
// up. `ii` is the type of IFD that owns this tag.
func NewStandardBuilderTag(ifdPath string, it *IndexedTag, byteOrder binary.ByteOrder, value interface{}) *BuilderTag {
	// If there is more than one supported type, we'll go with the larger to
	// encode with. It'll use the same amount of fixed-space, and we'll
	// eliminate unnecessary overflows/issues.
	tagType := it.GetEncodingType(value)

	var rawBytes []byte
	if it.DoesSupportType(exifcommon.TypeUndefined) == true {
		encodeable := value.(exifundefined.EncodeableValue)

		var err error

		rawBytes, _, err = exifundefined.Encode(encodeable, byteOrder)
	} else {
		ve := exifcommon.NewValueEncoder(byteOrder)

		ed, err := ve.Encode(value)

		rawBytes = ed.Encoded

	tagValue := NewIfdBuilderTagValueFromBytes(rawBytes)

	return NewBuilderTag(

type IfdBuilder struct {
	ifdIdentity *exifcommon.IfdIdentity

	byteOrder binary.ByteOrder

	// Includes both normal tags and IFD tags (which point to child IFDs).
	// TODO(dustin): Keep a separate list of children like with `Ifd`.
	// TODO(dustin): Either rename this or `Entries` in `Ifd` to be the same thing.
	tags []*BuilderTag

	// existingOffset will be the offset that this IFD is currently found at if
	// it represents an IFD that has previously been stored (or 0 if not).
	existingOffset uint32

	// nextIb represents the next link if we're chaining to another.
	nextIb *IfdBuilder

	// thumbnailData is populated with thumbnail data if there was thumbnail
	// data. Otherwise, it's nil.
	thumbnailData []byte

	ifdMapping *exifcommon.IfdMapping
	tagIndex   *TagIndex

func NewIfdBuilder(ifdMapping *exifcommon.IfdMapping, tagIndex *TagIndex, ii *exifcommon.IfdIdentity, byteOrder binary.ByteOrder) (ib *IfdBuilder) {
	ib = &IfdBuilder{
		ifdIdentity: ii,

		byteOrder: byteOrder,
		tags:      make([]*BuilderTag, 0),

		ifdMapping: ifdMapping,
		tagIndex:   tagIndex,

	return ib

// NewIfdBuilderWithExistingIfd creates a new IB using the same header type
// information as the given IFD.
func NewIfdBuilderWithExistingIfd(ifd *Ifd) (ib *IfdBuilder) {
	ib = &IfdBuilder{
		ifdIdentity: ifd.IfdIdentity(),

		byteOrder:      ifd.ByteOrder(),
		existingOffset: ifd.Offset(),
		ifdMapping:     ifd.ifdMapping,
		tagIndex:       ifd.tagIndex,

	return ib

// NewIfdBuilderFromExistingChain creates a chain of IB instances from an
// IFD chain generated from real data.
func NewIfdBuilderFromExistingChain(rootIfd *Ifd) (firstIb *IfdBuilder) {
	var lastIb *IfdBuilder
	i := 0
	for thisExistingIfd := rootIfd; thisExistingIfd != nil; thisExistingIfd = thisExistingIfd.nextIfd {
		newIb := NewIfdBuilder(

		if firstIb == nil {
			firstIb = newIb
		} else {

		err := newIb.AddTagsFromExisting(thisExistingIfd, nil, nil)

		lastIb = newIb

	return firstIb

func (ib *IfdBuilder) IfdIdentity() *exifcommon.IfdIdentity {
	return ib.ifdIdentity

func (ib *IfdBuilder) NextIb() (nextIb *IfdBuilder, err error) {
	return ib.nextIb, nil

func (ib *IfdBuilder) ChildWithTagId(childIfdTagId uint16) (childIb *IfdBuilder, err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	for _, bt := range ib.tags {
		if bt.value.IsIb() == false {

		childIbThis := bt.value.Ib()

		if childIbThis.IfdIdentity().TagId() == childIfdTagId {
			return childIbThis, nil


	// Never reached.
	return nil, nil

func getOrCreateIbFromRootIbInner(rootIb *IfdBuilder, parentIb *IfdBuilder, currentLineage []exifcommon.IfdTagIdAndIndex) (ib *IfdBuilder, err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	// TODO(dustin): !! Add test.

	thisIb := rootIb

	// Since we're calling ourselves recursively with incrementally different
	// paths, the FQ IFD-path of the parent that called us needs to be passed
	// in, in order for us to know it.
	var parentLineage []exifcommon.IfdTagIdAndIndex
	if parentIb != nil {
		var err error

		parentLineage, err = thisIb.ifdMapping.ResolvePath(parentIb.IfdIdentity().String())

	// Process the current path part.
	currentItIi := currentLineage[0]

	// Make sure the leftmost part of the FQ IFD-path agrees with the IB we
	// were given.

	expectedFqRootIfdPath := ""
	if parentLineage != nil {
		expectedLineage := append(parentLineage, currentItIi)
		expectedFqRootIfdPath = thisIb.ifdMapping.PathPhraseFromLineage(expectedLineage)
	} else {
		expectedFqRootIfdPath = thisIb.ifdMapping.PathPhraseFromLineage(currentLineage[:1])

	if expectedFqRootIfdPath != thisIb.IfdIdentity().String() {
		log.Panicf("the FQ IFD-path [%s] we were given does not match the builder's FQ IFD-path [%s]", expectedFqRootIfdPath, thisIb.IfdIdentity().String())

	// If we actually wanted a sibling (currentItIi.Index > 0) then seek to it,
	// appending new siblings, as required, until we get there.
	for i := 0; i < currentItIi.Index; i++ {
		if thisIb.nextIb == nil {
			// Generate an FQ IFD-path for the sibling. It'll use the same
			// non-FQ IFD-path as the current IB.

			iiSibling := thisIb.IfdIdentity().NewSibling(i + 1)
			thisIb.nextIb = NewIfdBuilder(thisIb.ifdMapping, thisIb.tagIndex, iiSibling, thisIb.byteOrder)

		thisIb = thisIb.nextIb

	// There is no child IFD to process. We're done.
	if len(currentLineage) == 1 {
		return thisIb, nil

	// Establish the next child to be processed.

	childItii := currentLineage[1]

	var foundChild *IfdBuilder
	for _, bt := range thisIb.tags {
		if bt.value.IsIb() == false {

		childIb := bt.value.Ib()

		if childIb.IfdIdentity().TagId() == childItii.TagId {
			foundChild = childIb

	// If we didn't find the child, add it.

	if foundChild == nil {
		currentIfdTag := thisIb.IfdIdentity().IfdTag()

		childIfdTag :=

		iiChild := thisIb.IfdIdentity().NewChild(childIfdTag, 0)

		foundChild =

		err = thisIb.AddChildIb(foundChild)

	finalIb, err := getOrCreateIbFromRootIbInner(foundChild, thisIb, currentLineage[1:])

	return finalIb, nil

// GetOrCreateIbFromRootIb returns an IB representing the requested IFD, even if
// an IB doesn't already exist for it. This function may call itself
// recursively.
func GetOrCreateIbFromRootIb(rootIb *IfdBuilder, fqIfdPath string) (ib *IfdBuilder, err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	// lineage is a necessity of our recursion process. It doesn't include any
	// parent IFDs on its left-side; it starts with the current IB only.
	lineage, err := rootIb.ifdMapping.ResolvePath(fqIfdPath)

	ib, err = getOrCreateIbFromRootIbInner(rootIb, nil, lineage)

	return ib, nil

func (ib *IfdBuilder) String() string {
	nextIfdPhrase := ""
	if ib.nextIb != nil {
		// TODO(dustin): We were setting this to ii.String(), but we were getting hex-data when printing this after building from an existing chain.
		nextIfdPhrase = ib.nextIb.IfdIdentity().UnindexedString()

	return fmt.Sprintf("IfdBuilder<PATH=[%s] TAG-ID=(0x%04x) COUNT=(%d) OFF=(0x%04x) NEXT-IFD-PATH=[%s]>", ib.IfdIdentity().UnindexedString(), ib.IfdIdentity().TagId(), len(ib.tags), ib.existingOffset, nextIfdPhrase)

func (ib *IfdBuilder) Tags() (tags []*BuilderTag) {
	return ib.tags

// SetThumbnail sets thumbnail data.
// - We don't manage any facet of the thumbnail data. This is the
//   responsibility of the user/developer.
// - This method will fail unless the thumbnail is set on a the root IFD.
//   However, in order to be valid, it must be set on the second one, linked to
//   by the first, as per the EXIF/TIFF specification.
// - We set the offset to (0) now but will allocate the data and properly assign
//   the offset when the IB is encoded (later).
func (ib *IfdBuilder) SetThumbnail(data []byte) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	if ib.IfdIdentity().UnindexedString() != exifcommon.IfdStandardIfdIdentity.UnindexedString() {
		log.Panicf("thumbnails can only go into a root Ifd (and only the second one)")

	// TODO(dustin): !! Add a test for this function.

	if data == nil || len(data) == 0 {
		log.Panic("thumbnail is empty")

	ib.thumbnailData = data

	ibtvfb := NewIfdBuilderTagValueFromBytes(ib.thumbnailData)
	offsetBt :=

	err = ib.Set(offsetBt)

	thumbnailSizeIt, err := ib.tagIndex.Get(ib.IfdIdentity(), ThumbnailSizeTagId)

	sizeBt := NewStandardBuilderTag(ib.IfdIdentity().UnindexedString(), thumbnailSizeIt, ib.byteOrder, []uint32{uint32(len(ib.thumbnailData))})

	err = ib.Set(sizeBt)

	return nil

func (ib *IfdBuilder) Thumbnail() []byte {
	return ib.thumbnailData

func (ib *IfdBuilder) printTagTree(levels int) {
	indent := strings.Repeat(" ", levels*2)

	i := 0
	for currentIb := ib; currentIb != nil; currentIb = currentIb.nextIb {
		prefix := " "
		if i > 0 {
			prefix = ">"

		if levels == 0 {
			fmt.Printf("%s%sIFD: %s INDEX=(%d)\n", indent, prefix, currentIb, i)
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("%s%sChild IFD: %s\n", indent, prefix, currentIb)

		if len(currentIb.tags) > 0 {

			for i, tag := range currentIb.tags {
				isChildIb := false
				_, err := ib.ifdMapping.GetChild(currentIb.IfdIdentity().UnindexedString(), tag.tagId)
				if err == nil {
					isChildIb = true
				} else if log.Is(err, exifcommon.ErrChildIfdNotMapped) == false {

				tagName := ""

				// If a normal tag (not a child IFD) get the name.
				if isChildIb == true {
					tagName = "<Child IFD>"
				} else {
					it, err := ib.tagIndex.Get(ib.ifdIdentity, tag.tagId)
					if log.Is(err, ErrTagNotFound) == true {
						tagName = "<UNKNOWN>"
					} else if err != nil {
					} else {
						tagName = it.Name

				value := tag.Value()

				if value.IsIb() == true {
					fmt.Printf("%s  (%d): [%s] %s\n", indent, i, tagName, value.Ib())
				} else {
					fmt.Printf("%s  (%d): [%s] %s\n", indent, i, tagName, tag)

				if isChildIb == true {
					if tag.value.IsIb() == false {
						log.Panicf("tag-ID (0x%04x) is an IFD but the tag value is not an IB instance: %v", tag.tagId, tag)


					childIb := tag.value.Ib()
					childIb.printTagTree(levels + 1)



func (ib *IfdBuilder) PrintTagTree() {

func (ib *IfdBuilder) printIfdTree(levels int) {
	indent := strings.Repeat(" ", levels*2)

	i := 0
	for currentIb := ib; currentIb != nil; currentIb = currentIb.nextIb {
		prefix := " "
		if i > 0 {
			prefix = ">"

		fmt.Printf("%s%s%s\n", indent, prefix, currentIb)

		if len(currentIb.tags) > 0 {
			for _, tag := range currentIb.tags {
				isChildIb := false
				_, err := ib.ifdMapping.GetChild(currentIb.IfdIdentity().UnindexedString(), tag.tagId)
				if err == nil {
					isChildIb = true
				} else if log.Is(err, exifcommon.ErrChildIfdNotMapped) == false {

				if isChildIb == true {
					if tag.value.IsIb() == false {
						log.Panicf("tag-ID (0x%04x) is an IFD but the tag value is not an IB instance: %v", tag.tagId, tag)

					childIb := tag.value.Ib()
					childIb.printIfdTree(levels + 1)


func (ib *IfdBuilder) PrintIfdTree() {

func (ib *IfdBuilder) dumpToStrings(thisIb *IfdBuilder, prefix string, tagId uint16, lines []string) (linesOutput []string) {
	if lines == nil {
		linesOutput = make([]string, 0)
	} else {
		linesOutput = lines

	siblingIfdIndex := 0
	for ; thisIb != nil; thisIb = thisIb.nextIb {
		line := fmt.Sprintf("IFD<PARENTS=[%s] FQ-IFD-PATH=[%s] IFD-INDEX=(%d) IFD-TAG-ID=(0x%04x) TAG=[0x%04x]>", prefix, thisIb.IfdIdentity().String(), siblingIfdIndex, thisIb.IfdIdentity().TagId(), tagId)
		linesOutput = append(linesOutput, line)

		for i, tag := range thisIb.tags {
			var childIb *IfdBuilder
			childIfdName := ""
			if tag.value.IsIb() == true {
				childIb = tag.value.Ib()
				childIfdName = childIb.IfdIdentity().UnindexedString()

			line := fmt.Sprintf("TAG<PARENTS=[%s] FQ-IFD-PATH=[%s] IFD-TAG-ID=(0x%04x) CHILD-IFD=[%s] TAG-INDEX=(%d) TAG=[0x%04x]>", prefix, thisIb.IfdIdentity().String(), thisIb.IfdIdentity().TagId(), childIfdName, i, tag.tagId)
			linesOutput = append(linesOutput, line)

			if childIb == nil {

			childPrefix := ""
			if prefix == "" {
				childPrefix = fmt.Sprintf("%s", thisIb.IfdIdentity().UnindexedString())
			} else {
				childPrefix = fmt.Sprintf("%s->%s", prefix, thisIb.IfdIdentity().UnindexedString())

			linesOutput = thisIb.dumpToStrings(childIb, childPrefix, tag.tagId, linesOutput)


	return linesOutput

func (ib *IfdBuilder) DumpToStrings() (lines []string) {
	return ib.dumpToStrings(ib, "", 0, lines)

func (ib *IfdBuilder) SetNextIb(nextIb *IfdBuilder) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	ib.nextIb = nextIb

	return nil

func (ib *IfdBuilder) DeleteN(tagId uint16, n int) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	if n < 1 {
		log.Panicf("N must be at least 1: (%d)", n)

	for n > 0 {
		j := -1
		for i, bt := range ib.tags {
			if bt.tagId == tagId {
				j = i

		if j == -1 {

		ib.tags = append(ib.tags[:j], ib.tags[j+1:]...)

	return nil

func (ib *IfdBuilder) DeleteFirst(tagId uint16) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	err = ib.DeleteN(tagId, 1)

	return nil

func (ib *IfdBuilder) DeleteAll(tagId uint16) (n int, err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	for {
		err = ib.DeleteN(tagId, 1)
		if log.Is(err, ErrTagEntryNotFound) == true {
		} else if err != nil {


	return n, nil

func (ib *IfdBuilder) ReplaceAt(position int, bt *BuilderTag) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	if position < 0 {
		log.Panicf("replacement position must be 0 or greater")
	} else if position >= len(ib.tags) {
		log.Panicf("replacement position does not exist")

	ib.tags[position] = bt

	return nil

func (ib *IfdBuilder) Replace(tagId uint16, bt *BuilderTag) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	position, err := ib.Find(tagId)

	ib.tags[position] = bt

	return nil

// Set will add a new entry or update an existing entry.
func (ib *IfdBuilder) Set(bt *BuilderTag) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	position, err := ib.Find(bt.tagId)
	if err == nil {
		ib.tags[position] = bt
	} else if log.Is(err, ErrTagEntryNotFound) == true {
		err = ib.add(bt)
	} else {

	return nil

func (ib *IfdBuilder) FindN(tagId uint16, maxFound int) (found []int, err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	found = make([]int, 0)

	for i, bt := range ib.tags {
		if bt.tagId == tagId {
			found = append(found, i)
			if maxFound == 0 || len(found) >= maxFound {

	return found, nil

func (ib *IfdBuilder) Find(tagId uint16) (position int, err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	found, err := ib.FindN(tagId, 1)

	if len(found) == 0 {

	return found[0], nil

func (ib *IfdBuilder) FindTag(tagId uint16) (bt *BuilderTag, err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	found, err := ib.FindN(tagId, 1)

	if len(found) == 0 {

	position := found[0]

	return ib.tags[position], nil

func (ib *IfdBuilder) FindTagWithName(tagName string) (bt *BuilderTag, err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	it, err := ib.tagIndex.GetWithName(ib.IfdIdentity(), tagName)

	found, err := ib.FindN(it.Id, 1)

	if len(found) == 0 {

	position := found[0]

	return ib.tags[position], nil

func (ib *IfdBuilder) add(bt *BuilderTag) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	if bt.ifdPath == "" {
		log.Panicf("BuilderTag ifdPath is not set: %s", bt)
	} else if bt.typeId == 0x0 {
		log.Panicf("BuilderTag type-ID is not set: %s", bt)
	} else if bt.value == nil {
		log.Panicf("BuilderTag value is not set: %s", bt)

	ib.tags = append(ib.tags, bt)
	return nil

func (ib *IfdBuilder) Add(bt *BuilderTag) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	if bt.value.IsIb() == true {
		log.Panicf("child IfdBuilders must be added via AddChildIb() or AddTagsFromExisting(), not Add()")

	err = ib.add(bt)

	return nil

// AddChildIb adds a tag that branches to a new IFD.
func (ib *IfdBuilder) AddChildIb(childIb *IfdBuilder) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	if childIb.IfdIdentity().TagId() == 0 {
		log.Panicf("IFD can not be used as a child IFD (not associated with a tag-ID): %v", childIb)
	} else if childIb.byteOrder != ib.byteOrder {
		log.Panicf("Child IFD does not have the same byte-order: [%s] != [%s]", childIb.byteOrder, ib.byteOrder)

	// Since no standard IFDs supports occur`ring more than once, check that a
	// tag of this type has not been previously added. Note that we just search
	// the current IFD and *not every* IFD.
	for _, bt := range childIb.tags {
		if bt.tagId == childIb.IfdIdentity().TagId() {
			log.Panicf("child-IFD already added: %v", childIb.IfdIdentity().UnindexedString())

	bt := ib.NewBuilderTagFromBuilder(childIb)
	ib.tags = append(ib.tags, bt)

	return nil

func (ib *IfdBuilder) NewBuilderTagFromBuilder(childIb *IfdBuilder) (bt *BuilderTag) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err := log.Wrap(state.(error))

	value := NewIfdBuilderTagValueFromIfdBuilder(childIb)

	bt = NewChildIfdBuilderTag(

	return bt

// AddTagsFromExisting does a verbatim copy of the entries in `ifd` to this
// builder. It excludes child IFDs. These must be added explicitly via
// `AddChildIb()`.
func (ib *IfdBuilder) AddTagsFromExisting(ifd *Ifd, includeTagIds []uint16, excludeTagIds []uint16) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	thumbnailData, err := ifd.Thumbnail()
	if err == nil {
		err = ib.SetThumbnail(thumbnailData)
	} else if log.Is(err, ErrNoThumbnail) == false {

	for i, ite := range ifd.Entries() {
		if ite.IsThumbnailOffset() == true || ite.IsThumbnailSize() {
			// These will be added on-the-fly when we encode.

		if excludeTagIds != nil && len(excludeTagIds) > 0 {
			found := false
			for _, excludedTagId := range excludeTagIds {
				if excludedTagId == ite.TagId() {
					found = true

			if found == true {

		if includeTagIds != nil && len(includeTagIds) > 0 {
			// Whether or not there was a list of excludes, if there is a list
			// of includes than the current tag has to be in it.

			found := false
			for _, includedTagId := range includeTagIds {
				if includedTagId == ite.TagId() {
					found = true

			if found == false {

		var bt *BuilderTag

		if ite.ChildIfdPath() != "" {
			// If we want to add an IFD tag, we'll have to build it first and
			// *then* add it via a different method.

			// Figure out which of the child-IFDs that are associated with
			// this IFD represents this specific child IFD.

			var childIfd *Ifd
			for _, thisChildIfd := range ifd.Children() {
				if thisChildIfd.ParentTagIndex() != i {
				} else if thisChildIfd.ifdIdentity.TagId() != 0xffff && thisChildIfd.ifdIdentity.TagId() != ite.TagId() {
					log.Panicf("child-IFD tag is not correct: TAG-POSITION=(%d) ITE=%s CHILD-IFD=%s", thisChildIfd.ParentTagIndex(), ite, thisChildIfd)

				childIfd = thisChildIfd

			if childIfd == nil {
				childTagIds := make([]string, len(ifd.Children()))
				for j, childIfd := range ifd.Children() {
					childTagIds[j] = fmt.Sprintf("0x%04x (parent tag-position %d)", childIfd.ifdIdentity.TagId(), childIfd.ParentTagIndex())

				log.Panicf("could not find child IFD for child ITE: IFD-PATH=[%s] TAG-ID=(0x%04x) CURRENT-TAG-POSITION=(%d) CHILDREN=%v", ite.IfdPath(), ite.TagId(), i, childTagIds)

			childIb := NewIfdBuilderFromExistingChain(childIfd)
			bt = ib.NewBuilderTagFromBuilder(childIb)
		} else {
			// Non-IFD tag.

			rawBytes, err := ite.GetRawBytes()

			value := NewIfdBuilderTagValueFromBytes(rawBytes)

			bt = NewBuilderTag(

		err := ib.add(bt)

	return nil

// AddStandard quickly and easily composes and adds the tag using the
// information already known about a tag. Only works with standard tags.
func (ib *IfdBuilder) AddStandard(tagId uint16, value interface{}) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	it, err := ib.tagIndex.Get(ib.IfdIdentity(), tagId)

	bt := NewStandardBuilderTag(ib.IfdIdentity().UnindexedString(), it, ib.byteOrder, value)

	err = ib.add(bt)

	return nil

// AddStandardWithName quickly and easily composes and adds the tag using the
// information already known about a tag (using the name). Only works with
// standard tags.
func (ib *IfdBuilder) AddStandardWithName(tagName string, value interface{}) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	it, err := ib.tagIndex.GetWithName(ib.IfdIdentity(), tagName)

	bt := NewStandardBuilderTag(ib.IfdIdentity().UnindexedString(), it, ib.byteOrder, value)

	err = ib.add(bt)

	return nil

// SetStandard quickly and easily composes and adds or replaces the tag using
// the information already known about a tag. Only works with standard tags.
func (ib *IfdBuilder) SetStandard(tagId uint16, value interface{}) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	// TODO(dustin): !! Add test for this function.

	it, err := ib.tagIndex.Get(ib.IfdIdentity(), tagId)

	bt := NewStandardBuilderTag(ib.IfdIdentity().UnindexedString(), it, ib.byteOrder, value)

	i, err := ib.Find(tagId)
	if err != nil {
		if log.Is(err, ErrTagEntryNotFound) == false {

		ib.tags = append(ib.tags, bt)
	} else {
		ib.tags[i] = bt

	return nil

// SetStandardWithName quickly and easily composes and adds or replaces the
// tag using the information already known about a tag (using the name). Only
// works with standard tags.
func (ib *IfdBuilder) SetStandardWithName(tagName string, value interface{}) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		if state := recover(); state != nil {
			err = log.Wrap(state.(error))

	// TODO(dustin): !! Add test for this function.

	it, err := ib.tagIndex.GetWithName(ib.IfdIdentity(), tagName)

	bt := NewStandardBuilderTag(ib.IfdIdentity().UnindexedString(), it, ib.byteOrder, value)

	i, err := ib.Find(bt.tagId)
	if err != nil {
		if log.Is(err, ErrTagEntryNotFound) == false {

		ib.tags = append(ib.tags, bt)
	} else {
		ib.tags[i] = bt

	return nil